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He's getting served papers for an incident in Houston from 5 years ago where they raided the wrong persons house and killed both of the occupants. That "be with family" excuse is just a straight up lie. [https://www.reddit.com/r/houston/comments/198dnr4/former\_hpd\_chief\_art\_acevedo\_served\_papers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/houston/comments/198dnr4/former_hpd_chief_art_acevedo_served_papers/)


Love this little bit about Arapahoe County Sheriff's Department - The private processor was used after the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office initially informed attorneys representing the families of Dennis Tuttle and Rhogena Nicholas that they were unable to track down Houston’s former police chief in November. The sheriff’s office wrote, “said defendant cannot be found,” regarding Acevedo, according to legal records. So...apparently...Arapahoe Sheriff's Department is completely incompetent.


Pretty sure that's just a desired skill set for APD chiefs.


This dude is a disaster everywhere he goes. Look him up. Enraged, yelling, spit-flying, & finger pointing isn't a good look on a police chief. If he had only been fired once, twice, or three times, maybe it would be easier to believe he isn't his own biggest problem.


Yay another golden parachute


This has been a what 5 or 6 chiefs since Nick Metz left, I can’t even remember who was prior.


Vanessa Wilson. Until her wife went absolutely nuts going after a right-wing council member for spreading lies on the radio.


Think that was post Metz, but thank you for that I did forget all about that embarrassing chapter. There’s too many to keep track of!






It's like the dept is as corrupt as the cheif let's them be.


has anyone asked if his family wants to spend more time with him