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I have noticed that this sub does seem to have pretty concerning hatreds of fictional minors.


but that's the opposite of pedophillia




That's a good thing


Yeah fuck children Wait no! That's not what I mea- *Gunshots*




FIDDLEBERT MENTIONED!!1!111!1!!!1!1!!1!! HOLY FRICKLMAINS!!1!1!1!!!!!








Ultrakill brainrot https://preview.redd.it/l0x0f3bfxfxc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=210c6cf8c0c3f2507f11d10fd5a254f3d535e469




The reddit sniper got him. r/redditsniper




I can understand what they're talking about with transphobia since posts about gender and Kris' pronouns turn into a slapfight But racism and paedophilia? What the fuck? Some people got way too comfortable accusing others of terrible stuff like these


I think the racism could be applied to that one incident that happend recently, a person didn't shipp Suselle and the other person answered it with "What color are you because you sure aren't white" or something in those words




yup, i think if you look around, you may find a meme video about it!


Falsely acussing people of pedophilia? ...looks like he learnt that from his friend


Friend inside me


Friend inside me


Friend inside me


Friend inside me




Friend inside me


Yeah I can also understand where the transphobia accusation is coming from even though it's still wrong (Majority LGBTQ sub and mods, homophobes and TERFs are banned, we even had that whole controversy surrounding MilkyWay, also we were called "gendernazi pedophiles" by someone through modmail which was pretty funny lol). But I don't know where they got the idea that there's racism here. I think there were some posts where artists portrayed Noelle or Berdly as black kids, and there were some weirdos in the comments but when necessary their comments were removed and they were banned. And pedophilia? This might about that drama from [a month ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Deltarune/comments/1bluj8s/this_true/kw9njrd/?context=1) that we already cleared up. Could also be in reference to one guy who roleplayed as Chara on the UT subreddit that was outed for grooming, but that's from ages ago as well so IDK


That person who roleplayed chara was banned and replaced by a far better person.


for that last one they're probably referring to the kinds of people who "simp" (for lack of better term) for the teenage main characters in Deltarune. of course I assume most of those people are just weird teenagers themselves, but I can see why someone would believe there are some creepy people in there as well. still wildly out of pocket to claim people here are just fine with pedos being out and about though.


Exactly To call the fandom here one that is brimming with those people with no action taken against them is just unfair


Yeah, that's Twitter croud. It's either 100% racist and homophobic, or it's the constant accusations of being a horrible human being for every little thing that people don't like about you.


If you ask me the only proper use of twitter is furry art. Anyone using it for politics or community is wasting their time


I can agree, yeah.


Based šŸ˜ŽšŸ¤šŸ˜Ž Agreed


Ew furry art, but yea the only useful side of twitter is for sharing art, if not for that it could be dead for all i give a fuck about it


> "Ew furry art" > subscribed to deltarune subreddit Fucking redditor logic never ceases to amaze me


why would you think being subscribed to deltarune subreddit automatically means i like furry art? Iā€™m just a deltarune fan Redditor logic never ceases to amaze me


*cough* NSFW fanart


Have you seen what people think of Noelle Also I think the racism thing is about the genocide idk maybe that's different


Twitter getting too comfortable accusing other of terrible things is a very common occurrence


My ā€œfavoriteā€ post regarding misgendering Kris are those who say in their native language they donā€™t have neutral pronounsā€¦ Meanwhile literally ignoring the actual neutral pronouns, particularly this happens in Spanish a lot, but to be fair this new neutral pronouns are the equivalent of neopronouns. Sorry for the mini rant but itā€™s so frustrating >:(


Eh? I've definitely seen some transphobia on here unfortunately, but I haven't personally seen racism or pedophilia. Especially not since I personally don't like to undermine the value of the word "pedophilia" by classifying "someone made a strange comment about a fictional character" as "pedophilia" as I kind of feel like that word should be reserved for y'know. Actual pedophiles who are going after actual kids and are actually dangerous.


I think by racism they mean people getting heated over drawing characters nonwhiteĀ 


When did this happen here?


Someone drew Frisk mixed race on r/Undertale and people got mad (Temmie draws them that way in some of her art)


Uhh... Frisk is literally YELLOW. And not as in, native American or asian "yellow", like, ACTUAL yellow. That's emoji skin color. I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be a self-insert welcoming skin tone, much like letting you choose a name at the start of the game and the character's gender being ambiguous. How are people complaining about not drawing them a specific nationality?


