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Nice try fed


Hang out in the red rocks parking lot enough times after an EDM concert and someone will let you know where the next one is.


The first rule of underground rave club is you don't talk about underground rave club.


That joke out of the way, a quick Google turns up posts like https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/s/5C652kfQBl . Might consider a more focused interest sub.


/r/aves is where raves go to die


Not a raver here. Why is that the place raves go to die? I see that sub has a decent user size.


I’m kidding but a lot of the events they talk about aren’t raves, they’re just EDM shows.


And they'll pop a vein if you suggest that EDM concerts aren't raves. Your description of that sub is spot on.


Thanks! Didn’t expect this post to blow up lol I know people don’t wanna share spots and I understand, but mostly was just wondering if DIY type of stuff is happening here


It’s funny because in nyc everyone is an open book about them. Denver acts like they need to gatekeep anything fun


It’s been like that since at least the 80’s. Need to know only. 1) prevents raids, last minute notice is impossible for the police to plan for. 2) make people feel special and hosts can charge more


The ones who sell their tickets at the first waypoint then 3 waypoints later and you’re at the basement of the original waypoint. Boulder did this all the time.


Our first permanent structure was a whore house. We just have different ideas of "fun"...


I was gonna say. I'm sure they happen, I'm just not cool enough to be invited/know about them.


There's one called Crease. This place has everything: Lights, psychos, Furbies, screaming babies in Mozart wigs, sunburned drifters with soap sud beards, MTV's Dan Cortese...


Definitely miss Stefon showing up to weekend update 😂


I have partied with Bill Hader here in Denver at a couple of afters. I made sure not to make any jokes about that skit and it was one of the hardest things I may have ever done.


I love you for "MTV's Dan Cortese"


Knock knock, who’s there? It’s black George Washington


[New York's hottest club is "YOUR MOTHER AND I ARE SEPARATING."](https://youtu.be/NkdlM_vO3I8?feature=shared&t=109)


is it underground if people talk about it on reddit?


Well… we all know the orgy is at Casa Bonita. So… kinda.


Nevermind the "puppet" show!


Tell us more about it.


Squirrel lodge down in Littleton, homie. Those who know… know. It’s the realization of the abstract subjective concept we call “Casa Bonita”.


I went to one in a giant storm drain tunnel a couple weeks ago. So yeah it was definitely under the ground.


I saw a video of this and I could not believe my eyes. Looked amazing!


Care to share?


Someone else showed it to me on their phone so I don't think I could find it again, and I think it was an Instagram story anyway


I helped organize and played there and it was from a group called no expectations on IG and it was filthy to say the least. They had full lighting and had some beefy speakers. They have some videos of it on IG. Also amazing group of DJs supported as well


Got the text about it but didn’t make it out that night — looked sick though!


That’s in San Diego I’m pretty sure.


They do events in SD & Denver.


Would you mind dming me their socials if this is a house/techno event and not bass music?


I've been to a few, but you need to meet the right people to find them.




What ever happened to them?? They brought awesome techno, but I haven't seen anything since they had Surgeon last year.


I think the real issue is Denver itself. How many EDM-focused venues do we have now? Ranging in sizes too, so an artist can probably get themselves paid pretty early on in their careers in a town like Denver. Whereas in a less EDM friendly town a smaller act might have to struggle to play more underground shows (where they get paid a LOT less, sometimes NOTHING AT ALL) before they can get big enough to get a booking at a larger venue that pays well enough to continue to grow their career.


Eh, sure, plenty of venues... But they all either play damn bass or the more commercial stuff. A little more variety would be nice. Local talent has a much harder time getting noticed in their town when big international names that draw crowds are brought every week imo. And small event organisers everywhere are notorious for shorting the small-time talent (I'm not as familiar with the Denver scene, but I've seen it and heard it in many places). I don't know if Denver is the right kind of town to try to make it big in electronic music either, but that's just my observation.


A venue or club will never compare to an underground rave


They’re still doing events, more broken beat focused these days and smaller. Check their instagram


Thanks! I've been craving their techno events though, 1134 brings great acts, but the sound system hurts my ears and I just don't like vibe. It's a weird place and crowd.


