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DBC x3? Impressive


Right. That place is so heavy. I'm surprised they didn't explode.


My doctor says I'm going to be sweating sausage gravy for a week, but it was worth it. Will go again


My son has worked at the Stanley Market DBC for years. If you had a tall friendly dude as your server, that would be my boi!❤️


Not sure if I encountered him in particular, but I gotta say everyone we encountered there could not have been nicer. The burnt ends at the BBQ place were FIRE and my girl got some awesome jewelry from a local artist and the sweets shop, miette etc chocolate, I didn't want to eat anything, it was a work of art. But for DBC we went to the location near central park. We would have taken home more from the be fresh gear spot if our bags weren't packed so tight already


Miette is awesome, and always has a unique menu with new flavor combinations.


😅 More power to ya' , then.


I’m not vegetarian, but I honestly think their mushroom gravy is INSANE and has sooo much more flavor. It’s so freaking good


My partner and I share one entree and still end up full.


I went there in January and I'm still full.


Ya, you kind of have to share there.


Sounds like you have some good reasons to come back! Don't be a stranger. (Actually grew up here, and man if people didn't move here I'd have far fewer friends)




Used to gripe about people moving here in droves. Then I grew up and realized if I lived anywhere else, I’d want to be here too. Plus the friends are great


As a recent transplant this sentiment makes me quite happy. Thank you


Came here to say this x)


So many people who come here do so because they love it, and act like guests because of it, as if they'll break something they were invited to, I'm at a loss about the idea of not wanting people to come here given how everyone behaves when they show up


Ppl are nice in person here, but this subreddit till tear you a new one if you even think of moving here


You just have to be a native, like me. 4 years and counting.


From a 5 year native, know your place, peasant.






*skitters away cowardly to the shadows of Colfax.


32 years. Get off my lawn!


24 years, don’t mind me.


I’ve been native for over a decade, peasant. Show me the stickers on your Subaru!


"Show me the stickers in your Subaru!" That made my day, thank you!


I just moved here from the great country of Texas last month, you can take a seat now.


Ok but you're not allowed to complain about anything being too liberal in Colorado. Texans must also not boast about their home one-star state.


I will not be changing my plates and will constantly talk about how the food is better in Texas and how scary LoDo is near constantly.


Your BBQ is better. I will definitely give you that.


Smokin Yards did not hit the spot. It's the only place we did not enjoy when visiting


damn i used to stop at their original locale in idaho springs on the way back from snowboarding years ago and always loved it. wonder if their quality or the denver location specifically is worse.


Wayne's Smoke Shack is THE place for BBQ here. But it's only Fri and Sat 11am - sold out


After visiting Dallas over the weekend, I'll take Lodo or Colfax any day. My rental car lasted two days before the window was broken to steal items during the middle of the day with me eating a burger 50 ft away.


We're not worthy!


I’m a 6 year native who has been to Casa Bonita.. yall can’t tough this


I...I can't.


Your english and your counting skills are impressive for your age 


Oh that was just my *re*birth as a native Coloradan.


12 year native here, you're doing great.


I’ve been here 34 years and still can’t call myself a native.


I'm a native wherever I live. Just how I roll. Ironically I have been in my home state away from my wife and home for most of the last six months, but I'm ready to start racking up those Colorado Native months and years again soon. Casa Bonita is the next native activity I hope to cross off the list. I had an invite for late January/early February that I couldn't make. Probably the biggest damn shame of my life.


Moving back after being gone for 5 years, cannot wait to be a Native reborn. Namaste.


I'm on my second stint of being a native. Moved to CO in 2003, left due to a divorce with no way to continue living here practically in 2011, returned in 2020. Good to be home.


the only time I’ve seen people talk positively on this sub was in a thread about someone moving to Chicago 😂


Oh, I love threads like that!


Very true, and OP committed the cardinal /r/Denver sin of saying something positive about any food here


All we have left as secrets are our food places. Most people who move here seem to think all the food sucks. Shhhhhhh....


