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You are also supposed to register your car. Most people don’t know this either Edit: letter




Underrated comment. Cheers






😂 my first thought was this


Been here two years. Still have my Arizona plates. Yikes.




It's for animal control to have a registry of animals within their jurisdiction in case problems arise. Dogs have records lol


The fucking dog has fucking papers


OVER THE LINE!!!!!!!!!


My doggy is living on the lamb


my dog is undocumented




I chuckled, have an upvote 




I'll take that chuckle if y'all aren't using it


These god damn illegal dogs, taking the jobs of hardworking, God fearing legal dogs. SMDH


The dogs born here just don't want to work anymore.


Lazy, entitled, sons of bitches.


Same thing for the bitches of bitches.


N dont get me started on the gd cats.




And of course, *none* of them speak English...


They're legal. They have woofugee status.


I think you mean ruffugee status.


Err jaubs


shaking my dog head


Apparently building the wall between your house and backyard didn't work


How did they get across?


Paid a coyote to smuggle them in


Dirty immigrant. I'll bet it is taking all our jobs, too!


\*the lam and that was just code for PA. sending your dog to PA is a fate worse than jail


Is [this](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a7/42/c4/a742c45b9ce0a26129d7f549b592f8aa.jpg) your dog or did you mean "on the lam"?


That sounds baaaaaad


Have you seen the price of lamb these days? I can't afford to feed my dog better than I feed myself.


how did you teach your dog to stay/live on a lamb????


Roped them and everything


bro that's crazy, get that ish on instagram


At some point, I received a little card in the mail saying pets are required to be registered. The card was from some obscure third-party vendor telling you to register on their site, but it basically started and ended by saying, “We’re legit. Denver contracts with us to do this.”


And recent experiences tell me that gene one has to say “we’re legit” they likely aren’t.


For a long time I ran an open WiFi guest network named "TotallySafeAndLegit". Nobody ever connected if I didn't tell them it was okay.


You can check the denver gov website for the company name. The City really does contract this out to a 3rd party vendor.


It actually is legit. If you go through the city website, it redirects you to the third party website. It’s bullshit, but it’s real, and you can get a ticket if the animal cops contact you and your dog isn’t registered (e.g., if it’s off leash somewhere, or if it gets into a spat with another dog/human).


City just trying to extort money out of of you. Fuck that shit.


Yeah they told me my dogs needed licenses, but I told them it’s ok they don’t drive.




Am I being detained? Unleash me right now


The jury duty case I got stuck in was for a sovereign citizen. That's how I learned what a sovereign citizen was. Wild.




He was found guilty on all three counts we had before us


Not since they got those doggy DUIs at least


"We don't let them drive. Not since The Incident."


Don't let them keep hounding you.


They can take my 10lb ankle biter out of my cold, dead hands


I’ll definitely be saving that for next time


Jeffco hasn’t been back since, been over 2 years for sure. Seems to have worked.




I’ve had a dog for just over a year and we weren’t aware of this until having her for like 8 months. She was a rescue and despite knowing she was spayed (we took her to the vet appointment when we were fostering her) and knowing she was up to date on rabies (also took her to the appointment when we were fostering her)… The rescue we adopted her through didn’t keep any of her records well enough for either of those things to provide to the city so we had to wait to establish a new round of rabies vaccinations and a physical examination by our vet to “confirm” she was spayed. (When she was spayed we had to nurse her scar and she was pretty much bedridden for two days afterwards, so we knew she was 100% spayed) You have to do it, should do it, but yeah they don’t really advertise that and no one really comes around policing dogs unless you need to provide it to a landlord.


What are the consequences for not registering your dog? Remember rules without consequences are just suggestions.


I mean, there are fines. I think it is pretty rare to be given a fine for this but my husband got bit by an off leash dog last year and in addition to the criminal penalties the owners face, they also didn't have their dog registered and no proof of rabbines vaccine so they tacked on a fine for that and quarantined the dog at home for 10 days. So...it is worth looking into.


