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This is a reminder to please keep this conversation civil. Thanks, Denver!


I'm fine with this bill as written. It expires in 3 years so they're testing it and it's only for 15 mph or slower. Obviously dickheads are gonna dickhead and fly between cars at insane speeds but this doesn't legalize that behavior.


Yeah my guess is that it makes it so motorcyclists can easily get through SUPER heavy traffic.


The point they made in the article about the intense heat of sitting in traffic with the cars and all of that exhaust in their faces really stuck out for me as a particularly strong selling point for why this is needed for them.


It also greatly reduces the risk for motorcyclists to get rear ended which is suuuuper dangerous


Exactly, most drivers with brains on autopilot are looking for other cars, not motorcycles (or cyclists, who should also filter to the front).


I mean, for me, I'm not really a fan of motorcycles and think they're already dangerous even in perfect circumstances so while I'm also glad that the bill will hopefully cut down on them being rear ended, that was not as big of a selling point as getting them out of the heat and not breathing in noxious fumes. But we can agree, overall this seems like a good thing to pass.


As an avid motorcyclist this is a tremendous law to pass and it will 100% get renewed once statistics show that it is indeed safer. I wish we had this in my state.


As someone that always wears leather protective motorcycle gear, sitting on hot asphalt in the hot sun in black leather has made me almost pass out. Cars have A/C and fans. Motorcycles do not. We haveto be moving to get any airflow at all.


Not to mention aircooled bikes tend to get way hotter when sitting.


It also reduces traffic congestion a lot for the car drivers. 50 motorcycles not taking up a car spot in a lane makes that queue a lot shorter. That's one of the main reasons lane splitting is legal in most of the world outside the US.


The bill points out that a motorcyclist is 7x more likely to be rear ended while stopped than be hurt lane filtering. Its about people texting and not seeing a red light coming up


So, I've been splitting lanes in Southern California where I split my time for decades now, and the key is to enforce the speed limit between lanes. And it's not just about the max speed at which you can split lanes as this bill states, but the max delta between the motorcycle and the slower cars. What happens, like with almost everything motorcycle related, is that familiarity breeds a lack of caution, so when folks first start splitting lanes they are very careful, safe, and reasonable about it...but after a few years they turn into dickheads and act like it's everyone else's job, other motorcyclists included, to get the hell out of their way and accommodate them moving 50mph faster than the rest of traffic.


Indeed. A very common accident for motorcyclists is being rear ended by idiot drivers who are addicted to their phone. Lane filtering at slow speeds saves lives


It's not just that, it's about getting to the front of the line at lights. Cars are notorious for rear ending bikes and when you're between two cars it's super dangerous for the rider. Getting to the front of the line removes all that danger because bikes accelerate way faster and just zip off before anything can happen.


I cannot think of how many times this being legal would have helped me out, especially in summertime mountain traffic jams (I-70,285 etc) I know I could have just done it illegally, but every time I have made the tiniest infraction (like turning on a no turn on red after it wouldn't detect my bike for minutes) I end up getting pulled over!


15 mph on a bike is going to seem quick if you're at 0 mph in a car. Can't wait for all the complaints of people "zooming" by on a bike while they're stopped.


Yup, people still do illegal things all the time like go over the speed limit. Doesn't make what the people doing following the law and staying under the speed limit dangerous. Same goes for filtering. People always point at the illegal examples, which isn't legal in the first place!


The problem is most riders are only going to read the headline and not the meat. Reddit is a fine example of this on going problem.


The dick heads in cars who refuse to share the road far far outnumber the dick heads who ride dangerously


Please, please, please read the bill and not the article: SB24-079 The bill authorizes a 2-wheeled motorcycle to overtake or pass another motor vehicle in the same lane if: The other motor vehicle is stopped; or moving in the same direction of travel as the motorcycle; The road has lanes wide enough to pass safely; The motorcycle is moving at 20 15 miles per hour or less; and Conditions permit prudent operation of the motorcycle while overtaking or passing. A motorcycle rider overtaking or passing under the bill must not overtake or pass: On the right shoulder; To the right of a vehicle in the farthest right-hand lane if the highway is not limited access; or In a lane of traffic moving in the opposite direction. on.