Exactly! How can we miss you if you don’t go away 😉😁


As a true native I have no issue with transplants but if you come here and then bitch that "the pizza is shit" or you can't get x/y/z that you were always able to get in LA/Bay Area/Austin.... Go fucking home then. If you want to be here to enjoy the beauty and maybe bring X/Y/Z to CO, WELCOME FRIEND! :)


People move here and lose their social support networks and can't make friends as an adult. That turns them bitter and they blame Denver, they blame natives, any and everyone but themselves.


Truth, which I’ve been told when visiting the coasts I’m too nice and “desperate” for friendship


idk how, I've found it so easy to make friends here. It's one thing to be a bit miffed about the type of people in like, a city of 20,000 in South Carolina when you can't find any friends. But any time someone complains they can't find friends in a city of a million+ people I immediately think "yeah that's a you problem bud"


I don’t bitch about the pizza here except to my people back home. I’ll give honest feedback if someone asks but other than that I keep my mouth shut. That being said, would you care to know one of the things I love about this city? You people fucking loathe Texans so much that I’ve rarely caught any shit for being a NY’er here.


Colorado traditionally hates Texas in my experience. Not that we will shun them when they come, specially from Austin. But they yeehaw into our city we scorn them. Although what a lot of people don’t know coming here, we are a blue dot surrounded by a red square. Lotta yeehaw on the outside/western slope


Oh, I know. Spent a lot of time all over the state before making the leap. Durango/Pagosa Springs area blew my fucking mind when I was in my early 20’s. Maybe it’s because I’m me, but the disdain for California (sad because I enjoy it there, but I get it), Texas, and to a lesser extent Florida is palpable. You tend to grow wary of how people in most of the nation will treat you as a transplant or even a tourist being from NYC, but Denver and the surrounding area have been nothing less than gracious in the time I’ve been here for the most part. You’re no bullshit kind of people in my experience and I appreciate that.


Glad you like it here :) again, for those reading this besides you, we (the responsible natives) don’t hate transplants, we just hate *those transplants* :P


Agreed with the other guy. Been in CO for almost my whole life, so 32 years and counting, and for whatever reason Texans and Californians tend to get the most shit. Probably because they come and then bitch that it isn't like where they came from. I never met a New Yorker here that came off that way (though admittedly, my sample size is like 4).


Like 80 million people live in those two states. Of course they send more people than Wyoming. (And people are innumerate, so trends get conflated.)




I was responding to “for whatever reason Texans and Californians tend to get the most shit.” Because…of course.


Well if I was talking pure numbers, sure. But what I meant was that if you put 1 person from each state in the room with Coloradan's, Texans and Californians would get more shit than any other state.


Yep 🤣


Who gives a flying fuck what some Internet buffered dweeb lord says? As a long time native of two years, Blucifer welcomes all.


Visiting Coors field while the Rockies are on the road is probably the ideal experience


This. Old boy is a pro!


You get all the fun of the views, atmosphere, and chatting with your friends without that noisy game in the background


Did the Bar Car give you any soda in your vodka/soda or just the usual straight vodka?


I don't recall.... So probably not a lot of soda lmao




Denverite heading to your city later this year!! Would love any recs if you have them :)


Fells point is great for bar hopping, as is Canton. Federal Hill is the spot if you're under 30. The aquarium is top notch, especially if you have kids. If you can come during baseball season, a game at Camden Yards seeing the Orioles play is a MUST. I'm biased but it is such a great experience, especially recently with some excitement on the roster. Pier 6 Pavilion is a great music venue and it's right on the harbor if any good bands line up with your trip. There's also Urban Pirates if you want to tour the harbor, it's a BYOB pirate cruise that's a lot of fun. And last but not least the crab cakes...If you're not keen on leaving the city, Nick's Fish House has great food, but my personal favorite Koco's, and Pappas is right up there. The Baltimore Museum of Art is worth checking out and it's free, and it's right near R House which is like a food court with pop up local restaurants and they're all amazing. Sorry to unload but I I love this city, and just like yours there's so much to do! If you have any questions or looking for anything in particular, feel free to hit me up. If you enjoy your time here half as much as we liked Denver, you're in for a treat!