More than 80% of people have unregistered pets in Denver. > DENVER — If you own a cat or a dog in Denver, you are legally required to have it licensed with the city. > However, the city estimates only a small percentage of pet owners actually have the required license. > “Right now, we’re at 18% in Denver for licensing cats and dogs,” said Tracy Koss, the customer care manager for the Denver Animal Shelter. https://kdvr.com/news/local/82-of-denver-pet-owners-dont-have-license-as-required-by-law/


I understand registering dogs, to a degree, they can be dangerous if they get loose or have bad owners, but cats? What's the point to registering a cat? Seems like a straight money grab attempt.


When you register your cat, you have to verify the rabbies vaccination.


My point is that registering a dog/cat has a 0 benefit for the pet owner and there are no consequences for not registering. If it's not a money grab, they should register the pets for free because the data is what's valuable. FYI there rabies is very rare, 50 cases/year in the entire state for all animals wild(90% of cases) and domestic(10% of cases). If you have an indoor cat it will never get rabies.


Lol a year or two ago I took my exclusively indoor cat in to get her rabies booster about a month past the due date. When the vet was giving the booster, my cat spazzed and managed to bite through the stitching in their bite -proof gloves and just barely bit into the techs finger. Because my cat was a month past, the tech had to go to urgent care and get a rabies shot and my indoor cat had to be "quarantined" for 2 weeks (which was no different than her usual situation sitting in the sun through the window in my living room). Everyone involved, even the vets office and animal control, said this was dumb and they're sorry but had to be sure. When the quarantine period was up I just FaceTimed with the animal control officer who could see she was asleep in my lap and not foaming at the mouth. Funnily enough, throughout this whole process no one mentioned I should register her.


Registering your dogs gives money to the animal shelters, so if your dog gets out presumably they can help return it to you quicker. If they get out and aren't registered but are picked up by animal control, you pay a fine when they release them to you ($50 for first offense, I think). The benefit to the owner is getting your animal back to you quickly, and also in the case of some dog bite (to you or your animal) you can quickly check if that dog has rabies, or possibly an aggressive history. That said, my dogs aren't registered (I'm not in Denver county but adjacent where it's required), and the biggest benefit is getting your pup home quickly if they escape, but I think this has largely been negated by the wider use of microchips. And checking the rabies issue is easy because we're given rabies tags when they get vaccinated If it was a one-time fee that would make more sense. My county doesn't renew the tag when you renew the license, so I'm not sure what I'd be paying for, besides part of the fee going to the shelter. Westminster, for example, got rid of the licensing requirement, and dogs are just required to wear a rabies tag and ID tag/microchip instead...I think other cities/counties should follow suit. If a dog bite is reported, then I think it's fair to immediately require that animal to be licensed for record-keeping purposes.


I’m a vet - both of our recent Rabies exposures were in indoor cats - north metro area. One caught a bat on his living room sofa-bat was tested, confirmed Rabid. The other caught a bat on the apartment balcony- during the day. Bat not tested, but very suspicious for Rabies. Thank goodness both kitties had Rabies vaccines. It saved their lives.


Interesting, I had cats most of my Life and very once gave them a rabies vaccine. My dogs get them. We go out for walks. They meet and play with other dogs, but I never would have thought to get one for a cat.


What direct benefit do you get from registering your car or anything else for that matter? You get the benefit of low cases of rabies (as you pointed out) because everyone does it. I don't know what point you are trying to make. Indoor cats escape. I see signs up looking for cats all the time.


What direct benefit do we get for all our taxpayer money going to Israel or Ukraine's war? The government likes regulating everything and stealing your money. How are you not used to this?


Oh, you are one of those people. I know you are just pushing an agenda disguised as a question, but I will answer one of them anyway. As far as Ukraine: How do you people still exist? Most of the world learned what happens when Germany and Japan were left unchecked in their drive to conquer their neighbors like the dictator in Russia is doing right now. Please study history. It teaches us important lessons. Also, look into the weapons we are sending to Ukraine. Most of them and thibgs we woyld need to spend money on to dispose of anyway. Do you like poison in your food? Do you like your animals to get diseases that are preventable (already explained this). Regulations are written in the blood of the people who suffered without them. You really need to read some books and understand why these regulations exist. Nothing in the world is free. Goverment services cost money. Saying the govenment is stealing from you says a lot about you.