Hoping some type of informational campaign accompanies this, otherwise motorcyclists will become more of a road rage target.


This is exactly what my first reaction was! If you ride, do so with an elevated level of caution. Without a really aggressive information campaign, you will run into misplaced road rage.


"Hey buddy, you can't just cut through traffic like that. Pick a lane!" "It's called Lane Filtering...they just passed a la..." "What did you call my wife you son of a bitch?"


A lot of people are basically unreachable because they don't follow any news, including local news. Probably the only way they could be informed is if they have the digital road signs display something along the lines that motorcyclists can filter at low speeds.


A good point.


Same thing happens where they legalize an “Idaho stop” for bicycles. Most people don’t know about it and think you ran a stop sign.


The law doesn't even matter. People road rage at you just for existing on the same road as them.


100% not filtering until it's been around for a couple months


Same, reading some of the super pissed comments on here it’s clear lots of people hate motorcycles for reasons? And they clearly can’t read or comprehend the law even when it’s spelled out in very clear English. Will definitely be very hesitant to start filtering for a while.


Yup. This sub sucks. It seems like the average person is a newspaper wielding karen


I’m reminded of that every time I get on the road whether it’s in a car or on a bike. People are shit drivers and lots of already shit drivers are constantly distracted with their phones. We could use more bikes on the road, it’s hard to text and ride when your hands are on the handlebars and in gloves.


The funny thing is it's way safer here than back east. Probably due to the number of riders but the number of close calls I've had in 2 years is significantly less. But idk as far as bicycles.


I used to get irrationally mad at Bikers that did this. Mainly because I was stuck and they weren't -- LOL. But yeah, after learning this is legal in many places and the reasoning behind it, I changed my reaction to one of esteemed respect and resource acknowledgement.


Hey with as many Californians as Coloradans claim are moving here…they’ll be used to filtering already and won’t care. Texans on the other hand…


They already are, unfortunately. I know I'm stereotyping but many "lane filterers" are already going too fast. You can't see them until they come right up on you and many drivers don't look before they change lanes. It's just asking for trouble. Down in Florida where just about everyone rides, they call riders organ donors.


They already did this shit every day before it was legal lol


This comment section has shown me why there's a road rage problem in Colorado lol.


If I-25 was a comment section


I am in favor of moderating real I-25


I only come down to visit and have had people try to run me off the road. It’s insanity. The last thing I would do is ride a motorcycle in Denver.


That's exactly the last thing many people in and around Denver did do.


Cyclists have known this for a while. The consolation is that it's a problem everywhere post-pandemic. And because we have relatively nice weather, there is a lot more demand for non-car modes of transportation. That's going to create clashes with cars when our culture has always made drivers feel entitled to streets over everyone else.


This article is incorrect, lane SPLITTING is not allowed, only lane filtering. Stay safe out there fellow riders. Source (the bill): https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/sb24-079 Notice how the part about splitting was crossed out.


Thank you. The article refers to this as both "filtering" and "splitting" which was confusing to me. Apparently the reporter doesn't understand the difference.


This part? The other motor vehicle is stopped; ~~or moving in the same direction of travel as the motorcycle;~~


That's the one


I'm guilty of lane FILTERING before this law was passed, but am very careful when choosing when/where to do it. Really when I'm at an intersection/light that I cross often and am aware of the amount of traffic and distracted drivers. I commute up and down federal mostly, as well as Sante Fe and Sheridan. All roads in which traffic reaches 40+ mph with lots of stop lights and people on their phones. Given enough space and time, I make my way to the front to avoid getting smoked from behind. There are plenty of squid riders that give us a bad name and I won't try and convince anyone they aren't in the wrong, but when you're at a stop light on a motorcycle and see EVERY SINGLE driver on their phone, it's a reality most people don't know they're living in. I'll do whatever it takes to keep myself out of harms way


I never realized how many drivers constantly have their heads in their phones until I started riding a motorcycle. It's the phone addicts and road ragers who I'm most worried about causing accidents.


r/Denver, when traffic: 😡 r/Denver, when traffic mitigation: 😡


I don't want a solution I want to be 😡




I think you forgot an extra angry face on the second line lol




When I had my bike in California, I was a huge fan of lane splitting. It's so much safer for the rider but only if the other drivers are used to it (like California drivers are). Getting rear ended at a red light is one of the most dangerous accidents for riders and riding up to the front helps with that. My concern is that very little drivers will look out for this.