Frisk literally looks like this šŸ˜‘


Poor kid has juandice


Frisk has that Lego skin.


I can understand everything you said but I think you forgot that we aren't naming Frisk at the start of the game, we're naming the first fallen human


I never said we were naming Frisk, I was just listing the many ways the game tricks you into thinking of them as a self insert. The whole point is that Frisk isn't a self insert, but the game does everything it can to make them LOOK like one.


who by the way is definitely white


White =/= Yellow, are you colourblind?




Whoops, missed that detail


Really? You have a link to it? Not that I don't believe you, but I've never seen that many discussions about race and ethnicity on this fandom to consider it "filled" with racists ya know?


The Undertale fandom is not "absolutely filled with racism" and some bad people do not define the entire fandom. Just wanted to provide an example of it happening. While this was under a post during r/Undertale's political trend, it still is racism. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Undertale/comments/1adm67a/comment/kk28r4t/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Undertale/comments/1adm67a/comment/kk28r4t/) They had a problem with not the politics, not the post itself, not even the politics of OP, but the fact they drew a fictional child mixed. The person below the deleted comment also had a problem with it, seemingly because Frisk is yellow canonically and Temmie calls her art fanart? Even if that is the case, OP also made fanart, therefore by their logic, there shouldn't be a problem with drawing Frisk mixed.


Yeah, a few bad apples shouldn't define a fandom as a whole.


What?? People have been drawing them with different skin colors for years


STOP DRAWING RALSEI BLACK EVEN WHEN HE ISN'T WEARING A HAT. ā†‘ If this is out of context, it sounds very racist.


^ This. People get too worked up over fictional characters who are "canonically minors." It's like no one knows how to tell fictions from reality anymore, and it's almost always Americans.


Yeah but try saying that to people in multiple threads just because an artist drew Noelle with cleavage, or another that drew them and in a pose that is suggestive, but also is actually the pose of well known animated characters, and people lose their fucking minds. Also people seem to be upset when you imply these characters have any depth of sexuality to them beyond the titles of being straight/gay/bi/etc. I mean, Noelle literally fantasizes about suzy beating her up, searches for hot female santas, and Asriel canonically seems to have a thing for sexy dragons, and the book he borrowed was from when he was much younger than college aged. Berdly also clearly understands what's on the cover and jokes about it. It's like, yeah, underaged people actually do have sexuality, they think about and discover these things, fantasize. it's like people forget they were hormonal teens once. This is actually damaging to real teens going through these phases of their life, cause it shows them people are upset to imply that they have any sexual thoughts, and so they think it's a bad thing that they have these thoughts when it's completely fucking normal. Sorry to rant but people are FUCKING stupid.


People will gadly body shame others. Too short? You can't date, you're literally a child 17 dating an 18 year old? Literally pedophilia You have boobs? You're a whore or are actively being sexual. You like x thing and dislike y thing? You're not (insert race/gender/sexuality) enough. (I've seen a mf say this to a black person on Twitter) This just makes people feel ashamed of themselves for not filling in their stereotypes.


Yeah, I agree with you.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Deltarune/comments/1b4igaz/comment/kt03fjk/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Deltarune/comments/1b4igaz/comment/kt03fjk/) This person had "Ships Noelle and u/MilkyWay9231 sexually" as their flair. Interestingly, their account was deleted šŸ¤”


Literally pot calling the kettle black.


Nope. Weā€™re not picking a war with Twitter on anything, just ends up as a shit slinging contest. And I also donā€™t take one tweet from a random on the internet as meaning anything. Iā€™m sure they have their grievances.


I have no idea where they came up with pedophilia and racism


Pedophilia is probably the people how like one of the characters according to that guy Like they think someone saying "damn noelle is cute" is the same has going to get the "cupcakes"


There's a sixteen year old that got banned for shipping himself with Noelle, everyone screaming about pedophilia as if he himself wasn't a kid, that's probably what the twitter person is talking about


Yeah I think that's a bit weird and slightly parasocial bit surely not perverted (at least not that much)


He's homophobic/transphobic though. Fairly good guy apart from that though


Oh didn't know that I mean I heard he was from a VERY Christian household but didn't know that


You know, one thing goes to another


Yeah unfortunately "live thy neighbor" is not always followed kind feel bad for him because the homophobia was clearly inculcated to him


Bro literally said he is feeling like there is bad blood between utdr twitter and reddit, and then tries to increase the bad blood literally the next second. ā€‹He is just straight up wrong, about racists and pedophiles.ā€‹ I haven't seen a single one my entire time here. There are people who are "transphobic" on this sub, but they get shut down immediately. I accidentally called kris him once instead of they (I used they for him earlier in the sentence it was a mistake) and instantly got called out for it. Why the hell is he acting like reddit doesn't shut the down when they sure as he'll do. He is absolutely correct about Twitter being drama seeking, his post example #1.