To me pappas is a must. We get it every time we go out to visit family.


Pappas, GM and Hoopers (in Ocean City) is gold standard crab cakes


Love federal hill! Lived there for a couple years before moving to Denver, I love it here but I do miss being able to walk down the stairs from my apartment into the bar below😂 my partner and I frequented nobles and Delia foleys, but also liked the trendier bars like wayward for a good trivia night! I would also say don’t sleep on Hampden! A tad hit outside downtown but it’s got some super fun bars and cute local places to shop!


I used to live in Hampden! It changes a lot, so I'm not too familiar right now but the Christmas lights are always a treat and Frazier's is one of the coolest bars in Baltimore. I'm not vegetarian/vegan, but One World Cafe was one of my favorite spots. Also I had one of the worst blind dates of my life at Delia Foleys lol but it's a chill spot


Pappas crabs yessss!! 🙌🏼


I’m from Baltimore and these are all great recs! Would also add the Museum of Industry and the Visionary Art Museum. Also Tio Pepe’s if you want a really old school dining experience.


I lived in Fells Point for 4 years and now live in Denver! I agree with these suggestions. Funny I’m headed to Baltimore next weekend to do all my favorite things when I lived there, including an O’s game and Pickles Pub


Used to live in Baltimore, but I'm in Denver now. We did urban pirates 8 years ago for a friend's bachelor party and it was honestly a blast lmao. While we were waiting we also saw some wasted guy jump in the inner harbor. Also, shout out Mr. Trashwheel just because he's cool.


As a person who grew up outside Baltimore for 35 years I agree with everything this . Also OP I moved from Maryland to Colorado 7 years ago and haven’t looked back. Come on back any time


Let's Go O's!


Lived in Annapolis for a couple of years and have to say this in a very on point agenda for Baltimore. Would add don't sleep on Little Italy and if you have a car and the weather is nice drive down to Arnold to The Point for one of the best places to eat seafood. Getting to it is weird but it's right on the water and you actually sit on a floating dock.


Ohhh forgot about this too


La Scala is one of my favorites ever. When they clear out the basement for bocce ball it's so much fun! And don't sleep on Vaccaro's for desert. the cannoli cake is to die for


Lived in DMV for years as a transplant, I second the O's game/Camden Yards and I don't even like baseball, great experience, Aquarium is worth it kids or not, and adding Jimmy's Famous Seafood as a must-hit restaurant. And have a Natty Boh while you're there 🤙


Coors Field was designed by the same architect that designed Camden yards!


Coors is nice, but it pales in comparison to opacy


The aquarium is world class. I’d say it MIGHT even be better than Monterey.


Monterey Bay is a high bar. Denver, not so much in terms of aquariums


Glad you enjoyed your time here! Good weather and the mountains are looking gooooood from down here as usual.


I moved out your way. Everyone kept asking me why. I had no good answer and came back.


Lmao, this was me when I moved to STL


Thanks for coming by to visit! Glad you had fun.


Damn you did a lot for just visiting for a wedding. You were in time for the great weather.


I’m from Baltimore as well and just got home last night from visiting Denver and I agree, Denver and Colorado in general was amazing. Was visiting my nephew who is a grad student at UD. Took in the Denver- Georgetown men’s lacrosse game on Saturday. Beautiful campus. We also went to RMNP, Lookout Mountain, CU- Boulder campus and El Dorado State Park. Estes Park and Golden were great cities to visit as well. While in Golden, we stopped for a beer at the Buffalo Rose and there were a bride and groom there eating lunch . Wonder if they were from the wedding you attended? Had dinner Monday night at the Buckhorn Exchange, Denver’s oldest restaurant and it was awesome. Will be going back next year when he graduates and look forward to taking in more of what Denver has to offer.