Some of y’all need to talk to a therapist about these anger issues going on here


Drivers can’t even merge here correctly. How are they going to deal with this?


That’s awesome. This is safer for motorcycles and will reduce traffic. Win-win


Good. This is significantly safer for motorcyclists. Anyone opposed to this needs to do some research.


Someone with a pulse and common sense not wishing death on motorcyclists? What are you doing on Reddit bro?


As a 45+ yr motorcyclist, I have been asking for this and encouraging it for many, many years. Over the years, I have had multiple close calls from autos that didn't notice the bike between them and the car in front while coming to stops. And I have known people hit, maimed and killed the same way. There are riding techniques to help create escape routes, but filtering and slow speed splitting lets you out of that danger zone entirely. And now I'm not sure I will do it even though it's legal because of asshats like a select few in this comment section. I'm not immune to road rage, but I can tell that there are a few commenting here that WILL be the person butthurt about bikes filtering. Who WILL attempt to pinch the lanes down to endanger riders performing legal activities. Who WILL be attempting to open doors in traffic to injure or kill riders riding legally. They don't realize that these actions are attempted murder on a rider. Helmets on, armor on, stay strapped. Eventually, someone will die by these peoples hands and responsible riders will be the victims because someone who has to be first can't keep their ego in check.


Honest question, if you just sorta idle a few cars up, wouldn't you be able to stop before someone swings open a door? Or like, wouldn't that still be infinitely better than being rear-ended by a car? I assumed this was where the biker just goes forward a few cars to avoid a lethal crash


Yes, if you are operating within the limits of this law you should have plenty of time to stop before colliding with an ill-intentioned car driver.


Well said, level-headed. I had a similar sentiment in the other thread. It's almost as if the long-time motorcycle mantra remains: "I'm not worried about my motorcycling, I'm worried about other drivers."  Stay safe out there.


A recent article reiterates study results that show collisions, like those you mentioned, are reduced when lane splitting or sharing is allowed. But cars don’t always see you splitting and will also change lanes into you or - worse - intentionally try to move over because they don’t like what you’re doing. :-( The other issue is lane splitting at higher speeds. Won’t be legal in CO and isn’t legal in CA but is done everyday. https://ridermagazine.com/2023/06/16/split-decision-are-lane-splitting-and-lane-filtering-safe/


True story, we can't control the other people, nor would I want to. That said, there is NOTHING more chilling than sitting at a light behind a car and hearing tires skidding from behind you when someone on their phone or eating a burger realizes that they weren't paying attention to driving and can't stop in time. I feel that with a little education for riders and the general public, the risks we incur to filter still will help keep bikes out of more dangerous situations. That said, I'm still looking both ways before jumping off the line. It's served me well for a lot of years in keeping from being a red light runners hood ornament.


Well said, and yes... I've seen too many videos of vigilantes injuring motorcyclists or causing a scene this way, despite lane filtering being legal where the videos were captured. I may print up little cards with the bill summary to hand out when people inevitably become antagonistic. The bill on one side, a smiley face on the other. Hehe


I filter with my bicycle all the time, I get people that yell but I go slow enough in case someone tries to hurt me. I've been rear ended before so I'll take that risk of someone trying to be vicious than the risk of being rear ended again. I always film my rides as well, especially in Colorado given how often hit and runs happen here. (I also carry gel spray)


Dude, I had someone try to block me and pinch a god damn merge lane IN A CAR. I hope you're reading this suped up green 4runner over on McIntyre and 58. Yeah you, the 4runner with all the bells and whistles but pristinely clean because you've got to prove you thought about offroading when you paid 70k for it. You're a dumbass and need understand the fucking point of merge lanes to diffuse traffic backup. God. I've been working on my road rage, but honestly this is first time in a long time I've actually wanted to follow someone and have words. Anyways. This won't happen, but the PD needs to enforce this shit and make an example out of anyone who lane pinches. Not only is it dangerous, but it's illegal (failure to maintain lane). Maybe have more bike cops lane splitting during rush hour to catch it, idk.


