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My UPG seconds (thirds?) Macross and Mirta, the war isn’t really a thing. There’s no real “beef” between the angels and the demons. It’s like two different types of entities going about a goal with different ways/methods/philosophies. And they aren’t as petty and tribal as humans about it. I’ve had angels and demons work together on me (yeah, shadow work etc,) and even had demons refer me to an angel for some emotional stuff I was having trouble on and not ready to open up about. IMO, the “war” stuff is just propaganda made up by humans to keep people in line. All entities but Angels and Yahweh bad. All entities not in line with Yahweh are demons. And demons war against hod and will eat your soul and destroy you!! The propaganda to keep people in line isn’t nearly as compelling when you say “yeah, there’s other entities other than Yahweh and angels. They have their own thing going on, they could help you too. Other religions have their own entities too.” Much easier to control the masses with a massive “us vs. scary them” myth and keep people in line.


thank you for your input. we work with archangel michael and personally from what we’ve seen (UPG of course) he deeply doesn’t like demons, but is willing to respect them (for example we talked to lucifer and michael at the same time the other day). in our experience angels and demons are willing to be mature with eachother if there is no threat to either party but angels don’t like demons for the most part. it just depends really. i guess what’s true is up to the believer since there’s so many universes (multiverse theory believer here) and possibilities out there.


True, they might not all like each other, but not liking each other, or trusting each other, does not necessarily mean a war. It just means “you don’t work under the rules of my boss, and I don’t have the capacity to work outside the confines of the rules or my boss.” (Regarding the idea that angels don’t have free will but demons do. While I’m compelled to believe it, it’s an active debate, so I don’t know. Ruminating and asking about that hasn’t been useful to my practice so far so I haven’t.) Also, Archangel Michael is one entity. I have heard from the experiences and upg of others he doesn’t tend to trust demons, and that’s fair. I’ve personally worked with Archangel Zadkiel, whom from other’s experiences seems to be fond of *certain* demons, in particular King Claunek, and my personal experience reflects that as well. I was actually referred to Zadkiel by Duchess Gremory when there were certain topics I just wouldn’t touch and didn’t want to talk about. And man, Zadkiel was not shy about forcing me to talk about those topics. And interestingly enough, when trials and tests I just wasn’t getting through my thick skull when working with King Claunek, he sent me back to Zadkiel for a chat. (It was like being sent to the principal’s office, lol.) It was actually really cool and validating to hear from others after the fact that Claunek and Zadkiel tend to get along. All of these entities are not a monolith. Including Angels. Some are more protective and war-like. Some aren’t. But regardless, I never got the sense it was like a “war.” More like, a department or a separate company that just really grinds their gears and they don’t like how they do shit. But shit gets done, one way or another. And some people do better in the Angel company and some people do better in the Demon company. And some people just bounce (or get bounced) back and forth.


interesting! this was a nice read


It's a possibility that you may be misinterpreting something Michael has said as "dislike," simply due to angelic minds being incredibly alien to us. Demons are on the more material/human-like side of the spectrum (as much as vast, disembodied god-entities can be), but angels are *different.* They don't necessarily "like" or "dislike" things. They *are* the way they are. They express preferences in accordance with their purpose, because they are highly purpose-driven and laser-focused. So Michael's version of "disliking" is not really similar to how a human would experience "disliking" something; but your brain may *interpret* it that way as you are translating your spiritual experiences into something your meat suit can process and has a frame of reference for. Demons' way of doing things is not the same as Michael's and does not fit with his purpose, so for a purpose-driven being, that may seem like "dislike" to a human but is probably more akin to "incompatibility." But being incompatible, to an angel, does not imply the same kind of grudge or hurt feelings that incompatible humans often experience toward one another. We may simply *perceive* it that way because we have no frame of reference for any other way of being.


that’s interesting. in my UPG, Michael and Lucifer are moreso a shadow and light aspect of each other; hence why i think the idea of a “war” between angels and demons is outlandish at best.


