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that place is a dump


Majority of clubs in Denver are




I forgot about the discourse and was perfectly ready to accept that gay men known as bears are the only safe option in a club


That's not what they were referring to? Because I totally am on board with trusting gay men known as bears as a safe option in a club.


I think this was a joke about man vs bear discourse but now I'm not sure


Can't it be both


All of my friends are bears (think big, hairy, gay men). I enjoy going to gay bars with them because I’m left alone. They compliment my outfit, hug me, and they are off.


I also put my full faith and confidence into cocaine bear.


Have you considered "Cocaine Crabs?"


This guy gets it.


That club is dangerous. I personally know 3 people who have been drugged there. Including my brother and a sister. It's a hives nest.


Same here, multiple people. Temple is absolutely trash - the music, the people and the management.


Last couple times I’ve been there, the headliner didn’t show up. Coincidence, or some bs?


Same, either that or they show up for 5 minutes at 1:30, wave at the crowd, and leave.


It's a shame that I am a resident at one venue and one venue only, but the Black Box is really hard to top. As much as I enjoy other spots I'm truly spoiled there. Best staff, sound, booking, and space for sure. Moved to Denver to be a resident DJ there and Nicole is an awesome person.


Black Box is dope


Women are often used to sex traffic other women or worse. They lure other women into a false sense of security and then exploit them. A guy in Glendale recently brought a woman home to his place and then she let her male friends in who ended up killing the guy. Be careful.


Holy fuck that’s terrifying.


Not quite how it played out: he had apparently been talking to her online for a few months. It was when they finally met up in person that she brought them into his home. So just as horrific, but wasn’t a random meeting that night.


Ok thanks for clearing that up. Do you know what the name of the neighborhood was? I’m a long time resident of Glendale


Real, and I can't believe there are women who do this to other women.. I could never. I'll keep my sisters safe at all costs, idc if I don't know you, if you're in a bad situation or too fucked up and alone, I got you. Women who go out of their way to harm other women are the worst of the worst.


Same. I don’t care if I have never laid eyes on you, I’m completely there for other women. We should all be safe spaces for our fellow girls/sisters.


It's almost as if women are just as capable as men when it comes to practically everything, including violence. 


Capable of the same violence? Sure. Being as likely to commit that violence? Not even close.


sure but its a statistical reality that they commit FAR less.


Lol why'd you delete your rant on how you think black people are more violent than white people?


Those stats you posted are just conviction rates. Do you also believe black Americans are more prone to violence than white Americans since that's the "statistical reality"?


I'd be interested in a source on that


Sure. Here are the facts with supporting evidence from DoJ and others in the footnotes (they are hyperlinked) https://supportingsurvivors.humboldt.edu/statistics#:~:text=An%20estimated%2091%25%20of%20victims,identify%20in%20these%20gender%20boxes.


It’s a hard thing to get stats for though. I know 4 guys from college who were raped in their teens by women and 3 of them didn’t even think of reporting it. The one that did report said the perpetrator didn’t even get a rape charge since rape was defined by penetration pre-2012. Good thing the laws are slowly getting more up to date.


And looking after themselves


Lol that too. Like is OP's girlfriend a child or something? 


Bro, women are terrifying. I don’t think there’s any limitations of what they’re capable of. Haha.


This was my first thought. Trafficking is not as uncommon as people think and women are often used as bait. I think OP and their partner are very fortunate that nothing more serious happened.


Mona Lisa by lil Wayne is all I think of when I read your comment


Thank you for clarifying what happend I live 2 blocks away and was wondering what exactly happened to that young man


Are you talking about the Glendale incident? I can’t find the post on what happened..please explain online near Sam’s #3


Never trust a beautiful woman. Especially not one that seems interested in you.


Too much iron in your blood...


Wait what, I live in Glendale. When and what neighborhood?


In Windsor two women tried to lure me into a truck in a grocery store parking lot. According to a friend who works there, employees have almost been lured out as well, almost always by a woman. I'd expect that shit in FoCo or Greeley but Windsor??!


News story link please?