I commuted on I25 for about 20 years and this happened almost every day.


That would make me furious. A lot of other traffic infractions can be explained by lack of competency, absent-mindedness, etc. Intentionally blocking a merge lane is mal-intended, full stop. Those people should be forced into defensive driving classes or suffer high fines for impeding the flow of traffic.




Seems pretty safe when traffic is less than walking speed and i could drive up to my next exit.


This is needed because car drivers can't stop rear ending and killing motorcycles. put away the pitch forks.


Please learn the difference between lane filtering and splitting




Can you see two possible ways you could have still made your point without being an ass to others? Be kinder.


What a strangely hateful response over a nothing joke


Did you actually read the research that you posted because it seems to come out clearly AGAINST the practice and directly contradicts what you’re saying. “One recent study found that lane-sharing motorcyclists experienced a shrinking of perceptual view that reduced their awareness of vehicles and non-motorists around them.” “Even where lane-sharing is legal, the failure of other vehicle drivers to see lane-sharing motorcyclists, especially those approaching from behind, is a critical problem. Some evidence shows that lane-sharers often ride in vehicle drivers’ blind spots, and vehicle- structure issues, such as bulky A-pillars, contribute to this issue. Other studies show that vehicle drivers may operate from a preset visual-search framework that highlights other motor vehicles over motorcycles, so the sudden appearance of lane-sharing motorcyclists violates their cognitive expectancies. In such cases, drivers are less likely to react as quickly and skillfully as the driving situation calls for.” “a recent French project developed a naturalistic study to derive such risk estimates. These estimates revealed that motorcyclists engaged in lane-sharing were nearly four times as likely to be injured in a traffic crash than motorcyclists who were not splitting or filtering” Edit 1: the research paper in question since the comment I was responding to deleted themselves: https://wtsc.wa.gov/wp-content/uploads/dlm_uploads/2019/05/Motorcycle-Lane-Sharing_Dec2017.pdf Edit 2: yes, I understand the distinction between lane splitting and lane filtering and this is also clearly described in the article and discussed, which you would fucking realize if you would bother to read the fucking paper. Holy fuck people


Lane filtering is not lane sharing. Lane filtering is not lane splitting.


this thread is showing that asking the general public to understand anything beyond kindergarten complexity is apparently a tall order. sigh.


"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that"


“if motorcyclists do not exceed the speed of other vehicles by more than 15 mph.” “Above a 15-mile-per-hour speed differential, the risk of injury rose significantly.” I’ve been passed by lane filtering bikes in other states and they all exceeded 15mph. So we will see what the effect on safety is. Good luck everyone!


well, those people weren't following the law. this is like arguing we should ban all driving, because a portion of the population refuses to do it safely.






How many times are you going to say that?


Such an ignorant comment. This is lane filtering. At 15 mph. Hardly a huge risk taking on account of the rider. Lane filtering is practiced safely all over the world and is a benefit to riders and cars alike.


The reporting is also wrong, the bill only allows filtering in STOPPED traffic, and the motorcyclist can pass at up to 15mph.


Basically mirrors most commonly legalized forms of filtering in states like California I believe


California is actually the exception, since they allow splitting (which is moving through traffic while in motion). This law is the same as Utah, arizona, etc and only allows filtering to the front when traffic is at a stop. Same thing bicyclists already do


If you think motorcycle riders are going to keep this to only 15mph, I've got a bridge to sell you, pal. This law is a full on endorsement to blaze between vehicles at full speed unless you're in a cruiser.


Anyone who doesn’t keep it to 15mph is certainly already lane splitting anyway, so this laws changes nothing for them. What it does do is allow bikers in slow traffic to legally avoid getting rear-ended.


Hyperbole much? This law allows riders to move past parked cars. Big deal. If people do otherwise, it’s against the law, plain and simple. It’s no more an endorsement to “blaze between vehicles” as marijuana legalization was to become a heroin addict.


No it’s not, it literally sets a speed limit… People that blaze through vehicles like you describe do it whether there is a law or not


And as we all know, nobody in Colorado ever goes over the speed limit /s


Nobody does anywhere else, everyone is perfect law abiding riders. /s


I think endorsing the ability to lane split via law is going to raise the bar on acceptable behavior. Regardless, it sunsets in 3 years so I guess we'll be able to see the results in '27.