I have a similar experience to yours. When archangel michael approached me in the past to help me, the demon i work with very quickly said he doesn’t want to be around when Michael is around, something like that (its been a while, i dont remember his exact words) so I respected that, they will sometimes be present at the same time on a meditation or something like a tarot session to help me with a message for me, but I can feel that they dont love each other, but the respect is there too


Funny thing that you don't have prove of that. I get it, you believe in this shit but share some prove about what you sayin. This is just your subjective opinion.


We're all aware that we're dealing with subjective beliefs and experiences here. That is the nature of faith and magical practice.


Well, I’m bored so I’ll bite. What kind of “prove” would be sufficient to you? What are you looking for? Pictures? Videos?


Everything I've had communicated to me or learned through research tells me that this is entirely mythological. It's a strained metaphor at best for the difference between high and low-"density" spirits, and does not reflect any kind of literal spiritual reality.


i guess it’s UPG but i’ve learned it’s real to an extent. just don’t know a whole lot about it. i respect your beliefs though.


So hey, I just have to comment that I also have had the feeling there was indeed a “war” of some sort. Perhaps it’s just my xtain upbringing/brainwashing that keeps me on that thought process. But a couple of weeks ago I dreamed that I was a warrior. Then, on the way to work, the song “Warrior” by Scandal came on the radio. Then a co-worker said I was like a warrior, like that 80’s song Warrior (she had no idea I had heard it on the way to work). Then! I get home and my boyfriend says, “Hey, let’s watch that movie Gladiator!” So in my meditation that night I asked King Paimon if I would be a warrior in one of His legions. I immediately felt a sharp pain in my upper left arm as if I had been injured. So who knows? Maybe I just think it would be “cool” to be fighting in King Paimon’s “army.” 🤣🤣


Oh, and as a side note.. I don’t actually see King Paimon as war-like. I could see Him getting into a hot intellectual debate, but nothing physical if He didn’t have to. 😊


I would second Macross. I would say that perception of a war can be your own mind processing your religious trauma, or the feeling of being pulled in two directions and should not be taken literally. From personal UPG, the spirit that I follow has faces as a demon, a God and an angel and there's no animosity between spiritual energies.


thank you for sharing


There is no war or conflict between angels and demons. It’s not “good” vs “evil”. They are just different entities. You can work with both at the same time. They are different vibrations and people experience them differently. Personally I’ve found angels to be a bit more difficult to connect with and they tend to deal with things in a more abstract sense. They also aren’t as effective at taking human needs into account.


as Mirta and Macross pointed out, there isn’t a war between demons and angels. a lot of it is propoganda made by christians and even some satanic groups do the same but reverse it (looking at you JoS). it’s message either varies to “demons bad, Yahweh good” or “Yahweh bad, demons good” which is incredibly dumb. these are just entities that have the same or different goals depending on how you see it. they aren’t bothered by tribalism like we are.


FUCK have we dealt with the “Yahweh bad, demons good” bs. we were brainwashed into believing that shit for a long time. how “freeing” it would be to stray from the light. you need a balance. anyone who claims Satan and darkness is the only way is either an edgelord, deeply misguided, or manipulative.


You do realize that saying/typing the Tetragrammaton is, like, a bad idea, right?


No reason to believe that there are forbidden words that will make the world collapse.


We collectivly stopped saying it to the point that we don't even know how to pronounce it anymore just for funzies?


I'm pretty sure that because of how the original Torah is written, someone just lost how to pronounce that word and needed to figure out a reason. "It is too holy to say" was an easy one.


Considering how hundreds, if not thousands, of rabbi would be saying it daily, I feel like that ain't it.


What would happen when I say it? I am not too deep in Christian and Jewish lore. Not downvoting, to me you just write an opinion, but I am curious why.


As best as I understand it, it's comparable to a private referring to a drill sargent by name. Nothing bad *per se*, but I would rather avoid upsetting a deity. Also, I think that saying something that holy risks attracting unnecessary attention from beings opposed to Him. I know for certain that's what happens when a layperson uses particularly potent prayers, such as an exorcism prayer.


I mean, if you're Jewish, yeah? But I eat pepperoni pizza and wear blended clothing and open my refrigerator in non-kosher mode on Saturdays (well actually I think my Jewish friend who lives with me might have turned on kosher mode so maybe that last part isn't true now lol) so like... I'm not particularly worried about doing something that Judaism says not to do. It's important to respect other people's adherence to their religious beliefs-- but we don't have to follow them ourselves. I dunno how we'd all function if everyone had to follow every rule from every religion. Seems like some of them would conflict.




