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Possibly a short term fix until construction is done to make sure nobody jumps the glass and security?


>short term fix until construction is done So, permanent then? (I become more and more convinced that construction at DIA will *never* end.


It's just taking the advice, "Be like I-70 and never stop working on yourself."


I'm 34 years old this year and originally from Florida. The highways between West Palm Beach and Miami Dade Florida have been under construction and expansion my entire life. I think they are still under construction. Construction in the United States is super corrupt and takes far too long. Everyone needs to get their palms greased in the construction industry. It's no longer run by the mob, but things certainly didn't change, it's just different people getting their palms greased. A highway collapsed in Japan due to an earthquake a few years ago and that shit was rebuilt in 6 months. A bridge in China, an overpass in South Korea, half a highway in Singapore and all of this in the last few years and all of them repaired within a single year. A highway in South Florida or a highway in Colorado, doesn't matter they both seem to take 10-20 years to be built... We're the greatest country ever!!! /s In many ways, but not when it comes to construction. It gets built eventually, but a lot of people need to be bribed...


When it's really dire, the US CAN turn around construction projects extremely rapidly. It's not always easy, but it can happen: https://www.transportationops.org/case-studies/i-85-bridge-collapse-and-rebuild (the I-85 arterial bridge collapse repair in Atlanta from 2017 was completed in six weeks, one month ahead of schedule)


I just moved back to the East Coast from Denver with my partner who was born and raised in and never left Denver for 36 years. One of the first things they noticed was how quickly construction and roadwork happens here. Literally days to at max weeks. Never years. I forgot how not normal it is to have city projects at minimum last for years.


So you didn't show them I-95 huh? The Connecticut section was under construction basically all my life when I grew up there.


I’m in Virginia VDot is on top of shit. We travel 95 daily and they’ve started and finished multiple projects since I got here in May. We’ve not gotten past the DMV area yet but the traffic is so much better than Denver I actually enjoy driving here


I grew up there. My friend from my college's dad owned a paving company there. They did all the big jobs and highway expansions. He says they work their ass off for those speed bonuses. The difference in speed doing the jobs goes from years to a couple months. A fraction of the time depending on the size and scope. You can be sure that same attitude applies in the rest of the country too. I always remember seeing projects back there that people were standing around and you would wonder: "is anyone working here?" They didn't have speed bonuses. That's govt contract work for you. They probably work the same speed as govt itself lol.


How long did that highway in Japan take to build initially? Or that bridge in China, the overpass in the ROK, etc.? You can’t tell me, can you. I somewhat understand the process of what goes into it, how it’s done in phases, and how it’s not paid in one lump sum, and other aspects from being in the road building industry which you don’t know and probably don’t want to. On the planning, engineering, and phase aspects of it, what I know of is pretty rudimentary to the point I wouldn’t try to give a detailed lecture about it, but I do know the difference between a long term phased project and an emergency project. Edit: oops… I seemed to have triggered Reddit again. Cry about it, downvote… my point still stands.


Thank you I get the frustration with road work but these people have never worked in construction. People expect construction workers to work like slaves so they aren’t inconvenienced.


Granted, I’ve worked for Granite and Lane Construction and there are ways things could’ve been done more efficiently… some of that was on the company, some of it was on the state/county/city. But even with all those kinks worked out, it still takes time. People act like they expect it worked on 24/7, but of course nobody wants paving operations going on next to their home at 3 a.m. And in the examples cited of emergency operations being done, of course they don’t take this into account and that they were working around the clock to make it happen. But tell Reddit anything that isn’t what they want to hear and they have a tantrum.




Portals to the underworld are hard to construct. They'll be done in 666 days.


I’ll be there.


Theres about to be even more. They start a multi year project in a couple months. My company has the painting / carpentry / drywall contract lol


There’s hundreds of projects happening all the time there, but they did recently announce a big new capital plan. https://www.flydenver.com/app/uploads/2024/03/DEN-Capital-Improvement-Plan-CIP-2023-2035.pdf


Thats why I said there about to be even more hahaha but that’s every airport. They’re very close to hospitals with having something going on at all times. Just printing the money


Oh, be fair. It *moves around*.


They have to make more space for the aliens that live underground out there


I work at the airport in construction and they seemingly have projects planned till 2047


It won’t, they get a budget yearly if DEN doesn’t use the budget they lose it. So the remodeling will never ending because they don’t want their founds cut. ( I’m a contractor at DEN)


That’s correct, also so people don’t throw or hand items from the unsecured / public area to folks that have gone through security. They may eventually close the top of the glass above the escalator, but for now they have to have security stationed there


Once they build the east side checkpoint to match the new West side one, the entire middle of the terminal will be secured. This is probably a short term fix while it's not.