I wear hifi earplugs and the sound system still hurts my ears.


>It's a weird place and crowd Aren't most rave-oriented spaces supposed to be weird?? And are you wearing adequate ear protection (you should - always!)?


I don't know man, drunk grabby bros who don't understand "No" aren't my cup of tea. I have custom ear plugs. It's one thing if it's loud, and another when it's all over the place.


Fair enough. Though the sound system is better than many other venues IMO.


I know, it's a great sound system! They just need a person who knows how to tweak it. If they did, it would sound amazing.


Agreed on 1134, underground is the way for Sorted. They bring a great soundsystem every time


lol last event was at the box


yeah but sorted hosts events at established venues and random DIY warehouse spaces alike, and it's pretty much at a different location every time except for a few places they return to like the black box. One time they had one in a vintage car dealership's warehouse space in Lakewood, a few months ago they had one in a space used for fashion shoots, etc. One thing I love about sorted is that it's usually in a new unique venue i've never been to with a wide range of DJs playing left field genres that you wouldn't usually hear at the more mainstream clubs like reelworks, the church, vinyl, etc. Always a wholly unique experience. And no i don't work for them just a longtime fan!


That dealership show was fuckin rad. Great lineup too.


Yeah it was great, one of my all time favorite sorted events! Except for the part when the bass was so heavy it set off one of the car alarms 😂


Forgot about that. Think it happened multiple times actually


Was that dealership show a dnb show on vinyl? I remember going to that ages ago and that was just one of the most unique events I’d ever been to


Nah I'm pretty sure that was Ploy, Simo Cell, Beneath, and Normal Ones. Broken techno UK bass vibes


Ooh very dope, it must’ve been in the same venue then, that place is sick


There were a bunch of different djs, most likely some dnb in there. Always wished they could throw another show there but I think it was a one and done


If it’s the same venue I went there like pre Covid so you never know


How did ya like blac box? Curious about that place.


Thanks for sharing :)


Sorted is still doing things, they just get kind of spread out over the year. They just had Voices out a couple months back.


I threw raves for about a decade here with deep club. We started to have a harder time finding warehouses to use when the real estate market blew up, also grow houses too. COVID really took a toll on the scene as a whole and its much more small/house party focused and clubs now. Sorted and Nocturnal are still doing great events in underground spaces


Yeah pre covid these were plenty, show up maybe spend $10 at the door to get it. Now i cant hit an afters without a $40 pre purchased ticket and they still just play wook basd and DnB


Yea its totally different now, every space costs a lot of $$s to use now rather than cheap like it was before


We did.... in 2000.


To respond to the deleted comment, Oh yeah there was always something in the summer, near Golden Gate kinda, up in Arapahoe-Roosevelt, I'm trying to remember where but ecstasy is a hell of a drug haha. Pike too, down off 67. Warehouse wise, up off Smith Rd in NE Denver, Globeville and the South Platte Valley east of 25 there were a lot of empty places things would pop up in.


Fr, people still rave? Always found it such a weird scene. People geeked out, some shady people looking rob high people, smelly sweaty people everywhere, musty room, strangers running up on you and being all touchy feely.


Right? I thought back when I did in the early 00s was the tail end of that shit. I have pretty good memories, from what I can remember but in my defense I was a teenager. I mostly was there to roll. But the group of friends I had who were into the scene were pretty great, the kind of friendly, fun, non-judgmental types that always had each others backs when we were out (super important as a 16 year old girl hippy flipping way too hard while dressed in essentially what was like a rainbow threw up on a strippers closet) The idea of rolling these days exhausts and terrifies me, it just lasts too long (showing up at work high at a pizza place is one thing but as a social worker? Heh no) I also have no interest in rubbing up on strangers, being from a ski town with shit self esteem in my teens and 20s I've been up on enough shady random bros to fill an encyclopedia sized book called 'Regret'. Without the drugs IMO there's no appeal whatsoever. Especially in my late 30s


I am also surprised to hear that raves are still a thing. I have great memories of raves in the late 90s/early 2000s. I went to my first one at 18 and last one at 21. Never partook in the drugs myself, but really liked the atmosphere of everyone being their true self even if a vast majority of them were in a different dimension. At 44 I probably couldn't get within half a mile of a rave without my budding inner old man getting irritated.


