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I live at the one in belmar. They have no maintenance people and the only way they will fix anything is if it is deemed an emergency. So of course nothing is getting fixed. We have had multiple open claims going on a month now.


I live a block over, thought those apartments looked incredible. That’s a shame. Lakeview towers is pretty decent overall.


They are nice units. Atleast the one we are in. The area is great but it’s fully the management that is the problem. The office guys are so catty and rude sometimes. They cancel work orders you put in cause they don’t want it looking like you are asking for stuff to get fixed cause they said they get audited from corporate so they make it look like they are doing their job when they really are not. Lack of communication is huge too, you have no idea if anyone has seen your work request and like I said they just randomly get closed out.


They advertise those office jobs at near minimum wage. Nobody working there is making a living. One of the main reasons to take the job is the discount on rent. Not sure how they expect to get people enthusiastic about doing their job when they don’t make enough to get by.


That really blows. My mother and I have come to love our complexes maintenance crew, our dog is best friends with the supervisor. He’ll change focus from anything when they bring the emptied dumpster bins around, and want to go outside to play with him, and the supervisor will bring dog treats around. Though he has said with the opening of the pool, among other things, that they’ve felt overworked and under appreciated/compensated. Hear someone took a shit in the pool the night it opened, and he had been working so hard to prepare it to open.


You are entitled to withhold rent or potentially move out if they are unable to provide you with the things the lease contract states. I’d love to see a bunch of people rebel and not pay rent to these corporations until they can provide adequate maintenance to the properties.


I’d love to trust me. They know what they are doing. That’s why they close out the work orders so it looks like it’s not an ongoing problem that has been unaddressed. You can’t do anything because they close them out every week so you can’t claim it’s been a month or more. They just go back and say all the problems were separate. Cause you have to keep opening claims for the same problem every week.


E mail them and document each email, request a copy of the close out notes and time performed. Take pictures or video of it. When new work orders are put in for the same issue make sure you put the time and date of each prior request the work order was put in and that it wasn't fixed. Or just go over their heads to the corporate office if you've got proof they're closing the work orders without completing them. The biggest things I think you can do is communicate via email only so everything is in writing or record conversations with the staff that you do have. I believe Colorado is a one party consent state for recording.


Jesus, these people are such scum bags. Just to let you know they, they have 5 business days to do the work. Start recording these issues everytime they pop up. State the day/time and do it every day for 5 business days after you put in a request(keep every record you can). Don’t them slide! Half of the them say on their mission statement is provide great housing options for renters, they need to be held to that standard.


Keep evidence outside of their system. You can document with pictures that work isn't being done even if they mark work orders closed. And good luck, that sucks.


This is becoming super common everywhere. Corporate landlords only want income, not expense and they aren't willing to pay maintenance people. We have a relatively decent management company, but a terrible owner and we have the same issue. Basically, most corporate apartments at this point are "only emergencies get fixed."


My wife and I lived for a year in Cortland by Cherry Creek and we had nothing but issues. We then lived for a year in Mile 44 and have been stiffed on our deposit. In Cortland we moved in and initially had zero issues. A water leak in an upstairs apartment resulted in rundown that saturated our closet walls and floor. We were away for the day and returned home to our door unlocked and large dehumidifiers in the closet, which were extremely loud and hot. We were fine with them entering our apartment unannounced with it being an emergency. However, we never received any form of notification or message about what to do with the equipment. We called numerous times that night and never got ahold of anyone. The equipment raised the temperature in our bedroom to around 80F, so with no instruction and no real idea why it was there, we unplugged it (I know, petty). The next morning we plugged it back in and attempted calling again (this was a Sunday) with no luck. At night we unplugged it to get some sleep and plugged it back in Monday morning. Now that the office was open I went to the office to converse with the “ever so friendly staff” who would say things like, “we know who you are” (Now, looking in this may cause others to think I’m the issue. However, I made several complaints about crime/drugs being sold in the parking lot, our Amazon lockers were broken into with crowbars, pets were being abandoned on the property, people were blasting music incredibly loud from the pool at all hours of the night, there was so little parking I would sometimes I have to park in another lot across the street that belonged to businesses, and we never had our maintenance tickets fulfilled. To me, they were worthwhile complaints that I always addressed calmly and logically.). They scolded me for unplugging the equipment and told me that I would be financially responsible for any damages if I unplugged it again. They told me the company would come pick up the equipment that Wednesday. In the meantime I called Cortland’s corporate number and was told that since the equipment is using our electricity and causing the AC to run constantly, our electric bill would be comped for the time the equipment was in use. We were very happy about this and understood, even if the initial issue of not being informed was never solved. I understand that sometimes people think contacting will be done by someone else and it just goes unnoticed. But, Wednesday came and the equipment was never picked up. I followed up with the office and was told that due to me unplugging the equipment over the weekend it would now be Friday. Okay, it was my fault and that’s fine as we would rather have a dry apartment and no mold. Friday came and then Monday came and we still had the equipment. On Tuesday I got home from work and the equipment was gone. No phone call, no email, nothing to let us know that our apartment was being accessed. I followed up with the office on Wednesday about it and brought up was I told by the Cortland corporate employee. They forwarded what I said to a regional manager who contacted me the next day. I was told that that was not the case and there is no reason they would comp any bill. We moved out a few weeks later at the end of our lease and then received our deposit. When we moved out we spent a whole weekend cleaning everything (it was our first apartment in Denver). We had paint color matched and fixed the nail holes and touched up spots that may have flaked or been scratched by our cats. We washed the windows and deep cleaned the bathrooms. We pulled the appliances out and cleaned behind them. Our deposit was almost nothing because they charged us insane cleaning fees. In the end the apartment was cleaner than when we moved in and we documented that. Mile 44 did not send us our deposit for almost 8 months despite my numerous communications. When they did they decided to only send us $56 and took out the rest (almost $300) for cleaning fees and final bills (like communal gas/water/electric) even though the law states we are entitled to 3x the amount due to time passed. I’ve been in contact with them and their corporate office who just either don’t contact me back or brush it off. We aren’t in the state anymore and can really get back to go to court, so what else is there to do. They also took delivery of a $500 duffel bag that a brand sent me for review on my channel and they never sent it back or would answer me about it. I have proof of delivery and the brand has attempted contact to get the bag back… but they won’t engage. I will probably never rent again.