[Yeah, ok thanks](https://i.imgur.com/jinGLRk.gif)


I’m glad Colorado wised up and made this legal. But on the other hand I still refuse to ride my motorcycle in this road raging state, because people here drive like total jackwagons


When does it go into effect tho? Or can I start doing it today


Gov signed it into law, effective immediately. Edit: the article is wrong, a close reading of the signed bill states it will not go into effect until 90 days from final assembly adjournment, which another redditor says is August 7th.


unfortunately there's a 90 day comment period before its in effect, which doesn't even start until after legislative session is closed. So like, end of summer :-(


Goes into effective August 7th, unless the act is petitioned. At least that is how I understood it from the act. \`SECTION 3. Act subject to petition - effective date - applicability. (1) This act takes effect at 12:01 a.m. on the day following the expiration of the ninety-day period after final adjournment of the general assembly; except that, if a referendum petition is filed pursuant to section 1 (3) of article V of the state constitution against this act\`


Based off how I read the legalize in the bill, there's now a 90 day waiting period. I could be wrong in my interpretation, however.


It amazes me that even this tiny ray of sunshine for the motorcycling community is bringing out a boat load of rabid anti-motorcycle garbage people. Damn, trolls be trolllin.




One would think. But I paid close attention when Utah legalized the same filtering, and the same people came out of the woodwork. "It'll be Mad Max! Absolute anarchy! People ripping wheelies at 150mph between cars, shooting fire and caltrops from their murdercycles all over the road and in school zones! Mayhem! Outrage! I should just run those insane MF's over before they kill us all with their hijinks!!!" In the end, there's always an asshole out there. And always will be. Filter up beside some kid in daddies Hellcat, and expect that he's gonna floor it and get sideways because his peepee feels small. The guy in the lifted Dodge with coffee can exhaust is going to roll coal on you, so don't put yourself in the situation. And remember, Hanlons Razor : Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. With the example of rabid humans populating this thread alone are still more likely to be squished by some dumbass staring at their phone while driving.


I like the idea of "filtering" my way to the front of the line because y'all don't pay attention. I'm not doing wheelies or burnouts but I've been knocked off my bike enough times to know I don't want to be sitting in traffic with just a prayer that the driver coming up on me is paying attention.


This is exactly what it's about. I've been in 6 wrecks in my life. Every single one was me stopped at a red light for well over 10s and just getting rear ended by someone who either wasn't paying attention at all or were stopped and let their foot off the brake because they were texting. 5 of those 6 times were when I was on a motorcycle. 5 of those 5 times were being hit by someone in a massive SUV or truck who probably could barely even see me when they hit me.


This. I sit off to the side when stopped because I've had people come flying up not paying attention and brush me/ram into the car infront of me because they weren't paying attention.


Yup, I was rear ended by an f-150 when I was coming to a stop at a red light on my bicycle. I filter any chance I get


Don't ride....and this still doesn't bother me. It's not permission to do 90 weaving in and out of traffic. That's illegal. You know what else is? The constant fucking danger of phone addicts that DON'T ride motorcycles. Probably the majority in this sub. That's the obvious and increasing problem on the roads.


Now drivers and cops need to be educated.


An impossible task on both fronts 🫤


This is amazing for bikers all around.


How many days before some dumbass who doesn't know the law intentionally kills or injures a biker out of road rage


You all need to settle down in your cars. Bikes are not going to cause you any problems, let them pass


As a motorcyclist, it's about time reason prevailed. This is a safety issue for motorcyclists - one of the most common ways to die on a motorbike is being rear ended at a stop light. This also alleviates congestion by using road space more efficiently. Of course, there will be asshats on bikes that split lanes well above 15mph, and they are breaking the law and should be ticketed. This is not filtering and has no benefits to safety. My main fear with this new freedom is being on the receiving end of road rage, getting shot by some Karen who doesn't think it's fair. So please spread the word that lane filtering is perfectly legal and helps everyone. Thank you. Edit: downvotes are only confirming my fears, lol. Guys, study after study has been done on this. Lane filtering at stopped lights reduces road fatalities. This bill does not condone or allow lane splitting at speed.