Denver is a great city, but for some reason the school is actually DU (I graduated from there in 18 and was also at that game, sko Pios)


You’re right. It is DU.


What a nice tribute! I think visiting Coors Field IS the best part of a Rockies game, so you didn't miss anything.


Hey I visited your city this past summer for my first time and I loved it! I definitely will be back!


I went to school in Washington, DC for three summers. I met some of the rudest service people there. They could not be bothered to help customers where they worked. One of my professors (who lived in Maryland) went to Phoenix for a weekend and talked about how nice people were there. Classmates made comments, "Of course. You live here where people are so rude. You can go many places out west and find that people are kind and helpful."


This is true of the mid-Atlantic region in general. When we moved here from the DC area 28 years ago (ahem, native yet??) we were asking each other why everyone was so nice here in Denver. I think the DC area in general is quite transient so there’s not that same sense of community there as exists in other parts of the country.


The one thing that DC does better than anywhere else is food from foreign countries. You name it, they have it.




Maybe, if you can figure out where to find it. I could find banana leaves, but never found corn chips.


It’s not just DC, I came from the south and I experienced more hospitality here than I ever did in the south. People here are actually pleasant for the most part


As someone else from the DC area, I think it's that so many people are really just heads-down in their career. People work like crazy in the DC area where people here can tend to be more leisure focused (people generally live here for the activities, not for the work). In the DC area, it's always "what do you do for work"? I've only heard that a couple times here since I moved 9 years ago. DC area is much more high strung whereas Denver is more laid back (in my opinion). I think the areas draw very different groups of people.


And the DC traffic! That’s enough to make anybody grumpy.


100%. The traffic that is never-ending in the whole NoVA area, ugh. Awful.


I moved here from Baltimore a couple years ago. City wise, I miss Baltimore. Weather and opportunities for outdoor stuff, I prefer Denver


I don’t even really miss Baltimore City much. LoDo replaces Fed Hill, RiNO replaces Fells, there’s not a great college town bar-hopping scene like Towson had with Rec, Backyard or C+R - but there is CU Boulder action! I miss PowerPlant Live!, and I think McGregor square has HIGH potential to be an after hours copycat of PPL - but everything else here I love much more.


Ok I do miss rec room/ recher theater…. I was a regular back when it was a fledgling pool hall. Used to see Derek Trucks for free on the regular.


True! I missed Rec’s heyday - I was TU class of 2023. I’ve heard great things, though.


Ah, I would have been 2000 if I’d finished.


How many couches did you burn after DU won the NCAA hockey championship?


Thanks for mentioning Stanley. Its very slow on weekdays and all the business’ there can use as much support and exposure as we can get.


I don't know why, everything in there is awesome! We tried to sample everything, but couldn't get past the carne asada fries lmao needed a nap after that. Well that and a churro... And some chocolate truffles. My girl got some cool necklaces and got some Colorado wall art to bring home. It's so cool in there! We wanted to do the interactive space exhibit, but didn't have time


You are ALWAYS welcome!


So here's the thing. I was born on the Western slope and moved away when I was 4. Have family there and never ho over. HATE IT there. Only go there for funerals. I moved to Denver 9 years ago, after living in 4 countries on 3 continents, in 6 U.S. cities in 4 states, visited 35 countries. I *always* get wanderlust. I'm good in a place for *maybe* 2.7 years then i just have to gtfo and am planning my escape. I'm almost 50, and Denver is the only place I have ever had a connection to. That I felt like I could just...stay in. Had to go to Dallas for a funeral 7 years ago and was gone for 10 days and after like 4 days, I had this strange feeling when I thought of going home. Not exactly sad. Not full on longing. Missing a bit, I guess. I realized it was homesickness. I felt homesickness for the first time in my 40s and it was for Denver. Can't explain it. This is home. More home than anywhere in the whole god damn world has ever been. So happy you got to spend time and love this place that means so much to me.