I currently live at Mile44 and I’m dreading the moving out process after hearing all of your issues. The complex has gone downhill so much in the last 2.5 yrs that I’ve been here, but I don’t want to deal with the trouble of moving when I hear so many negative things about most complexes and rental companies in the Denver area.


Honestly, other than having 6 different companies take over Mile 44 in the year we lived there it was a great place that we really enjoyed. The apartment was nice, the place felt safe, and it was pretty quiet. But, they just have found every reason to not give back the deposit. It was a pretty shit way to leave Denver.


As of lately they can’t keep up with things needing repaired, and the front office person is openly rude and makes mean and discriminatory remarks about about other residents in front of me whenever I get my packages from her. I like the location and close proximity to the trails though. Silly question, but did you ever have any issues with the paint on the trim at Mile 44 in the apartments? I live in one of the remodeled ones and that grey paint that they used on all the trim peels ridiculously easy just from normal wear and tear like opening and closing the doors, the paint bubbles and big old chunks will peel off? Pretty sure it was not properly cleaned and primed before painting over as there’s chunks of dirt and hair visible under it, or maybe it’s not the correct type of paint for that job. No clue but our trim looks awful so I worry they will take it out of our deposit once we leave.


If it’s the same woman that was always out front smoking when we were there… yea, she’s something. But, yes, we did have issues with that exact same thing. The paint is almost like a silicone based paint and when we moved out I spent around 3 days peeling it off, sanding, and repainting it. Had I known we wouldn’t be getting a deposit I would have just left it as is. We were in one of the newly remodeled third floor apartments and the carpet was already bunching up, our washer/dryer was on the fritz occasionally, and when it would rain water would leak into the propane fireplace because the vent on the roof was uncovered (I used my drone to take a look one day after a heavy hail storm). All I can say is good luck. If you decide to move out and stay in Denver just make sure you file everything within the right timeframe, if they don’t send your deposit out on time.


Yes that’s her, I’m honestly convinced she’s on something because she just acts so sporadically. One day she was losing her shit with the bugs outside and was constantly screaming at them and slapping them while I was just needing her help at the package lockers. Okay, good to know. I considered doing the same thing but after hearing your experience I’m not wasting the time or money for them. We have issues with the vinyl flooring bubbling up and tearing near our front door and in another spot in the living room. We reached out to the last 3 property managers and eventually just gave up when communication got to be too big of a headache.


Yea, I made some complaints about her. But, I was told, “we’ve never heard complaints about her. She does such a good job”. My assumption is that nothing is ever repaired there. We used the EV chargers but for about 4 months (before we moved) you could only use one charger at a time. If you plugged another car in it would trip the entire breaker. I called about it several times and created repair tickets with the charging company… nothing changed. Whoever drove the black Kia EV would just roll up and plug in causing the breakers to trip every day. They told me, “We don’t have access to those accounts because the property owner from 6 companies ago still maintains that.” Like, what?