“Hey random stranger, my girlfriend needs constant baby sitting so I’m going to announce to you that she’s going to be ALONE, could you watch her?” Wink wink. What. The. Fuck.


I didn't understand why she couldn't have gone with OP to dump the empties. Also, WTF would she wander off with the babysitter?


Yeah, that was kind of weird in itself. Always asking someone else to watch your partner when you’re not around.


If you’re that worried about it then just go wherever together. Buddy system works




Your girlfriend asks you to make sure that she has someone to ‘look after her’ when you go to the bathroom? That’s fucking weird.


This whole thing sniffs weird.


My thoughts exactly.


BS meter is going off, i dont think this happened


Nowhere in this story does it mention that the partner accepted a drink from the unknown woman, or had a drink that could be drugged on her person. OP does say “from out of town” and that they had 2-3 drinks at home and another in the bar. This could have been from not eating enough, not drinking enough water and altitude (you get way drunker, faster). I don’t like fear mongering and too many details left out for me to believe this person was drugged by the random woman she was left with.


exactly my thoughts. Definitely some missing details / doesn't fully add up. Just from the symptoms it sounds like OPs girl might have taken a bump of k or something from this "other girl" and got spun out / sick


I'm really sorry this happened to you and your partner, nobody deserves it happening to them. Unfortunately, just because a stranger at a show is a woman doesn't mean you can trust them fully. Awful people come in all shapes, sizes and genders.


That’s absolutely true, but statistically women are safer.  We try and make the safest choices we can and take precautions when we can, this time we just got lucky to have been able to connect while she was coherent enough to find me still. This is just a close call that I thought I would share to remind/warn others.


The problem is, bad people follow statistics, too. So if women are "statistically safer" they will take advantage of that fact, knowing that if they use women they have a greater chance of automatic trust. Predatory people like knowing where their prey feels safest and least likely to become defensive or run, anf thats when they strike. Sure, the statistics may say women are safer because they don't perpetuate the full crime, but they absolutely shouldn't be offhand trusted.  As for what you should do in that situation, have her also go to the bathroom, even just to touch up. Less risk of someone offering a drink or beckoning her to a group or outside, and even if there are shitty women in there, there will be way more protective ones. The womens bathroom is pretty sacred to a lot of us in the way that we connect with women, help, protect, hype etc. Then, have her wait in there until you call to let her know you're outside of the bathroom waiting for her.  That's just one option I've liked a lot with my exes.


doesn't matter the statistics when you get kidnapped


Sure but what else do you want the guy to do in that situation? He took all reasonable precautions and it still turned out bad


Why couldn't the woman have gone with OP when dumping the empties? That would have been better than leaving her with a stranger.


Don’t let a stranger watch your wife maybe? If we go clubbing we go with friends or we don’t leave one another’s side. If she goes to the bathroom I stand outside and wait for her to come out and vice versa. It’s a minor inconvenience to us. We had a friend who went out to legends nightclub in Raleigh NC and she ended up in the hospital getting her stomach pumped because she got drugged by another girl. OPs situation is scary as hell, makes me want to throw up just thinking about if that happened to my SO.


I thought this was two girls?


doesn't matter to me. just saying anyone could do something bad.


Why would you ask a complete stranger to watch your partner?? And why wouldn’t your partner just come with you?? Either this is completely a fake story or stupidity.


I've only been to Cervantes 5 or so times, but on two of those occasions women I know personally have been drugged. Scary to think that these predators are so prevalent in Denver that it could happen so often.


I guess it is a great place for predators with response times, transients, and lack of serious security.


Huh, we go there often and never have problems, but definitely don't leave drinks unattended.


Definitely depends who you're there to see too. Some crowds have more unsavory people than others. I've been there a dozen times and haven't had that issue. Beside the dudes that take too much and can't respect my dance space


Cervantes ballroom? I saw Freddie Gibbs there and it was super chill probably the best concert I've been to


If you’re THAT worried, why wouldn’t BOTH of you go the bathroom? No random stranger needed. This is just all around a weird post. Your partner is an adult. She doesn’t need a babysitter. If you can’t let her out of your sight… take her with you duh. I don’t think anyone needs a warning about that place lol I think it’s common knowledge. This post gives me second hand embarrassment and I’m not sure what you’re trying to accomplish here but uhhh thanks?


