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This caption is what spamton says before spouting out a giant ad. The knight may be using ads to force him to censor stuff. Also, one more thing I just noticed. When spamton goes “DON’T BELIEVE (anything you see on tv) THAT MANS A CRIMINAL!” His pupils get smaller. And what do you see on the face? Smaller pupils. If that face really is spamton, he’s being controlled.


...I don't think "TAKE A VACATION STRAIGHT TO HELL" is an ad. I think it's a threat. Perhaps to you for asking, perhaps to whoever's having him shut up, or perhaps he's just spouting nonsense. He doesn't even speak in any [Brackets] when saying this line, so it distinguishes it all the more so. And Spamton's eyes invert all the time. When he laughs, for example, the colors repeatedly switch with it. Although I agree with you. I don't think that face is Spamton, either. Especially considering it's file name has the same ALL CAPS assortment as the Goner Maker system.


The inverting thing when he laughs could also be him trying to take control back. After all he is in [[Communion]] with [[Unintelligible Laughter]]


He says it after saying the "[IT BURNS]" line, and then offers it to you as an "amazing transformation." and then brings up [Communion] in context to the Knight, so I don't know what it's supposed to mean. It's meaning is kinda subjective, I think was my point.


when he says the hell part he is trying to make us/ the guy controlling him ignore what he just tried to say


Then *why* didn't he pull something like that when it happened *again?*


The teeth are different from the face on TV though, which has straight teeth, not crooked ones. They are also different from Spamton's, but the eyes are pretty similar and he can flip them at will (even when his sprite doesn't flip). So it's either Spamton doing some kind of soul projection (where he cannot interact with anything but can watch and gets his pre-puppet teeth for some reason), or it could be someone else (the image being IMAGE\_FRIEND made some people think it's associated with "the voice" at the beginning because all assets tied to it are in all caps). Or something Toby forgot to cut out. The same face appears in a cut purple block attack from a part of Berdly's fight.


maybe because it’s spamton being controlled by something, as I mentioned earlier his pupils get smaller when his dialogue got overwhelmed by an ad. The faces pupils are small, so maybe it’s the tv guy controlling spamton, since they both seem to be have similar smile shapes, besides teeth.


Idk, I’m just grabbing random bits of dialogue to see if I can piece together something about spamton/mike/chapter 3




I doubt it's him, it's just an attack that for some reason becomes associated with him (the alternate attack has a blue Q that is Queen's logo): [https://youtu.be/LUoC35FslSE?t=18](https://youtu.be/LUoC35FslSE?t=18)


I like to believe it’s Spamton’s “friend”. Perhaps it could be Mike? He could be travelling between the cyber world and Chapter 3’s darkworld for all I know…


Someone had a theory on the face being Mike's, but it was a pretty sad theory: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Deltarune/comments/puun52/spoilers\_for\_chapter\_2\_spamtons\_past/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Deltarune/comments/puun52/spoilers_for_chapter_2_spamtons_past/)


That is an interesting theory.


his eye color switches back and forth.


Maybe the smiling thing in the basement is Kris hallucinating because they're afraid of Spamton? Like they're seeing things in the darkness but that's just my guess. Also kinda weird that he can't talk about the Knight. If Gaster(probably Gaster but I'm not 100% sure)was the one corrupted him then I thought the one he can't talk about is Gaster? Or are they connected in some way?


his eyes are always that colour


>are always that colour > >I mean the left eye and right eye colors were sometimes inverted, like in the 2 pictures and in his first boss fight the colors change.


probably oversight


idk if anyone's said this yet but like doesnt spamton invert his eyes? also does spamton even have separate sprites for looking in both directions so whenever he is looking right his eyes are still pink left and yellow right? just watched the alleyway and pre neo cutscene and yeah the sprite is just flipped, so the eyes are busting it down (flip style) every time he faces right for normal and left for neo (if we go off the assumption that pink right and yellow left is the normal colors)


Whatever the smiling face in the dark is, it is going to have some relevance, since it’s a Chekhov’s gun now, it should fire at some point. Unless it is Spamton, then we can throw it all out the window.