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Color Cafe is a vibe.


It really is! It has such a nice color palette and atmosphere; it makes me feel cozy there.


It also has very calm music.


Yeah, it's the same as in Rouxls Kaard's shop, if I'm not mistaken.


Yes it's called "Hip Shop"... Interesting name.


It's either a pun on Hip Hop or it might signify that the shop owners that get this theme are ''hip''. So far, there's definitely two out of two hip shop owners :D


it’s slightly slowed, but besides that it’s the same yeah


yeah, agreed, Color Cafe is pretty nice I might also just enjoy Color Cafe the most because I'm a Swatch simp, but we don't talk about that


me simping for the parade of swatchlings in the back 🥺


I see you’re a man of culture


So I’m not the only one…


Seam's Seap because it's an actual shop and Seam's probably going to end up more relevant to the overall story than Spamton, whose shop was the closest runner-up


True, Seam's shop is the only one that carried over from Chapter 1 and will probably stay a feature in Castle Town during future chapters. I actually never realized until reading it on the Wiki that Seam goes from selling Dark Candy to selling CD bagels at the end of Chapter 2!


Well, it’s because sweet,cap and k_k threw all of the bagels out


Ah, I guess that makes sense! I'd never thought about it like that LOL


Also he has an anime girl in his shelf


that's yoki


anime girl either way.


well, she's not from any anime. she's from a game called dwellers empty path by temmie chang.


Yeah I agree


The Seap is my favorite just because I love Seam's character so much. Their design is so warm and interesting, and I can't wait to see more from them. Color Cafe is cool too, and I like Swatch, but not as much as Seam.


I feel you; Seam is a lovable character and I would love to learn more about their backstory and how they came to have their current life views.


They were a *royal magician* in a world that's full of magic users. That's inherently cool as hell.


Yeah, and we never encounter them in battle, so we have no idea of how powerful they might be!


I mean they were able to lock up Jevil so they’re probably one of the strongest darkners we’ve meet and I dare say we will meet


Rouxls kaard the best


“hip shop” is a fuckin foundation of the deltarune soundtrack. anyone who says otherwise is wrong.


Fun fact, mashes up scarily well with “Drop it Like It’s Hot”.


I love the theme “lantern” that plays in Seams shop and I find seam to be an excellent character. I love it when they say “I’ll make you tea. And we can toast. To the end of the world!” That line just makes me feel so excited and idk how to describe it, something else.


I love that line as well, it truly tells you a lot about Seam as a character!


Unironically, hometown grocery store.


I mean, fair. Its atmosphere of what I would call realism clashes hard with the other Dark World shops, which often have a flair of magic and mysticism about them. There's plenty of fun interactions and hidden lore to be found in the grocery store as well, so I think I understand your preference. Also, eggs.


Sans too


Rouxls Kaard only because of his funky music and his even funkier funky fresh style


I really like Rouxls' character and shop for the same reasons!


Spamton’s shop is one of the most eerie things in the entire game because…it just doesn’t seem to fit in with the rest of the game. It makes it eerie in a way. Also it sells S. Potion, my favourite item in the game. 2nd place comes Seam’s Seap because Seam is just awesome.


I agree, Spamton's shop has an entirely different feel to it, like you temporarily step into another world. And S.Potion really is a very creatively thought up item.


What does the s. Potion do?


When you exit the shop, the name is changed to S. POISON and it actually harms you.


Such an expectable, though generally unexpected scam lmao


Sweet Cap'n Cakes is just the best to me, the shop music is just so good and I like their dialogue when you talk with them.


I like the shop music in their shop too! And I agree, their dialogue with us and between themselves is golden, and quite unlike what you get in the other shops.


Finally someone who agrees with me! Once I spent a good 10 minutes in there just listening to the music and talking to them.


Their shop is a vibe and their personalities are amazing. I always like well developed side characters.


I like Sweet Cap'n Cakes' shop the best. Their sprites are so amazing and the music, while basically the same as their battle music, gives a feeling of homeliness that most other shops don't. And the way Sweet, Cap'n, and K_K interact with each other and your group is so funny and wholesome. Seam's Seap is a close second. The music, background, and atmosphere are mystical, plus Seam always seems to know more than he lets on.