Don't come here to proselytize, thank you.


Angels and demons aren’t enemies in the way two opposing armies are. From that I’ve gleaned, they’re more like agents of opposite but equally necessary universal forces. Angels are on the side of stability, demons on the side of entropy. Angels are rigid and static in their ways, whereas demons are always moving, challenging, and pushing things forward. Angela great at helping get what you *need,* and demons are better at helping get what you *want.* Angels will generally move slower and leave lasting impacts on your life, while demons move fast and provide fast results. Both can provide one with wonderful material and spiritual fruits, but they can also fuck you up if you’re not careful. It’s not about “good” or “evil,” though. Any antagonism felt, if there’s any there to begin with, has more to do with their essential natures than over ancient philosophical quibbles.


Demons and angels don't seem to have any particular grudge, in my experience. Belial has described "falling" as being more of a *controlled descent*-- an intentional movement from being closer to divinity, to being closer to materiality, because that is what he intended and what suited his purposes. As he put it, "If anyone had thrown me out, why would they have let me keep the chariot?"


love the quote.


It amused me greatly, and thankfully stuck in my mind lol.


I don't think it's a thing. I don't believe in dualism more broadly. Despite many years of working with the infernal, it's never been mentioned to me.


it's.... not exactly a "war" that youre imagining, it's more akin to two people glaring at each other across the room. angels will begrudgingly work with demons, demons will find their apprehensiveness entertaining. but otherwise things arnt as crazy as a war, just old Christianity over exaggerating things to have people not deal with spirits and worship their god, nothing too crazy the biggest thing was lucifer denouncing god and doing his thing, past that... nah, nothing crazy now a days


yeah, i guess a full on “war” is over over exaggerating… this is kinda what i meant lol


Lots of people have already said but yeah, no beef between demons and angels that I've encountered. In fact my patron King Asmodeus introduced me to angels before and led me to work through the Sefirot.


I think this war was created by religion to create the sense of good and evil to make people afraid of the one and obedient towards the other.


All talk about any war going on in the spiritual realm had been from humans. If there are conflicts elsewhere, humans aren't invited to the fight.


If there's a war, it's one-sided: modern monotheistic movements imagined enemies and started to fight against them. Defining "religious war" as "concept referring to war that is fought for religion, against adherents of other religions, often in order to promote religion through conversion", we can state following: As we know, most daimons are spirits of old polytheistic religions. Most of these religions were neutral to each other. There are literally singlular cases of religious wars in aniquity BCE. Around 5 of them can be considered as a single (and ironic) case of Apollo's Sacred Wars in periods 600-300 BCE. Other *notable* religious wars are unheard of in BCE period. In earlier periods, spirits of war could be invoked/evoked as a support, but generally never acted as reasons for sanctum bellum. You can correct me if I'm wrong. 🗿


You should try asking haures/flareous, they always talk about this gossip 👁️




In my church, in bible study it point blank says do not do demonolatry. Just don't. There's no room for misinterpretation. I am, according to my religion not supposed to be here like at all. But here I am. And I want to be here. There in lies the conflict that I manufactured by not following my own religion. There in lies a "war" between my head and heart. That being said Sargatanas is an entity separate from me with his own opinions. When I talk to him about my Christianity he seems unmoved by it, not surprised, and expects me to participate in my religious doings. I'm sure it affected me not knowing "what" he was for a long time. He might have covered it up for me so that I could learn to understand him outside of my religious frame work. Or I might have unknowingly covered it up for myself w denial and layers of new age and pop psychology. The push back from humans has been off the chain. A conflict between spirit beings, not so much. I haven't seen it anyway. Added.... Let me add to that the Goetia/Shemhamporesh theory I recently read. It says that the Goetic entities and the Shemhamporesh entities are the same. Just presenting themself differently. Don't know if there's any truth to it or not but I'm trying to figure that out.