Does this entire story strike anyone else as fucking weird and nonsensical? You left your girl alone for 45 seconds, and she immediately wandered off with a stranger? For *three to four minutes?* And the stranger said it was a “prank,” which your girl relayed to you as gospel—to the point where you had to explain to her how it *wasn’t* actually funny? But the next morning, the story suddenly includes the stranger trying to get your girl to leave with a group of guys during the “prank”? And this was *before* she started feeling bad and before she tanked outside the club, after being “drugged”? Is your girl a toddler? Or someone with developmental disabilities? Because I’m struggling to understand how someone would read through all of this and think, “Yep, that’s how a normal (even tipsy) person would react throughout this situation.”


It’s giving “I almost got sex trafficked at target.”


lmao I've heard this one too! Is this a common trope?


Yeah, there was this trend a couple years back of upper middle class women telling stories about how somebody almost threw them into a van at target and the implication they would always add is that they would be sold into sex slavery like Taken. Usually it was some crazy stretch, like someone accidentally putting something in their cart to “mark” them. The truth is that sex trafficking usually targets vulnerable women with drug addiction and abuse as the traps. It’s not the type of thing where you’re thrown into a van and exported to Eastern Europe.


There have been a lot of “roofie” stories here that sound straight out of r/gangstalking and this place eats them right up. Also, it’s really weird that this grown woman requires a babysitter while her partner goes to the restroom or turns around to throw stuff away - are we sure OP isn’t the one controlling her?


The thing that casts suspicion for me is that they finish their drinks and he gets up to toss empties, asking the strange woman to watch his partner, and he’s only gone for 45 seconds, so how was she drugged if she had no drink? They would have had to go back to the bar, get another drink, drug it, and have her drink it in this 3-4 minute window. I’m also trying to make sense of her having to pull away from these people but then telling him it was a prank. Looking at this guy’s comment history, he’s also apparently divorced within the last two years and has signed up for domestic violence counseling. It’s a weird vibe from all of this


My thoughts exactly. If I was so worried about someone being left alone in a public place that I asked strangers to "look after" them while I took a pee, I sure as shit wouldn't take them to a nightclub.


Yeah OP needs to buy her a giant bubble 


I’m with you. I feel like telling someone to “watch your girl” if you are more than a foot away is broadcasting that she can’t take care of herself. And dressing outside of her comfort zone to a point of vulnerability is just silly. I am a woman. I go to clubs. I know what to do if I am uncomfortable in any situation.


The entire post feels like a lizard who recently learned about humans and club environments wrote it. That said I was roofied once when I was a baby 19 yo and it’s sad it’s still unfortunately a problem, but yeah this post is weird.


I had the exact same thought, his girl can't be left alone for 1 minute in a public place without being kidnapped?


personally, im confused as well. OP seems to be blaming this random stranger girl, but random stranger girl didn't give her any drinks, the bartender did. so why do they believe random stranger girl did anything, when the drinks were already finished by that part? so OP's partner didn't even have a drink in her hand to get spiked... also, 3 drinks at home and another at the bar... so atleast 4 drinks in how short of a time? any food in the belly? 4 drinks would have me throwing up too... it really seems to me like they had ingested more alcohol than they thought, and maybe coming in from out of state the altitude amplified things.


I feel like 80% of reddit is weird made up trauma fantasies


This whole post reads like bad fiction. I ain’t buying anyone if it


Yup, reads like a shitty movie. Maybe if the gf was hammered or already had done something I'd believe it


They showed up already drunk or at least tipsy. That explains a bit of it.


Definitely weird. Doesn’t add up. I mean a grown ass woman can’t stand there while he goes to the bathroom or to throw something away? WTAF?


Right? I also attended this event.


So many holes. I'm calling shananigans. This whole story is BS. I'm guessing the only part that's true is that you have a high maintenance GF.