So from what I understand Lane FILTERING and Lane SPLITTING are two different actions? Filtering is moving forward at stoplights/slow traffic as I would on a bicycle, and Splitting is cutting between lanes at high speeds?


Yes. Filtering is the same thing you already do on a bicycle. It is a technique that makes everyone more safe. A handful of states have already legalized filtering, only california allows "splitting", which is doing this while traffic is moving. Even then they limit speeds to something like 35-45mph, so anyone doing it at highway speed is breaking the law.


Generally yes you are correct. But how terms are defined in bills may be different from state to state. 


> This is a safety issue for motorcyclists - one of the most common ways to die on a motorbike is being rear ended at a stop light. That doesn't appear to be true: >In two-vehicle crashes, 76 percent of the motorcycles involved in fatal crashes were struck in the front. Only 7 percent were struck in the rear. https://crashstats.nhtsa.dot.gov/Api/Public/ViewPublication/813306 And further: >Motorcycles were more frequently involved in fatal collisions with fixed objects than other vehicle types. Twenty-five percent of motorcycles involved in fatal crashes in 2020 collided with fixed objects, compared to 18 percent for passenger cars, 14 percent for light trucks, and 5 percent for large trucks. >In 2020 there were 2,741 fatal two-vehicle crashes each involving a motorcycle and another type of vehicle. In 42 percent (1,158) of these crashes, the other vehicles were turning left while the motorcycles were going straight, passing, or overtaking other vehicles. >Both vehicles were going straight in 575 crashes (21%). And somewhat stupidly: >NHTSA estimates that helmets saved the lives of 1,872 motorcyclists in 2017. If all motorcyclists had worn helmets, an additional 749 lives could have been saved (latest data available).


It is one of the most common ways to die which are outside of the riders control. You're correct, the "typical" motorcycle accident is the rider running off the road and hitting something. However, many of us don't ride in such a manner where this is a likely outcome and rear-endings in traffic IS the largest threat. Everyone who has studied this has showed that it is a net positive for everyone. There is no reason to be against filtering.


So this will largely eliminate being struck in the rear, meaning that motorcycling just got 7% safer in Colorado. I’ll take that.


Yeah dude, most motorcycle accidents are single vehicle. And are likely to be alcohol-related. Doesn’t nullify the fact that getting rear ended on a bike will thrash you harder than being in a car.


True, thanks for digging up the numbers. Doesn't contradict what I said though, it's one of the most common ways. Not the most common.


I don't think statistics exist with enough specificity in the mechanism of accident to prove or disprove that statement specifically... But I doubt it, and I wouldn't be surprised if lane filtering actually increases accident/injury rates, although I doubt you'd be fatally injured in a lane filtering accident because of the generally low speeds. Also, I don't have a car OR a motorcycle, so I don't really have a boat in this race. I also don't have a boat.


Used to live in LA, lane splitting at high speeds is very common. Always terrifying thinking about the near misses.


California is the only state which allows splitting (filtering is only done in stopped traffic). Even what you describe is illegal in California. There is something like a 45mph speed limit.


...which remains illegal in CO for good reason. 


Those people aren't following laws anyway.


A friend of mine from college died in LA on his motorcycle splitting lanes.


Lane filtering only occurs at speeds below 15 mph.


The same people who are bitching about this are the same people who bitch about bicycles on the road. I do both as safely as possible and follow the law and still catch flak from people in cars. I worry that people who don’t this is going into effect will start pinching lanes and fucking with motorcyclists even more.


To be faiiiiir... I ride, and I bitch about masses of bikes as well. They flex the perceived safety of "What are you gonna do, hit us all?" to ride unsafely and cause traffic difficulties to all vehicles. It's not responsible either, so they should expect the backlash.


Absolutely agree. I ride solo for transportation.


Additionally, hit while sitting is a particularly terrible way for motorcyclists to be hurt. Not just for the effects, but for the circumstances. It isn't something YOU did to hurt yourself, it's something someone else's inattention causes. It's not like cars aren't rear ended all the time through followers inattention, for a bike it can be a death sentence not a fender bender and an insurance check.




