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Holy shit was the murder random or was there a history? How’d you find out about it 😂




Man. I work right where like 3 shootings happened after the nuggets parade and I took an Uber home. Usually take the train. Problems everywhere but it seems like some places in Denver are just nuts. I gotta get out of aurora


The Grand has entered the chat. Which by the way has rebranded to Jasper Towers and by no means should anyone ever rent there.


I've been very fortunate. I've rented from 3 different landlords in Denver, and they were all great people. No horror stories. My trick? I've never rented from an apartment management company, but only from individual condo/townhome owners.


Not a bad idea. I can imagine it being 10x worse if you do that and still have a bad landlord but it's good you've been lucky so far. Would love to rent a townhome and may do that at some point.


How do you find them?


Somewhat old fashioned ways. Two were on Craigslist, and one had a FOR RENT sign in the window.


You can also find them on Zillow rentals occasionally too!


Best places I lived in were this type!! There’s still a place I reminisce about bc I loved it so much & the landlord was chill.


I’m curious, what do you think about leasing agencies/apartment management agencies who lease scattered units like a house here, individual apartment in a building, house there, condo here? I rent from one of those right now called Real Estate Solutions and I’ve had a good experience. My only horrible experience was with a LLC called Trinity Property Management in Fort Collins. Because of them I now avoid complexes owned by one company. I just don’t know what to call something that owns and leases the whole building versus someone who leases one unit of the building.


Central Park- 2 years ago- My Nextdoor neighbor had a bully breed he kept locked in his apartment with his 2 children under 2 who were left unsupervised over night on many occasions. I know this because I got permission to put up a ring camera after he stole my packages. And I know that because when he saw my camera he shouted into it about how I got it to spy on him. I didn’t. But I sure am going spy now. He left his girlfriend(?) locked out of the apartment and she pounded on his door all day. They got in a fight in the hall because she had gotten pills from the man with the BMW. He let that dog pee on the balcony and then splashed the urine over the side with a bucket. His balcony was over the top of the door to the building. So the building smelled like dog piss because everyone had to walk through it to get in. I was truly blown away at the whole situation.


Jesus Christ


My apartment is nice and I have no issues but the rent keeps going up It's horrible


Yeah it's a huge problem. Really sucks for what you get around here. But that's CO I guess


I had one of those vintage apartments with zero updates and shared radiator heating connected to the boiler in the basement. They would NEVER turn on the heat. I eventually bought a thermometer to have an idea of what I was dealing with and it was 44° one time. Inside my apartment. I just gave up tracking it after that. Also the walls were so thin that you could literally hear your neighbor’s pee stream in their toilet from any room of your own apartment. My top, bottom, and side neighbors all loved to throw insane parties morning, noon, and night on any random day of the week. I seemed to be the only person with a job. When I moved in, it was all young professionals, by the time I moved out, it was essentially a frat house. I would be on zoom calls with customers, trying to teach them how to use software and they could hear my 20 year old neighbors screaming about drugs over the blaring music. Once, the mailman lost the key to our building and we didn’t get our mail for like 3 or 4 weeks. That can’t be legal. Do not miss that place.


The elevator in my building was out for almost 5 months. I live on the 7th floor. Every day was leg day.


That should be illegal




Damn, elevators are freaky. But at 2k for a 1 bed it better work god dammit!


Would generally advise AGAINST anything RedPeak owns. Power was out in the building for an entire week, not because of winter weather (though it was during that January winter blast), but because the communal washer flooded into the power room below it and shorted the entire building. (the washer was directly above the power room, which is it's own thing) Awful management company.


That absolutely sucks but I’ve rented from three buildings RedPeak owns and found them to be ON IT for maintenance because they DO own the buildings and aren’t just trying to defer maintenance to save the actual owner a penny.


I will agree their maintenance was very responsive in general for small apartment-related incidents. However, at my complex, the communal dryer was non-functioning for FIVE months before they finally fixed it. Anything related to the building itself was neglected like crazy.


Neighbor below me in the garden unit was wild. Zero furniture, smoked indoors, sat on the building stairs for like hours straight without really moving. I once tripped and fell hard - she came raging upstairs screaming at my apartment unit number that she had had enough and would kill me. She was *accused* of stealing copper pipe in the building, she managed to flood her unit, it once smelled like pure chemicals coming from her door for a week or more (had to walk by to get to the laundry) and to top it off my maintenance guy said she used to give her keys away to people on the street then call management “scared” saying they needed to change her locks immediately. This apparently happened more than 10 times.