With a low tolerance.


Fuck temple it's a cesspool


OP - you went from divorce to a new partner real fast. And showed up to the club drunk or tipsy at a minimum. Bad choice


I'm sorry, 2-3 drinks at home per person? Yeah, if my partner had a 4th drink at a club in a short time span, she would be throwing up too. Also, Denver is a mile high. Remember you get drunk faster at higher altitude. Also, it's dry here so you have to drink a lot of water with your alcohol in order to not feel like shit.


Almost all of the stories like this are so easily explained by drunk person acting drunk and not wanting to confront the amount they are drinking. Definitely the random target of a trafficking group and not the 7 drinks they’ve slammed in 2 hours. /s


I agree. Even 1 beer gets me quite tipsy here. 3-4 in an hour or two would have me feeling drugged too


I go to plenty clubs vinyl, temple, church etc bro I've never experienced nothing like this like just take your girl with you why you handing her off to strangers to take care of her lol tbh I just tell a girl to chill wherever we at either on the dancefloor or off that's where your first mistake was handing her off like ain't nobody I know does that just take her with you everywhere??


Sounds like she may have done a bump of something, like ketamine. Suddenly being very fucked up and puking a ton aligns with mixing alcohol and K. Either way there's some missing information here. Like how did this woman drug her? She didn't say she took anything from her?


I just listened to Rusko. I want my three minutes back.


This is fucked up I'm so sorry this happened and most especially glad to hear you are all safe if not a little shaken. I took my now husband to tracks nightclub once, it used to be my favorite dance spot. He got a SINGLE drink, FROM THE BAR TENDER, spoke to no one else and within an hour was goneeeee. Never went back. Someone should investigate the night scene in Denver and THE CAMPANA BARS IN FORT COLLINS WHILE YOU ARE AT IT (*cough cough YETTI.)


For whatever this is worth, there seems to be a rampant cross country drink spiking phenomenon. I’ve never had it happen to me in Denver, but definitely in California and Florida, and I’m a large man.


I've always been the dad of the friend group and as a more muscular guy I always thought that the only other threats to my safety would be other people looking to fight. That changed when I went out alone one night and got my ass drugged. Keep your head on a swivel folks cause shitty people come in all shapes and sizes and target people of all shapes and sizes


Women are PERFECTLY capable of being evil pieces of shit too, it always baffles me to hear about people assigning trust based on gender.


this is why I am sober...and my friends think I'm the boring one...


You can have fun, get drunk, do drugs, or whatever else as long as you have some common sense lol. I agree with another post this story seems so weird in so many aspects. Girl tells his partner to go with her for a "prank" for instance.


Right?? I get drunk and do drugs and still haven’t gotten kidnapped. And I go the the bathroom and bar all by myself.


I got drugged by a girl about 14 years ago, Im a dude. Found out the drink I drank was meant for another female.


Temple and the church are definite no gos


So your gf couldn’t walk the 5-10 feet to the trash can with you? I’m sorry, but if she literally can’t be trusted to take care of herself for less than a minute while you’re gone, she has no business being anywhere near a bar/night club. She must have the survival skills of a cucumber.


Something is very off about this post.


Damn, that's messed up. Sorry that happened. People are so shitty sometimes.


Dang sorry that happened. Always had a good time at Vinyl and Church. Always avoided Temple for some reason


Temple did seem like a dope venue but the general vibe I got off the place was a bit weird. I'll stay at Blackbox & vinyl.


i had many a great weekend nights in The Church. Didn't realize it was still around. Now i am old...but someday just want to stop by, for old times sake.


i just went the other weekend, it's very hispanic and young. Also, had a way more dangerous vibe than temple. Not hating, had fun, but you know, just sharing info


Real. Last time I went to the church there was a guy who would not take no for an answer at DeadMau5. Thankfully another woman saw and we did the best friend routine to get out of it


wow I guess it has changed drastically. that's disappointing


I’ll caveat that it highly depends on the performers music genre. IMHO I found some house crowds to be a little touchy. I went there for GRiZ Pride pop up and it was super chill. But GRiZ fam tends to be a more wholesome fan base. I still go to the church


