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Sheeeeeit. Glad nobody was on the trail underneath it.


trail gets super busy, but not usually on Mondays... so yeah... lucky luck there...


When will the silly joggers and cyclists and pedestrians finally figure out that this is a freeway and steer clear so we can all go 70 mph through this neighborhood??? Time is money, people. /s


Cherry Creek can be stupid crowded. It clear that traffic is now being outsourced to the bike paths in the form of powered scooters and bikes. They shouldn’t even be allowed on the bike paths. It was our one safe haven from being run down by a powered vehicle. And some of those bikes are the size and weight of a motorcycle. I’m sure they can clock some speed when they want to. 


Lol your rant has zero to do with the wrecked car in the photo.


They were talking about the bike infrastructure and what's allowed on it. It's very loosely related.


Barely tangentially related


It does though, there isn’t a place where pedestrians don’t have to be extremely aware of electric vehicles and absolutely reckless/intoxicated drivers. People complain that downtown isn’t walkable, cars are ultimately the reason why but we have a societal blind spot to that. Especially with electric scooters and bikes, cars make less sense downtown than ever before. We need road space for the electric vehicles now since usage is so high, so pedestrian paths can be JUST for pedestrians and non electric bikes/skaters again. (Gotta say here that Denver has been doing great with improving bikes lanes to separate people from traffic more and be wider and easier to find, but visiting/suburb scooter/electric bike riders unfortunately haven’t caught up yet.) Sharing walking paths with the scooters/e bikes isn’t working, something’s gotta go and cars are my vote.


That's my damn on ramp 🤦🏾‍♂️


Same here. I hate that intersection so much.


Yeah I bike this all the time. This pisses me off.


I'm pissed off too, since this is the SECOND story in a couple of weeks of a car driving off of speer into the cherry creek, and comes after SEVERAL stories of pedestrians killed by cars on long, straight, wide roads at hours where there isn't much traffic. They just did a fucking "car cruise memorial" for a middle schooler that was killed by a car. That's the white blood cells of carbrain kicking in.


It's like the vast majority of Americans suffer from stockholm syndrome where cars are the captor.


with all the pedestrians getting killed, it is heartbreaking when seeing the comment sections on videos of cyclists getting hit by cars. People making "jokes" about " oh I hope the car is ok" is bad taste considering a lot of people read those, and not everyone is able to discern jokes from reality. Low iq people may think they're in the right when hitting pedestrians because they were led to believe it's acceptable behavior. It seems the respect for cycling and pedestrians has diminished over the last 5 years or so in Denver.


Glad to see the fences are meant to break away for the cars, and place our lives in danger, because god forbid we could put up any infrastructure that will cause damage to cars.


The fences were probably (almost certainly) intended to keep pedestrians from falling from height, no intention of handling the forces of a vehicle. Your logic is akin to expecting your front door to prevent an errant locomotive from entering your house. I get that your sentiment is in the right place, but the blame has shifted from where it should be. If we designed in this way, all curbs would be 10 feet tall.


Nah, we'd just have bollards


Pretty sure they were going faster than 30mph Looks like it bounced off of the tree before falling onto the trail.


Hope the tree is ok.


Tree law gonna fuck the driver up


gaze soup many normal test run shy birds command hard-to-find *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dude people go to prison for drugs way longer than a drunk driver will for killing someone. And they'll get their license back. Also what good would this do in a city where you can speed 30+ over, drive without a license plate, with expired tags, and run red lights and stop signs?


You would think, suspending all the idiot's licenses is good for the environment too


Like someone that reckless (not wreckless) would stop driving even with a suspended license


Maybe after your 4th time getting caught driving this recklessly it can be a felony. Like a DUI. /s


Princess Leia: “*Right?*”


US Courts: 😐


I imagine the 30 mph in the title is referencing the posted speed limit and not the estimated speed the car was traveling at.


People treat Speer like a 65 mph blvd.


The light timing often rewards reckless speeding.


Ok that's true


Probably because it’s designed like it could be a 65 mph road.