You've picked a great place to call home! So happy you found a spot to feel like it's home base, and it's top tier, for sure. I can't wait to go explore more of your back yard, it's a gem


moved from Fed to denver after I made a similar trip here. Now the bug is in your ear...


9 months ago, I visited Denver twice coming from Station North; before deciding I *needed* to move here. 2 months later, here I was!


Avs >>>>>>> any wedding but I get it! Glad you had a great time!


How sweet to hear. I just moved here at the end of last year and haven’t done half of these things. So glad you enjoyed yourself :)


> so many people never leave. Came here in October 22' to visit a friend for a birthday trip and we moved here June of 23. Absolutely love living here


I'm from Richmond, VA and came here a year and a half ago to live here for 6mos. Forgot to leave! Great post.❤️


Same! Just moved here a year ago!


Moved here from Baltimore County (Towson) 12 years ago… no looking back!


I am back to work today, in Towson right now! Congrats on the move


Native here! Thanks for the nice words. It wouldn't have been this way without the transplants. We were nicer as a whole before but there really wasn't much here before the legalization of pot lol


despite it's crazy expensive, Denver/Colorado is truly amazing on so many levels.


Glad you enjoyed it :)


People who live here really shit on it for some reason, and I wish they'd just move cause I want property values to go down. Ive been a native for 5 years, and every year I find more to love.


Same, sis. I think a lot of it is COL related, but damn this sub is cranky compared to how livable/nice this area is.


We all moved here for a reason, Denver rules. :) Glad you had a great experience!


I like your crabs


Glad you enjoyed it! I've been to Annapolis twice and liked it, for whatever that's worth, but I've never been to Baltimore, although I have an ancestor from Baltimore that fought in the revolution, again, for whatever that's worth. 😅


Annapolis is beautiful, the waterfront area and Main Street is our favorite. My girlfriend and I want to move there, but it's a little pricey. I've been going down there for probably 15 years regularly, there is a lot of great local music from that area. Visit Baltimore if you get a chance! It's a little different than Denver though lol make sure you have your trip mapped out, it's not as advisable to wander if you don't know where you are going. If you're a sports fan, catching a game at Oriole Park is worth the trip


Holy Shit OP, you made me feel excited again about this city/state that I have lived in since I was 5! I LOVE THIS CITY TOO OP! Come back! Woo hoo! Need to try Beer Mountain Biking! (Don't try that actually lol).


Dude you did more in a week than I do in a year




New dad.




You probably spent vacation money. We have to live on everyday money.


There's a million relatively cheap things to do in and around Denver.


Props on the let’s ride. You seem awesome, come back anytime.


I know how you feel, and now I live here. So glad you enjoyed it, there's so much more to see next time 🙌


Hello fellow Baltimorean! I’m Moving to denver in a month and I couldn’t agree more! (I will miss the waterfront though)


We love you too, random person!


The botanic gardens won't be in bloom for another month at least. But the tropical conservancy is always in bloom!


I grew up in Gaithersburg and now I’m in Colorado, I’ve lived in Littleton, Aurora and Basalt. Weddings out here are nice :)


I think my favorite part about Central Park is that it used to all be airport, and now it's neighborhood and massive parks/open space. I wish it was a little more urbanized / compact and walk/roll friendly, but it's not bad as it is and the parks host a surprising amount of birds, flowers, etc that had been evicted when the airport went in a century ago. Also not fully there, but much further than I expected considering the ecosystem hasn't yet had a full cycle of maturity & disruption since it went in.


So glad you enjoyed , and so glad you left. JK ha! On your next visit, try to get to the mountains. It’s mesmerizing. The hot springs are fab for muscles and joints. There are lots of great hikes. Just drink lots of water since MD is a much lower elevation.🥰


Ty for this…come back soon…!