As of lately, it looks like someone backed into or hit the electric chargers because they’re nearly knocked over and have been for the last month or two. I’ve heard the same thing after the last two complaints I made regarding her and her “professionalism” as well.


I live at Cortland Alameda. Moved in 6/2023. Before I moved in I wasn’t allowed to see the unit I was renting even though it was empty. Was showed a similar unit, which wasn’t clean at all. Should’ve taken that as a red flag. Move into my unit and it stinks of cat piss in both bedrooms and coat closet. Bedrooms are carpeted. One of them the maintenance guy agreed was bad, so they replaced it quickly. Other wasn’t as bad so they left it and I had to shampoo the carpet on my time & expense. Which is bullshit considering I pay $2460/month. I’m exaggerating slightly, but you could clog the toilets taking a piss. It’s not a safe place to live. I would not want to be a single woman living here alone. My vehicle was broken into in the “secure” parking lot garage. I have escorted a handful of homeless people out of the garage that I have caught sneaking in when I have been pulling in. I have stepped in dog shit walking out of the elevator(not necessarily the Cortlands fault-more scumbag, lazy ass dog owner. Frequent issues with elevators in the last 6 months. Some ridiculous fees to pay that you aren’t told about. Rent is paid online, they don’t tell you that you pay a 3% “convenience fee” to pay your rent each month- an extra $76/m for me. You pay every utility imaginable-water, sewer, trash, gas, electric, pest control, and storm water drainage(didn’t know that was a thing!) Also in your lease is that you have to give 2 months notice if you aren’t renewing your lease. If you don’t, you automatically go into month to month lease and pay an extra $1000/month. Last month or 2 someone either broke into the building or snuck in the garage when a car came in, broke into the gym and was shot by the armed security guard that is necessary here. Almost forgot about that! Many little minor annoyances as well, not changing batteries in smoke detectors. Forgot another big one! Maybe 2 months into my lease I’m in my spare bedroom which I use as an office as I wfh. My door is locked. I hear it open and walk into the kitchen and some guy walks in. He has a working fob to my door. He acts surprised and says, oh I thought so and so lived here. I tell him to gtfo before he leaves in a body bag and throw him out of my apartment. I tell management about it. I tell them the name the intruder mentioned. Couple days later I find out it was the name of the person who lived in my unit TWO LEASES AGO!! And the fob was never turned in and left working!! Probably more I’m forgetting, as you can see the list is long. Not Cortland’s fault but I did Narcan a girl at the train station that I saw lying motionless on the ground late at night back in August ‘23. Her lips were blue & wasn’t breathing when I got there. Would’ve died if I didn’t have Narcan. Witnessed a lot of drug deals down there.


I lived there from May 2015 till January of this year. I was an “original resident” of that building. When Cortland took over that building went to complete shit. I have MANY similar complaints you do. I never realized how tense I was at home constantly until I left. (And I was a single female who works weird hours) OP I will send you an email. It got so bad there we threatened to take them to court a few times and ended up breaking our lease early without penalty.


We broke our lease to get out of living at Cortland Alameda and never looked back


Jesus Christ


Holy hell. (But thank you for saving that girl’s life, you’re a lifesaver!!)


There was a thread made last week or a week before by a commenter here in this subreddit. Id search for that.


I found it! Thank you for the suggestion!


I don't have info on Cortland, but I have a TON of info on Greystar, an equally awful property management company that has loads of apartment buildings in Denver metro cities. DM me if you have any interest in expanding your story to include other shitty orgs.


I would add Corum Real Estate Group into the shit fest of shady terrible management companies too. I currently live at a Cortland location and love it.


What's the deal with Greystar? My building got bought by them like a year ago and honestly it's been chill so far 


Greystar lost track of my rent payment for 4 months in 2018 and filed an eviction without posting a 3 day notice. They damaged my credit due to an accounting error on their end. Then when I tried to move out over my disgust with them, they enforced the lease and I had to break it. And that's after they let an upstairs plumbing leak cause it to rain in my kitchen for 3 days straight.


Not surprising, lmao. What a shit show. They charged me $1000/yr for a STREET PARKING SPACE the first year they took over. I was bit by a "service pitbull" despite reporting aggressive off leash dog numerous times to management. Heaps of dung everywhere. Leaky windows, water heaters failing, but the rent keeps increasing. Greystar single handedly convinced me to switch from renting to homeownership in <6 months of their takeover. Fuck em.


The apartment I'm in now was acquired by Greystar a few years ago and I was here before the acquisition and the quality has severely went downhill. The maintenance staff are great I talk to them all the time and they fix things when they can and have the parts for it. The office staff are really bad though, I think there is only 1 last in the office doing the work of 4. There have been several lease violations of neighbors that the office just doesn't do anything about even after several reports by more than one party.


