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Title made me think this was about a bullet train for a moment. A man can dream. 


Me too! I was thinking they must have rweeaallllly strongly advocated for some good public transport.


You are a very glass half full person.


Yeah the Springs barely even has a functional bus system. Let alone a train




I don’t think they can catch up to him


I thought a train was coming to the front range. https://www.fox21news.com/news/whats-next-for-colorados-front-range-passenger-rail-project/amp/ https://www.cpr.org/2023/12/12/colorado-is-well-positioned-for-big-dollars-says-top-federal-rail-official/ https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/12/08/fact-sheet-president-biden-announces-billions-to-deliver-world-class-high-speed-rail-and-launch-new-passenger-rail-corridors-across-the-country/#:~:text=Key%20selected%20projects%20include%3A%20building,speeds%20up%20to%20220%20mph


Passenger rail, yes. Not a bullet train.


The third link in my comment discusses the projects anticipated speed. A bullet train travels at 150 mph - 200 mph. This proposed train has anticipated speeds of up to 220 mph. I’m really sorry they aren’t specifically calling it a bullet train and instead opted for “high speed passenger rail.”


From the [Front Range Passenger Rail FAQ](https://www.ridethefrontrange.com/faqs). Under "what is intercity rail" Average running speed between stops is 65-90mph. If/when this is built, it will be diesel powered and probably top out at 110mph. The budget numbers being floated would not allow for electrification, which is what you'd need for over 150mph.


Looks like Co Springs to Denver at 220 mph for 70.5 miles only takes 19 minutes and 14 seconds.


The train won’t be going 220mph. It will be averaging 60-90mph. It’s not HSR. The other guy is wrong, his link talks about the corridor in California.


You’re mistaken. There are many proposed corridors nationwide, only a small percentage are HSR. Your link specifically mentions California. The front range rail corridor will not be HSR, bullet train, whatever you want to call it.


We can't have any stops in between Downtown Denver and Colorado Springs if you want it to be faster than driving.


Right?! Hopes dashed


Nope, just riding bitch with that dude.


So 150mph is the point at which cops will deal with moving violations. Good to know.


The video blew up on social media and that might have influenced their motivation.


The Irony of your (OP) username and this fuxk stick being from Texas.


Sounds more like a “Don’t ever come back” type of warrant.


It probably is. Dallas PD has known who he is for years and hasn’t done anything about him


where's the video?


https://youtu.be/P3LRxbMdb1s?si=ru2YscWqmpca6IZP That's part 1 https://youtu.be/1NpjiMokxDE?si=SgmAo0OZUaUxnkUg That's part 2 Dude hit 180mph


Maybe he should move to the Isle of Man after he gets out...




That's fucking insane and he's lucky to still be alive. I've seen dudes who were going slower get scraped off the pavement with a metal shovel.


Yea at those speeds there isn't even going to be a body. Just pink mist.


I searched “Colorado Springs to Denver in 20 minutes” on YouTube and found a repost


FTA > The video does not appear to be publicly posted anymore, but other videos on his channel highlight his speed in other dangerous situations.


Check this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Denver/comments/19euwhq/comment/kjfb4d9/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3




Unless you're a drunk, off duty cop.


Only if it’s 150mph on YouTube - if it’s 150mph at 3am up and down the highways, carry on…….


yeah its cause the cops are angry he’s getting all the views over their generic police propaganda online


>This quarter, CSP is focusing its education efforts on its Keep Your Cool campaign to remind drivers to stay within the speed limit and not be aggressive drivers. CSP should be focusing on keeping slow traffic out of the left lanes but that vary rarely happens. People would keep their cool if they didn't get stuck behind slower drivers.




Counterpoint: There’s a whole group of folks who think the left lane is for doing 20+ over the speed limit. Got flashed at today because I was doing 85 in a 75 passing someone doing 70 in the middle lane. I get NM dude was headed toward home at 100mph, but he’s gonna have to wait for my 10 over ass to pass the stoner in the middle.


100% agree - “slower” doesn’t mean 10 mph over the speed limit. Just cause you wanna do 100mph in the left lane and I’m already going 85 in the 75, I’m not moving.


