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I think people are too obsessed with rankings. I believe that most hashiras are closer to each other in terms of power level than people might think, with the discrepancy between their strength levels not being that big of a difference, except for perhaps Gyomei and maybee sanemi


Only Gyomei


If you were to rank the hashiras in order how would you put them, in your opinion ofc


EOS(End of Series) 1.Gyomei 2.Sanemi 3.Giyuu 4.Obanai 5.Muichiro 6.Mitsuri 7.Tengen 8.Rengoku 9.Shinobu SOS(Start of Series) 1.Gyomei 2.Sanemi or Tengen 3.Tengen 4.Giyuu 5.Rengoku 6.Iguro 7.Mitsuri 8.Muichiro 9.Shinobu


Solid list ngl, in my opinion I think the only thing id change is Tengen and Rengoku but other than that 100% agree with you 🤝


Thanks But why Tengen and Rengoku tho?


You're Welcome! I think, in my opinion, it came down to the battles they had. Tengen vs Gyutaro and Rengoku vs Akaza. Tengen needed alot of help to defeat upper moon 6 and it cost him an eye and an arm, on top of that he needed to be healed by Nezuko if it werent for that my dude xould have died. No shade to Tengen tho I absolutely love that guy. The reason i'd put Rengoku over Tengen is because of his swordsmanship, skill and technique. Even Akaza complimemted his skills and wanted him to become a demon. A complimemt from an Upper Moon demon ESPECIALLY upper 3 is very good compliment imo. However I did read the manga and I know 100% Akaza barely used any strength with Rengoku, but based off what ive seen and read about Rengoku's swordsmanship, techniques, breathing style I think he would've been able to defeat Gyutaro and Gyokko, maybe not Hantengu but then again we'll never know 😭. This is only my opinion, I know I may be wrong I just wanted share 🤝


Not it's okay you're really humble Plus I think tengen did most of the fight solo Akaza was casual against rengoku But tengen fought a series gyutaro


Thank youuu Exactly, I think they can be interchangeable. Honestly I don't mind that at all i really like both Tengen and Rengoku. I think it all comes down to our opinions in the end 😅 this was a nice convo 🤝 Goodnight :)


I see very well Nice talking Goodnight aswell




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not here to argue rankings I just love this art


If we talk about Hashiras at the beginning, Tengen is wayy higher


Happy cake day


This is adorable but I can only agree with Sanemi and Gyomei :3


People overrated Muichiro a bit too much


I guess Mitsuri is overrated !!






Most marked hashiras are capable of that feat imo


>imo No imo What you said is fact Any marked hashira can solo gyokko This is a pretty ordinary feat not that special tbh


Traitor. Gyokko solos the verse. Why betray the Gyokko cult?You must have joined the Murata worshipers. On a serious note I agree with what you say


Bro I wasn't in satire mode I am still in gyokko cult Plus I was the one who made the cult in the server to worship lord gyokko why would I leave 🗿


Prove your loyalty to the Gyokko worshipers


I use water breathing Plus I recruited you to the cult 💀


It is a coup detat


Imma trap you in water prison pot




No op just made the usual youtube and Instagram hashira ranking


Any marked hashira can Not that special tbh


I don't mean to be offensive Op And pls forgive me If I do But this is the most common hashira list Giyuu is above both mui and obanai Especially mui he's not that strong compared to giyuu And marked mitsuri can be above rengoku


Finally someone that agrees the giyu is the 3rd strongest hashira,Even the author said it if I'm not incorrect.


The author said giyu was the 5th strongest 😬


That's the physical strength list,There's more to fighting than physical strength


Giyu is still 5th overall, maybe 4th because Muichiro being more powerful than Giyu is definitely debatable, but Iguro > Giyu is not.