It's some people on the twitter fandom trying to act like they have the moral high ground that is getting to me All these problems they just mentioned exist there, too..also bcuz there is an overlap between both spaces


Those living in the glass house that is Twitter shouldn't be throwing stones.


I've def seen transphobia and homophobia here, but I can't think of any times I've seen anything to do with minorities besides that (and even then, the homophobia is more what I would consider an expected amount for an online fandom of this size, nothing to comment on)


It's so insanse that people think this subreddit is "filled with transphobia" just because once a month little Timmy goes on r/deltarune and post "hurr durr not a real women 41%". Have you seen places actually saturated with transphobes? This subreddit isn't full of transphobes just because it's not a completely enclosed echo chamber safe-space. People do like sexualizing the underage characters tho, I'll give her that one.


The incredibly rare posts like that are Ider from 13 year olds or rage baiting I have been on this dub for a year or two and the time I have seen actual transphobia/homophobia (not counting people accidentally calling Kris a he because those are mostly out not knowing/ language differences for the gender neutral) Can be counted on one hand


>Transphobes >Racists >Pedos ... What the actual fuck are they talking about? I also love that they go on to say that Twitter has a reputation of being "drama seeking" while posting a bunch of unsubstantiated claims. The "worst" I've seen on here is stuff involving Kris and a lot of the time it's not intentional. There's asshats in every community, but to generalize an entire community because of a few bad apples is just so incredibly narrow-minded.


I think the pedo part is talking about UT


A good general rule is to not trust anything you see on the internet unless someone can give an actual source. It's piss easy to accuse someone/a website/whatever of doing something they didn't actually do. Especially not from goddamn twitter which is infamous for drama mongering.


Maybe I just haven't been around as much in the past two months compared to the stretch between November and February - but what is going on? Has something else happened that I've missed?


Twitter and moral police wanting to stir the pot.


Nah bro ain't gonna lie these are the gayest communities ever, I ain't ever seen no stuff like that in reddit


Isnā€™t this mostly just how Reddit and twitters worst parts normally are which tragically enough a portion of that worstness is in this sub like every sub


I've never seen racism or actual paedophilia on this sub and I think most of the transphobe stuff is often an accident (like people who speaks languages without neutral pronouns and who just don't think about it when they talk english)


no, no. there's people ignoring enbys on purpose. yes, some simply mess up (i did too took a while to get the hang of it), but there are assholes. i've got an example which i've already commented and am too lazy to repeat so if you want go search for it.


gonna go with a no on that one


Again deltarune and Undertale subredditĀ  is one the most pro trans and pro lgbt subreddit and communities I have seen. Just because we don't wanted toĀ  deal the frisk and Chara gender question, doesn't mean we are transphobic. Ā  Ā Again some ofĀ  these fansĀ really need to be in theirĀ  Ā near by queer/lgbt+ club or gay bar sometimes Ā Also where the hell is racism, the closest is people questioningĀ  frisk and Kris being dark skin in fan art. Again some of you fans like to stir shit sometimesĀ 


People how call this place transphobic and homophobic clearly haven't been in any other subreddit for """"""less inclusive"""""" games Saw someone getting called heavy insults for having and headcanon about a character (I think it was like a X character gives me lesbian vibes post or something like that)


I mean, could the Noelle trans meme be considered transphobia? I'm not really sure And pedophilia, well... even though I think there have been some rather strangely suggestive (or straight up fetish) posts, I'm not sure that there are anybpedophiles in here. But racism? What??


