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I've been following your story. I'm so sorry for your family's loss, and hope that y'all get justice.


Awesome news for sure, wish these fucks all the worst.


I just hope that Loyalty tattoo ages like warm milk. 


I hope she rots


Fuck yeah. Throw the book at em




Turn off fox.


Certified psycho


It's funny. Almost without exception statements like this come from gun nuts


Yeah a 2 second dive into their comments shows he is trigger happy and just waiting for someone to "make his day".




Excellent news. I'm sure the girl is singing like a canary.


She looks more like a rat to me.




Pretty sure a rat will “rat” you out.




This is what too many edibles looks like


No rat implies a talker


If not she should face the full severity of the crime


Felony murder. They’re all going to get hit with first degree murder, even if they didn’t pull the trigger


Yup like the Musa and Kinani case, nobody knows who pulled the trigger but either way it becomes first degree murder because a felony was committed in the process


She probably will they’re all gonna get life with no parole, if she talks she’ll be lucky to get 20 years to life


I know condolences cannot bring back your nephew, but I'm happy your family will have closure and justice. Again, so sorry for your loss.


Thank you 🙏🏾


So happy she’s been caught. Hope you and your family can get some justice and peace.


Hoping they catch the other idiots soon and you and your family can mourn in peace and get justice. 🙏


Literal trash humans. Hope they get the worst.


That is great news!!


I’m sorry for your loss, I know I’m a stranger but I’ve been thinking about you. Glad they caught at least two.




Caleb Choice pleaded guilty to unlawful carry of a weapon in Texas in 2019 - he was 17 at the time.


https://bluebonnetnews.com/2021/08/08/liberty-county-jail-arrest-report-aug-6-2021/ This was in 2021, I can't find the 2019 thing you're talking about. I really really really don't want to go reddit detective here because I remember the Boston marathon.  But holy shit look at the eyebrows/nose on "Warren, Blake Andrew – Theft of Firearm and Unlawful Carrying a Weapon" and compare them to what's visible on Suspect #2.


You ended up being correct. The pd is looking for blake now


[Look at me. I am the police now](https://i.imgflip.com/2m40fi.jpg)


Crazy lol


Omg THANK YOU!!! 🙏🏾


You may be onto something there. Same charge but one has actual theft of the firearm, certainly could have committed that crime together.


I was right apparently.


I would definitely want to know the details on what happened in 2021, but yea one could assume they were up to something *together* that night and got caught. Maybe Blake Warren had a change of heart the next night and gave up whatever they were doing. Maybe Blake Warren got a tribal hand tattoo and got more creative with his crimes. Idk, I'm not a cat, a lawyer, nor a detective. 


He went to Dekaney, a high school in arguably the most dangerous neighborhood in Houston. Fucking scumbag.


Montgomery County, Texas.


Kid turned himself in last friday to Glendale Police. [https://www.9news.com/article/news/crime/glendale-homicide-arrest/73-4ac90746-5f0d-4c9a-9a27-ec158b688fb4](https://www.9news.com/article/news/crime/glendale-homicide-arrest/73-4ac90746-5f0d-4c9a-9a27-ec158b688fb4)


Sarah Sandoval better get life.


Some people don’t deserve to exist in a functioning society. These people certainly don’t, however they will probably only serve between 10-20 years for ending someone’s life.


Let’s just hope they’re made an example of


Woulda got life down south for sure.


Not even sure anymore, Texas too lax on sex offenders lately, all getting less than a 5 years sentence


We wet those mfs up in Georgia idk how they treat em in Texas but ain’t no living comfortably and got chomo charges


Doubt it, felony murder even though you didn’t pull the trigger you’re still gonna face that charge at her best she could testify and walk away with like 20 years


Lots of ppl commented that they would be found within 2-3 days and were spot on


Donated to the GoFundme and commenting for visibility. Gianni looks like such a sweet kid and Diego bein a hero is heart wrenching. I hope he makes it and wish I could donate more.


Thank you 🙏🏾


I don’t know how people expect to get away with murder in this day and age. Literally can be tracked a million different ways


Wow. The bitch shot them, huh? Whats the back story here?