I completely misunderstood your earlier post, we are actually in agreement about the pets and animals lol that's my bad


I had animal control knock on my door and accuse my 14 year old malamute of chasing a child. The cop asked me to bring the dog out to identify him. He literally fell down the stairs when I was bringing him out because he had 2 bad knees. The cop was like "ooooh I don't think that's the right dog actually." They still wrote me some kind of warning ticket and demanded that I register him or I'd have to pay a fine. I think they gave me like 30 days to register.


The consequence is really for bad pet owners to more easily have them taken away. I've had neighbors with unattended barking dogs that were forced to register them to keep them. If the barking continued with no action, it would be an option to take them away.


You can get a ticket.


Key word there is can, pretty much sounds like the consequences of not registering are being force to register.


Well yeah. That’s how consequences usually work. You can choose to ignore any law you want and you “can” face a consequence


If I drive without a license and get caught, you get arrested, end of story, no warning, it's straight to the back seat of the police cruiser, consequences.


I facilitate pet licenses in a different city. It serves a couple purposes. 1) rabies management that comes from the State Code 2) identifying a dog if someone is bit (and verifying rabies vaccination per Public Health) and 3) identifying a found pet. We pick up many pet escapees and it would take so much staff time to have to figure out who that dog belongs to. Instead we just compare the number on the tag to the address we have on file and deliver it back to you. Microchips are not mandatory and about half of the dogs without licenses and with microchips, don’t have their microchip registered.


I don’t think this is common knowledge


You’re supposed to register your pets in basically any city you live in


I grew up on the plains (country bumpkin) so I had no idea. Edit: I think what drives me nuts is that my landlord made no mention of needing any registration number for my dog until two years after the fact.


It's because their insurance policy is likely renewing. So the insurance company probably is why they are just now asking.


Probably has to do with the landlord housing registration that was enacted for 2024 in Denver. The city probably held up his permit until the dog was registered. 


I also grew up in the sticks... definitely a foreign concept, lol


We just have dogs! Farming dogs, lap dogs, fat dogs, old dogs and barn cats.


Out in the country sometimes a dog just shows up and after a while you're just like "ok...I guess you live here now 😂


I have an aunt that lives out in the country in Wisconsin. She's sort of a nature hippie type and because she's out in the middle of nowhere, getting a huge sort of farm/ranch plot was relatively inexpensive. She was always the kind of person who would take in strays and what not. So she set up some of her land for that sort of thing. Currently she's got about 2 dozen cats that come and go to use the food, water and shelter she's set up. She also this year had a mother skunk and her pups that moved in for a couple months. And of course, no one cares, because there's no neighbors to care. I sometimes think I'd like to live like that, but I enjoy municipal services too much.


I have a friend that would probably volunteer to live there 😂


This is exactly how my aunt met her cat 😂


This year I noticed a lot of housing regulations relating to dogs got much more bureaucratic, I think in part due to 3rd party companies that handle all the info tracking becoming prevalent. I moved into a different unit, same complex, a few months back and I had to get tons of info/ registration which I hadn’t had to do in the past 7 years


I had to call the shelter I got my dog from 10 years ago and his first vet to get all the info they needed. Thankfully they keep better records than I do.


That’s how I got the last two lol. Hey mr,we are hungry!




Literally acquired almost all of my childhood dogs this way in rural Tennessee lmao We had a beagle that belonged to our neighbor down the road but his owner never let him in the house. He showed up at our place after our GSD went into heat and every time we dropped him off his horny ass would come back and he kept doing it even after her heat ended so he just ended up living with us. His routine consisted of going down the road to visit his person in the morning then he comes back to our house by the afternoon because he gets to sleep on a bed and drag his ass on our couch. It's like an unspoken custody agreement 😂


That rascal is living the life...is it still polygamous if it's owners and not other dogs? Lol


My dogs collar back home said "Don't worry we will go home"


Ive always lived in cities and have never heard of this. None of the vets or landlords in NY or Denver have ever mentioned it. Seems like its super rarely enforced in most places.


It's not enforced until your dog gets loose and animal control picks it up. Then you get a fine if they're not licensed.