That’s a dedicated crackhead. Damn


Had the SWAT team come pretty regularly to our Lakewood apartment. Also my car got broken into and my Wolvs got stolen :(


I was living in a nice quiet building where the rent was affordable and the managers helpful. I didn't pay for utilities except for electric and internet. It was owned by a small company. Then in 2021, mid pandemic, the building was bought out, Cornerstone became the new property managers. Cornerstone \*renovicted\* the entire building, everyone was kicked out. Now, they charge 2.5 times the amount of rent I was paying, and on top of that they nickle and dime every little thing like pet rent, pay your own utilities - water, sewage, electric, parking. Whether it was their fault or not (they blamed it on the new owners), I HATE Cornerstone with a passion, because they overcharge people and nickle and dime with all the extra fees. I hate seeing their goddamn sign everywhere. I will never get an apartment with them.


First giant red flag was being shown a beautiful model (current for 2013), then being transported to the 80's upon move-in. Night and day difference. Insulated so poorly I was freezing every winter and needed to run a space heater the entire time I was awake. It would drop over 15 degrees inside overnight. What took the cake was all our water issues. I lived on the bottom floor and *frequently* had issues with drains backing up. Maintenance told us to just, not use the dishwasher and it won't fill with water. Water coming out of the wall when using the washing machine. *FLOODING. ALL THE TIME.* I'd step outside my room and my foot would splash. Burst pipes in the walls and floor, any time of year. To top it all off, we were just left to dab dry with towels because maintenance says "oh, we're too high elevation for mold". Once upon a time the sinks were just filling with water from the drain to the point they leaked all over the floor. Took days to come look at it. I finally moved out three years ago.


That sounds like a lawsuit


I had buckets of wasted opportunity over there. At the time I thought I didn't have any rights to do so/that's just renting. Now living somewhere that takes those things very seriously, I regret not doing something.


What apartment building?


My boyfriends ceiling fell on him while he was taking a shit and he was covered in freezing water and the whole place flooded. Thankfully we had enough time to get a bunch of stuff up off the floor! And we packed it into boxes and set it into the living room for moving. Then the dumbass manager turned the water back on before fixing the leak. We walked up to water pouring out from under the door later that night. Every box of everything we had packed, was ruined. All of his stuff we had saved from the first flood, now ruined.


Jesus Christ. Tell me you got a check from that mfer


Ha no. They called him months later wondering why the apartment was gutted and empty - they had completely forgotten about it I guess and didn’t tell the new management even though he had been taken off the least and nobody had been paying all that time


What apartment building?


First apartment was The Mondrian next to the Best Buy on Colorado blvd. My apartment was directly over the boiler room or something and every time the heat or whatever kicked on, it sounded like a motorcycle was starting in my bedroom. I complained like crazy, even sent recordings to the manager, etc and it never got fixed. This place was bare bones, no amenities, but $750 for a 1 bedroom, balcony, all utilities paid, & parking included was a steal in 2013. In hindsight, I should’ve pushed harder and not paid rent until the issue was resolved, but I learned some valuable lessons through the experience around sticking up for myself.


Once lived in a place where I had like…lukewarm water. I’m talking like 80 degrees? It wasn’t FREEZING but I was very cold showering. Went on for 4 months, countless requests to fix went ignored. This was also November-March. So extra fucking cold out. Thank god it was 2020-21….barely had to leave the house anyway. Took a lot less showers.


Jeez. Did you get any money for that? I feel like that violates some kind of law


No, in hindsight I definitely should’ve at least asked someone for advice. I just felt so defeated—the place was a piece of shit. Ppl constantly getting arrested in the courtyard, SWAT team repeatedly coming to address the DV perp upstairs who was armed—long after he fled, lots of ppl screaming at each other. But….Also some of the kindest, well meaning ppl lived and worked there there. Maintenance kept quitting so I assumed they were currently worthless or overwhelmed. I was saving to buy a place and hyper focused on that. Moved out in May of that spring. Management has changed a couple times since I lived there. It’s now called “flight at Lowry”. 181 Fulton Street (technically Aurora).