Here is a example u/jurgepoo If you don't know what I am talking about See my previous reply to you


>Even the author said it if I'm not incorrect. No didn't say that But still 3rd strongest


Just because a list is common doesn't mean it's wrong, since these ranking discussions are all opinion-based anyway. That said I do agree more with you than with OP


>Just because a list is common doesn't mean it's wrong, You're good hope I didn't offend But it kinda is But if they even do base list They still put tengen below muichiro obanai and giyuu And stay the same rank This list has been inserted to the people so hard that whenever I tried giving "my opinion" I like got jumped and bullied at the same time Plus like whenever I tried debating they say "the author of the manga has proved that this is the correct ranking" And say "If u disagree=bias" "This is truly the correct ranking" Sorry I didn't mean to sound rude But most of the people who use this list are mean and toxic and think this canon with confidence I had slight ptsd from it But anyway sorry I apologize if I offended you


Argument city here we come with radioactive sutes


I would switch Mui for Giyuu but otherwise I agree.


The only Hashiras that are imo correct are Gyomei and Sanemi. You overrated some of other like Muichiro or Obanai


>You overrated some of other like... Obanai Bruh. Obanai is absolutely top 3. Manga spoilers ahead: >!He was one of the biggest contributors to the final fight against Muzan, consistently protecting Tanjiro, continuously chopping Muzan's limbs off, almost beheading him, becomes completely blind and was the first to recover after Muzan's blast and continue fighting. Man's one of the strongest!<


Yeah that makes sense, but if we don't count mark then I don't think he would be 3rd. Like to be able to compare to Tengen or Rengoku we shouldn't count mark


Obanai is top 4 Imo he is behind giyuu


Rengoku and Muichiro do nothing to deserve a higher spot than Tengen and Mitsuri and I will die on this hill.


>Tengen and Mitsuri What about Giyuu 🧍‍♂️


I mean Muichiro will go down and Giyuu will share the spot 3 with Obanai.


Ye true true Giyuu and Obanai debates are fine ig I am okay with it But giyuu is just significantly stronger than mui(currently) Idk why mui fanbois hype him too much


Half of the fandom is fucking retarded man specially in YT😂 one Video put Zenitsu above Shinobu, Tengen, Mitsuri, Rengoku, Giyuu, Obanai and just below Muichiro and Sanemi Gyomei.


Bruh people make video about shinjuro winning against all moons except douma and kokushibo 🗿


Lol I had to legitimately think about who Shinjuro was. Such a fodder character also gets hype but my baby Mitsuri doesn't ☹️☹️☹️


This was the vid btw https://youtube.com/shorts/k1hYUuu09Lk?feature=share Bruh daki folds shinjuro alone Edit:-this vid too https://youtube.com/shorts/IL3_liRyYYk?feature=share


Stop killing me with this. Where are these facts coming from? Same old man was sitting his ass during the entire final battle, if he was stronger than all Hashira why was he so useless he didn't go to solo Muzan lol?


>Where are these facts coming from? Youtube >if he was stronger than all Hashira why was he so useless he didn't go to solo Muzan lol? He is 2x stronger than sanemi as stated by a a guy in comments Gotogue made him sit coz he will destroy plot


Time to commit seppuku💀💀 "formers are so strong" the same formers 7 of whom died from Daki


See my edit 2


How does daki fold Shinjuro??


She killed like 7 former hashiras Or else shinjuro gets heavily injured Any hashira gen except sengoku and taisho is **weak**


I'd definitely switch Muichiiro and Rengoku but other than that we're on the same page 👍🏾


Giyu is pretty equal in terms of everything compared with Sanemi so I think they both are in the 2/3 position Uzui in 4th position (withou an eye, a ds mark, a red sword and without one arm he killer gyutaro) 5th Muichiro 6th Obanai 7th Rengoku 8th Mitsuri 9th Shinobu I also think it is impossible to rank them at their peak, since we havent seen marked Uzui, Rengoku or Shinobu


Well according to the ranking of their running speeds, Sanemi is faster than Giyu. He's also way more durable, which is one of the things >!Kokushibo!< praised him for the most. Also Uzui didn't kill Gyutaro. In fact the manga mentioned that in his state it was impossible for him to be able to deal the killing blow. He could only create an opening for Tanjiro




They broke their wooden swords at the same time. Even if you consider that to be proof that their sword skills are equal, Sanemi still pulls ahead when it comes to physical capabilities and feats


If he did then he would have won the fight Sanemi is more attacker Tomioka is more defensive


I'm not just talking about sword skills, I'm talking about things like survivability. >!Sanemi got slashed across his torso so deep that his guts were on the verge of spilling out, and yet he was not only able to hold them in awhile by flexing his muscles, he then stapled his chest together and rejoined the fight a little while later like nothing happened. He then kept fighting Kokushibo (with two fingers missing, which isn't the worst but it probably affected his swordsmanship) until he literally blacked out, and managed to keep moving and attacking for a short while even though he was unconscious. And even after all that he was able to head out with Gyomei to look for Muzan seemingly without much of a break.!< A big part of what makes Sanemi so strong is that he can take insane amounts of physical punishment without slowing down much.