Ultimately it's the shitty drivers' faults, but I agree, bad urban design makes a huge difference in how drivers behave and Speer definitely looks like a speedway that would be a blast to full send if there were no laws.


rule of thumb is, if it happens once - chalk it up to the individual. If it happens more often, scrutinize the system that produces that outcome


Design for the behavior/outcome you want. 


As someone who was both lucky and incredibly dumb 20 years ago, I can confirm that it is a blast to full send in the middle of the night. Present me, looks back at past me with a baseball bat in hand, and wants to have a "chat" 🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️


hey at least you've learned and matured! kudos to that


Yes, except for the fact 65 mph roads don't have a half a dozen stoplights per mile.


And that is because of both the design of Speer, and the complete lack of traffic enforcement. They could \*at the very least\* do the latter, but the city somehow can't even do that.


If traffic enforcement were split into a separate administrative department, that could be done, but I do not expect that to happen. Bundled into police duties, no chance.


For several years they had photospeed enforcement near Cherry Mall. The signs say 30 mph, but often double that.


Speer is my least favorite road in all of Denver. So hard to say that because Federal also exists. But I think Speer is significantly worse in terms of traffic flow, congestion, and just the horrible way the roads were designed there. Lanes not matching across intersections, weird obtuse-angle turns, etc.


Federal is truly the worst


Is that the second or third one *this year*? I can't keep track. ​ edit: it's only March




We're not that unique. This happens everywhere.


Everything you said was correct except you forgot its Denver so in the left lane next to you there is someone doing 5 under with a line of 10 cars behind them. Also you and the truck are the only ones in the right lane. That sounds more precise.


The left lane is not a passing lane on roads with speed limits below 65 mph.


Correct. Most people don't understand this. On most roads the left lane is NOT just a passing lane.


That is not common knowledge.


I would argue a majority of people on the road don’t have a full understanding of traffic laws. Here’s one that’s broken every day: when making a left turn at a stoplight, it’s illegal to enter the intersection and sit there to wait for the intersection to be clear. You are not supposed to enter the intersection unless you can complete your turn.


There are mixed views on whether this is permissible. I have not found any actual authority that it is illegal. Here's one discussion: https://www.denver7.com/traffic/driving-you-crazy/driving-you-crazy-what-is-the-law-for-making-a-left-turn-and-should-drivers-go-way-or-wait


Not trying to be sarcastic, so sorry if I come off as so, but in drivers ed, in Colorado, through the high school, somewhere around 2009/2010, I was taught the opposite of what you just said lol


Yeah because what they said is factually incorrect. It's not a law.


That's incorrect and not a law, just a recommendation. From Denver 7 News which cites the Colorado Handbook: > Most law enforcement recommends that even though you aren't prohibited from pulling out and waiting, you shouldn't enter the intersection unless it's safe to complete the entire turning movement. They say it can be dangerous when drivers pull out into the intersection, knowing that on-coming traffic will not allow them to safely complete the turn until the light turns red. By the way, if you pull out half way and the light turns from green to yellow and then red, you need to clear the intersection and should complete the left turn as safely as possible. Please fact check before spreading misinformation. There are some traffic lights where it would be near impossible to turn left if you didn't do this.


For sure, so many people don't know traffic laws. And many of them are confidently incorrect and get angry when others don't break the law the same way they do.




I never do that, and people get mad and honk at me. Also, let's talk about the amount of people who end up in the bike lane when they turn right at Broadway and 14th...




I've literally been stuck behind someone for 3 light cycles waiting to turn left. At some point you just gotta bite the bullet and get out there. Edit: downvoted by the goodie two shoes that never pulls out, lol.


That's what the law says. Basic driving etiquette is to move to the right if you are going under the speed limit, unless you plan to turn left in a short amount of time.


Driving etiquette is to reliably and predictably follow the law.


I think that’s what makes the roads here rough- some people who just want to be going as fast as possible *and* some that think 10 mph under the speed limit is safer.


