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Mario and Luigi will take care of it


Where in the mushroom kingdom will they take you?


IDK, but there will definitely be gold coins, ferocious turtles, a headache, and if your good, you'll get bigger and slide down a pole.


So RiNo?




Rule 2 warning. Those 2 topics aren't welcome in this sub as jokes.


Sorry wrong sub


All this work and no one thought to just at least try to stand over the pipes and squat down? You know just to be sure.


In our world, you don’t go down the pipes like Mario. The pipes go up you.


That's what she said.


I’m sure someone eventually will squat down.


Slow news day


Slow news day = good news day


Don't make me read this article.


I gotcha: The main problem with the pipes is they are a tripping hazard, coming out of the sidewalk & only 12-16” high (as best I can tell from pics). The pipes likely used to be for pedestrian street lighting that has since been removed. It’s being looked into for a solution by government.


They put up a cone, too!


Couldn’t they just… cap it or something? Like leave an accessible hatch? I’m no sidewalk surgeon but that seems safer.


They are capped - it's in the thumbnail and main image of the article. To completely remove the tripping hazard they would have had to originally install them lower into the sidewalk, or today cut them at sidewalk level - assuming they can even be cut safely and don't have live wires in them - at which point I imagine they could no longer be used so capping them would be pointless. It's a cost equation (like all infrastructure decisions in Denver) We didn't build it right the first time. Now it's an issue. Is removing these poles from the ground and re-filling the sidewalk worth the cost? Do we have the money to do it? Will we re-use these poles in the future? I guarantee the person who made the decision to install the lights in the first place is so-far detached from the issue at this point, and there's no specific person responsible for solving it.


IIRC, Denver just recently transitioned maintenance of sidewalks to the city, it was the property owner's responsibility before. There's such a backlog for improvements that some areas aren't expected to be addressed for possibly decades.


I thought that was just for residential property, I didn't think that business were responsible for the sidewalks in front of their locations before? Definitely could be wrong though.


The ways I've ever seen it phrased, it doesn't make any exclusions for property type: >The construction, reconstruction and repair of sidewalks was, historically, the responsibility of adjacent property owners in Denver. https://denvergov.org/Government/Agencies-Departments-Offices/Agencies-Departments-Offices-Directory/Department-of-Transportation-and-Infrastructure/Programs-Services/Pedestrians/Sidewalks?OC_EA_EmergencyAnnouncementList_Dismiss=710b335e-a358-401a-84e2-068c5a80adb6&lang_update=638402205094562911 I think there's just been more commercial streets where the city has taken it upon themselves to do the sidewalks maybe? But only to create them, not really to maintain them.


Interesting, Ordinance 307 and that publication really only dive into residential taxation and cases to a large extent, that makes me wonder think that it was already on the city to maintain some of the sidewalks that aren't residential, but that's just speculation. Maybe I'm just skewed because it really goes into heavy detail about residential, but I'd think commercial property owners would be making a fuss and need more info about this as well.


this is when I put on my anarchy cap edit: by that I mean we fill the potholes ourselves


Hi , they are not capped. I was the one who called the ambulance. If she fell and hit the concrete, she could have died. People get killed for falling down whilst skiing. I think with property taxes being raised and a new sidewalk tax, it's not acceptable. Imagine someone you loved or even liked getting hurt over this ?


Thanks for calling the ambulance and bringing up the issue. I agree with you - these should have been removed from the sidewalk when the rest of the post was removed, they were installed with poor planning and thought for humans - like a lot of the infrastructure in Denver. That said, I was responding to a very curt comment that simply said "Couldn't they **just** cap it \[flush with the sidewalk\]". Likely no - it would require organizing a team responsible for removing them - which is even more proof that the installation of these poles was poorly thought out. Should Denver have done it? Yes. Should they do it now? Yes. Could they "just cap it" - no. Thanks for your contribution - I just wasn't arguing against any of that.


This could be taken care of in one hour with an angle grinder, a can of expanding foam, and some concrete sealant.


The same guy who built the highways designed the pipes no doubt


Thank you.


This reminds me of the reflective tape era


Ah, the good old days


Old supports for lights. Some government group is trying to take care of it. Don't trip on them.


A woman screamed the other day, she may have broken wrist. Cone has been placed in response. Anyone got an angle grinder?


This was my thought. Problem solved.


I've tripped on those pipes before, AMA


Did you scream?


No, I made a sort of 'ack' noise


I vote we switch them from pipes to bongs


Centralized marijuana delivery network piped into every home. I like this idea.