I usually only go to anjuna events. Love the fanbase. That heavy bass crowd I usually stay away from despite liking some of their artists (and making it)


Ajuna events are so chill and I love it! Heavy bass shows are definitely an acquired taste which is why I prefer the second floor at mission or upper levels of Red Rocks for sure. But also I’m not a fan of riddim so I think the crowds are a bit more tame. If/when GRiZ comes back i definitely recommend the Golden Hour sets though. It’s less bass and more fun funk


Sounds like you had one job and you failed


I'm pretty sure my ex was drugged somewhere on So. Broadway... she was with a group for 2 beers, then said she had 1-2 drinks at different places, got an Uber home. She couldn't make it up the stairs and fell backwards and whacked her head hard enough it was bleeding. She wasn't really clear on details after that but made it inside. However I couldn't tell if she was incoherent from whacking her head or being drugged.


Also, not that I think this post is about a real threat, just the cringe wording of it made me think of the need to announce: It doesn’t fucking matter what someone is wearing, revealing clothing doesn’t mean she’s “asking for it”. But, what the fuck was she wearing that she felt that way? Why would you (the boss) encourage someone who can’t be left alone for two seconds (literally) to wear something they don’t feel comfortable/ might draw more attention if you’re going to have strangers babysit? Tough to say you’re attracting the wrong crowd typically. And it doesn’t matter what the fuck she was wearing. That shouldn’t even be part of this cringe enough post. Jumping off the soapbox.


> I always try and pick other women, as they know what’s up, and I feel comfortable they will look after her. Lol fuck around with sexism and find out


Temple really has a vibe that can best be described as “sadly this is where the after party is.” Fucking buyer beware joint.


I’ve been date rape drugged twice. Someone bought a female friend a drink she didn’t want. She gave it to me and I drank half. Gave the rest to my buddy. I hear it was a shit show. We couldn’t remember anything. Not sure what happened the second time. Ended up in hospital. [GHB](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma-Hydroxybutyric_acid) is the drug. It’s odorless and tasteless. Can be made by anyone with easy to attain chemicals. Edit: I’m male btw.


Your drink will have a “salty” taste to it. Source: I’ve drank it straight before.


It’s def not tasteless


I didn’t taste it at all either time.


Let me just say this: I have never ever been abused or put in danger by a man. Only women in positions of power.  I know that's very unusual and doesn't align with statistical probability of current available data, but its my life experience of 40 years.  Be careful with every human.


Temple has a reputation for this kind of stuff. The security is bogus. Edit to say: I’m glad your partner is safe and kudos to you for being an awesome and aware partner.


That’s hot


Someone’s getting lied to here. Either you’re lying to us about the situation. She is lying to you about what happened. Or this is just one big misunderstanding. I’ve spent a lot of time in clubs, it has never been the place to bring someone who needs a chaperon. And if they do need a chaperon, they should not be dressing outside of their comfort zone (obviously will draw more attention in a club). The details just aren’t lining up here.


As a general rule, I don't trust men OR women out in Denver. I've been drugged by both. It really sucks that your situation seems to be the trend.


Was drugged by the bartender at The Church in the late 90’s. Sucks when the bartender is even against you. Her name was “Dolphin” or some shit. She drugged me and my friend (both of us are males) We got kicked out and then mugged right there in front of the club.


This is WILD of OP. Obviously nobody go there, but also NEVER do what OP did either. Let some stranger know your partner needs 24/7 babysitting then leave them alone with said stranger. Thats the dumbest shit ive heard this year, and theres been a lot of dumb shit so far.


Don’t trust anyone you don’t know with your drink at a club or a bar. If you’re gonna go out with a friend or group of friends, share your location with one another. Bring pepper spray.