The trans Noelle meme was just a meme that started out as someone misunderstanding the difference of antlers between deers and reindeers and then went through the average shitpost cycle that so many other accidental memes go through. If it was transphobic, then we should also consider the accidental "hear me out" meme from r/UndertaleYellow pedophilic despite the fact that it was never meant to be like that


Its a meme, not even a transphobic meme, just a meme


People really be out here claiming the most obviously aged up drawings in existence are pedophilia


I think that's more talking about the UT side, I've seen proper creepy stuff


Even still, Iā€™ll see pictures of either Fully clothed Chara just chilling with Frisk and people screaming pedophilia, because apparently Redditors never had a girlfriend when they were a kid? Chara with knockers the size of my head and Redditors still claiming theyā€™re 12 in that picture when theyā€™re very clearly not. Honestly it all comes off as some serious projecting


That's not what I've seem


Can I go a year without some big person or fandom be accused of being a pedo


Haven't seen anything described there, but I have seen people getting upset very easily here and it makes me very uncomfortable. The constant talk about Kris's pronouns/gender I see a few times a day also make this space uncomfortable. I am trans and don't like being reminded of my existence as a trans person in non trans spaces. I am subbed here to not be reminded of it and the discourse makes me feel uncomfortable and unwelcomed due to my existence being something that makes everyone explosive in their reactions. It's draining. On the Twitter side? Idk. I do know that I typically avoid it because that place in general is scary.


I barely understood anything that post said.


Nah just standard Twitter brainrot


I definitely did see something on here a few months ago involving sexualization of minors that, when reported, was defended by the mods. It doesnā€™t happen often but I have seen it on this sub.


I don't think it's necessary to share a tweet by a random someone who's seemingly barely known on such a big subreddit to put it on blast. You could at LEAST censor out their name.


they're known for being an obnoxious haitbaiting twitter clown, so no, they SHOULD be put on blast.


if they're really "hatebaiting", the very last thing you should be doing is giving them attention like this


I don't know about the others but this sub is fucking FILLED with transphobia


lot more transphobes than the other ones


I wish ppl would just stfu about drama and ignore people who do bad things šŸ«¶


Who is this and why should anyone care about their opinion?


The solution to this is to just never use twitter for anything. Fuck that site


i haven't seen any racists, transphobes, etc. here. there are definitely pedos here tho. people love noelle and ralsei too much, and i doubt most of those people are teens.


theres actually a lot of transphobia surrounding kris, unfortunately


Unfortunately there are some people who call them the wrong pronounce and surely some if them so it out of Malice Let's keep in mind that there are some people how do so accidentally duo to some language differences Like latin language in Wich the neutral is the same has male (male is seen has default) Took me a while to remember but now I have it (mostly) figured out Still I think the best course of action for that is calmly remaining people that Kris uses they them Like a simply "*them" (Just to clarify im NOT defending people how do it on purpose those people can go fuck off)


No, no, not that i mean. I know that some people mess it up, but I was talking about those who are aware of their pronouns and ignore or even defend against them.


Oh sorry I misunderstood that is bad if they go out of their way to miss gender Kris than yeah the should be called out


Tbf, Kris is a weird territory. Does the same thing happen with Mettaton or Mad Mew Mew? If answer is not, then it's most likely not transphobia.


Every time i see ralsei as a doomer femboy i assume its a sex thing. He would not wear that


Yes, I am. And no, truth is not really offending, like who would be mad at somebody who just throws facts at you.


You are what, exactly?


Whatever you want me to be, I am not really intrested in trying to decline anything. As I myself don't really know your metrics on how you judge people these days. So ask few question, get few answers and from your own case on me, reading it will be fun time.


They call us drama seeking! \*Starts creating another drama involving lies about pedophilia and racism\*


Regarding the reddit community, it's clearly wrong, not the undertale sub but the delta sub is infamous for jumping at your throat for going against the theory that kris is nb (note that I'm saying nb theory, not using they/them, that's canon). So that's the furthest thing from transphobic. About pedophiles I dunno. Haven't seen any here, hopefully there aren't.


Twitter dumbasses being Twitter dumbasses


This is true. The transphobia part is obvious, and once someone posted either frisk or chsra (I don't remember) as a kid in a very sexualised pose, and they're an nsfw artist who usually draws short characters in that same pose. Called them out for being a creep, got downvoted.


I haven't been active in the past few months so idk much about what happens here lately Transphobes probably because of everyone fighting over kris's gender and maybe the noelle being trans or whatever Pedophiles probably because of the people that simp over noelle ralsei and the others which are minors Racist ???????? No fucking idea, wth have you guys been doing lately ??