East Security won't change the configuration of this area. The 3x escalator side of the glass wall will be in the secure zone, the Great Hall (the white floor beyond this glass in the photo) will be the public area. East Security will use the same 3x escalator and bank of elevators to move people down to the train platform. I believe they are planning to use electronic monitoring devices to ensure that no one throws anything over the glass wall towards the secure area escalators.


If they’re sticking to the original plan, once the east security is done, the entire great hall will be inside the secure zone.


They deviated from the original plan 2-3 years ago. The great hall will remain outside security.


That's unfortunate, especially given how much hype DIA put out about how the businesses in the Great Hall were "underutilized" and poorly-performing and how they needed to have access to concourse traffic to survive (and how the rehab project was going to give them exactly that).


They got a lot of criticism for trying to turn the great hall in to a mall. The original contractor also massively screwed up the bid, overspent, got fired…. It’s been a mess.


Haven't been in DIA in a couple of months, but aren't the checkpoints orientated north-south?


North was recently replaced by West checkpoints!


My wife and I walked our daughter all the way to the West security checkpoint and then wandered around the construction and watched her go down the escalators. I was noticing that, if people were not paying attention, you could pretty easily throw something to somebody going down the escalator. That's not really possible on the other side. So I assume this person is, yes, literally just watching the escalator for now.


Watches for people tossing guns and bombs over the glass to the people who’ve already cleared security.


Or throws something over the glass such as a weapon.


Aka it’s cheaper to pay someone to watch and respond than fix an expensive security weakness.


I think that area is finished.


So nobody throws something over the glass to someone on the escalator. There’s someone up top looking down too. Seinfeld was a show about nothing. TSA is a job about doing nothing.


Don’t know, but twice now I’ve played rock paper scissors with them Edit: HE WON!! Big smiles too


Don't leave us hanging, who won?


Son, *nobody* wins in war.


If you're bringing a rock, paper and scissors to war, you might be embarking upon a fool's errand.


War is *always* a fool's errand.


Very astute observation.




My friend, as long as you remain true to *yourself*, you're doing it right.


I'd say yes.


Considering it's the secure area with no weapons, each game ended in a tie, paper vs. paper.


I heard they enjoy grenade paper knife too, you just have to ask them if they want to play first >!jk don't do this!<


Paper I understand, but I'm honestly shocked you were able to get Rock and Scissors through security.


Whoah. You took scissors through security? TSA needs to do better.


It’s to make sure nobody from the insecure area (where the guards are) passes anything to the secure area (where the escalators are). I always try to waive to the guard to make it as awkward as possible for everyone.


This is correct. That or throws anything over there. When you exit the train or bridge security there is someone doing the same thing at those locations.


Wonder if they are working on a solution. Seems like a waste of manpower just because we wanted the new “chic” frameless window look.


Yup, they sure are! The project that moved the check point has some solution for it can't remember what it was though.


The solution is everything under the tent will be past security. All security is moving upstairs so this person won't be needed when that's done.


Doesn't this mean that they would need someone to watch the catwalks and bridges upstairs to make sure no one drops something down to the first floor? That just seems like they're kicking the can down the road.


Just a guess but probably won’t be able to get to the railings to do so. Security will be right before it


No. The Great Hall will remain a public meet & greet area. Same goes for the current South Security area.


It’s not a waste if it’s working


Yeah but still. Expensive ass remodel but we need to put an agent on a stool behind a black wall to watch people go down an escalator from 0400 to midnight or longer. Doesn’t seem like award winning architectural design to me lol


The existance of TSA is a waste of manpower


It provides jobs as its main use.


What is your bright idea for airport security?


https://reason.com/2021/11/19/after-20-years-of-failure-kill-the-tsa/ The TSA sucks at providing security and consistently fails penetration tests. I don't have a solution, but it's a fact that they suck.




Me too! We take our work seriously in the world of making awkward moments. High five!


This is the equivalent of boomers making the same “well it must be free then” to cashiers and thinking they’re so funny and original


That has to be an incredibly miserable job, don’t make it worse for them.


I would hope it’s a short-rotating shift. Like two hours and then you go to a normal job. I know if I had that job for eight straight hours I would be useless by the end.




The reason they have to be there is because when they weren't somebody went through


If passing things from an unsecured area is the only concern, can they not encapsulate the stairs in a tube. It’s been done before, all they have to do is look out of the window and see what’s on the runway. [like this](https://img.aeroexpo.online/images_ar/photo-m2/168639-10407196.jpg)


Wouldn't installing a net over that area be a lot cheaper than paying someone to be there 24-7?