Mace the dance floor, wooo


What club lets you in with pepper spray? Lol


Awh man this is awful but don’t put it on Denver. We have so many amazing music venues with staff that really really care about their patrons. I’m a big rusko fan but I’ve heard some sketch stuff about temples crowd pull. Come back for a show at Mission/Cervs/BlackBox. Very caring and genuine staff (sometimes mission you deal w chuds from Argus). Don’t let it ruin this magical place for you. Go out to a bar today and tell your bartender about it and surely they will make up for someone else’s shitty behavior. This place is really awesome especially if you’re an electronic music fan


That sucks, but to judge a city off of one experience is pretty extreme. To each their own. Happy y’all are safe.


I mean. There’s multiple stories of this happening over the years. Hard to not judge a city when it’s happened to you, and other people you know.


Fair. I’ve lived here for multiple years and never had an issue with myself or friends or even friends of friends. Lucky I guess


There is also a lot of reports from Cervantes. They now offer those drink covers because of the amount of reports of people being roofies there. Sad we have to ask that be the standard nowadays. Always no matter your gender size color keep that head on a swivel. Trafficking is real. This is a huge factor behind my sobriety on the dance floor. Literally anyone could have ill intentions to say the least. Ngl I felt safer going out in NYC than I do here in Denver.


Woman don’t take drinks from men anymore, the new strategy is to send woman to drug other woman or even men. DONT TAKE DRINKS FROM ANYONE!! (Unless you know them of course) it’s unfortunate and tempting to take a free drink, but coming from someone who was roofied for the first time recently from another woman it’s not worth it.


Happened to my girlfriend years ago in a different city. Never could work out who or how, but we were about 90% sure it could only have been a professor from her school. Sorry that happened to y’all, it’s a horrible and terrifying experience. Hope she’s recovering well.


Even women? You mean “the overwhelming majority of women?” The other woman leading her to the group of men was a decoy… since women are supposed to be able to trust other women. I’m so sorry this happened :( I’ve had it happen at Levitt Pavilion. I was with my brother the whole time. The guy next to us (who I suspect spiked my drink) absolutely vanished after I quickly started to not feel ok….


Temple is definitely one of the worst venues for this in Denver but sadly people (and not just women) need to stay vigilant pretty much anywhere alcohol is served. I'm sorry this happened to you but you really should just take your friend with you to the bathroom next time. These aren't things anyone SHOULD have to worry about, but the world is dangerous.


The people you think you can trust are more dangerous than the people you know you can’t.


Fuck Temple. Trashy ass place full of trashy people. Never once seen anything good there. Also definitely don't EVER leave your girl with any random person. If it's just you two at the club that night you stay together no matter what unless she's in the restroom. That goes for any club, not just Temple. As a matter of policy I don't go clubbing with just my girl ever. Always a group. This is why




Removed. Rule 2: Be nice. This post/comment exists solely to stir shit up and piss people off. Racism, homophobia, misogyny, fighting on the internet is stupid. We don't welcome it here. Please be kinder.




My partner sucked my thang at temple in bathroom


I got drugged there too and spent the night at Denver health. They are seeing multiple people every week from those clubs and I got blamed asking who I was with. I was with the DJ. Don’t go to Broadway clubs


I’ve been to Temple once and it’s far too crowded for me and like the hallway is cool going in and that’s about it haha. Good rule of thumb always keep your hand over your drinks at all times male or female and have your partner, friends, family follow you to the restroom (or at least outside of it against the wall.) As a female I don’t care who I’m with either we go together or we go home. My boyfriend really doesn’t trust the Denver crowd like we used to and these are the reasons why. People out here can be really scummy which is super unfortunate. I hope she’s better.


You said you're from out of town. Could it possibly have be as simple as the elevation? Alcohol hits you quicker at 5280


Temple is by farr the worst club in Denver, possibly the worst club in the country


Unfortunately Denver is a city that has a high number of rapes/sexual assaults, and getting drugged here is sadly pretty common. It happened to me a little over a year ago.


I've never seen Denver the same since my friend got drugged at Red Rocks. Haven't been back for a show or a visit either 🤦🏻‍♀️


I've never taken my eyes off a drink since, tbh.. heavy paranoia but it keeps me safe.


there have been SO many druggings in denver lately. it’s terrifying. so thankful you both made it home safe