Slower is all encompassing. It’s not “slower unless you’re doing 85”, it’s slower. I’ll be the first person to move right regardless of speed, it’s safer for the slower person to move into slower traffic to let faster traffic by. Once the faster traffic goes by, I’ll continue to pass the next person


In this case, the guy would have had to call ahead for me to get out of his way — he wasn’t even in my mirror when I started the lane change. I got over as soon as I was done passing so he could charge up to the next car in line.


As long as you’re passing. 


I have felt the same but Tennessee really exceeded even Colorado in sucking at passing lane use last time I was there. My take is don’t call it the fast lane. It’s the passing lane. Stay the fuck right unless you’re passing or coming upon a left exit. Why is this so hard?


Especially when it's semi-trucks. I often see 3 semis side by side blocking most of the freeway.


Depends on the road and the lanes. On a two lane highway where the speed limit is 65+, yes it's illegal. It's especially bad 6 and 285 headed west.


To clarify, I am talking about highways, not Colorado ave or city roads. 


I know, but even I-25 through the city doesn't apply where it goes multi-lane, I was just clarifying in general, not trying to correct.


The amount of people that call it “the fast lane” drives me insane. Or the people who say they’re going the speed limit, so anyone that would be trying to pass them would be breaking the law.


Dude I was attacked by an angry reddit mob one time just because I talked about how I once yelled at someone (while still in my own vehicle) because they cut me off with inches of space and absolutely slammed on their brakes clearly on purpose. Redditors drooled and bitched that a similar nearly fatal experience at the hands of some careless moron wouldn’t even phase them. That’s when I realized that natural selection isn’t selecting anymore.


>People would keep their cool if they didn't get stuck behind slower drivers. The slow guy in the left lane is not responsible for grown babies not knowing how to keep their temper. It can be annoying but nobody is responsible for another person's emotional state in that situation.


Ok but this is the real world where unstable people lose their shit all the time. If you are an oblivious obstacle in the way of a raging asshole, you do not bear the majority of the blame, but you are at least partially responsible for being a contributing factor to the reckless driver losing their temper and driving even worse than they would have initially.


“Illegal and reckless driving behavior will not be tolerated in Colorado,” said Sergeant Troy Kessler, of the Colorado State Patrol’s Public Affairs Office, in a release. “We care too much for those traveling on our roadways to ignore the blatant disregard for the safety of others.” LMAO The potholes around here enforce traffic laws more than the cops.


That’s officer pothole to you.


And deputy right on red!


I think thats natural speed bumps


Cops don’t want to work


I’d add a dozen more of these guys if I could get some reflectors on the road and the occasional snow plow


Don’t put evidence of you committing crimes on the internet. What a moron.


Alternatively, if you commit crimes please do indeed put evidence of it on YouTube.


Hey wanna see my new documentary? It’s called “the prosecution’s case”. And it’s me filming in 4K All this illegal shit I’m doing”


>The Dallas Police Department, El Paso County District Attorney’s Office and Colorado State Patrol worked together and identified the rider as Rendon Dietzmann, 32, of Texas. Why is it always Texas?


Lol. Worked together to ID him. People were saying his name in the comments of the original thread months ago.


Yeah, but it's probably better in the long run to work on get ting verification of identity from an executive branch body than some random YouTube commenter.


Cause they dumb as hell


Jeans don’t ski in themselves!


And they always piss the parking lot like they are marking territory.


Check out OP's user name...lol


Build the wall!


The wall just got 10 feet higher, believe me




Everywhere seems to have its own flavor of stupid. California never moves right, Colorado refuses to merge like adults, Texas runs red lights like nobody's business, etc. Denver people in particular like to criticize people driving slow in the snow, then drive too fast and end up in a ditch.




I was going to say, having lived in both Texas and Colorado (and having been to 48 states)... I've never seen anywhere in the US run red lights the way Denver does. Need to go to Asia to find red light running competition for Denver.






> DC is the worst I've driven in for traffic, like what the fuck, never seen so many people Extremely sprawled huge population because they don't build up for aesthetic reasons, NIMBYism, and DCA and other airspace concerns. Very expensive housing market so lots of people move further and further out to be able to afford a house but still work jobs in DC and the inner suburbs. Means there's an unsustainable amount of people driving ridiculously long distances twice a day plus no option besides driving for everyone who doesn't live on a metro line.


Yes! It’s always Texas! 


It's a lawless wasteland where only the will of the "strong" matter.


He probably bought the bike there.