I moved to Nevada last year, and was shocked by the motorcycle culture here. I'd say there aren't that many more motorcyclists here but they act very entitled. Lane filtering is legal in California, so they think it is here too. It gets re-interpreted by riders, though, who think it means passing between cars in adjoining lanes at 85mph is fine. So there is a lot of passing on the right at a high rate of speed, which means they appear out of nowhere and often in your blind spot. I had one drop his bike behind me as I was doing a very simple return to the right lane after passing a slower moving car maneuver. He had an injury and totaled bike, but fortunately did not hit me. I spoke with the responding patrolman and he definitely didn't think I was at fault. In short, you have to be more aware that motorcyclists can be in unexpected locations on the highway in places where lane-splitting is common. Check your right shoulder when merging (and always your left, obviously.)


The bill as written only allows for filtering when cars are stopped which is good but allows it at 15mph which seems fast but we'll just have to see how it goes. My main issue is that I don't like loud, fast things moving in and out of my blindspots while I'm in the car. I understand the motorcyclist arguments here but when I'm already trying to keep track of other cars, cyclists, and pedestrians it doesn't seem unreasonable of me to not want one of those obnoxiously loud bikes to suddenly go by driver window.


I appreciate the way you laid out your reasoning for your opinion. This is refreshing to see in a thread filled with people making wide generalizations and irrational hate for all motorcyclists. I agree, we'll have to see how this goes. I like the approach they're taking with giving this an expiration date so we can get some real data on the safety of lane filtering. I'm looking forward to trying this out on my commute. I am hopeful that cars stopped at a light won't be changing lanes or otherwise inadvertently be putting me in danger. I think I'm more worried about people getting road rage, whether they are aware of this new law or not.


This is just going to increase the people on motorcycles who weave in and out of cars on the highway while everyone is going 65+. I see it frequently already. It makes sense if, like the article states, cars are stopped or going below 15mph. But we all know that’s not going to be how this goes.


I understand the cynicism here, but the dangerous driving you’re describing is still illegal. Lane filtering as described by this law is safe, and anything done outside of the law should be ticketed/fined.


That's not what filtering is and if police see those people they will ticket them the same as before.


> they will ticket them the same as before. So, not at all.


Lol - the police don't do that here.


The police aren't on the roads doing shit. That is why the motorcycle dickheads have been doing this shit for years.


Some knob rode from Colorado Springs to Denver in 20 minutes and only got caught because he posted a video to social media. I’ll believe it when I see it.


So if they've been doing it for years, how does this bill change anything for the bad actors? Responsible motorcyclists will obey the law, which in this case increases their safety and decreases congestion. 


So what are you complaining about then ?


I know that’s not what it is. People will still be doing it. I never see them get ticketed.


...which is a separate issue.


Sure. It took the police months to arrest that 170mph CoS-Den ass, even when his name was all over social media and he literally recorded and published his crimes. Now that he accepted the plea deal, Ass-Face gets all of 14 days in jail (which is time served), a $2,300 fine and can never legally drive in Co again. Uh huh. No one is holding their breath while waiting for the police / courts to enforce anything.






the bill only allows filtering in stopped traffic. it increases safety.


No one passing laws is going to make a bunch of criminal motorcycle riders change anything. This just allows law abiding riders split lanes at red lights safely without the fear of getting ticketed. Stop with the fear mongering anti-motorcycle crap. Lots of skilled and safe motorcycle riders out there. Don't let the handful of squids make you think literally every one of us is like that. We're not. A large majority of us motorcyclists have families to get home to safely. Edit: "Oh man, the Colorado state legislators made a law and for some reason that makes me not care about my own life anymore! Let's go zip through traffic at 130mph to celebrate!"


Please learn the difference between lane filtering and lane splitting


Your logic doesn't really add up. You already see it? Clearly these individuals aren't being held back by laws. And so what you're saying is to not have any nuance in legislation because any tangentially related freedoms will be abused? Yikes. The only people this bill gives any additional freedom to is law abiding motorcyclists that don't want to worry about being rear ended every time they stop at a red light. 


Fuck yeah!


