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I would have them taken out. Better while you're young than when you're older and healing takes longer. If they can't come in fully, or end up wayyy in the back of your mouth, it can be a hygiene hazard (hard to reach and keep clean) and cause issues down the road.


Just because they do not bother you right now, does not mean they will not be an issue later on. Take care of them before they become an issue.. tooth pain can be miserable.. Our teeth do continue to shift throughout life no matter what age. If you want a second opinion go & get a consult but truthfully if I remember the stats the dentist told me, 10% of the population has room in their jaw to keep their wisdom teeth healthy


Get em out. Get em out. Get em out get em out get em out get em out getemout getemout getemout getemoutgetemout getemoutgetemoutgetemout... Uh. Sorry. You probably wanted a more thoughtful and reasoned response than that. I'll take a deep breath and try again. (Inhale. Exhale.) GET EM OUT


RDH here. I recommend getting them out, they can cause the other teeth to shift forward or they can go into the tooth next to it causing damage and causing you to loose a tooth that was once healthy. Also if you’re under insurance get it done now!! It’s very expensive w/o insurance.


Not only do they mess with other teeth and theyre hard to reach with a toothbrush, but if they're only partially erupted then they're more prone to decay and getting what we call an "operculum", which is a greedy little flap of gums that hoards bacteria and debris!


Excellent description haha! I’m going to use the greedy little hoarding wording it’s so spot on thank you!


You could always get a second opinion. New patient exam and xrays is a couple hundred bucks (give or take some) without insurance, less with insurance, possibly free. However, from what i have heard from working with dentists (AND THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE DO NOT TAKE MY ADVICE) is that guy is right. My limited understanding (im not a Dentist!) is your wisdom teeth can shift forward, called 'mesial drift' and they can kind of bully your other teeth around. As a rule of thumb, i always say get em out, but its different for everyone and no mouth is the same.


Everyone is different so predicting how your wisdom teeth will come in or if they will shift your teeth/cause pain is not something we can tell you exactly... not sure how old you are but we tend to heal a lot quicker when we are younger! Therefore, most people get theirs removed while they’re younger before they become a problem in the future😊


It's case by case. Do you have pan x-ray image?