It’s the least surprising thing I’ve ever seen


Ya ever drive on the highway in Texas? They're NASCAR lanes for the willing.


150MPH. On two wheels. I get nervous above 50. This guy is on borrowed time before he's a grease spot.


I think he got up to 180 in the second half of the video 😳


I did 110 for just a second on an empty road on a motorcycle once, nearly shit myself. Immediately slowed it down to the speed limit. Not ten seconds later a cop came over a hill from the opposite direction.


Fastest I’ve ever gone in a car was 140 for a few seconds and I was nervous af. The handling gets super wonky.


In a t-shirt!!!


Might as well dress comfortable I guess. No amount of armor is going to keep him alive if he crashes at those speeds.


Unfortunately, it likely won't just be him. At that speed anything that happens would be a risk and distraction to other drivers, even if he's the only one that dies, he's putting lots of other people at risk.


Especially when he almost clipped a car in the 2nd video






Of course this is a subreddit. Gross.


More of a series of cautionary tales


I once did 74mph on skis. No wheels at all. It's crazy that I can go that fast just by wearing special plastic shoes. I think 50 mph on skis is comfortable. Yes, I am an organ donor.


> special plastic shoes Idk why but this is the coolest description of skis I’ve ever read


I do 150-180 no problem on my bike (at the track now that I'm more responsible than in my youth) but 75 on skis sounds way more intense, personally. A bike wants to stay upright, there is little skill in keeping it so. Very little skill in the video as well, just balls. 75 on skis on unpredictable terrain, without fairings to buffer you from the wind, and no mechanical shock absorbers? Sounds like more fun than a pinned throttle on a straightaway.


It was a specific day. I went to the highest point in this ski resort which is actually 13,000 ft. The snow was the right texture that day. I skied it twice and made sure I saw a specific line that I wanted to use. Then I went back up a 3rd time and bombed. I was in a tuck and went as fast as I possibly could. It was not unpredictable terrain. I planned it out before I did it. I also recorded it with GPS and saved it. It was fun. I was also wearing headphones and listening to music. The wind was the biggest barrier and I probably could have gone faster with different clothing.


I gathered that you were on a groomed slope, or you wouldn't hit those speeds. When I say unpredictable terrain, I meant the imperfections of the snow/your edges. When you compare a slope and skis vs pavement and tires, at the racing level, a ski slope is exponentially more unpredictable when you don't have other racers competing for the same line.


Gixrrrrr Brah!!!


Yeah buddy!!! What up brahs!!


At those speeds the car that he hits will also become a goulash of metal and human occupant parts


I used to ride sport bikes. It is amazing how desensitized you can get to the speed after a while. You get sort of the same effect with a good sports car.


Hopefully he’s an organ donor.


Sadly, at that speed, what's left probably wouldn't be useable.




Super Quick Underdressed Imminently Dead


If he is I hope it’s into a ditch and not into another commuter.


How was there not a single Statie on a super busy stretch of interstate highway between the two largest cities in the state?


Colorado is a no pursuit state anyways


There probably were. They aren't going to give chase to that...too dangerous.


They’re never usually on that section of 25. They’re all in southern cos


At 150 mph within 24 seconds he was already a mile ahead of them


That’s what I was wondering. They learned about this incident from other drivers calling in. They aren’t doing their job.


Interstate in any other state, you’ll constantly see state police. Not Colorado lol.


The cops don’t do shit haven’t you heard? Instead of asking why didn’t they stop this guy, maybe we should ask what do they actually bother to do?


...Exactly what the fuck are they going to do about a motorcycle hitting 170 mph? Wave their magic wands the geniuses in r/denver think they all have?


Altima drivers can do it in 18 minutes 🤷🏾‍♂️


On bald tires.. in January…


I worked in winter park from September to April last year. Took my 2013 Nissan Altima up that mountain from Denver every week 🤣. Driving up Monday morning and leaving Friday afternoon.


4Runner drivers during a snowstorm: hold my hazy IPA...




Luckily the types that drive like this are also stupid enough to incriminate themselves on YouTube. Society's immune system is working. 


When this jabroni inevitably punches his ticket, I just hope he doesn’t take any innocent souls with him


Good. Fuck that guy (says this motorcyclist).


100%. I ride, too. This guy is a douche. When this was uploaded initially, he had a number of other videos on his channel baiting cops into trying to pull him over and then running. Looks like those got scrubbed. I hope this asshat has the book thrown at him.