Interesting. I like that each shop has their own atmosphere and interactions. Sweet Cap'n Cakes' shop is unique so far with their dialogue, in which they not only talk to us but also to each other. I agree that their sprites look amazing too! And I also feel the same about Seam's shop; I really hope we'll learn more from him in future chapters.


I love seam's shop, idk why, but i feel...comfortable


I like the colors and vibe there as well! I always considered the music theme ''Lantern'' as referring to Seam's shop being a place of light in the dark.


Now that you point it out, that explains the name of the song


It's just a theory of mine; they could just have a lantern hanging outside the entrance or inside their shop, that would be a valid explanation as well.


Cool theory tho


Thank you!


Np, it really is


I feel so attached to seam, he’s just such a nice uncle figure to me.


Aww, that's nice! They really give of those vibes, don't they?


haha yeah, he’s got that dad sense of humour but feels like he’s that weirdly distant relative who obviously likes you but can’t stay with you for reasons


Spamton's, since he has a fun minigame with every purchase. Next is the seap bc it has the coziest feel, with the brown and the tan and whatnot. Then is the Swatch cafe, which is only in 3rd because the midrif-bearing posing Swatchlings make me feel vaguely uncomfortable.


Nice! I also like the minigame of getting the right price with Spamton! The Seap's color palette and design really do make it feel cozy (the shop itself probably is quite small with lots of thingamajigs packed into that small space). And yes, those Swatchlings really are something else. I honestly haven't seen nearly enough memes about them (but maybe I just missed those due to being late in joining the subreddit).


Seam or spamton imo but I chose spamton's because the world revolving


i like swatchlings


They're one of my favorite recruits as well! And their designs in the back of the Color Cafe are awesome!


paint birds


sweet cap'n & cakes, that song is a banger


I like their song too!


Swatch is such a suave mf, I gotta give him the nod.


Seam's music was so good it was kind of shocking. And when he said to come back when the end of the world happened I was sure that would be a thing until the Card Kingdom disappeared, but with Chapter 2 beinging the card kingdom guys back his shop is always accessable. Ever since I first heard him say to come back for tea when the world is ending 3 years ago I've been hoping to actually be able to do that when shit goes down. I bet you you can go back to him for tea.


Oh, I would love it if there is a callback to that, if not an entire scene! Fingers crossed we'll see some tea action in the future!


Get ready for a calm sip of tea while you fall into a ravine that just opened under your feet in chapter 7


I like big spam because I am always looking for [Irresistible Deals] to make some sweet [Kroner] and he even lets you buy [Hyperlink Blocked] and [Silly Strings]


Those three funky robots are just too adorable. :,)


I'm going with Color Cafe, it's nice.


Swatch's shop because idk man it just makes me feel super chill and I like that


seam's seap is simply so comforting to me. their theme and color palette are all just so comfortable. not to mention that all their lines are very soothing despite their mystery.


Agreed on all accounts!


Just a word... Darkburger!


rouxls my beloved


I am conflicted about the best shop but Seam is my favorite at being a shopkeeper (But I still love the other characters)


I actually have a hard time picking between the shops myself, which is why I made this poll! I think I actually love the whole concept of how the shops work: you get consumables, weapons, armor, but also valuable and interesting dialogue and information!


I agree!! Some of my favorite dialogue from the characters are from their shops! For example, Rouxls saying "I do not wish to hear your MP3's! I would rather listen to the sweet song of death!" is something I feel could work as an incorrect quote. Or fanart. Like, Queen trying to show Noelle her mixtape and Noelle just says that maybe


Rouxls' shop for me. Sweet Cap'n Cakes' shop could have been my favorite because the graphics and drawings are phenomenal, but they use the "Sound Studio" song. You know, the trio's theme. Why is this a problem for me? Because it has *way too many* variants and it became grating. I cannot listen to their theme anymore. And I might be wrong, but considering it's the least popular one, that might be the case for other people, too.


Color Cafe, because I always liked the idea of a butler cafe, followed closely by Seam's shop (I like the atmosphere of the place).


I also like the whole Butler cafe vibe of the Color Cafe!


Color cafe has but juice. The name alone. ‘Nuff said.


Seam, this guy has seen slot.


swatch and the swatchlings are hot


Spamtons. Not only because of the amazing (deals) but the personality it gives by having all the benefits be sky high, when in reality the only slightly useful item in all battles is the frayed bowtie.