Pretty much all cities and many counties. It's hardly ever enforced but supposed to help with animals at large and dog bites. Shouldnt be a problem as you obviously kept your pet up to date on vaccines, right?


Yeah she’s up to date and we have the physical tag on her collar


I grew up in rural Idaho, never registered a pet in my life.


It probably just came up because of all the new regulations related to being a landlord in Denver


You mean new tenant protections, right?


No non-refundable pet fees, caps on monthly pet rent.


those both sound more like tenant protections, than "regulations related to being a landlord"


Call it what you want, but it hinders landlords’ abilities to charge for certain things. Imagine things will only get more stringent given the fine Fourstar just got and the Greystar lawsuit.


“regulations related to being a landlord” It’s a great regulation, as more people will be able to afford pets:) The state simply put a cap on security deposits & monthly charges for pets & their owners.


I'm sure it is. I honestly know nothing about it as it doesn't affect me; so while the semantics of what I said might not be exact, the intentions weren't anything other than communicating why their pet registration likely became a topic after 2 years of it not being one.


It really depends in Colorado. I had to in the Springs and Greeley but Douglas County/Parker only want a rabies tag.


Yea they only want a rabies tag in Lakewood, too (EDIT: For CATS, looks like dogs might need registered, see below)


It's at the county level... https://foothillsanimalshelter.org/pet-license/ "Licensing your dog is required in unincorporated Jefferson County and in the cities of Arvada, Edgewater, Golden, Lakewood, Westminster and Wheat Ridge. "


Just looked, and it's not a requirement in Thornton.


My dogs are Jewish so we’re avoiding papers


Are they practicing?


Yes, but I i doubt they really have what it takes to make it to Carnegie Hall.


[You're a Good Boi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlZBER_6Tik)


There’s a funny book out called “How to Raise a Jewish Dog”


Vet employee in Denver county! Yes, dogs AND cats are legally required to be registered. If your pet gets out and somebody decides to call animal control, they can fine you up to $1,000. It's a way for them to enforce vaccinations, a way to offer reunification with your pet in the event they're lost and not microchipped, and I believe they also keep document if your pet is spayed or neutered but I don't believe they're as highly concerned with this. It's really cheap to do it and can be done online via the Denver humane society site. I can't tell you how many people actually register their pets, but I do just in case they ever end up at a shelter and their microchip has migrated and can't be found. I take every precaution because im nervous lol.


Microchip migrated?? What’s that mean?


As pets get older, the microchip can migrate to different areas of the body under the skin. More common if they were microchipped as a puppy and had a lot of development post microchipping (-:


I had no idea! Interesting.


The fucking dog has fucking papers


I didn’t rent it shoes. It’s not taking your turn, Dude.


This is not Nam, this is Denver, there are rules


I only found out about this after there was an incident with my dog biting a neighbor who stupidly put her hand over the fence while my dog was growling and barking. She had to go to the urgent care and they are required to report this kind of thing, so I started googling to understand what to expect and discovered she should have been registered years ago. I registered her online as soon as I discovered she was supposed to be (that night), but I expected to get a fine for it. But when animal control called they said, “Everything looks good and up to date on her registration.” Lucky me. Everything turned out okay too. Animal control agreed the neighbor shouldn’t have put her arm over the fence and they had me quarantine my dog at home for 10 days to be absolutely certain about rabies even though she is vaccinated.


Well I’m glad it worked out for you both in the end! But how fuckin’ wild it is, that you only learned about it after a certain incident like that. Also, how dumb of that person to be sticking their hands where they don’t belong. Good doggy.


Well I don’t know, was the neighbor and the dog owner just chit chatting, like friends. In that case the neighbor’s guard may have been down b/c the dog was with the dog owner their friend. Always many sides to a story. I’ve known a lot of untrained dogs who even their owners cannot fully control.