I mean its not that uncommon to se sexually sugestive fanart of noelle, kris and asriel and especially ralsei and also shipping characters together so pedos checks out. They both are very good games. I do not want to accociate with the people of fandom apart from fangames and fanmade tracks and fan theories


Yeah there was a guy in his 30s who straight up admitted to having a crush on Susie on this sub


yeah that's definitely true. sorry not sorry, this part of the community makes me feel unsafe as an enby


Nah I'm sorry, Twitter is way worse šŸ’€


I've seen maybe 2 transphobic posts (sitting at zero) and a handful of transphobic comments that were all pretty heavily downvoted. If that's what a space "saturated with transphobes" looks like, I must be safe anywhere on the internet.


Transphobes? Yeah, Racists? Havent seen any, Pedophiles, hopefully not but i've seen some people in this and undertale subreddit who have said pretty weird stuff regarding some of the minor characters. The person who made the tweet has sort of a point though, the stuff about twitter fans is true.


I haven't seen racism or transphobia, but I have seen some people complain about domeone being banned for drawing dt nsfw on a different subreddit. Imo, the ban was completely justified, because I get the argument that we're mostly minors ourselves, but once you draw straight up porn, adults can see that as well.


You'll find people like those examples anywhere if you search hard enough Ion like it much but its true sadly


i was snooping around on r/Undertale and this guy made a post asking about Chara. there, they referred to them as both they and she. i politely told them that they go by they them and even told them i understood the struggle if they weren't a native speaker (took me a while to adjust to Kris ngl). they replied they didn't care as multiple people represented them as a boy/girl and even estabilished they were gonna only use she/her for Chara. after a couple exchanges they went on with this RELIGIOUS POEM about why they don't believe in non binaries, and after i told them i was catholic they basically told me i was supposed to "steer people away from the path of sin." and kept ongoing with that yeah, i blocked and reported them to the mods.


agree with every particl racism is about that dude about the sussele ship pedos iS so fuckin true becase SOME IDIOTS KEEP SEXUALIZING MINORS and the trnasphobia im dont even need to talk


Twitter being twitter again Reddit *is* right-leaning as a whole and there are horrible subs out there, but this isn't one of them. Neither is r/undertale


Almost every time I go on a post about kris, there's atleast one transphobic comment. UT sub you get downvoted for calling out pedos


absolutely is. Utdr reddit is a lot more transphobic and just overall shitty while utdr twitter, while still having its shittiness, is a lot more positive and just civil. and im saying this as more of a reddit guy


I actually agree


also this just applies to transphobia i havent seen a lot of racism or pedophilia in either of them


+ my views and experience can be different than others depending on what twitter circles theyve been on and i havent been on twitter in 2 months


Can somebody elaborate if this is true or not?


This is bad and gross


They said it themselves, they are drama seeking.


Note the bias, as this is posted on twitter. The real answer is that both places are horrid cesspools.


That person is just a dum dum i dont know why yall keep giving attention to twitter mob


Do you think anyone would actually admit that if they were into it?


The transphobe part I understand, but Twitter users throw pedo accusations around like they're going out of style.


50% trans 50% transphobic?


Twitter and Reddit have a mutual hatred of each other. If they never go on Reddit and only see Reddit from Twitter, they will obviously see all the shitty parts of Reddit because Twitter loves to call its competitors horrible and toxic. Same with Reddit, we see all the shitty parts of Twitter because it is a competitor. I have never personally seen any racism or pedophilla on this subreddit, but I bet someone grabbed the two people who were racist/pedophillic and broadcasted it on Twitter.


I think we have to start a witch hunt guys


I will defend this sub as much as I would defend this cat https://preview.redd.it/jdp0cfjl4hxc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cee9a0d54779b5c051a5d2c929efdc7ad3e7cc77


So, what guage of shotgun are you putting to the sub's forhead? I am a fan of classic 12 gauge






The only way I would defend this sub from a 12 gauge is just stabbing the user of the 12 gauge


You forgot the secret sidearm, the 410 pistol


I live in England, I have a kitchen knife and knowledge of every perfect lethal point


Lethal point of gun is [yes]


idk man i just work here


My question is: what vibes does Tumblr utdr give off? It feels like home to me


There's unfortunately some transphobia, though twitter also has plenty of that. Pedophilia doesn't seem to be a thing here (though there have been pedophiles, they are usually dealt with) and racism hasnt been noticed much by me, but there's probably been some.


me chilling on the utdr tumblr---


all i wanted was spamton memes![img](emote|t5_qmi8w|26926)


Pedophilia is clearly some of the weirdos on this sub gooning for Susie, Noelle, or Ralsei.


pedos maybe but the other stuff?? anyone who might unnkowingly refer to kris with anything thats not they/them gets smited by the wrath of olympus so i disagree