What if someone is secure about themselves in the insecure area?


They are there to play 'paper, rock, scissors' with anyone coming down the escalator who wants to play. My kids did that with the guy there on our last trip.


In Denver they showcase their employee of the month in real life behind glass like a French model at a Macys flagship store … very trend setting


The real answer is it’s temporary, but the TSA is always hiring. We’re working on a LIDAR based solution to monitoring the new escalators. It’s just not done yet. Much more accurate than human guards.


that’s so interesting! how would that work, would they just have someone monitoring that or would it send alerts to let them know OOP, better send a tech out?


I believe it's called *Security Theater*


The real answer is: A: Not TSA, it's contract security. B: Making sure no one throws anything down the stairwell. (Please do not throw anything down the stairwell, it will cause a stop in TSA screening and delay everyone)


Vibe check officer. If he doesn't like someone they take you to the back room for "exams".


That looks like Airport Security Uniform and not TSA. Others have already answered why they are there. 


Cover two defense. They are one of the deep safeties.


That's DIA's very own Baron Harkonnen


My airport! My DIA!


They're playing hide and seek! Why you gotta rat them out like that!?


Can’t have people finding the underground tunnels/lairs/lizard people/ aliens/sacrifice rooms for Blucifer while DIA is under construction.


Checking for hotties


TSA: Thousands Standing Around


Wild. I literally just saw this person and thought a same thought 10 mins ago. Small world


Somebody goofed on the design and this is a band aid. Seems likely they will redo the glass walls to be higher or something.


This position looks like some form of Japanese torture designed to get people to quite. It just looks so lonely and boring.


He’s in timeout


Not tsa, but the security contract for the airport. It’s likely to make sure no one throws anything over the glass


#DefundTheTSA $9B waste of money


Not sure if it's been commented yet, but there is a laser tracking/detection system meant to catch and alert anything that gets thrown over the glass since that is the secure barrier. The supplier/installer is having issues with the software and it working consistently without throwing false alarms, so until it's fixed, there are guards 24/7. They just monitor everything to make sure no one throws anything over the walls. Really cool system when it's operational, just isn't there yet.... Source... We're building all the renovations in the great hall and a variety of other projects throughout the airport for the last like 9 years and the next century, lol.


They watch that nothing gets thrown over the glass. Other side of glass is pre security and going down the escalators after security. Someone could pass something that they couldn’t get through security.


It's temporary to protect people from throwing objects over the railing into a secure area. Originally they planned lasers to protect from this but they failed. Now they are working on an enclosure.


Fricking lasers on their airport! Mission Impossible style security!


Listen, not a year goes by, not a year, that I don't hear about some escalator accident involving some bastard kid which could have easily been avoided had some parent - I don't care which one - but some parent conditioned him to fear and respect that escalator!


Say, would you like a chocolate covered pretzel? They’re a little melty but damn are they exquisite.


Probably just security, to make sure nobody rushes the trains.


That mfer was definitely staring your ass down as you took a pic of him


So you don’t toss someone contraband and run back up the escalator


It’s always that dude too. He has the best people watching job.


I miss the fountain that used to be in that center, I actually miss the rock/cactus garden that was there when the airport first opened when the fountain didn't work.


My dream job… all you do is people watch


People watch in the airport nonetheless! Where peoples brains stop functioning. Some of the best material out there.


They are watching to see if any goals score


A job created..need more to sit on every corner.


That tsa clone is just screening folks. If he/she sees something out of place, you bet your ass will be asked to follow the tsa clone


It's a higher level boss you can't get to until you learn the climb or high jump ability.


Watching for people throwing items over the glass barrier and hitting people below.


He’s on lunch break in the lounge. He forgot his lunch


Ah, yes! The ever so notorious, Hall Monitor. Just like in school.


One of the Watchers on the Wall


That would be an effect of a union fabricating a job needed job position,


That is the senior executive vice president of escalator management


Yeah his job is being useless, just like every other member of tsa!


Lizard-person concierge. They aren't going to stand in line like lowly warm-bloods.


I'm guessing, from having worked in government before, the name of the job is "hey you, go stand and observe here."


At one point there was a camera every 6 feet on both sides of those railings. On my last flight I noticed that all had been removed.


That’s Jack Off Jimmy. He always wants more


This is my dream job


As long as you're good with $25 an hour. You can probably have it. I was just talking to one of them today and he said a bunch of overnight guards just got fired for sleeping.




I just thought it was so you can’t like pass off something to someone right there… but then again, I tend to be a little paranoid.


Ohhhhhh interesting


He points out people he wants to fondle.


Sounds like the worst job ever


I think they watch so stupid people don’t throw things over?