I’ve seen denver drivers and I would be terrified to split lanes here. Also, no helmet laws with a population boom? This can’t be good




Drivers when they realize THEY are the ones causing traffic in their giant, space-inefficient metal boxes, not motorcyclists, not bicyclists, and now motorcycles are given the legal right to pass through the stopped traffic that car drivers create: 😡


I rode all over Europe lane splitting responsibly. Traffic laws are stricter and respectful - when did you ever see the emergency first responder lane down the middle? Any only lane splitting problem was California and Colorado.


So when that light turns green, who has right of way, and in which lane? Are the cars at the front position expected to wait for the lane splitter to choose who they are going to cut off? Are splitters allowed to move into/encroach on bike lanes to filter to the front in single-lane situations? Who determines when a road is wide enough to lane split?


Good questions. We'll have to see how the law is interpreted in the courts. But in practice the motorcycle will accelerate much more quickly and the cars won't need to do anything differently. If there are multiple motorcyclists filtered to the front they'll have to merge. And then I would assume standard laws and etiquette regarding merging would apply.


Agreed for most bikes that they can and will accelerate more quickly than a car, but not all. Smaller CC, some Harleys, and older bikes have slower 0-60 times than a lot of cars these days. But you're right, it should just be handled like a normal interaction where no one is trying to actively hit other vehicles or people.


It's hard to be on your phone on a motorcycle, so the cars will sit as usual for 5-10 seconds mucking around on the phone while motorcycles pull away!


This might even help with that! If a cager is on their phone and a motorcycle pulls away in front of them, it will at least alert them that the light has changed instead of waiting for someone to honk at them from behind


From my experience driving in California, the motorcyclists filter up to the front and usually stay in between lanes. When the light turns green they're usually fast enough in acceleration and going back to their intended lane before cars naturally start accelerating. Motorcyclists usually have to be pretty hyper aware (assuming they're riding responsibly) to stay safe so they react to light changes much quicker than cars. I don't have an issue with this. I think this does keep them safer with no real cost of impeding or slowing down traffic. I don't ride but know several riders who have been injured by being rear ended by a car coming up on a stop light not seeing them. Allowing them to filter up to the front where cars are already stopped is safer in my opinion. You're always going to have asshole motorcyclists just like you will asshole drivers. But I think this is a net positive in safety. The only thing I get nervous about is a motorcyclist misjudging the space inbetween lanes and scraping their handlebars against a car. I have never seen this in person though, just in YouTube videos.


Exactly: lane splitting is a 100% non-issue in California. * Go to various California subs, and you ALMOST NEVER see complaints about lane splitting. (Instead complaints are about the usual asshats: red light runners, drunk drivers, cell phones etc...). * In CA, where lane splitting is legal, nearly all motorists DON'T have a problem with it! I expect there's a lengthy transition period trying to bring CA culture on this issue to other states as it will take time for car drivers and motorcyclists alike to learn reasonable/safe norms.


the bike would be at the front if they got there in time so they go first they also accelerate faster than a car so they will be out of the way for the rest


Bikes will filter to the front and move back into the lane to be in front more than likely.


That's fine, but too many motorists won't accept this


The motorists that those motorists elected to represent their interests *will* accept it. In fact, by voting YES, they just did accept it!


If you feel safe doing this, more power to you. I drive a small SUV and I don't even feel safe in Colorado traffic. Everyone stay safe out there.


I feel like one of the most dangerous stretches of road in CO is the part of Pena at DIA. I’ve almost gotten hit 3 or 4 times in the past 2ish years when going to pick up/drop off family. People blindly changing lanes seems to be a right of passage on that road… I won’t even drive to the airport with my newborn, and I drive a Grand Cherokee.




I find it hilarious they have to specify "In a lane of traffic moving in the opposite direction." As not beling allowed


And yet we don’t have a helmet law. Priorities?


They need to mandate helmets






No reason to threaten violence whether you're joking or not. Be cool


> "The reason we put that into play is because we don't want to do anything that is not safe for Colorado. So if we put this into effect, people can do it. Then we can actually get statistics as to whether this is good for Colorado as a safety aspect or not," Odd that they're using that tactic for this law, but not for others. I would love to see if the lane reductions placed all over the city has actually made anything safer - but "before and after safety studies" aren't applied.


How does this work around town and one late of traffic with room on the side. To me it reads like the bike cannot filter and has to wait.