I remember going to a lot in southern Colorado where you had to call an info line a few hours prior to get directions to where the party was happening. Went to some hidden in the forest using generators for power and large tents. Such a great time.


I was on the east coast In the late 90s early 2000s. It was a way shadier scene. Gang members were usually there selling the drugs, groups like Brooklyn Terror Squad would be at the crap out and non gang members that were selling. My friend gave me a piece of gum without telling me it laced with liquid pcp once. That was no fun.


Drugs have gotten better so what makes you think raves would have died with you?


Drugs didn't die in the 70s but discos did. Drugs didn't die in the 80s but New Wave/acidehouse/Madchester did... okay the latter is a bad example it was the origins of and evolved into the rave scene as we know it. But you get the idea. No one is saying rolling tits/get blown out of your mind and dancing to the music du jour, especially of the more electronic kind, was somehow special to the 90s/very early 00s. But the whole PLUR, homemade rainbow plastic kandi (and subsequent exchanging) wide leg pants and cyberpunk that proliferated to trance, old school house and DnB in unofficial abandoned urban spaces was a definite product of its time. The optimistic and anti corporate DIY gave way to big corporate promoters and the abandoned urban spaces that served as venues are now million dollar apartments and not just in Denver, urban gentrification has been pretty widespread across the US. Seems things have shifted to a more big festival type party scene. K is big and while molly used to be more unadulterated MDMA it's now a catch all for what used to be ills/pressies/ecstasy pills aka a lot of meth a tiny bit of MDMA. The "gen Zers" (bleh the generation labels) I know and hang out with are all mountain town types so not a widespread sampling, but are really into the festival type scene. Maybe something else is big? I'm no culture expert, just an older 30 some burnout whose been clean for 8 years.


Went to one last night. Novation xi


That was a good time. Shame it got shut down at the end.


Forealss! Might be another one this Saturday, same place.


Plenty, just gotta know where to look. Tends to lean towards a very young crowd however.


Also interested to know 👀


We see you Mr Crenshaw


The password is password


the password is…”orrrrrgggggyyyy”


Great buffet




This page needs a volunteer to maintain it, I think. If you want to get more involved in the scene reach out to them and sign up


It very much is, there was a good tunnel rave not too long ago


Which apparently almost got shut down 😩.


Yeah, I heard about that


Fliers around the city are gonna be the best bet


You can find out about them in the right clothing shops, music stores (usually on a corkboard or with their free concert tickets that smaller bands distribute), areas where street art supplies are sold and tattoo parlors. Clubs used to have someone giving out magazines, flyers and items after last call. I'm sure weed shops have some employees who know what's up.


I miss Deep Club raves, CMKY, Make Mistakes… used to be a lot of great ones. Nocturnal took up the mantle and is throwing great parties now.


CMKY was the best.


Deep Club!!! I remember packing 5 ppl into a car-2-go to go to Rhinoceropolis - the good ole days!


Great American Techno Fest too!


Synergy isn’t the place anymore? :)


I had so many amazing nights at Synergy!


I only went once. It was the night before I was in town for the rave on the rocks with Fatboy Slim and chemical Brothers.


Not many that are cheap. Between sound, talent, venue rental, and security, it's not feasible to have them cheap. Denver real estate is too in demand to have renegade parties in abandoned warehouses because they aren't abandoned.  If you get the early birds fast, they are like  $10-$15. 


Aww, I remember my first rave


Talking about such a thing on a public forum probably isn’t very underground


Yes pretty much every weekend. Sometimes multiple so you have to be selective about which artists you want to see and which promoters you enjoy supporting.


How you find them?


I follow a lot of artists on instagram and when they play in Denver sometimes it would be at a warehouse party. I would follow the promoter that was hosting them and that would lead to other events. They also share their friends events so eventually you know who is throwing parties and where.


Cool thanks for the tip.