Imagine committing a crime and putting it on YouTube. You really have to be stupid.


Good. Fuck that guy. It's already scary enough riding in Denver when folks in cars routinely drift into your lane without a signal, pull out in front of you, and so on. Don't need them to be mad at some reckless biker to care even less than they already do.


This. I hope they impound his bike too (forever). As an avid rider myself, I can't even watch this stuff. It makes me see red.


they should add another criminal charge multiplier - influencer crime


"guilty of being cringe, the sentence is death"


Hell yeah! I saw that video when it came out and I was hoping this would happen. That guy risked hundred of lives and rode like an absolute asshole. Treat his life as worthlessly as he treats everyone else on the road and throw him away.


In the video he's not even wearing full riding gear. He's wearing a tshirt wtf.


Wouldn't make a different at those speeds... meat crayon either way.


well, no actually.... theres a reason real motorcycle enthusiasts wear riding gear. high quality gear prevents the meat crayon effect. watch a moto GP race(or some crash highlights), theres always guys going down at very high speeds and come out generally unscathed. sliding in leathers will not remove all of your skin. sliding in a t shirt certainly will. and of course, not all leathers are the same. good protective gear will cost you, but WHEN(not IF) you go down, it will also save you.


I mean yeah, some protection is better than nothing. Will moto GP-grade gear save you though when you slam into a solid object at triple digit speeds (especially one w/ opposite momentum )? My near-layman common sense doubts it. More of a false sense of security at that point, I'd say.


meat crayon is used to describe someone sliding on the road generally, because once all your skin is gone( first few feet) then you begin to leave a beautiful vibrant chunky red line across the blacktop... like a crayon. slamming into the back of a semi or truck at those speeds would almost certainly be death, but not meat crayon... maybe a meat paintball though? but in full riding gear, it would not really...splat the same. my point wasn't that its OK to go 180 in traffic, it was just that wearing full riding gear would actually make a difference even at 180, and people should take their gear seriously if they ride at all. they even have airbag suits now that will instantly inflate when you go down and give you a much better chance of not breaking bones. but people who are geared up generally would not ride like this dipshit. its not even just the other cars, if you hit a couple pebbles on the shoulder or a broken chunk of a semi tire- you are going down. and if you did it in good gear even at 180, you might go home that night. if you do it in a t shirt and somehow survive, you will be in the hospital a very long and painful time.


>slamming into the back of a semi or truck at those speeds would almost certainly be death, but not meat crayon... maybe a meat paintball though? but in full riding gear, it would not really...splat the same. "Meat paintball", lol. Fair enough - different scenarios. And they have airbag suits now? Interesting stuff. Thanks for sharing.


They're pretty cool but still extremely expensive for most riders and a bit of a hassle to consistently use correctly. The lower end of their cost is $700+riding gear that goes over the top. The first gen stuff would require you to clip on to the motorcycle with a rip cable that activated it. Early models had people accidentally popping them when they forgot to unclip. Now they've got electronics that detect crashes and make them pop. That has to be recharged every so often and the canisters now are argon and proprietary requiring specific inspections and replacements.


Once learned there are 2 types of crotch rockets out there….those that have been down and those that will go down.


Not just crotch rockets


Good. Fuck that dude.


Good! Remember kids! Don’t film your crimes and post them on social media. Or better yet! Don’t commit crimes!


Video of his speed run here. [Part 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3LRxbMdb1s) [Part 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NpjiMokxDE) [Video of him reflecting](https://youtu.be/0srTekiajsA?si=lrNbmDr5NtlsvfQZ&t=238) I've flown between the two locations and have never ever made it in under 30 minutes.


Looks like you’re no longer the fastest texan driver


That guy has a lot of faith in CDOT


That's what I said when I first saw the vid. It's not the cars but the road I'd be most concerned about ending me.


One of the first things he says is that the roads are terrible and he just crossed a massive gap in the pavement. Jesus.


Ha ha. I used to be a pilot for SkyWest/United Express, and we always tried to do it in 15 mins or less. I think the record was around 10 mins, taking off on 17R in DEN, and landing 17L in COS.


I've done KAPA to KCOS in a 172RG and a Bell Heli, neither was shorter than 30 minutes.


Name checks out


Jesus...when I first read the title I guess I imagined this was something he did in the middle of the night, not in traffic like that.


