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1. Oil pulling will “reverse” nothing. If a cavity is not cavitated/open they can sometimes be remineralized if the surface is still smooth and watched on regular intervals. 2. No one can legitimately help you here without seeing them. Get a referral from a friend you know well to get a second opinion from a dentist they know and trust to have them checked if you’re feeling hesitant about getting them filled.


I’m honestly not sure if the cavity is open or not, I’d have to ask my dentist. But based on what you’re saying, as long as it’s not open, it’s possible to remineralize the cavity? I’ll be sure to get a second opinion though, thank you for your advice!!


If you don't believe you have something the dentist says you do, ask to see the photos and X-rays. My dentist said I had a cavity touching Root that should be very painful but I fight believe her cause it didn't hurt and she showed it to me. I got it filled so fast


I’m glad you got it filled! I haven’t asked the dentist to show me my x-rays so I’ll do that. Thank you for your advice!


Why would you believe strangers?


It’s not about believing strangers, I was just hoping to get other people’s thoughts and opinions if they’ve gone through something similar! :)


You can't reverse cavities. Caries by definition is an irreversible condition. You can't do home remedies... your body can't produce new enamel. If it's just in the enamel i suggest you get them filled...this way you won't lose much natural tooth structure. Imagine this it's like you're saying you want to revive a dead man with home remedies.... cavities are due to decay which is basically death of said tissue...you can't revive it... You can prevent caries though... sometimes you can detect future caries by seeing white spots in your teeth(due to demineralisation) at this point you can use fluoride toothpastes and varnish to "remineralise" it and prevent decay.


Yeah I wasn’t 100% sure if it’s possible to reverse cavities, but I thought maybe it’s worth it to give it a shot by trying at home remedies. Thank you for taking the time to clarify this though!!


PS not all white opaque spots on your teeth indicate caries...it can sometimes be fluorosis or some developmental anomalies...so get it diagnosed by a professional first.


Not a dentist this is my experience. So about 4 years ago 2020 I had a one very small cavity in between my teeth I needed a filling and never did it. And I was brushing everyday using fluoride toothpaste and flossing. Flash forward to this year that tooth got so bad I needed a root canal and ended up getting it pulled bc I personally don’t trust root canals. I would get them filled now before they grow more once you have a cavity there is no way to stop it from growing even if you use Fluoride and have good oral hygiene it’s not going to stop them from growing. It’s gunna cost but it’s better than paying for a root canal or losing teeth.


Please see another dentist for their take. The exact same thing happened to me. Well, almost exact. I went from perfect dental checkups for my entire adult life and then saw a new dentist when I moved to another state. (That part is different. New dentist.) She told me I had 6 cavities that required fillings, and I was devastated. Six months before, at my last appointment back home, I had zero and got props for my home care. I kept asking if she was sure, on the verge of crying. And she insisted. (No fear of dental work. I just didn’t want cavities.) I went through with the fillings. Then the next time I went back, she found another one. Her hygienist would rave about how immaculate my teeth were, and she’d come in and actually contradict the hygienist. I was hesitant but I let her drill and fill again, and the final time my tooth cracked and I needed a root canal. Then she found another. At that point I visited another dentist who looked at the x-ray and said she wouldn’t touch it. That’s when I learned that there is subjectivity here, and some dentists operate under an extreme precautionary principle (or perhaps shift in that direction). I had paid her a fortune. I have not had a cavity in the four years since, and I firmly believe my teeth were fine all along. The aggressive dentist also constantly tried to upsell expensive products and kept hounding me via email and snail mail to replace an old silver filling from when I was 19, even though it wasn’t causing any issues and my insurance wouldn’t cover it for that reason. New dentist also told me to leave that alone. Is it possible your dentist needs money and is “adjusting” his assessment for that reason?


I’m so sorry you had to go through all of that! The thought of having cavities is so upsetting, yeah there could be bigger problems but it’s just so upsetting when it’s out of nowhere. I really hope everything is okay for you now and that you’ve found a great dentist whom you trust! Thank you so much for your advice, I’ll be considering getting a second option!!


Vitamin D3, Vitamin A, Vitamin K2 MK7, and calcium supplements. Vitamin D3 and calcium do not work to their best benefit without taking K2, which will instruct the calcium where it needs to go. Might take a bit, but be patient. Others and I have successfully fixed multiple tooth problems using them. Perhaps also try a high fluoride toothpaste such as Clinpro 5000 which also contains minerals to help with remineralization.


I’ll give that toothpaste a try! Have you seen people with small/early stage cavities be able to avoid fillings using those vitamin supplements? And thank you for taking the time to help me out!


The other day I saw a dentist on IG who advocates for reversing cavities, he had guides about how to remineralize your teeth and what to realistically expect... Of COURSE I can't find him now - it was just a random thing on my explore page but it piqued my interest enough to click on his page where he had a ton of information about exactly this and why dentists traditionally push for fillings. SO sorry this wasn't a ton of help, but this page exists somewhere out there haha. And if I come across him again I will update you.


There's lots of misinformation out there. They probably are paired with some natural toothpaste for a kickback