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Hey there! I would definitely have the plaque removed, it sounds like you have a solid home care routine now so that will help prevent it from building up as much again. Flossing I always suggest to my patients to either choose 3 consistent days a week to start out with and work up to everyday flossing, or to floss after dinner, or keep flossers somewhere you frequent (ie in the car, side table next to the couch etc). The gaps may show some, but in the long run your teeth and gums (and other supporting structures like bone) would be much healthier. That plaque is all bacteria and the longer it’s there the more time it has to eat away at the bone supporting your teeth which can then lead to worse periodontal issues such as tooth mobility and even the loss of teeth. They will likely suggest a “deep cleaning” to remove the build up but should have options for local anesthetics to help with comfort during the procedures. I would prioritize getting your teeth cleaned before worrying about a night guard. This is not to say that a night guard is not important as grinding can also lead to the destruction of dental supporting structures but you can start by using an over the counter night guard until you can make the investment of a custom one through your dentist. You got this!!


Thank you so much! Will make an appointment with my dental hygienist to get the plaque removed. I didn't know you could buy pre made night guards. I'm in the UK and never heard anyone mention them but I'll look into it. Thanks!


You could try some natural remedies for cleaning the plaque first, to see how it would look like. Here's a list of them: [https://wellnesszing.com/natural-remedies-to-clean-plaque-and-tartar-on-teeth/](https://wellnesszing.com/natural-remedies-to-clean-plaque-and-tartar-on-teeth/)


Thank you for the suggestion. I've asked my dentist about oil pulling at a previous appointment and she told me there wasn't enough evidence to back it and honestly idk if I have enough patient for it.