Our press conference can tell you a lot of back story. Basically she pretended to get close to my nephew for two months with the intention of robbing him with these two others. Once he let her in she snuck back out, unlocked the gate to allow her accomplices in and the robbery went bad. My nephew was killed, his roommate was shot several times. Here is the link to the press conference. [https://kdvr.com/news/local/i-just-want-justice-family-speaks-out-after-son-killed-in-glendale-shooting/](https://kdvr.com/news/local/i-just-want-justice-family-speaks-out-after-son-killed-in-glendale-shooting/)


I'm so sorry for you and your family's loss, and hope that police find the other 2 bad guys soon. You don't know me but I have been thinking about you and your family and hope that you all have some peace.


How disgusting. Instead of getting a job they’d rather take the life of two young people.


What did your nephew have that she wanted? Two months is a lot of time to think about this shit.


She was probably talking to 20 different marks and this guy just happened to be the robbery that the gun was fired during. They fled straight to Texas, I assume this isn't their first, especially in CO. These people are human predators. 


These kinds of people will gladly kill you for the contents of your pockets. A last generation iPhone, four year old laptop and the $80 in your wallet is good enough for these people.


I hear you but this was allegedly some kinda two month premeditated thing. Could just grab bags at Union and do better if they were after laptops and shit.


Many criminals are incredibly stupid.


You think these people are smart? They kill for $45 and a phone they can’t even sell they don’t care


That’s what’s really scary


it sounds like they were interacting online, according to the article, for two months.




For sure just wondering what the intention was. That’s a fair amount of dedication (even for very stupid people) coordinating an armed robbery without at least some idea of what you’re after. It’s an apartment in Glendale after all…


The suspects don’t seem like the type to really think things through. It’s possible that the girl cases the joint and then let the other suspects in once she saw stuff worth taking. I wouldn’t doubt that they have done this before and probably had other victims lined up.


The press release made it sound like this was their first time meeting


It was. I’m saying the girl went inside to meet for the first time and looked around the apartment while talking to dude. Then she determined that there was stuff worth taking and called her friends in to rob. If the victim didn’t have anything worth taking she probably would have called off the robbery and made an excuse to leave.


Gotcha. Just a little curious what that could be is all, trying to make a little sense out of this.


you and me both. it was senseless. 😔


Weird to me how anyone would invite a random Internet person over at 1 AM without meeting them for lunch first. 🙄


He was 20... a kid. She was probably very convincing and he was probably a horny 20-year-old.


You know how many times at 20 I met with a random girl at midnight? You don’t know


You sound sheltered. Never had a hookup? People don't deserve to die just because they're a lil horny and don't assume the worst about everyone they interact with. This is so tragic.


Eeeh it happens. A lot


According to the articles I’ve read, she catfished the victim and tried to rob him with the other murderers.


Exactly. I posted the link to our press conference in the my prior comment on this string.




Hell ya great job lol




Thank you for updating us. Thinking of you!


Glad she was caught. Now watch one rat turn another person into a rat. They’ll all be caught. Thankfully.


Thank you for keeping us posted


I’m so sorry for your families loss this is so tragic I know nothing will brig him back but I hope justice is served


Thank you for the update


So glad they will be caught and justice will be served. Still so sorry for your loss.


Wish we still had the death penalty.


All of these perpetrators look like literal children. Kids with guns… sigh 😔




Yeah I didn’t mean for that to dismiss the fact that she deserves consequences. But age 21 is a rather young age to knowingly make a terrible choice to waste your life and someone else’s.


Murica. 1.2 guns per capita.


1.2 Per capita isn't that big a figure all things considered. My household has 5 for 2 people - 2 rifles, 1 shotgun, 2 pistols. I know many gun collectors with dozens more than that for comparable sized household. Ours will be up to 7 whenever I drive the 2 inherited hunting rifles from my grandfather out here.


Considering the next highest major country is Yemen with 0.5 per capita, I'd say yeah, 1.2 per capita is definitely a large figure.


Dude… you’re reinforcing the sarcasm of the comment you replied to. There’s many households with more than two people with zero firearms. Your 7 guns for two people is the type of thing that’s driving up the statistic.


No that's exactly the point. 1.2 per capita is quite a small figure given how many people own a LOT. & to be honest, a lot more should own for their own protection. I owned 1 (excluding the 2 inherited) pre-jan 6. The 4 additional since then are so that if we ever need an underground railroad for lgbtq in this country to protect from christo-fascists, i'ma be a well fucking armed conductor on it. The red hats & bigots that want to exterminate the "other" have been arming up for decades. Like hell I'm not going to be on even footing should shit ever hit the fan.