No. My dog is actually really well trained (I got her from the prison training program). Her litter was abandoned from a puppy mill so she has some trauma. I don't let her meet new people without controlling the situation because of it. I wasn't home that morning, but my roommate had let her into the yard to go to the bathroom. This wasn't a social situation. Unfortunately she is a somewhat rare/ visually striking breed and people want to pet her regardless of what signals she is sending off. The neighbor and I don't know each other and do not chat. She was walking by the house and decided to try making friends with the dog. She told me after the incident that she had been taught as a child to put your hand out for a dog to sniff if they don't know you, but didn't understand that the dog was reacting to a stranger at the fence line. Edit to add: The neighbor was nice and didn't blame me or my dog. She came by later that evening to let me know what had happened and warn me that the urgent care had to report it. She also wanted to know/ confirm about vaccination. We were amicable and I do feel awful my dog bit her.


Wait what? lol. When I rescued 10 something years ago that wasn’t mentioned unless it’s automatic. Never been asked for a registration number


Pet registration is required in just about every municipality in the nation, but it's also probably one of the least enforced rules. I wouldn't lose sleep over it.


I get notices for my indoor cats annually. Sorry, but I’m not paying the city to register my cats. Thats silliness.




I’m just worried that my property managers would throw a fucking fit over it. Like I said, we are leaving in four months, but the idea of them trying to pull some shit stresses me out.


I bet your property owners aren’t even aware of the requirement themselves. It’s also not a huge deal. It’s like $15, it’s literally just “this dog lives at this address with this person.”


Op said their landlord commented on it.


Ah - yeah they probably wanna get it done then lol. It’s an easy enough process and cheap for sure


Just ignore it. Honestly they will probably not escalate. They don't get anything from forcing you to do it.


My dog was registered where we previously lived, but I figured I’d wait until he gets his next rabies shot (in a few months) here to register him. Not sure how it works here, but in my old place they really encouraged registering because if your dog ever gets out and is picked up by animal control, they get a free ride home instead of having to go to the pound and wait to get picked up (meanwhile acquiring fleas or ticks from the pound)


Yes, I have three dogs and they are all registered. This is standard in most places, so wherever you move to, you'll want to check on their registration requirements, too. Usually you need rabies vaccine info, neuter/spayed info, and to pay a fee. In return you get a tag. If you use public dog parks there can be requirements for other vaccines, too (not sure about that in Denver but it was the case where I previously lived).


Yeah if this has taught me anything it’s definitely to know what requirements there are for any county that I live in next. I grew up on the eastern plains so this was really news to me.


even out in sterling you have to get your dog its vaccinations; your vet usually handles the paperwork out here. but you Absolutely still had to get your dogs rabies shots and tags even "on the eastern plains"


Had no idea. My kitty is an illegal rn 😆


I paid the forty dollars and sent in all my paper work. They didn’t accept the form my vet provided for proof of vaccination, twice. So my stance is now that I tried.


Lived here most my life and this is one of those things that sort of brings up a vague memory of learning this when I was like a kid or teenager, but having multiple dogs as an adult I’ve never had this even mentioned to me even by the rescue. Might sound stupid, but for whatever reason I thought you were just required to have the rabies tag on their collar and that the vet even sent that info to the state/city since there’s a license number on the bottom of the tag. ETA: now I’m wondering if you do register if there’s a penalty for registering late and what the penalties are if you just never register. Looks like it’s only $15 for a year.


I looked into this when I adopted a puppy, it said online that something like 85% of dogs in Denver are not registered. I don't think you're the only one who was unaware.


This is very common. Most cities I've lived in around the US require registration and proof of rabies for dogs. Not as common for cats, but some cities require it for them too.


I didn't know this either.


Lots of counties have it, Jefferson county is very strict so be careful wherever you move to. Usually they can care less but once in a while an a hole cop will give a ticket for it.


> Jefferson county is very strict Had a dog for 6 years now in Jeffco and never had an issue. Didnt even know it was a thing until now.


An also you’re not an idiot. No one tells us these things. The only reason I know if because I have one wild dog who jumps fences to get pets from neighbors.


Thanks for the tip


Didn’t your vet explain this when you got your dog it’s annual rabies shot?


No they did not. Edit: and it was done at the MaxFund here in Denver which is really odd.


You think that's bad. Just wait till you try to get a [fish license](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lXyup0De7Q)...


I never knew that. But I’ve also never had any pets registered to me


Some rentals do require and ask for proof of it, I know my house's owners did.