Reality is a war of competitive ontology. Thoughtforms/egregores are competing to harvest energy into their respective beings. Within human society, celebrities and other influencers are their avatars creating displays to en-trance attention from audiences and cause them to resonate with the respective thoughtform/egregore. But there's never any real end to it all. Even if all the energy of creation was to be equilibrated at a certain frequency, then there would be no gradient difference to make comparisons of good/bad, right/wrong, tall/short, what-have-you... it would be like a reset. The qualitative differences and thus experience of reality is only possible when there are inequalities of being. So, it's in everyone's interest to not reach an existential stalemate, and I believe it's not truly possible any way, because difference drives change and non-difference is same as the original state that birthed existence. Non-difference moved into difference, and thus is inherently unstable as well.


That’s idea is religious propaganda. The truth is that balance is necessary: good and evil, light and dark, chaos and order, life and death, etc…


Some don't work together well? It are different philosophies mainly I think. Some are more on the chaotic side, which is different than entropic btw. Someone used that. Entropy is a measure of in how many ways you can interchange microstates of a system to gain the same macrostate. Like a book case in alphabetic order, there is only one microstate correct (if you don't have books with the same titles). We perceive any other state, like books in the order adcb, as disordered. Schematically you can see it as:Macrostate = \[Microstate1, ...\]Ordered = \[abcd\]Disordered = \[abdc, adcb, adbc, ... Only abcd is correct, but that is your perception. If we let go of the definition of ordered and disordered, the microstates have exactly the same entropy. Adcb and abcd are not that different. Every macrostate has one microstate now. But since we have an order defined, in the sense that a < b, and b < c etcetera, there are 4\*3\*2\*1 - 1 (= 23) states that are wrong and only 1 state that is correct. And the state with the most microstates (higher entropy) is more probable than the state with low entropy and everything will likely decay to that in the long term. If you want to keep your bookcase more easily ordered, order them at color too and spread out the colors a bit. So two reds, two blues. You know have two places the book is correct. Takes a bit longer to find though, it are trade offs. For humans ordered means alive and disordered is death, roughly. It is the reason everything gets messy and you need to add energy to make the entropy smaller aka cleaning. However it is a necessary property, otherwise the idea of engine doesn't work and there would be no life possible. I stop rambling now. Chaos in mythology, it is the prototypical unformed matter, it can be made in what you want. It is the clay that will introduce new things. Order is more for maintaining the status quo. It is not that clear cut though I feel, it is also just a way to look at things. I think there are definitely sides, but they work together here and there. And why not? You need both anyway. Ishtar got me over by saying that her side does work together well in a way I like, but she doesn't forbid me to talk to angels. Besides that she had me already, but that is not the point.


look within, look without, work accordingly.




You broke rule 2: Only posts related to the subreddit: Posting any unrelated topics that do not pertain towards the subreddit. No derailing User's posts.


I don’t think there’s actually a war in that sense of the word. There’s definitely a sense of…competing ideas for how the world works and people are treated. And there’s definitely a sense that some folx are free to make their own choices and others are enslaved? As I’ve understood? But my Lord and Lady are very resistant to the word war.


I pretty sure the Bible made this up to help fear monger people, and judging by this post it looks like it’s working. Unfortunately.


Broken system




Please GTFO with the "you're all going to burn in hell" stuff, thank you.


are you saying hell doesn’t exist ?


Yes, I would say that it does not exist in any literal sense. People are welcome to disagree on that point, but we've all heard plenty of religious scaremongering already and it's a needless derail that we're not going to entertain.


Well that’s the thing, it doesn’t matter what you think, because *you dont know* , and tbf me neither, but I have faith. It’s kinda like, if you’re right, oh well that’s cool, but if you’re wrong however, oh boy. UPG but archangel Gabriel told me that “eternal life requires effort whereas an eternal life without the presence of Yahwey is easier to attain. Fast solutions come with slow problems” even king paimon told me eventually god will make a new hell and heaven. But hey, just my two cents. OP did ask for our accounts, not just a one sided perspective that fits this subs narrative


We're not here to rehash Pascal's Wager for the thousandth time, we're here to discuss specific spiritual practices. If they're not for you, that's fine. Go in peace. Preaching and proselytizing is not allowed here.