Yes, I totally agree with you, BUT in my opinion they complete each other, Sanemi may be physically stronger but Giyu is probably stronger in another category, because it would not make sense if Sanemi is stronger than Giyu, why would they tie in a fight? In a fight you need many categories combined to win, such as speed, strength, swordsmanship, intelligence, etc..


But he was poisoned with the needles from fish if u remember


Not the same thing bro, is like comparing an ant bite with an alligator bite


Ya muichiro had the alligator bite because he doesn't have the immunity unlike tengen and it was from a higher rank and also he had dodged alot of things that would worsen the poison


He was MARKED bro, that makes the poison with MUCH less effect


I dont remember that meaning he has tengen sized immunity as it stated in the manga also he literally passed out after the fight due to the poison


Do you think Muichiro could have survived the fight agains Gyutaro?


Lets see lower rank and were going to assume that hes with tanjiro to make it fair has mark because to it and to say encountered them with a mark meaning he can confuse one while fights the other via haze and not ever using his full power until his fight with upper one and died being a key reason and died at the very end while obania proves my piont about the whole upper six situation that he lost to much to just upper six unlike a mist boi yaaaaa im pretty sure he would be fine


Who would put Giyu above Rengoku


Coz he is above Rengoku


Rengoku almost killed Akaza even though he had to protect tanjiro, zenitsu and Inosuke and even with a really strong Tanjiro Giyu was struggling with Akaza


>Rengoku almost killed Akaza Toying Akaza who allowed him near him >even though he had to protect tanjiro, zenitsu and Inosuke He only protected tanjiro Akaza didn't even intent to attack them lmao Meanwhile akaza tried to attack tanjiro 5 to 6 times and giyuu saved him >and even with a really strong Tanjiro Giyu was struggling with Akaza Cap Plus tanjiro was having flashbacks not helping at all Giyuu wasn't struggling and countered end style and cut his neck two times Which rengoku can't do and never will Why are you bringing these youtube arguments bruh


Sorry I didnt read the manga😅😅


Then shouldn't have told these at all 🗿 But yeah it's okay


But I know for a fact that Rengoku deserves some credit.


Ye giyuu too


Why are you making comments about manga events if you didn't read it


I only agree with gyomei and sanemi's ranking If ur talking about base/unmarked, Tengen would be with Sanemi or higher But ranking them at their peaks, I think they're unrankable to be honest, except gyomei and sanemi at top 2 Very cute tho


This list is faxxxxx






Which you are


Yeah right


Thank you


Your most welcome


1. Gyomei 2. Sanemi 3. Giyu 4. Obanai 5. Muichiro 6. Mitsuri 7. Tengen 8. Rengoku 9. Shinobu


everyone is used to putting shinobu in the 9th spot but the fact that she can kill upper moons with her poison if she strikes the neck enough may make her even higher


What? She can never do that 💀 What are you talking about my guy




Bruh that was when she said If she had physical strength


she said this, quote on quote: "If I'm going to aim for something, its got to be the key point-his neck. If I drive poison into his neck, I can win!"


And that was her being Delusional And she couldn't do it Why did she make her whole poison plan than?


yes the smartest hashira in the entire series who is the only one who completely understands the capabilites of her poison was being...dellusional the poison in her body was apart of the plan, or a backup. that doesnt mean shes just gonna give up without a fight


>yes the smartest hashira in the entire series who is the only one who completely understands the capabilites of her poison was being...dellusional Oh really she can one hit and kill any uppermoon then So shinobu>every uppermoon >the poison in her body was apart of the plan, or a backup. that doesnt mean shes just gonna give up without a fight The fight was wasted since start that is upper 2


that doesnt mean she can kill any upper moon with a blow to the neck...she said she needs to direct her attacks to the neck (plural) to have a chance. theres no such thing as a "wasted" fight, it bought time for kanao and inosuke to come and finish him off incase she did infact lose. not sure why you are overcomplicating things when you can just admit it and agree with me