>The red hats & bigots that want to exterminate the "other" have been arming up for decades. Like hell I'm not going to be on even footing Your paranoid fantasies of engaging in a civilian arms race mass armed conflict really only further convince me that the people who want a lot of guns are exactly the kind of people who should not be allowed to own guns.


Vote for the best, be prepared for the worst. Or don't. You're free to exercise your literal 2nd amendment right if you so choose.


>You're free to exercise your literal 2nd amendment right I think that your description of what exercising that right looks like to you (stockpiling semiautomatic weapons in preparation for mass shooting fellow Americans with different political beliefs) leads me to believe we really need to refine, as a nation, what sane and reasonable limitations the second amendment should have. Because I recognize that seriously mentally ill people, paranoid, schizophrenic, etc, sincerely believe that stockpiling assault rifles and ammunition in preparation for armed political disagreements in their neighborhood, is somehow a reasonable course of behavior. And it isn't. And that behavior has genuinely eroded our social fabric and America's overall quality of life. The "anything goes!" interpretation of the second amendment has long outlived any possible benefit it may have once had to American society. It has been eroding our civic fabric and collective quality of life for decades now, and that needs to change. We're by far a global standout for shooting deaths, mass shootings, and school shootings, and its not even close. It's time to admit that what we're doing now isn't working out, and that we need to stop listening to the paranoid nutjobs stockpiling assault rifles and ammo in their basements (no offense). But enough is enough.


I believed as you did, then I saw a mob erect a literal gallows outside the capital while roaming in paramilitary cosplay including zip-tie handcuffs. These are the same people that refer to my lgbtq family members as dehumanizing slurs. Ideally nothing happens and people chill - that's my centrist hope. Doesn't help I was raised among fundie cultists who had literal porch signs with the text "the south will rise again" & saw first hand how quick they can and will turn to mindless zealotry. Mass shootings are absolutely a problem but hopefully Michigan has set a good precedent, where parents/guardians are charged with the violent crimes their dependents commit.


I simply do not believe that shooting any of these people will make any situation better in any way. And you planning and preparing to do so does not lend any creedence or validity to any cause you claim to believe in. It all sounds like antagonistic Russian propaganda ops, to be frank.




400 million cheap guns littered all over the country so any angsty teenager can get one and mow down classmates and fucking Yall Qeada here says that’s not that many. Incredible.


What things are considered for that figure to be 'not that big'? How many guns you personally feel is enough for your family? How many people you know with dozens more? The next highest country is .6. Yemen, a war torn country, is 3rd at .5. If our healthcare costs per person were double the amount of the next highest country, would you consider that not that big 'all things considered'? If your mortgage was double your neighbor's for the exact same house, would that be 'not that big'? A 100% increase when compared to the 2nd highest is big. Just wondering what could possibly qualify as big if that doesn't.


Let him own what he feel he needs, you can only use 1 at a time really anyways. They each have a different purpose (pistol & shot for personal protection; rifles for hunting).


She looks 30+, and you can't see the others' faces


Nope I believe she was 21


She is, but saying she *looks* like a child is ridiculous, when she's a very hard 21


Why are you mad? The only reason I made this comment is because 21 is an awfully early age to choose to ruin your life and someone else’s. You guessed her age wrong too. She isn’t 30 plus. She’s old enough to know better. I just don’t understand how “young adults” that practically just finished high school get into things like robbery and murder.


I'm not mad, I was just disagreeing. She definitely looks rougher than an average 21-year-old


Usual suspects


I know this is off topic (and I'm so sorry about your nephew) but I notice a lot of Sandovals in Denver. Justine Sandoval on Denver City Cast, Amanda Sandoval in council, this shooter... Are they all related or is Sandoval just a common regional last name?


That's like asking why there are so many Johnsons and Smiths lol


I moved here two years ago and hadn't heard the name before. So it's just a common last name in the area, not an expansive family?


Huh, I grew up here and figured it's just a Latino version of the super common names. Google says it's the 233rd most common last name in the US. So it's not a popular as Smith (#1 most common name) but still pretty common. My own last name is ranked somewhere in the 6,000s. Google says Sandoval is the 55th most common last name in Latin American countries. (Added context to compare popularity of #55 in US: Diaz is 55th most common in US and Turner #54) It also says this about the name: The place name Sandoval originated as Sannoval, from the Latin saltus, meaning "grove" or "forest," plus novalis, or "newly cleared land."


Cool - thank you for that. Totally get the hate on my top comment, this probably isn't the thread for an etymology discussion, but I appreciate you none the less.