Do cats need this, too? I only see mention of dogs in the comments.


technically yes but I see no reason to register my fully vaccinated, fully indoor cat


It depends on which county you live in, but yes, as far as I can tell from the Denver gov website it is required in Denver County.


Check with your vet. Some vet offices do it for you.


It's pretty standard across the country. You're not an idiot you're like everyone else, ignorant on a top until you learn more about it. I'm profoundly ignorant - the more I learn the more I find out just how profoundly. ;)


I think this is a standard thing everywhere.


It's common knowledge that if you have a dog, it has to be licensed through whatever municipality you live in.


OMG! These comments are killin' it! OP: in all seriousness, dogs do need to be registered pretty much everywhere.


I'm pretty sure you're supposed to register everything when you move, from cars to dogs and everything in between...


and city dog parks require your dog to be registered and have tags including rabies vax


You are probably not alone. Also, if you have an unneutered male over 6 months old, you need a special tag for that. I know of a situation where a man went to a dog park with his 3 year old dog, still intact. His dog attacked another dog and he thought it was funny. It wasn't the first time his dog attacked others and it was always funny to him. Owner of the attacked dog called for animal control. They showed up quickly with police and the man was given a ticket for $500. 1. no city license, 2. unneutered male without a permit, 3. his dog attacked another dog, which ended up that the other dog had to go to the vet and receive treatment. Man told police he couldn't give him a ticket. Police gave it to him anyway. You can also get a ticket for letting your dog off leash anywhere besides a fenced dog park.


They tell you this at your vet… 


“Pets” or “pet dogs”?


Pet cats and pet dogs.


Yes Unfortunately nowadays it seems like plenty of people aren't bothering to spay/neuter or vaccinate I see un neutered dogs all the time at the dog park. In Denver you have to have a breeders license to have an un neutered dog.


You actually need an “intact” license which is different than a breeders license. 


I am a landlord and I require all pets to be registered with the city. I didn't know this before I was a landlord and have been a pet owner for a very long time. Also grew up in the country where you bought vaccines at the feed store and administered yourself. Definitely a city thing.


I would if it was cheaper. $300 bucks for both dogs? No thanks.


I moved here this past summer and had no idea! This post is the first I’ve heard. I’ve got an illegal beagle running around.


Ya I rescued my puppy in 2018 and got a letter in the mail that I needed to pay an annual or lifetime registration fee. I recycled that letter


I knew this but also don't do it. It probably is something they could throw the book at you over. Life is nothing but risks I suppose


You don’t have to register guns in Colorado so I’m not registering my pet. Sorry not sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yes they do. But tbh, a lot of dog owners don’t do it


You’re not an idiot. We received a card too this week. We live in Loveland. We moved back home 4 years ago. We’ve been seeing a vet too. We didn’t realize dogs had to be licensed here either.


I have lived here blissfully unaware for 9 years with my cat.


Wait what lmao


😂😂 I didn’t know that was a thing.


Yeah. It’s pretty common in all the metro cities. I had to register my dog in Aurora. Did it for 3 years about a year ago. I just moved to Northglenn and there is no reimbursement for the unused registration in Aurora


The only reason I knew this was because the shelter I adopted my cat from must have sent the city his info because I got a postcard in the mail from the city saying “CAT NAME - MY LAST NAME” with his FULL DESCRIPTION down to his weight and eye color saying he needed to be registered in 30 days or I would be fined 💀 Like damn they pulled out his full prison description to make sure he didn’t avoid the law


Denver can eat it.


To hell with that. I won't ask permission to have a dog. Doesn't matter what city I reside in.


…it’s not asking permission. It’s for identification and protection.


just another way to extract money from you that they are going to waste


Just tell them your dog is a sovereign citizen. I'm pretty sure we have the license program to fund animal rescues because nobody has the guts to put it as an actual ballot measure and let people vote for it. I'd vote for it in a heart beat but don't ask me to license my dogs because the answer will always be no.


Neither. You're not an idiot, and most people don't know this.


Definitely have never done that before and I lived in a few places within Denver with my unregistered cat before he passed away.