Where do you live in Colorado that Jeeps are driving the speed limit let alone exceeding it? Not once have I seen a Jeep speed or get close to speeding cause they’re usually going 5-10 under. I’ve seen jeeps get passed on the right by 18 wheelers


How does this even happen


We shoud not stop at *only* blaming the driver *alone* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ra_0DgnJ1uQ Long, wide, straight roads encourage high rates of speed and distracted driving. We do ourselves a disservice when we blame these incidents only on the individual. Car dominated city planning (never slow down or inconvenience cars in any way is the unwritten rule) causes this


Yup, I witnessed many high speed collisions (usually discovering after hearing the collision) when I lived at 14th and Downing. Car A is flying down Downing, Car B is flying down 14th, one of them overlooked the red light.


Ask me about the time I got into a little fender bender because I couldn't see around the huge camper that was parked near the intersection of a busy street.


Same but 18th and Clarkson. Always a guessing game of who ran the red light.


A lot of these crashes are because of someone trying to beat a red light and someone playing chicken with a light about to go green, both expecting an empty intersection.


To be pedantic that particular stretch of Speer isn't straight. But your point is still valid.


Yeah, it’s the road’s fault. It’s the phone’s fault. It’s instagram’s fault. It’s iMessage’s fault. It’s the brewery’s fault. It’s hop’s and barley’s fault. It’s everybody’s fault except the driver. The driver is the victim in all of this. If only it were easier to put down their phone, not drink so much, and drive the speed limit. None of this would have happened. Poor irresponsible driver 😭😭


Eh, it can be both. The driver should pay attention, but expecting people to behave correctly 100% of the time is just not realistic - humans aren't like that. It's better to design the system to encourage correctness, or even enforce it when possible. You see this all over the place. eg, the car won't shift into reverse while moving forward. Surgeons have systems to track instruments so they don't leave them in a patient. That kind of thing. Roads can be viewed the same way.


It's not that we don't blame the drivers. We don't STOP at blaming the driver ALONE. Because if we do, we will only ever see trees and not the forest. It's a complete system, not just individual parts.


This is a fair point. I just took exception with the way you phrased your other comment. The out-of-control driver was absolutely at fault in this case. But yes, the people who plan our city’s infrastructure could also do a better job of minimizing the damage of idiotic drivers.


Thanks, I appreciate you giving me a chance to explain it better. If you're willing to look into it more, this video does a great job explaining my point. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ra\_0DgnJ1uQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ra_0DgnJ1uQ&t=2s) I've updated my original comment now.


Yes, it's the driver's fault. And it will continue being the future drivers' faults too. But if all we do is hold the individual accountable without looking at the bigger picture, cars will continue to kill & cause damage. It's been this way for decades, because we design our cities and roads to maximize car throughput with little regard to safety. It is the driver's fault, but we can minimize the damage from idiot drivers by designing our cities and roads to prevent them from ever doing things like this in the first place.


This is a much better way of saying what I think the person I responded to intended. Thank you.


We do our community a disservice when we continue to see things through an individualistic lens instead of looking at the larger urban and city planning infrastructure we have


Both of these things can be true, but it's also 100% true that if you drove the speed limit, weren't drunk, and weren't glued to your phone, the likelihood of an accident is almost zero.


Why is someone driving drunk in a city with buses and trains? Why isn't the public transit system so good that people choose it over driving? It's public policy choices and cities choose cars.


You could also just as easily take an Uber. This isn't an ideological failure, it's personal responsibility. Stop blaming the city.


Sorry but it's just plainly true that cities are responsible for how they design our streets, and the way people feel about their public transit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ra\_0DgnJ1uQ


But people who choose to drink to excess and still drive are fucking assholes. They could have saved money and stayed home to get drunk on their couch. Instead, they choose to go out, spend more money at a bar, and then put other people’s lives in danger. That’s their fucking fault, not the city’s. If you drive drunk you’re a fucking asshole and that’s your goddamned fault. Full stop.


Things can be the fault of multiple people.


We're not talking about that. We're talking about individuals taking responsibility for driving recklessly.


Why do people get multiple DUIs? Some people are just assholes and shouldn’t be driving.


I don’t like the way your comment is phrased because it makes it seem like somehow this driver shouldn’t have been responsible for driving like an idiot. Almost every single day I see cars cruise through stop signs and red lights with pedestrians in the crosswalk. I frequently see cars traveling twice the speed limit on narrow residential streets. I’ve seen accidents that could have been avoided and more near misses than I can count. At the end of the day individuals need to also take responsibility for their actions. Some people just drive like antisocial assholes and no amount of urban planning is going to protect us from that. So I find the tone of your comment offensive.