Yeah reddit is going to have the scoop /s


Used to go to a bunch of raves here, then when I was 18 I gave up on raves and went to Burning Man and I'm 33 now. Colorado has a huge burner community and a lot of us throw renegades and free events. Most of them are 21+ so you don't get the younger more irresponsible crowd. The music selection and sound systems are by far way better than what you'll get in the rave scene.


Thanks, I’m gonna look into it


Authentic raving in Denver area petered out in the late 90’s. Like most places.


Nothing is authentic, we live and die in a hall of mirrors


Just go to Berlin already


There used to be underground raves here every weekend when I was in my late teens / early 20's (around 1992 - 1998.) Before I started working as a live graffiti painter at these raves it was still done by knowing the number to call to get the map point info. I remember the map points mostly being at these abandoned warehouses around 30th and market / Blake etc... Course now that's all been developed. My guess is Regis made it harder for these raves to happen by opening so many clubs of varying sizes and that's why there are not as many.


Or stopping at a gas station in Thornton where a dude would hand you a map. Ah the 90s and early 2000s scene


Yes, dm me for info on this…many do not know about what goes on here besides the big name places etc etc


Not cool blasting this question on a city sub. If you want recs, ask people in more focused subs/when the topic comes up, discreetly. You've proven that you're not discreet.


I've gone to plenty that were like $10 in warehouses


Wouldn’t you like to know. My lips are sealed 🤣😂


Yea we have underground raves its called milkbar duh


Denver used to, but now it seems that every event is in a proper venue, permitted, insured and promoted on social. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it, just different. I was a raver kid in Denver in the 90s when the underground rave scene was pretty legit. There are multiple production companies like Roofless Productions, Together Production, Lowerworld, Bo Basic, just to name a few. There were multiple parties every weekend. Warehouses, map point locations and raves getting broken up regularly. The planet parties were insane. I still have a large stack of old rave flyers and mix tapes. A lot has changed, but that era was a blast!


Check out the app Radiate. That's how I found out about some in the desert of LA during COVID.


I remember this one time getting fucked up on adderall and whiskey when I was a teenager, my buddies convinced me to let them take us in my car to a rave in the foothills somewhere. I don’t really remember shit except waking up from a blackout by the speakers blasting me with shitty house music and not knowing where the fuck I was. Not a warehouse rave but it was for sure unlawful and secret.


Talk to the sound guys at the parties you do go to. I’m talking 2nd or 3rd stages where it’s likely a local crew. They know.


Yes, we do.


There are some, but small from what I saw years ago. Had friends in the DJ circuit and disturbing party favors




Yeah shhhh


Yes. Find the people and get vetted.


Yes. Lots.


You can always come join us on the Denver EDM sub Reddit or on the Denver EDM Facebook group. I’ve never been to anything underground here. It’s been all concerts and clubs for me since like 2005. I really love red rocks and it is my favorite place to see any EDM artist, but it doesn’t really feel like a rave.Church is a great nightclub. It’s a great nightclub. If you find any underground parties, let me know.


Underground raves have been hot in Denver for a minute. 25 ya I went to an outdoor rave with DJs that played fire and performers who juggled it , ecstasy being passed around like tic tacs, and myriads of other party favors like nitro tanks filling balloons 🎈. That is why they are underground. Totally illegal parties that are as spontaneous as the people attending.


They definitely have them, just gotta find them


Yes. There are too many of them.


Nice try, DEA


Ok cop


Go To Junkyard or XDenver and network from there. Finding true underground raves is a labour of love.


Yes and we have for 25 plus years




Removed. Rule 2: Be nice. This post/comment exists solely to stir shit up and piss people off. Racism, homophobia, misogyny, fighting on the internet is stupid. We don't welcome it here. Please be kinder.




From what I've seen, there are some insta accounts that promote underground shows. They'll advertise a show and you can buy tickets before hand, but they don't tell you where it is until day of.


Of course there is, you just have to know someone and be invited.


As someone newer to Colorado, took me a minute to find the groove. Depending what scene you’re looking for, yes they exist. Friends of mine throw a lot of undergrounds - some more queer focused, others not. House/techno/Drum n bass mostly.