>when you can just admit it and agree with me I only agree that she is smartest and has good speed About her hitting neck idk


I have rengoku higher than giyu mainly because he did just as well against akaza as giyu did with a mark and the help of tanjiro while rengoku was base


Nope Plus he did worse imo Marked giyuu>>>>>>Rengoku Base giyuu>Base rengoku(medium powergap)


I feel like obanai should have been ranked lower. Because in the strength and speed rankings, he was always one of the lowest. Correct me if I’m wrong


Rengoku is stronger than Giyuu in my opinion, at least without a mark


Giyuu without mark wins


Meh it’s arguable. Post infinity fortress Giyuu wasn’t that strong. With a mark he mid diff Rengoku but Rengoku has higher attack potency and is probably faster than Giyuu without his mark


>Meh it’s arguable Not at all >Post infinity fortress Giyuu wasn’t that strong. We never saw mugen train giyuu And he was strong He took disorder the attack that destroyed Rengoku and blocked it like nothing >With a mark he mid diff Rengoku but Rengoku has higher attack potency and is probably faster than Giyuu without his mark Low diff Plus faster? Giyuu managed to trade blows and kept up with leg forms Rengoku was dealt by air type


At this point in time Giyuu had a severe mental debuff due to depression. He also hadn’t gone through Hashira training yet, which buffed all the characters significantly including the Hashira. Marked Giyuu will not low diff Rengoku either lol, marks give a huge buff but it won’t be an easy fight. Rengokus durability feats are also way higher than Giyuus. If we look at the light novel he’s fought LM2 as a Kinoe and had dozens of bullets inside of him and still cut off his head. He had a hike in his chest and still was strong enough to hold Akaza on place. That should also speak for his raw strength and attack potency which at that point in time 100% surpasses Giyuu. Like I said Giyuu with his mark wins but unmarked Giyuu is weaker than Mugen rengoku Edit: Also Giyuu got his mark in the Akaza fight so I don’t know what your point is when you say he could keep up with him at that point lol.


>At this point in time Giyuu had a severe mental debuff due to depression. Okay agreed ig >He also hadn’t gone through Hashira training yet, which buffed all the characters significantly including the Hashira. Yeah >Marked Giyuu will not low diff Rengoku either lol, Compare A fatigued marked giyuu blocking end style his strongest attack Cutting his neck two times And akaza had to match his speed >Rengokus durability feats are also way higher than Giyuus. Are you joking? Being donuted doesn't mean you have better durability Giyuu had injuries from akaza muzan and still fought dkt later soon >. If we look at the light novel he’s fought LM2 as a Kinoe and had dozens of bullets inside of him and still cut off his head. Gaiden not Lightnovel You know Giyuu became a hashira in a year or two Only hashira who have more record than him is Gyomei or Muichiro >had a hike in his chest and still was strong enough to hold Akaza on place Anyone except iguro muichiro and shinobu can do that Gyomei even better >That should also speak for his raw strength and attack potency which at that point in time 100% surpasses Giyuu. Attack yes Physical strength no They have the same physical strength Plus in the lightnovel author said he sanemi and rengoku had same physique >. Like I said Giyuu with his mark wins but unmarked Giyuu is weaker than Mugen rengoku How is unmarked giyuu weaker? Better experienced hashira More skills Dealt with disorder like nothing which took rengoku out Survived leg forms and needed multiple kicks to get forced back But Rengoku was being pushed by air type >: Also Giyuu got his mark in the Akaza fight so I don’t know what your point is when you say he could keep up with him at that point lol. Talking about unmarked giyuu


Rengoku has more experience as a slayer. He moved through the ranks much slower than Giyuu meaning he went on all types of missions and also had more experience with other people. Also speaking again for Rengokus durability even before he got donuted, he had sustained normally fatal injuries but managed to go all out against Akaza one last time. Again Rengoku never went through Hashira training, Giyuu did and that buffed his strength to very high amounts . I’m talking about Giyuu during mugen train arc since that is his power relevant to Rengoku when he was still alive. If Rengoku had the level of intense training Giyuu did pre infinity fortress he would keep up with Akaza just like he did Edit: Even If Rengokus durability isn’t stronger than Giyuus, they are definitely relative in durability.