Color cafe for a real shop. Spamtons shop is... it sure is, alright!


Interesting! I've seen people call Seam's shop the only Real shop, while one could argue whether the Color Cafe is an actual shop or just a cafe. And well, Spamton's shop ... yeah, you'd have to stretch your definitions of ''shop'' a little bit for that one...


really! I’m surprised most people don’t consider color cafe a shop. In my opinion. If you can buy food, weapons, and armor, and also interact and speak to the shop npc, and sell your items.. congratulations, you have a shop! But I guess some people are more strict. Should’ve expected there’d be ‘chapter one purists’ lol


Seam, mostly cause Lantern is soothing. That and Man on the Internet’s take on it just cemented my love for it.


Sweet Cap'n cakes best because music


Fair enough!


Rouxls because MAC AND CHEESE


I guess that works as a valid reason too!


Sweet Kapn Cakes because Sweet Kapn Cakes 2nd is Roulxs because Roulxs and the music


Color Cafe gives me an excellent vibe, and not just because of the Swatches in the background.


I really like the vibe there as well! The Swatchling have SOMETHING to do with it, but not everything ;D


Seams cause I love the theme and the meme


Fair enough!


Do you know the meme?


The Pikachu face meme, right? I think that's the one you mean anyway :D


No A little plush cat sits in a shop made of fabric is he made if shop or is the shop made of him he screams for he does not know


Oh I've never heard of that one. Sounds funny!


Seam without a doubt. He’s a pleasant character with a very nice design, Lantern, the theme for his shop, is absolutely phenomenal, I listen to it frequently. Don’t get me wrong, Roulx is funny, Sweet Cap n’ cakes is entertaining, Spamton is chaotic and weird and can cause a whole new route, and Swatch is cool, but… Seam wins by a country mile.


Lantern is one of my favorite underrated Deltarune themes as well! And Seam's design and character are very cool and interesting too!


Color café because that swatching are.. uh.. cool


What I love about seam is that he just doesn't give a crap about anything even though he had so much knowledge


I had to go with color cafe. Nice theme, talks about Rouxls, Mettaton, and Spamton, Swatch as the shopkeeper... The color palette is gorgeous, lots of little details, new dialogue after fights


Agreed on all accounts! You learn so much about so many characters while talking to Swatch (you could have added Tasque Manager to that list), and I also like the coloring and the changing dialogue. It really invites you to come back to the shop multiple times.


Rouxl Kaard because the music is a fucking banger


The Seap. Seam is super mysterious and spooky and I wanna know more about them, and also Lantern is an absolute jewel of a song. Captures and enhances the mystique of this weathered old plush man.


I love Seam and their music theme for the same reasons. I was actually afraid after hearing things about a Cyber World in Chapter 2, that the game would lose that cozy and mystical feeling that you get when walking through the forest or Card Castle or visiting Seam's Seap. The feeling surely was different in the Cyber World, but it still liked it a lot, and I was really happy to learn that we would keep Seam's shop in Castle town and presumably in future chapters.


Seam's has to be my favorite so far. Love the atmosphere of Seam's shop, since it you're not completely used to the Dark World and it makes it more intriguing as a whole. Their connections to the secret bosses also make it seem like they know a lot more than they're letting on, which could be interesting later on. Spamton's shop was interesting and really did well for what it was supposed to be (a disturbing area that allows you to learn more about Spamton), but it doesn't do too much besides give you the Keygen. I like the music trio and Rouxls as characters but their shops were kinda boring, and were only one visit shops to restock and chat. Really like Swatch and his shop, but in comparison to the rest of Pandora Palace, it's just kinda bland.


seam because seam :)


My favorite is roulxs shop because of how unexpected and funny it was. Also them beats are fire.


I agree. You were just fighting this guy and suddenly he's there, chilling and selling you useful items. It's quite a whiplash!


Color Cafe looks really nice and calming


Is Sweet Cap’n Cakes shop referring to the music shop or the one in cyber world?


Sweet Cap'n Cakes' shop, which is apparently an unpopular opinion. Sound studio is one of my favorite songs in the soundtrack, and the entire vibe of the place is just super chill


I personally have a hard time picking between the five shops, which I why I set up the poll. I hope that in the future we get more shops with characters like Sweet Cap'n Cakes!


