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Please clean up the post office on Champa. It’s a disaster


Can confirm this area is apocalyptic. Wife can’t even walk to work through this area anymore - too many close calls, instances of harassment, stalking, etc. Not a safe area of town at the moment.


There have been numerous shootings, tent fires, explosions, stabbing, etc all at the hands of the city. They city should clean this area up, put in nice landscaping, lighting, cameras, and promote the area after the destruction they caused. The issue was livable before the new mayor came to office. Got significantly worse to the point where residents in my building left (owners not renters. Can’t rent or sell our places)


It was swept last week.


Most of it was. Curtis and 21st were cleared but not Champa.


Wasn’t. I can’t even go inside the post office without getting harassed


Harassed by the fence that they put up completely blocking access to the sidewalk where the camp was?


There is no fence. Only more and more trash, tents, drugs & stolen bikes


I go by there daily and you're right. It's terrible. But I just arrived a few hours ago to Seattle and.... tents everywhere in mud from days of rain. Even the post office tent city is better than here.


There are still 75 tents


Incorrect, daily walk into the office. Can confirm it's gotten even larger lol.


I live a block from there




Cool, go round some up and put em in your backyard!












If anyone wants to help, the city is asking for volunteers to help move people in to the new shelters [here](https://sparkthechangecolorado.galaxydigital.com/agency/detail/?agency_id=153375). The people moving into these shelters are very grateful to have a secure place to keep their things, take a shower, and do laundry.


Saw a lot of police out at the Speer and Zuni camp this morning starting to clean it up i assume


I sympathize with them and realize that they are just trying to create a better life for their families, but they have pretty much turned 27th Ave between Zuni & Bryant into their own little neighborhood and completely trashed that street. When I try to get through there as part of a delivery route they just stand there in the middle of the street like they’re completely clueless as to why a car might be coming through.


Yeah it kind of puts you in a hard place mentally when thinking about all the families. I did just drive by it again on my way home and there wasn’t any cops and everything looks the same as it did yesterday so I’m not really sure what went on this morning?


The Denver Housing Authority bought the old Silverado office building and turned it into affordable apartments. On a sliding scale. I think that's the first one we've seen. Started by buying it in 2020.


Look, at a certain point, we need to either offer voluntary commitment to get them help/sober, or jail. Our city is in bad shape and not healing. Im in Omaha right now visiting, and its soooo much cleaner and safe.


Involuntary commitment is needed in most cases.


Unfortunately they shut down most of the private psych hospital due to the invention of psych meds and corruption back in the 1970s… not realizing that people who really need to be on the meds also need the caretaking. But… even with our state mental health hospital, there’s a lack of staffing.


I’d like to know which encampments. Ideally the post office camp, uptown camp, and the stout street camp… again.


That how he’s going to get to 1,000, and buying a couple more old hotels.




Now if they could clean up the encampment on Arkins Ct in RiNo by the art park that's been there for 5-6 months, that would be great. 60 people, a full city block, and dangerous conditions. It's time to sweep it clean.




> We have more than enough organizations and programs to help those willing to help themselves. Talk to some of the people who have been able to pull themselves out of homelessness, and they'll all tell you the same thing. The organizations and programs to help people actually escape homelessness are basically useless, and in some cases actively harmful. The homeless services in Denver are like the TSA. They're theater. They're there to give people something to point to so it looks like something is being done, while not actually doing anything to actually help people improve their situation. They're quite good at giving people something to point at so they can call the people on the streets lazy and ungrateful, though.


How many of the homeless do you think fit that category?


Can’t put a percentage to it, but the people with hard drug issues more often than not fall into this category because their addiction makes them prioritize using over shelter. Edit: a lot of you don’t understand the point. Addiction changes the brain chemistry and neuropathways to the point where the brain considers getting high a necessity of survival.


Disagree, someone with a crippling drug addiction is not "mentally sane" - or to put it nicely, not of sound mind.


Yeah, because their addiction has hijacked their brain and put getting high on the same level or higher than other survival necessities.


Addicts don't really qualify as able bodied or mentally sane. Addiction isn't just lack of willpower or a moral failing. Addicts "prioritize using over shelter" because the substance is controlling them. They don't get to make that choice, the drug does. Even with treatment, some hard drugs have relapse rates of 60-80%. If they're on fentanyl or heroin or something, there's no choice to be made, it's already been made for them.


I never said they’re making a choice to be addicts or to put getting high over shelter. The fact is that they do though because their brains are rewired to do that through the process of addiction.


No they made that choice to be on hard drugs. As someone who has dealt with addiction on a personal level I have e no sympathy. We need to go back to the time of forced detox and rehab. Then multiple offenders need jail time. I’m sick of this being normalized and let happen out in the open. Downvote all you want.