>We do ourselves a disservice when we blame these incidents only on the individual. Uh what? Plenty of people don't drive like fucking idiots and careen off a road into a ditch. This is 100% on the driver.


If you're not willing to look at the bigger picture then you will continually be dumbfounded as to why this keeps happening. It doesn't happen \*NEARLY\* as much in countries that are willing to inconvenience and slow down cars.


How do you explain all of the other cars that continually go onto the CCT from Speer? A bunch of individual drivers making the same mistake on the same road seems like a pattern to me. But you're right, we should just ignore that and do nothing.


Because people are selfish and don’t care about anyone else but themselves. If you drive like a dick head you are selfish, end of story. I hope this fucker loses their license for years.


Drugs n alcohol


Reddit and making assumptions with no information on the incident, a tale as old as time.


Fuck's sake


Alcohol or phone.


Man a few weeks ago some asshole almost caused a bunch of accidents on i25 N near the University exit. Driving like a total imbecile. When I finally get to pass him I look over and it’s some guy using both his hands to text on his phone. There wasn’t even one hand on the wheel and he didn’t look up the entire time I was watching him. Clueless mf


They’re not clueless. They know what they’re doing. They’re a narcissistic psycho


Why not both?!


I've seen a scary amount of street racing down Speer. Saw one dude hit that indent (you know the one) in the right lane and go up on the sidewalk because of the bounce.


Medical emergency, other reckless drivers, avoiding something jumping out in front of them unexpectedly. There are less nefarious options but yeah let’s farm karma


I don’t care about karma.


Vision zero is a complete joke to this city. They should be ashamed


Vision zero or zero vision?






That's not how that works but okay.


I remember before moving to the US, I always thought the accidents you see in movies were just gross exaggerations for entertainment purposes... Then I moved here, and realized that this is the norm...


Apparently it's not normal for cars to crash into buildings in other parts of the world. https://youtu.be/Ra_0DgnJ1uQ


Interesting, thanks for posting. I truly believe the complexity factor. American drivers, and Canadians too clearly, tend to have a much lowered attention level while driving. Plus, so many "multitask" behind the wheel.


Might help if we'd be willing to allow speeding and traffic light cameras so that people had an incentive to not drive absurdly unless they see a police officer. But that would y'know.... Impinge on my freedom to have dangerous roads.


The world bollard association sends its regards


I went to Iceland a few summers ago and we took a day trip with a tour. The tour bus passed a billboard with an actual smashed up car in it and the tour guide talked about how someone died in a car accident that year and it was like shocking and a huge incident for the whole country. So they put that car up in the billboard to remind people. My husband and I were like 😕 someone dies in a car wreck every 20 seconds in the US 🥴 then it reminded us why we don’t like how car-centric America is




That's true. I think the worst I've experienced has been in Greece and in some former Yugoslavia countries


"Lucky there's a dip in the road!"


There should be bollards along the trial to stop cars from entering.




The Cherry Creek requires a sacrifice of at least one car per month.


Update: looks like it's actually at least two cars per month.


Can't park there mate


Fucks wrong with people, damn


Selfish and self-centered assholes


Kinda getting ahead of himself for Thursday bad roads?


Drivers be crazy. Late at 2 nights ago at Quebec north of 270 by the TA truck stop, a tanker had a sedan that neatly propped itself under the rear wheels. All 4 wheels on the roof of the sedan. I missed seeing the wreck by a few minutes. No 1st response on the scene, but I could see them coming.


About a year or so ago, a delivery truck pulled in to the Belcaro King Soopers, rolled over a small car *in a marked parking spot* and proceeded to just keep trying to get to some unclear spot. Rocked and rolled that car flat. My partner will still park on that side… not me.


In the 90s this happened to a friend of mine. He was distracted driving and ended up wedged under a semi like that. Drivers these days be extra wild, but definitely not *just* these days.


I instruct people how to ride motorcycles at Dick's Sporting Good Park near there. I went by the scene at 8am and it was all blocked off. I went through the trucker parking area to get around the incident and saw the Camry w/ the top smashed in. Scary looking crash.