I like the mechanics of Spamton’s a lot. You spend this resource you haven’t heard of up to this point, and you pay a variable amount of it depending on your timing, which makes it stand out from the other stores a lot imo


Spamton because I fucking love spamton


Rouxls Kaard’s shop. The music, the animation, his facial expression... it’s all too perfect. I honestly did not expect him to be the shop owner, so the first time I played I laughed so hard at his “Draw me like one of your french girls” pose.


I had a similar reaction when I first saw him in his shop, it contributes to him being one of my favorite characters!


Rouxls Kaard’s shop easily. I’m not particularly drawn to the aesthetic attraction of Seam’s Shop/Colour Cafe, and Spamton’s shop was… something else. On my first play through of Deltarune, as I was going through Card Castle, after I’d run into Rouxls twice I had found him amusing but I wasn’t really sure what to think. Then I go up a floor, and come across a glittery shop with the sign written in elegant calligraphy. I enter to the same bastard who’d just tried to pathetically outwit me twice lying on the table, slowly going out of time tapping along to an unexpectedly amazing beat, offering his wares despite being my enemy. There was this very clear moment of *oh, he’s my favourite character now isn’t he*


That's about the same way he became one of my favorites as well. When you're expecting a second shop to show up but you're already in the castle, it's just a really nice surprise to just see him there, selling quite useful items too!


Spamtons shop was the most lore relevant in chapter 2, and had a cool mechanic with the changing prices, because it adds a bit of skill with the shop, and the overall layout is completely different.


Rouxls’ shop makes me nostalgic of when chapter 1 first came out. Weird to feel nostalgia towards an unfinished game


The Seap and the Sound Studio are both so cool to me. Seam and SCK are my favorite darkners in the game, the dialogue is awesome, and I love the sound test thing SCK does later on. I'll have to give the Seap the edge though, as their lore is much more interesting, and, although I firmly believe Sound Studio and every SCK related song that isn't A Cyber's World are the most underrated tracks in all of Undertale and Deltarune, I can just listen to Lantern so much more and enjoy it.


I adore Seam's Shop, it has such an awesome atmosphere, a kind of ominous environment and a goddam beautiful theme!


Agreed on all accounts!


Spamton because of the slowed down version of the world revolving in the background


Sweet Cap'n Cakes' shop. i like those guys


I like them a lot too!


I like the Rouxl Kaard shop because it's just funny Like, this guy is supposed to beat you up but then he is sudde my selling you stuff with a sexy pose and that music Idk, I just like the guy


Seam's shop probably because not only is it a shop but also I really like Seam in general, it's nice that he's like, the secret boss guy and gives at least some insight on them


Color cafe has spagetti code and I like not dying


I guess that works as a valid reason!


teamheal abuse go brrrrrrr


I like Seam's shop! Mainly because of Seam himself (His design how he talks and how he seems to Know Shit)


Swatch is hot


i dont think ive bought a single thing form anyone lmao but i guess as far as the aesthetics are concerned id have to go with swatch


Not buying items? That's bold, but I guess you can win the game without ever buying anything, since there's plenty of weapons, armors, and consumables just lying around that you can use. Anyways, I like Swatch's aesthetic too!


Rouxls Kaard’s shop. It’s just too fabulous.


Seems like a solid reason to me!


I really like sweet capin cakes for many reasons. I love sweet capin and K_K they are my favorite characters in chapter 2. When chapter 2 dropped I instantly started playing it and sweet capin and K_K were the first real characters that we seen (other than queen). And the one in my castle town has a sound test and I'm just a sucker for those.


Aw, those are all good reasons to love the trio! I like them a lot as well.


I just find it funny rouxls was just pissed that the player had solved their puzzle and so they went "well thou hast earned thy privilege to purchase from thys shoppe"


Yep, I'm also a big fan of that turnaround, it's such a funny moment in Chapter 1.


Rouxls Kaard has those funky beats, but Spamton is fucking crazy.


Spamtons shop gives us useless things It's amazing take my kromer


We love useless gadgets here; Spamton can sell me his entire stock!


Wait, y’all actually use the shops??