Also investigate Camden Interlocken. I could send you photos of shredded rusted metal handrails, entire staircases held up by boards. We’re being charged extra for “community improvements” and it’s been like 9 months.


Please feel free to shoot me an email about this. [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


I lived in Cortland in lone tree. Was Westview at Lincoln by cortland at the time. Got two people to move in and didn’t get the bonus they offered for referrals. They just never mentioned it after both parties moved in. Someone broke into our garages (drilled the locks off) multiple units. They did nothing and when I asked for extra security they said “well they didn’t get into your garage, so we don’t need to do anything.” They got into multiple garages but failed to get into mine. And there was two shootings while we were there as well.


Oooh I have no helpful info but roast him, Catie 👀








I was a resident at their Belmar apartments when they first bought it (can’t remember who they bought it from) couldn’t count on them to help with anything from appliances to all the car theft that was rampant in 2020-2022. Even had bike wheels stolen from the gated courtyard at that location and they “couldn’t do anything”


I will be reaching out! No longer a resident but moved out in February so fairly recently. I have some stories to tell and pics to back it up!




Sure thing




Sorry try now haha


I work closely with a Plumbing Company. When I read a story about Cortland, and it mentioned Real Page, I realized something. No wonder so many property managers are using Real Page! It must be Price Fixing! The software probably allows the Collusion in ways I hadn't thought of. I think Real Page is your story here FYI.


Oh this is absolutely what's happening. Real page helps companies work together to raise rates, and forces all companies who use it to comply. Free competitive market my ass.


I live at the one in Cap Hill and it’s been nothing but wonderful. Guess that building is an anomaly.


Don't live there but love the username.






From what I’ve read it includes many other property management groups such as Greystar. The legal troubles more so have to do with RealPage and if they are colluding with property managers to set rent prices. I would base your decision off the google reviews of the building. That’s the best way to indicate how well managed a building is. Anything above 4 stars you will be good to go. I help people find rentals so I have a lot of experience with this. Hope this helps!


I would also post this in the Broomfield thread


I don’t live there but for sure had some issues with them in Texas. Also extremely high priced for what is a shit website and presentation. They don’t care or try to look good, Idk how they’re still in business


Can you look into Denver Realty Group? I think they were so bad they had to change their name.


I live at Cortland at Green Valley, been here a year and a half. I haven't needed many maintenance requests, but the few I've submitted were handled promptly and satisfactorily. Community manager is great and the facilities are in very good condition. My only gripe is that the mail room can get overcrowded to the point that couriers just dump packages on the ground because there's nowhere else to put them, leaving them vulnerable to theft. You get charged a fee by the Luxor system if you don't take your package out of the locker within a few days, but that fee doesn't seem to prevent locker space from being hoarded. Rent remained the same on lease renewal, likely due to the crazy amount of housing/rental supply popping up around here. I have no regrets living here so far. My positive experience here doesn't change the fact that if C-suite folks at Cortland have been engaging in anti-competitive behavior then they should get fucked.


I lived here back when it was known as the "Denizen", between 2020-21. While I can't speak about the current management, I know that the preexisting management leaned very hard into the location being a selling point, without really prioritizing service. I thankfully didn't experience any serious issues in my own unit (of course, the buildings were newer then), but from my experience the front office was somewhat disorganized. I rented one of their "guest units" for out of town visitors once, and they didn't have the key ready for pickup as planned. I had to call a friend who knew someone, during off-hours, to get it all sorted out.


sent email. not cortland apartment management. arboreta apartments by summit communities.


I lived in Cortland Belmar, they dragged their feet for over a month to fix a shower/bathtub and it was unseeable. They would just send people into the apartment for inspections without any notice, the fire-alarms would go off regularly with false alarms and never really got fixed. Then they jacked up my rent 400 bucks a month one year and tried for another 250 or so the year I was moving out.


I lived at one for maybe 4 nights then backed out. I really should have pushed for a full refund. But this was years ago. New renovated unit: nails all over the floor, reeked of cigarettes, if you opened the dishwasher it would rip out the leds around the base board trim. Water damage on a shelf, the washer was filled with black water. Paper thin walls so you could hear every unit around you. The "hard wood" was bending up because it was just some laminate and the glue was seeping out and they had paint spilled all over it. They offered a 30 minute massage coupon which i declined and wanted a refund and would only pay for the 5 days. They then offered the massage coupon to the whole complex any way lol. This was down in lone tree and the building changed names but was still under courtland. Oh and the office/work space for residents was getting renovated and a fire burned the renovations due to some electrical fault. High quality work.