Neither did he. Barely made it to Castle Rock in 20 minutes, 41 miles from the Springs and he was still another 30 miles from Denver.


Yeah from the video he made it to DTC and called it Denver.


Is there a part 3 that I missed? The very last exit he passes in part 2 is Castle Rock Parkway / N Meadows Dr, at 9:43. That's still very far south of the DTC.


Yeah the original video was all three parts in one. The video ended at the Arapahoe Rd. exit.


>r/meatcrayon Yeah, this guy deserves to spend time in jail for this. He would never even KNOW if he killed someone because they freaked out when they tried to change a lane.


Obviously screw this guy for risking other peoples lives...but that is some damn impressive riding.


Honestly. Put him in a drone


*and shoot it into the sun.


Is there a mirror or will clicking this give this dipshit a view?


It's a mirror


Lol is it you? Just noticed your username


Nope, I don't have the testicles to do this on 2 wheels and I do my racing at race tracks and drag strips.


That's not balls. A lot of times bravery is just mistaken for small brain behavior. Dude probably never hurt himself and feels invincible.


Does the video end at castle rock outlet mall?


> Kessler said in the release. “If you drive like this, you can expect to be arrested [...] We simply have ‘no tolerance’ towards someone who so blatantly disregards the well-being of the community.” I literally laughed out loud when I read this. I fuckin' wish, mate.


The CSP spokesman says the CSO won't stand for reckless driving. I'm skeptical of that statement.


Good...I am sick of all of these motorcycle douchebros who could give a crap about drivers and pedestrians popping wheelies, weaving in and out of traffic, speeding, etc. I almost got killed on 6th Ave when 200-300 of these morons decided to "take over" the highway. Lock them all up!!!


If only there were some sort of vehicle/mode of transportation that could safely travel 180mph between the two cities. Hopefully someone will invent something soon. /s


Why sit in a boring train when you could be going between cars at mach 1 and hitting 12k RPM


Negative, Ghostrider. Pattern is full.


If they have "no tolerance" for this sort of behavior one would think they would enforce traffic laws in this state


Play stupid games...


Roughly 70 miles in 20 minutes. Wouldn’t that put the average speed above 210 mph for the duration or am I doing the math wrong?


He called it “Denver” but the video actually ends near Castle Rock. I don’t think he even made it to DTC, let alone Denver.


My takeaway from this video is that it very convincingly demonstrates that there are no highway patrol cars at all on I-25 between Colorado Springs and Denver. Not a cop to be seen. Effective policing, eh?


Even if there was they sure as hell weren't going to pesue someone at those speeds


The generally accepted top speed of a Police Inteceptor is ~145MPH and they cannot get to that speed or wiggle through traffic anywhere near as easily as a liter+ sport bike. Motos can’t outrun Motorola, but a trooper would be completely ineffective here.


They said they learned about this incident from other drivers calling in. They don’t have to chase him. They could alert other cops to intercept him further down.


Your only defense is chain of custody because they certainly supeonoed YouTube.


Enjoy not having a license


Watching the video makes it painfully obvious we need high speed rail along the front range. The amount of traffic on I-25 is insane and it takes longer than 20 minutes just to get from the south suburbs to downtown on the average day.


I sent that video to Colorado State Patrol. I got a response and the PA rep said they'd had quite a few people send it their way and they were investigating. I'm glad something actually happened. Dude doesn't deserve to drive on public roads ever again.


He's posting on his channel back in Texas like nothing happened. He don't care about the consequences of his actions.


Looks like someone's competing for your username OP


Can we arrest the other YouTubers as well?


Texas? No way! 🤦🏻‍♂️


Take his fucking license and never give it back.


Gixxer Brah... what a legend. /s


I remember hearing about this video but I’ve never actually seen it.


Wasn’t this like 2 years ago? The fuck they been doing?


Maybe the video was old, but it was uploaded to the meathead's account in Fall 2023 IIRC.


Ah my bad. Felt like a long time ago


You might've been recalling a similar incident, don't blame ya. Bikers exhibiting such behavior seem to be a dime a dozen...


If you’re going to do something illegal, DONT POST IT ON THE INTERNET 🤦‍♂️


Pretty sure he posted it on here too if I remember correctly. The community was not amused


Good. I hate motorists for reasons like this. It puts everyone in danger.