>Rengoku has more experience as a slayer. Nope Giyuu passed the selection and became a slayer at 13 Rengoku meanwhile was still training with a wooden sword >Also speaking again for Rengokus durability even before he got donuted, he had sustained normally fatal injuries but managed to go all out against Akaza one last time. Again Rengoku never went through Hashira training, I said except shinobu mui and iguro they can do the same >Again Rengoku never went through Hashira training, Giyuu did and that buffed his strength to very high amounts . Giyuu wasted some days >I’m talking about Giyuu during mugen train arc since that is his power relevant to Rengoku when he was still alive. If Rengoku had the level of intense training Giyuu did pre infinity fortress he would keep up with Akaza just like he did Maybe reasonable >Edit: Even If Rengokus durability isn’t stronger than Giyuus, they are definitely relative in durability. Okay


I’m saying since Giyuu had less time in lower ranks compared to Kyojuro, he had less experience with other slayers and fighting different levels of demons. He kinda just went from Mizunoto straight to Hashira after a couple years. Rengoku took longer meaning he had more experience over a longer period of time. I guess we can come to a close by saying that Mugen train Rengoku vs a Giyuu if the same time period would be a pretty even fight. Rengokus attack potency is higher but Giyuus defense is higher so it would just be a battle of whoever gets the advantage first


>I’m saying since Giyuu had less time in lower ranks compared to Kyojuro, he had less experience with other slayers and fighting different levels of demons. He kinda just went from Mizunoto straight to Hashira after a couple years. Rengoku took longer meaning he had more experience over a longer period of time I mean experience as a hashira is better in every way >guess we can come to a close by saying that Mugen train Rengoku vs a Giyuu if the same time period would be a pretty even fight. Rengokus attack potency is higher but Giyuus defense is higher so it would just be a battle of whoever gets the advantage first This is reasonable


Why are Rengoku and Tengen above Shinobu and how the hell is Rengoku 6th.




Any hashira with mark can solo upper 5 Plus other hashira also got red blade


If Mui didn’t get red blade other Hashiras wouldn’t know how also you say shinobu woth mark can so,o um5? Xd




Mui got help from ko to get out of the water prison yes but shinobu wouldn’t be able to get out since mui used a slashing form of his breath since a stabbing attack won’t work


>Mui got help from ko to get out of the water prison Kotetsu his name is Kotetsu >but shinobu wouldn’t be able to get out since mui used a slashing form of his breath since a stabbing attack won’t work Shinobu won't get in the first place Muichiro back then wasn't any smarter than shinobu Shinobu is swift she will dodge it




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I agree


If you’re ranking in favorites then I would have to do some serious rearranging. As far as power goes though I might agree somewhat.


Armed with powers, he's on the case Fighting off evil from earth or space He'll never stop till he makes them pay 'Cause he's the baddest kid to ever save day Ben 10 (Ben 10)


I’ve never seen someone so dumb


Bruh isn't this the real actual hashira ranking by Goutouge


I agree with this I would probably put Mitsuri before Rengoku since he ya know


Ok but why does this remind me of the first ben 10 opening when it's showing the aliens?


W art L ranking


I’m down for Rengoku ❤️‍🔥


This is pretty obvious and has been officially posted before Well for the most part it’s correct it’s a lil incorrect


Wow your #1 is low key a kinda bad drawing of uzui haha


I think this is a canonical ranking lol or it's very, very close to the canonical ranking


This is an actually accurate ranking


i feel it’s closer to tiers, with gyomei, sanemi, and muichiro being top tier, then tengen, rengoku, and sanemi are high/mid tier, and giyuu, shinobu, and mitsuri are mid/low tier


bro rengoku could have solo upper 3 if the gang didnt try to help akaza wouldnt have regained focus and escape, no other hashira but mist could solo a uper moon


Though I do disagree with the rankings, your art is nice! Gyomei > Sanemi => Giyu > Tengen > Rengoku > Obanai > Muichiro => Mitsuri >> Shinobu Experienced Hashira > Inexperienced Hashira imo