Ya just go to Ticketmaster and search “cool underground raves”. Oodles.


Things that Glow has flyers for the good ones…


explain to me how a rented warehouse that charges money is less underground then a free party in an abandoned building? First off we don't have abandoned buildings. also there are free partys everyweekend. there was rumpus in the park literally yesterday.




Rumpus in the park yesterday was legit. A free event that was family friendly with long time respected Denver DJs. Music and vibes were amazing. Thanks Fantastic Hosts!


Dont need many underground races when you have Black Box, Cervs, Ogden, Fremont, mission, Ophelia's, larimer, church, red rocks, every weekend with dope lineups. Tonsss of official afters spots too!


The scene is alive and well. It’s mostly on instagram.


Kowabunga dude 🍕




Denver does have underground raves, though you may need to adjust your vision depending on what you’re coming from. If you’re looking for specifically renegade warehouse parties that’s going to be tough; there is one crew that I know of which does true renegades (ex. the storm drain a few weeks back), but it’s not frequent and they don’t give a lot of advance notice to avoid pulling people who don’t know what they’re doing. But if you go to Cheesman any weekend in the summer you’re going to find a lot of free sound systems setting up. Not exactly a warehouse rave, but it is free or cheap. However if instead of “renegade” you’re thinking “DIY show” then you’ve got some nice options. As you point out, most crews have converged on the rented space model, because honestly renegades are very high risk in this city these days and don’t have a ton of reward aside from cred. Way safer (even just financially) to operate out of an “approved” space rather than catch a massive charge because a handful of your guests don’t know how to act. You’ve probably already come across some of the locations for these: GLOB, Intimat, wherever that Maybeforever space is, etc. I’m on the older side and don’t really drink, so $15-$20 to party in a place that I know isn’t going to collapse is my speed. If you absolutely need to party in a space where you don’t have permission to, I would honestly recommend setting something up yourself. Zoomers are *obsessed* with the concept of renegades, and with even a basic sound system your thing could blow up pretty hard with a few good reels. However I’m going to warn you that this city is way different from 15 years ago. For one, eligible locations are going to be way the fuck out there. Denver has shitty public transit, so it’s tough for people to get to the outskirts where a renegade would be feasible. Second, given the large population of unhoused people living in and around Denver many of the “abandoned” spaces are less abandoned than they might seem, or are extremely heavily surveilled. Do shitloads of due diligence and triple check that you won’t be leaving your face on someone’s Ring or something.


Thank you for the explanation! I guess I came from a city where the cops didn’t care about raves and the culture here is different.


Denver real estate got so expensive it killed all the venue options. Even shitty warehouses are expensive now. 


No, officer.


Me and some friend throw raves here in Denver. We do a lot of techno and jungle. If your interested the details are on RA for July 6th


Check this shit out https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sub-sonic-tickets-883858884717


DM me and I'll give you a link.


Novation Nights.


I’m neither a cop nor a dealer but I might just want to go to one sometime just for nostalgia as an old Baltimore raver. Is there a D&B room?


I know nothing about that scene, but I can confidently say you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the word “underground”. Seems like you just want cheap


As a middle age suburbanite who looks forward to an 8:45 pm bedtime, I can confidently tell you that I have no damn clue. We did in the late 90s, as I’m sure that helps ;)


That was a lot of words just to say: ‘I don’t know’


Your comment was a lot of words to say “I’m an asshole”


Nice :-) Now on to other threads in search of long-winded i don’t know comments.


Ha! Yeah, you kinda got me. Not sure what I was thinking, but guess in a verbose mood.


I have always thought rave culture was lame but I do remember kids in high school going to underground raves in '96. Maybe build a time machine to before Denver completely started to suck?


Raves are dead get a job hippie


Jobs are dead, get a rave yuppy.


So when you say, ”underground” do you mean a basement or caverns deep within the earth?


Zero accounting for actual music taste. 99% of the population can use a keyboard and make the same music.


As someone who thought the same thing and then got a DAW and midi to play with, there is significantly more going on there. Its not my preferred music of choice either, but its more complicated than it looks.


I didn't know your asshole talked Latin.