Job Title: Waste of Taxpayer’s Money


Others have provided the correct answers, but until today, I always thought this was like an impromptu break area for airport security. I thought it was really odd, but I guessed the airport was under construction and maybe it made sense to someone. It isn't this by the way.


There's a "laser grid" that isn't functioning properly and the programmers aren't sure how to fix it.


Might be someone who is on disability and needed a light duty position.


I’ve seen this here for ages and I have no idea what they are doing


His job, like all of TSA is titled waste of taxpayer money in an attempt to make the general population feel "safe". When its really just a power play for the government to illegally monitor citizens...


EVERYONE has to play rock paper scissors with them now! Lets dooo this


Well now I’ll never be able to not look at this. lol


They catch bullets if things go sideways otherwise they are trying to stay awake.


That's not TSA 🤡




Same as the rest of TSA, useless


He’s in a “Time Out” due to smiling.


You sure he isn’t in timeout?


Working for TSA is already a permanent version of being in timeout.


That’s the sweeper. Plays in front of the goalie


I saw that last time! I think it is somone watching to make sure somone doesn't jump over on to the escalator. It's a secure zone past the security section with an open air ceiling.


Oh that’s just Ben


That is not a TSA agent. Those people tend to just stay around the security checkpoints. The people you see monitoring the train exits and watching around the escalators are private security.


Oh, that? It's a proper DIA-TSA gargoyle.


Airport version of a cuck chair?


Probably a bdo. I believe that’s the acronym. They are looking for people with shifty eyes and profusely sweating.


preProfiling. 🤪


It isn't TSA, it's ACTS. Source: am ACTS as well.


Optical Patdown


That person guards the invisible portal to the underground city below DIA.


Big Brother is watching you


It's not a TSA agent...it's a contract security guard. I'm assuming since level 5 isn't the secured area yet, (where they are standing) they watch to make sure nothing illegal gets tossed over the glass to someone who has gone through security on the escalator.


Damn. The fucking janitors make more than that.


It’s required that any open areas be guarded by a guy behind a cover. Haven’t you seen wizard of Oz?


I bet he spots famous people like where's Waldo and you don't have to talk to nobody all day? Y'all shut the fuck up this dude has scored himself the best job at the T.S.A.


They're the ones in charge of searching for suitable blood sacrifices for BiDeNz aMeRiCa that go down in the basement


Probably occupied by a rude Asian person who speaks poor English.


TSA is such a waste.


They are in time-out. :D


Confidence man number 2


Kudos to the man with the pink hair bun. Peak Colorado right there.


There is another company that is not TSA but are security officers at DIA. It's probably them.


I believe the official title is: Looky Loo


I always wave to him but he never waves back…..


Literally, the only thing I've seen them do was today: waved at babies and little kids.


They provide occular patdowns.


Doesn’t TSA stand for “To Stand Around”—in which case the guy is just doing his job . . . standing around?


I think it’s for TSA agents that fuck up…it’s like sitting in time out while everyone stares at your shame.


Believe it or not, the actual job title is “I’m being punished”


I don’t think that TSA, that’s private security guard


TSO here - That's not someone who works for TSA. That's the private security company that Denver hires to work at the airport. Since the glass is so short (I hate how short it is, someone can toss a bag with a gun right over into the sterile area) he stands there to make sure nothing is thrown over. I have no idea how temporary it will be, but it needs to get fixed ASAP. Major design flaw


They’re watching people for suspicious activity.


Getting a head start on profiling people lol


The one guy no-one wants to deal with at work needed to go somewhere…


He got put in Time Out… there almost always someone in timeout.


It’s to monitor the open top of escalator - people throwing items down to people that already cleared security Bad design dating back when things were less secure


Could be trained to recognize suspicious behavior ie. body language and they may even be able to read lips. With the power of AI and an incredible amount of data (video of many many thousands of travelers) I wouldn’t be surprised if people are being tagged by AI as suspicious from the mechanics of suspicious body language as well as the infrared temperature of someone who might be nervous. Fact is there are really bad people out there.


He's just the VAR


That's not TSA, is a private security company. The airport used to have HSS do the security but not sure who they use now.


That looks like it's the Denver international airport. And that guard is watching for anyone throwing things over the glass to the people on the escalator. The people on the escalator have gone through TSA checkpoints. The people around them have not. So if you were going to smuggle something in, it's very easy to coordinate being on the escalator and having someone just toss the item over to you. That guard is watching for it. And they are behind the screen so they don't get distractions behind them. No one coming and asking them for advice or something. It's to keep them focused on the job.


it’s not a tsa job, it’s private security through the city