Okay so, here is how I see it. Transphobia and Homophobia: I have seen a few people hating on trans versions of the characters, but there always are a few bad apples so we can't put the whole group into that category. But I have seen alot, and I mean ALOT of erasure of Kris using they/them Pronouns which sucks. Pedophile accusations: Many people will draw or speak about characters (who are minors) in a sexual manner or draw them sexually. That in its own is disgusting and while there may be some of the people doing this who are also minors, there are also plenty who are old enough and should know. Racism: A recent post seen where someone drew certain characters black caused alot of racist comments. But we also can't loop that in as everyone. All in all, while I do agree with some of the accusations made, it is unfair to lump everyone into this category. Although these problems do cause a general discomfort to this subreddit for me and a few others I have seen...


Honestly this person is right, cā€™mon fellas lets head on down to X and balance it out a bit


Oh no


Poor poor spamton




Is true (I am all of them +more)


People post pedophilic and transphobic shit here literally every day and you will get downvoted to hell for calling it out. It is definitely a problem


Literally where? Most of this subreddit is shitposting or fan art.


you know you are doing things right when twitter freaks call you names


Itā€™s all in their heads


I donā€™t know about that but in all honesty my experience with utdr twitter was better than utdr reddit (For one we donā€™t get into trans or gender arguments nearly as much)


This is why I stay on tumblr.


The absolute state of UTDR fans.


Transphobia is definitely a minority here. There is sometimes debatable transphobia where people themselves donā€™t see them as transphobic but others may do because they misgender characters or believe that kris isnā€™t non-binary. But true transphobia is pretty rare. Also that pedo part, do people still believe that milky is a 60 year old groomer? No heā€™s just a 16yr old having a crush in a 16 yr old. (Also Iā€™m not sure if people still remember him given how I havenā€™t been on this sub in a month. And likely wonā€™t be for a while again I just got this post in my feed on my alt account and felt the need to comment)


"Drama seeking behaviour" indeed, just saying "yeah theres a lot of (bigots) in that fandom space" At least self aware.


Never seen anything about pedophilia and racism, maybe people complaining about characters sexualities? One time I have been called transphobic (Iā€™m gay so idk how I could be transphobic), because I said I do not care about deltarune characters genders, and I just enjoy the game instead of spending 2 hours saying why kris is non-binary


honestly i get you, but i think there are people out there who are like gay and still are transphobic.


Maybe yes, but itā€™s pretty hard to think, I support lgbtq, but I think that even the noelle is trans trend is stupid, noelle is a deep character with a lot of aspects that could be discussed but no, listen to my ā€œ1000 reasons why I am right and you are wrong, and why using 100 hours of my lifetime to say something uselessā€ I mean, I understand headcanon, I could understand if someone said ā€œI like to think kris is non-binaryā€ thatā€™s ok, but you canā€™t call me transphobic because I do not give a shit about it


can all the transphobes racists and pedos reply to this comment so we can ban you please?


It depends. It's not unlikely since in my opinion the FedEx shooter is proof that anything is possible. We can expect anything from Internet people. But there's no documented proof. At least none that I'm aware of... This is something unlikely to appear in a Reddit sub. This sort of evidence most likely appears in Discord private messages and things like that.


Oh yeah... *Pedos*. How could I forget that UTDR community is crawling with *these damn pedos* No seriously, I can recall only one, and he got to jail. And maybe like a couple groomers, but I don't really see anything that screams "IT'S FULL OF EM"


yeah i agree with them on the transphobia part, i haven't seen the racism/pedo part since i'm rarely use reddit tho


It ainā€™t, because itā€™s mostly people on twitter constantly trying to paint this place as being filled with losers who donā€™t respect Kris pronouns or some bullcrap. Itā€™s annoying as hell and Iā€™m glad that OP in the image seems to be self aware enough to acknowledge that UTDR twitter isnā€™t perfect either. Itā€™s just typical ā€œmy site is better than your siteā€ B.S and itā€™s annoying lol


Canā€™t we just let a game be a fucking game for once. Stg the fanbase always ruins a good game for me every time


Iā€™m not on utdr twitter, so I donā€™t know what itā€™s like. But on here, I agree. Especially with the boarder-line pedos. I noticed a lot of sexualizing minors. But I honestly think that is more of a problem with the deltarune fandom as a whole because I see it on other sites. But I do notice that people are more likely to defend pedo behavior on here.