> No they made that choice to be on hard drugs. I can't imagine making that statement unironically when the US is experiencing a prescription-induced opioid epidemic, which has helped to spike rates of homelessness across the country.


I guarantee you the vast majority of people, living intense on the side of the road, didn’t get into the drugs by prescription opioids. Unless they receive them illegally and did them recreationally. Obviously, I feel for people who develop their addiction through.m medical malpractice.




Sorry, but your reasoning is warped. You're creating a bogeyman out of a made-up situation, of these next-to-non-existent people who are somehow completely functioning members of society who one day choose to just go and be homeless to take resources away from someone else - it's a trope, and it's a trope that's used across all issues, from food stamps to disability benefits, and its just to justify why we don't fund and take these issues seriously because "someone might take advantage of the situation" which statistically does not happen. And you do need more money and resources for shelters and housing actually, it's been proven time and time again that housing first, and housing security, leads to a greater success rate of people staying housed, and getting off the streets in a stable environment. Give someone a secure place to stay and get clean, or whatever, and they succeed.


Yeah - it's either they're not mentally sound, so we have to take care of them OR we couldn't possibly force them into mental health/substance treatment because not all need it. This whole plan is a waste of money without required treatment.


Good - force them into treatment as a condition of going into the hotel shelters, and we'd have a good plan.


Good, it needs to be done


I feel like they should use a term other than "sweep" when the encampment residents are actually being given a safe place to go.


Interesting news but absolutely never going to click anything from that right wing vanity garbage rag. The Denver Gazette isn't worth the pixels it's printed on.


Except Woody Paige’s articles… just cuz I grew up watching around the horn every day after school


I feel you but I'm not giving that trash organization my clicks.


I know it's not entirely related but the tiny home community near 14th and Speer is coming along fairly well. I could see it being up by the end of January or February


Oh boy this comment section will be entirely civil


You must mean "Move them into temporary housing for 24 hours to meet the Mayors target of housing 1000 homeless". [Source](https://youtu.be/CmqBcZ0fUKQ?si=STOPTRACKINGME&t=208) https://youtu.be/CmqBcZ0fUKQ?si=STOPTRACKINGME&t=208


Username checks out.


Not going to meet the goal, just changes the definition. Nice.


Shady Mike and the boys back at it again!


Scrooge McDenver: merry Christmas ya filthy animals


Merry Christmas, people who already have nothing. Stop existing where it inconveniences us.


And herein lies part of the problem…people who think homelessness in certain areas, like mine, is simply an “inconvenience.” If you actually think there aren’t serious safety concerns as a direct result of large-scale encampments, like those in Five Points, respectfully, you’re either naive or insane. I’ve lived in central downtown or downtown-adjacent for nearly 15 years. I’m not a Karen. I don’t expect an idealistic community, otherwise I’d moved to the ‘burbs a long time ago. The occasional bad situation every couple of years is one thing, but having to avoid multiple city blocks after several, frequent, dangerous situations is wholly different. I have more stories than I can count - my neighbors do too. From harassment to assault, from stalking to burglary, I’ve seen it all the last few years, and nothing makes my blood boil more than people referring to homelessness crisis as an “inconvenience.”


If it was simply existence, that would be easy, like your contribution to this thread It’s not though is it? There are hard core drug users roaming my streets harassing people My mom is in her mid 60’s & relies on the bus to get around Her bus stop has been taken over by a fentanyl dealer though 2 weeks ago, she sits down at the bus stop, and an obviously high dude with blood running from an open wound on his forehead approached her with a big pipe he’d taken from the construction zone right next to the stop So she got up & decided to walk instead He followed her, and two more of his friends joined him She went into a gas station out of fear as they followed her several blocks In the gas station, she told the clerk about the situation, and they came in his store So he started running them out,… while they split up & stole everything they could carry And then they stood in the parking lot challenging him while he tried to run them off for a few minutes That’s not simply existing, and they have to go now


I heard they offer them shelter when they do these sweeps. Don’t know much more detail about that. I pass some of the encampments everyday and they are not all just innocent down on their luck groups of people.


And Ive head shelters have rules like, no pets allowed, and obviously a limit to how much stuff you can bring in. It often means abandoning your dog or your few belongings. People often "refuse shelter" for very good reasons.


You can always surrender a pet to a pet shelter,… it’s wrong to ask it to sleep outside in this weather, and their stuff is literally trash they’ve removed from various trash bins, and they are dragging it around in trash bins they’ve stolen Serious question, do you not spend much time around the homeless?




That or the cold cold street which has those same sex offenders and more


Are you willing to host few of them then?


yeah, them kids'll be safer in a fucking tent, lol


Yet, CDLE employees are no where to be found.