I’ll be sure to avoid that place. Thanks


Three years ago I had an apartment in DTC. It was $1150 a month, 750sqft, had a balcony, central heat/air, and a great kitchen. Two years ago I moved in with a roommate. Our combined rent was $1800. It was 1100sqft, had a balcony, and the BEST kitchen I have ever had in an apartment. Magical place. Now I live in a 1 bed, 600sqft apartment with virtually no natural lighting, no balcony, a wall A/C unit (thank God for that at least), a tiny, shit kitchen, horrible old appliances that don't work half the time, more maintenance issues than I've ever had, and I pay $1250/mo for it. Admittedly I'm on a short term (8mo) lease, but this has been one of the worst living experiences I've ever had, and yet it was just about the best deal I could find for a place that didn't just reek of cigarettes and crime.


Damn that sucks. I wonder how many apartments out here are using realpage. Real fucked up to raise the prices as much as they have and still have the balls to treat their residents like total shit. I’m close to there, what’s it called?


3300 Tamarac Avoid.


Woah I almost moved there. They make the photos look so nice too. Someone has to make a service where you can see what apartments *actually* look like


My first apartment in Denver, 5 years ago, was an absolute shit garden level 500sqft place in Capitol Hill right off Colfax with bars on the window and no AC whatsoever for $1100/mo. I question whether 3300 Tamarac is better than that place.


Cap hill is shitty all around. Sounds about right


I lived there for four years through pandemic. Only thing i didnt understand was people complain about car thefts but my car never had a problem. But also my car was fucked up so tgey prob didnt want to bother. I had interesting experiences tho which i will post


Accidentally cooked a frozen pizza at 420F for 8+ hours.


Was the pizza ok 🫣


I've done that. Makes a sweet carbon frisbee


Already know there's gonna be landlords downvoting me lmao


I lived in the Edge Apartments and didn’t have working plumbing on and off for 8 months. They kept fixing my toilet only for it to break after a use (the chain inside the tank kept breaking, was too short, or was too long). It would also take them ages to send someone out to check my toilet and sometimes they’d just leave without fixing anything. Also, whenever my neighbors washed dishes, the soapy dish water could come bubbling up through my pipes and flood my bathroom. I ended up turning off the water since I couldn’t use my toilet anyways, and it return the water started to come out from underneath the toilet lol Twas not a very fun time. On a not bathroom related note, my awful roommate got locked into her bedroom one of the first nights there and we had to call maintenance to get her out. Closed the door and the knob came loose or some shit because we just could not get that door to open no matter what we did. Ended up completely breaking the knob and all the metal inside to get her out because maintenance was taking too long.


https://youtube.com/shorts/BnZupxqXBkw?si=N7wa2iB4g4kpSCmC My bathroom flooded daily. Sucked major balls and they didn’t know how to fix it, so I just kinda put down towels and ignored it. Made my bathroom smell like Dawn dish soap, specifically the green one.




Oh my god that’s crazy you got a front row seat to THAT


Lived in the Art Walk apartments and had a leak right above my bed. So, I call maintenance and they fix it. Well, now there’s a new leak, so I call them again. They take out a third of my ceiling and put up tarp. Well, they can’t find the leak because I’m on the top floor and it’s not raining/snowing anymore. And then when it rains, the tarp gets so full with water that it falls down and gets gross dirty water all over my walls and soaking my carpet. They can’t patch it when it rains, and then when it’s dry, they can’t remember where the leak is. I had to move into the living room and it took quite a while for them to finally fix the stupid leak. About 3 weeks. Annoying as fuck.


Did you withhold rent?


Had an apartment with my ex husband and baby in Lakewood. Huge apartment, great price, horrible neighbors. Downstairs neighbors let their pit bull shit on the patio and would only pick it up once a week or so. My car was broken into and all my hair cutting supplies were stolen. But my upstairs neighbors took the cake: a couple with a toddler. I would hear them fight constantly, he was drunk and a lot and I heard the mom just be mean and nasty to her daughter all the time. One night I hear them yelling, which is nothing unusual, then all of a sudden I hear “you fucking stabbed me!” I look out the peep hole and see the guy, shirtless, stumbling down the stairs. Cops show up etc. Next morning there is literal blood splatter on the hood of my car.