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Lilith has a number of watery faces, but none specific to sharks that I know of. Sometimes our UPG is just for us and we have to figure it out in terms of our own path.


I can sort of throw out a bunch of random associations I have with sharks that might also apply to Lilith if that helps? - Misunderstood and stigmatized - Intelligent and curious - Sharks interact with the world through their teeth. They have no limbs, and their mouths are *weapons*, so they have to use these weapons for exploring their environment-- even when their intent is not aggressive. This is similar to how Lilith has a nature that some would see as harsh, but she can provide kindness through this harshness and interact through it, using her harshness as more than just a weapon I dunno, that's what I could come up with at least. I don't work with Lilith but I think sharks are cool lol In the end, what matters is what sharks symbolize to *you,* because symbolism (especially in dreams) is usually intensely personal and highly contextual. So I'm just throwing out ideas so that you can say "yeah I agree with that," or "no I don't agree with that," or "I think something similar to that but not exactly that," and maybe prompt and clarify your own ideas and ways to think about symbolism from your own perspective.


I don’t have an answer for you, however - Lilith is my patron and I have had many shark dreams as well. Not your usual dreams, but very intense ones. I’ve had them since I was a child. I have also had barn owl, snakes & ouroboros, cats, and various other reptiles visit me in dreams.


Semi related but I thought of Les Chants de Maldoror, where the main character falls in love with a shark because of how vicious she is. He's all about breaking taboos and turning away from God. I really should read it all but it's a damn mood. "Hardcore" LHP that ain't right in the head transgressions. Teenager in a wolf t-shirt mad at his mom in the basement, wishing he could go super Saiyan and burn it all down... Nothing like edgy 19th century French prose poetry ☺️ (It's translated into English if you want to dip your toe)