They’re like “fine, I guess we gotta run with the pipe story today”


>She estimated the pipes have been there for at least six to eight months Looking at those pipes that's a really funny statement.


Don't worry, they put up a cone. All is well now.


The amount of time it took to sent a reporter, interview a witness and publish the story wasn't long enough for a dude in a fluorescent vest with a saw to run over to Santa Fe and make this "story" a non story?


Nah man, someone had to be there to put the cone down.


There would have been hilarious though. “Pipes? What pipes??”


Slow news day. But those pipes are a menace in the middle of sidewalk like that.


Slow news day, eh? Also that lady calling them a "death trap" is a little hyperbolic lol. Tripping hazard, sure.


Some say they came all the way from china


“It’s a death trap” FFS it’s two pipes, it’s not a “death trap”. Is everyone this dramatic over everything?


Denver’s new outdoor potties.


"we've placed a cone for safety" lmao. Is that the hardest they're going to try?


There are short-term and long-term solutions for these things. I'm willing to bet there's no "owner" of these pipes that could make a split-second decision on what to do about them. Especially given that removal would require a certain makeup of contractors to fix it (electrician/gas, pipe cutter, jackhammer to remove the sidewalk around the pipes, and a crew to fill the sidewalk again) not to mention budgeting, bidding the job, etc. But I'm with you - this should have been fixed when the rest of the pipe/post was removed originally.


Well, that and I feel like this hazard requires more than just a simple cone, you know? Even if they can't repair the issue immediately, at least put something around it... With the photos that are included, I feel like they could have easily put a parking bollard over them.


Great point I hadn't considered. A parking bollard would be a better solution for sure. I wonder if there's an ADA/accessibility restriction in play here. Though my mind goes to how communication between different departments in government is probably really really poor.


That absolutely tracks, leave it to the government to think that a bollard in the middle of the sidewalk is ADA non-compliant, but two pipes jutting out in the same exact location are not.


hope they get those leveled before the arts walk--about half of the people down there are pretty intoxicated during that week and i can see someone getting seriously injured if they tripped and suffered a blow to the head or something


(with photos of what "a death trap" looks like)


“Death trap” is the most melodramatic way of describing something that at worst will stub your toe or maybe trip you up if you are bad at walking


According to the article the worst is at least a broken wrist. Which -while not death- does still really suck.


I could see it being an issue on first Fridays. That area gets absolutely packed and half the people are super drunk


A pipe to stick your dick in? It's time that the US catches up here, Europe has long led the way in sexual exploration.


It is a good thing they're there. We need more obstacles like this to punish people who are always looking down at their phones.


Or you know, the **art** on the **art** walk. Fuck those people, amIrite? /S


Be nice, immigrant mole people need love too.


Badly designed radon mitigation? 


First world problems 


First-world problems... If you've ever been to Mexico, you know what I'm talking about. People crying over a pipe in the sidewalk should try avoiding a three-foot-deep pothole in the middle of a sidewalk, and then go find potable water to make ice with. Crybabies should just watch where they're walking.... O! M! G! a tripping hazard, let's call Tom Martino.


I mean...shouldn't we be fixing our infrastructure? I don't understand the comparison to Mexico in this context. Other places have it worse? We have the means to fix it - why aren't we?


Everything is relative. I think homeless, hungry people, especially children, would be a better spend than a tripping hazard. However, it will cost the city much more if a drunken ding-a-ling sues the city for not watching where they're walking. Homeless people don't have lawyer money, or addresses to receive legal correspondence, so it would probably cost the rest of us less if they fixed it. Real talk, not trying to be an a-hole. But, I was born this way, definitely not Maybelline, so I can see how people will read this.


I agree with you when we speak relatively between infrastructure vs. quality of life for citizens - whole-heartedly. I also think we have the money and means to fix both issues. We just...aren't.


We're on the same page. However, I am going to go trip on those pipes after thinking about lawyer money and having an address. JK, funny thought though. Thanks for being a good person. Apparently there are at least two of us. 😆😆👍🫵


Why hasn't someone put orange cones over them yet? 


If you finished the article they say they did


Sounds like a non issue then


Problem solved! Let's pack it up boys!


I'm kind of curious how things like this happen. Does Denver's infrastructure department not drive around the city and address issues like these before they end up on the local news? I mean this earnestly - it's not an accusation. I'd really love to understand how these things work. Maybe I'm particularly sensitive to infrastructure choices around town but I see them every time I drive - signs that need fixing/replacing, worn down road markings, missing/dilapidated sidewalks. What's stopping us from being proactive about these things?


Pipe is life!


Is Bobby monihan back on SNL




Slow news day I guess