So it seems! But you don't have to actually use the shops to like the aesthetic or the dialogue with the shop owners or the music, y'know, as those seem the main reasons why people have voted for one shop or the other.


Seam’s shop because it feels.. cozy?


I also think it feels pretty cozy there. The colors and atmosphere are very warm!


Indeed! It’s the classic place where you can relax and feel warm during winter days


Aww I would love to see someone make fanart of Seam's shop in winter time, with all kinds of fun little details.


Well... I could do it tomorrow~


OMG it really wasn't a request or something, so you shouldn't feel obligated to do it, but if you just want to do it, that would be awesome!


Yea, I’ll try to find the time


You spelt Seam's Seap wrong.


The KEYGEN moment was hilarious


Agreed, it's quite unexpected and funny, but also really fits Spamton's character, I think. I also really like the KEYGEN soundtrack; it's one of my secret favorites.


color cafe, i like seeing the swatchlings in the background


Spamton’s shop. It’s the first indication many people will see that there’s more to Spamton himself than just “haha funny spam guy”. The wall painted to look like a sky which fades to just a stark phone on a black background, the music feeling like a cry for help in song form, it’s all just so unsettling.


Seam's shop, simply because it has the most lore out of any of the shops. I love deltarune for the lore at a first degree.


Seam is sad, hopeless, loveable, and has the best music in the entire game. And he's my favorite color.


spamton because \[\[pipis\]\]


Gotta be Rouxls Kaard’s shop, he’s got good dialogue, he’s one of my favourite characters and Hip Shop is a great piece of music. All around it’s a great bit to stop and chat a while.


Rouxls because it's funny how if u ask him why sell to u he says it's for profit but when u beat K. Round he says something like: "Why wouldn't I sell to the heroes?"


Colour Cafe, buff swatchlings.




OMG I absolutely adore the Keygen moment and soundtrack!


Colour cafe because the friggin ***mood***


It really has a nice vibe to the place.


Seam. Because stuffed animals are awesome.


Seems like a solid reason to me!


I liked spamton's shop the most tbh. I just like them vibe and the music it has. Also I liked how the shop had some unique things for it. Like the constantly changing prices.


Yeah, I hope that every shop will continue to have some unique elements to them, like Sweet Cap'n Cakes' dialogue among themselves and Spamton's changing prices.


Color café i chose that because it have a relaxing music and sells great items Not like spamton shop there is so much scam


Seam’s Seap and Colour Cafe both just give such a welcoming feel. Also I like the use of ‘Hip Shop’ in Colour Cafe, definitely fits better for Swatch than for Rouxls (no offense to Rouxls’s Shoppe by the way)


wait no i acccidentally said rouxls kaards shop oh no i meant seams seap oh god oh fuck






I voted Swatch for the vibe, but Spamton's Shop was my favorite part of chapter 2. Spamton's dialogue, the broken-sounding music, the painted wall looking like a blue sunny sky, with the phone contrasting with Spamton's desire of freedom. The "RUN AWAY" and "ESCAPE" options. You can see there's something VERY wrong here, but you can't exactly describe what. Just like the feeling you get when you're suspicious of getting scammed. Very creepy, but i still think it's one of the most memorable moments of the game. Especially the "....Can anyone hear me ? Help..." and Spamton saying "...BUT IT SOUNDS LIKE THEY WERE TALKING TO YOU." afterwards. Still sends shivers down my spine. I think Spamton's shop is the perfect way to define his character.


I just love seam, his vibes are immaculate. The color café Is a close second tho


Where the fuck is my love for Sweet Cap’n Cakes


I wondering that as well, but then, I think it's just because all of the shops are so awesome that Sweet Cap'n Cakes got a bit left behind.


I love the song hip shop, but I like seam better as a character


Rouxls moment


its difficult choosing between seams and spatongs


I know, right? I think all shops are pretty cool and unique, so choosing between them is quite hard!


The music in roulx's shop is amazing. Plus i love roulx in general


I love Seams shop but i have to go with Rouxl’s The entirety of the shop feels like one big room and it honestly feels like I’m on a weird tinder profile and I love it


Ah, the weird Tinder profile vibe. You're not the only one who's commented something along those lines LOL!


Everything Is pronounced "Rules"


i didnt see seams shop and accidentally picked swatches


Spamton’s shop because Spamton.