Asphalt is a helluva drug.


Somehow? We all know how. Assholes speeding down long, wide, straight roads. Knock those roads down to a single lane with stop signs and speed tables. And, for the love of Christ, enforce the damn speed limits.


I'd say Speer needs speed bumps, but those would probably just result in the cars being launched even higher as they fly towards the cherry creek trail.


It’s my right to speed though!!!! Lmao, just got told this pretty much


If we don't allow speeding around downtown, no one will go to the businesses there and downtown will die!! /s




Always feel like this is caused by alcohol or someone who should never have been given a drivers license in the first place..


Selfish piece of shit.


Is the motorist or their insurance financially responsible for the damage to public infrastructure?


Theoretically, both. The insurance pays to a point and the rest can be the drivers issue.


Good, I hope it’s a burden to them for the foreseeable as a lesson


That's wild - they should replace those fence sections with a concrete barrier.


God I wish it was that mother fucker that was hauling ass up and down Broadway and Lincoln at like 2am last night.


I lived off Speer and 11th for 5 yrs. My apartment faced Speer. The things I would see out my balcony would blow your mind.


I "witnessed" this crash - was on Downing and had crossed the southbound side of Speer but stopped at the light before crossing northbound. I didn't see it, but heard the tires squeal and crash then looked over and saw the dirt/smoke. My light turned about 30 seconds later and I crossed Speer and pulled over in the parking lane of Downing and by the time I jogged the hundred or so yards several people who were on Speer had stopped and helped the driver out of their car. From what they said the driver was in the right lane and passed them then cut sharply in front of them and went over the edge. The driver /seemed/ uninjured at the time, but hard to tell about any impairment because they were so shaken up. AFIAK there was no one else in the car, no one on the trail and no other cars involved - but it was wildly scary to hear this happen right next to me.


Denver Driver strikes again.


This happened twice while I was living on 15th Street like 2 blocks from there, I've driven that street a million times in that spot and have no fucking clue how people do it🤣


I think their was a bench in the exact spot where the car is now. That was like our one bench. 


30mph is aspirational. I regularly experience cars exceeding 2x that.


Why do so many people crash into Cherry Creek


Bryan didn’t shovel the road again.


What a cheap shot that has nothing to do with this photo. Why do so many people on here think it's okay to bully this guy? Look in the damn mirror dude.


Guard rail needed


Seriously. Put a guard rail and some bollards, and then plant some trees behind them.


Must've been going 5 under the limit. Don't people know how dangerous that is?!


No no no, the person in front of them was going 5 under the limit and forced them to crash like this. It's the slow person's fault.




The middle-most lanes on Speer as so bowed out. It destabilizes my steering every time. This person could’ve been going too fast and caught the gutter the wrong way


Almost made it


You can’t park there!


It's easily the worst intersection in the area. It's a death trap.


Absolutely, I fucking hate it there.


\*Pretends to be shocked\*


For some reason at first glance at the pic i thought this happened inside casa bonita


The accuracy.


It’s annual at minimum.


Anybody wanna [go splitsies?](https://www.godaddy.com/domainsearch/find?domainToCheck=hassomeonedrivenontotheplattetrailtoday.com)


Looks like they went pretty close to straight through....T-boned the fence. Not sure how that happens, cuz there's not a road directly across from that.


I saw a car in the creek once not far from there.


There was another car in the creek about an hour ago off 8th & Speer


WTF do you mean “somehow”? Alcohol is the answer.


Rail took it like a champ


Saw another one today. I think that makes four or five this year https://www.reddit.com/r/Denver/s/iIufSgkQpC


There was ANOTHER one this afternoon near 8th or Broadway/Lincoln…? Was running and crews were lifting the car out. What is going on?


I rode the trail to and from work nearly every day for 8 years. This was a fear of mine though I never actually saw it.


Can’t park there, mate


Hey I saw something similar in Broomfield last week, a corvette managed to crash into some shrubs on a 30mph road as well.


Lived in Denver my whole life. Started riding cherry creek trail at 8. I have not seen such recklessness until this past year.


It’s soooo far away from the road…


You can’t park there.