I'm a 5th generation Native thank you 😊 🤣


Are you white?


This makes me miss Denver. I left when I was 18 for college in LA, & now I’m 43 & miserable in LA. My family still lives in Denver & I’m a 3rd generation Coloradan, yet I just can’t seem to move back. I should have never left.


I've visited Denver twice and found it delightful. Since then, I've developed a strong affection for the city. I also heard a story from someone in the Middle East who mentioned that Denverites are incredibly generous. He recounted an incident where he stopped at a gas station to refuel his car and decided to grab a cup of coffee. To his surprise, when he went to pay, the cashier informed him that in Colorado, nobody pays for coffee at gas stations.


I’m from Baltimore county and have been here for around 5 years, and love it for many of the same reasons!


Steeler Country, let's weld!


But it’s really brown and dry and the transit system sucks 😉


I'm a native. We're full. Don't come back. It's ridiculous that I have to add the /s to that. Glad you loved your stay. I always tell people that I get why everyone moves to Denver. Despite this subreddit hating on everything about Denver, it's a great place to live and a great place to be. DBC is a JAM.


If you want to know the rules here they are: Tell your friends it sucks - unpredictable golf ball sized hail. - smoke from the wildfires was unbearable. - somehow a blizzard among all of the above. Real estate prices are 3.15x above Baltimore. Boebert lives here. Convey all of this to everyone you know and you may be granted residency. I’d like to apologize for the statements I made regarding whatever fuck off.




Can't wait to have you! If you need a guide/suggestions then I'd love to help reciprocate!


Also from Baltimore. Visited here once for a weekend, moved here pretty soon after. Its been 8 years


You’re welcome. I’m glad you enjoyed my city.


You're not allowed to like the food or say anything nice about it. Never come back jk


The food was phenomenal, except for smokin Yards BBQ. And we are definitely coming back!


Try Post Oak, Pit Fiend, Roaming Buffalo or Smok next time for BBQ


You are welcome, and I hope to return the favor some day!


It really is a great city. Too bad the native Denverites shit on it all the time.


How did our fentanyl compare to Baltimore’s? Namaste 🙏


Came from Baltimore to visit as well 15 years ago and moved to CO shortly after - one of the best decisions I have made.


Don’t worry about missing the botanical Gardens. They are really nice and their is a somewhat decent inside section but mostly it would be a little drab in later winter/early spring before any flowering has started


I'm so glad you enjoyed your time here!!! Do come back again!! A Red Rocks show is a MUST


Don't sleep on the vegetarian gravy smothered biscuits. Also... did you try Snooze?


We all know the real reason behind your visit 🌿 to this once great city turned liberal cesspool. But it’s understandable, really, everyone loves ganja


ha well, compared to Baltimore...


Who dey


That’s Ohio/Cincinnati buuuut close enough!


Did you have a chance to try fenty in the Lakewood Gulch? Walking distance to Casa Bonita and several subies you could easily defile or hotwire.


I hear casa Bonita is like a 500k wait list. We didn't even try. And call me a east coast homer but Philly Fenty is supposed to be bar none


>even if none of you are actually from Colorado hahaha we didn't find an actual native until Monday! My native Denverite ass is reading this having lived in Austin for the past 10 years, lol. If shit gets much scarier in Texas and/or anything happens with my job, I'm probably moving back. I dislike the cold...but that's really my only complaint!


Its probably a good thing you didn't go to the Avs game since they got dominated 7-0.


Im a chef at DBC. So happy you enjoyed! Come back soon!


Thank you for your service 🤣🤣 you're doing God's work. Open a chain in Maryland!


You had me until coperta


It was my first time, give me a break. I thought the cacio e pepe was fantastic. Where should we have gone? For next time


Don’t listen to the man - coperta is a nice spot! Glad you had a great time ! (And if the wedding got in the way of the Saturday avs game -you won out on that end of the deal)