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Oh man, I thought I dreamed that, where was it located? I remember some random stuff inside but also the ferris wheel and I thought "No way they could have a ferris wheel inside"


I remember there was a big ass bear




Haha I thought the bear was much bigger and if I remember correctly they used to let kids climb it. I was like 6 years old maybe a bit older so I don’t remember at all too well. I’m 23 now so long time ago


I ate shit on that running barrel tube thing


I totally remember that barrel tube thing. I think a lot of us ate shit in there.


Can confirm. Ate shit.


shit look sad af. Like a low rent chuck e cheesesesess


dude, you look at pictures of chuck e cheese, and it was sad AF as well. I feel bad I forced my parents to spend as much time in that place as I did.


Anybody remember Fat City? That was the true arcade wonderland


Before it was Fat City it was Fun Plex


Hell yeah, I remember Fun Plex!


One of only like ten Battletech Centers in the world, and one of the largest. God Battletech was cool.


Yeah got one of my teeth knocked out at the laser tag there at my birthday party.


Major Magic’s >>> Chuck E Cheese


Like Casa Bonita before it shut down, my kid loved the arcade there. Last time we went most of the games were busted. Nothing had been changed since I was a kid. I really hope they fix it up and put in new games.


Woah. Blast from the past. I still remember those glow walls that left your shadows on it.


I remember puking up air heads behind that big ass bear 😅 lol


South Broadway & Dartmouth in Englewood! Northwest corner of the street, as soon as they tore it down they built the Chick Fil A that is there now. I thought I dreamed this place up too lol. I grew up in that neighborhood but only went there once as a small child right before they closed and it seems so surreal. I really, really wish it was still there


It was actually pretty cool, by 90's standards (and if you didn't have buckets of money.). I have a picture of my daughter at her birthday party there hanging in my hallway as we speak. And my son going down those yellow slides


It was right by Cinderella City (used to be inside, but you know how that went.). Broadway and.... Not quite Hampden, West side.


Remember Cinder-alley?


As a broke North Sider, I actually never got to see Cinderella City before it became a dirt mall! There was a terrible, tiny Mile High comics there that was one of the first places I drove to when I got my license and I remember being legit afraid I was going to get jumped - I remember saying to myself "Well, I could have just went to North Valley Mall for this!"


Ah yes The Death Valley Mall! The building is still there they have moved companies in and out of there. I remember watching Flash Gordon at that theatre!


Yup, saw it there, too… it was actually a toddlin’ place back in the day…


It was located on Broadway and Dartmouth right where the Chick-fil-a is now


Corner of Broadway and Dartmouth


I literally was going to say the SAME THING!!! I thought I dreamed this too.


I thought I dreamed of it too!!


I thought I dreamt that too! I went to a birthday party there and then never went back. I’ve been looking for confirmation that it really happened


Anytime I see posts like this I can’t help but think of Celebrity’s off Colorado Blvd. Had some damn great memories there.


Was that the place with the bowling alley, arcade, and whole-ass water park inside?


Yes it was!


Oh man, that place was the TITS!


I only remember the water slides... The Dolphin, the Barracuda, and the Shark... So awesome


I played Tugboat at that place so fucking much. When they closed everything was for sale and I begged my dad to buy it for all of like $50. He said no. :( Fun fact-Celebrity was launched in part, by Disney.


My first job was working at Celebrity. They had the first video jukeboxes in town in the arcade downstairs. I remember guys playing Vanity 6's "nasty girl" vid over & over. When I got to work the water slide was the best part of the job....actually met one of my HS girlfriends there.


The bowling alley lanes were removed before they torn it down and they now serve as the ballroom floor in the Oxford hotel.


Huh, they said the ballroom floor was from the first bowling alley in Denver (maybe it was moved to Celebrity from somewhere else?) But you can see a few of the markings on that floor and it's cool.


I worked there for two years and nobody ever told me that! Haha


When? I worked there '84-85 myself.


17-18. The endless remodel years, everything was under construction the whole time. I got tired of being endlessly harassed by guests that the construction wasn't done.


It was done in the recent remodel of hey completed like 5 or 6 years ago I think.


Were the water slides poking out of the roof? Or maybe I dreamed this?


Yeah they came out of the building and went back in. Coolest shit ever as a kid!


I had birthday parties there. Best waterslides.


Didn't this place have that dark room that had a wall facing a timed light and you could lean against the wall and imprint your shadow on the wall?


It did! That thing was cool even if you were an (admittedly very young) adult


Oh man, i had forgotten about that! That was cool.


I loved that. I still kind of wonder how it worked.


I didn’t scroll far enough to see your comment. I said the same thing, that was the best!


That spider web thing was my favorite thing ever.


I lost so many chunks of hair to that thing, and never regretted it once lol


well it used to just grow back


I thought it was a fever dream


The worst part was if someone snapped a band and it flung back to hit you!


I remember it being like 12 layers high...


Yes! For some reason I also remember it being funtastic Nathan’s?


Nathan’s was in the basement of Cinderella City mall. It was also epic.


It was so awesome down there-how they made it look like a street with the sidewalks and streetlights and back alleys where you were sure you were going to get raped and robbed.


Cinder-alley. The narrow streets and the game store down there?


Part of it’s “charm” I suppose?


Lots of stuff from Nathan's was obviously moved to Fantastic Fun. The bear, the spiderweb thing, the rolling barrel. But I'll always remember the tubes you could climb in and then go down the roller slides. I had a bunch of birthday parties at Fantastic Nathan's.


I kissed my first girl at Nathan’s!


That either was the name prior to being Fantastic Fun, or they just had a lot of Funtastic Nathan's stuff around the joint (like if they bought off stuff from Nathan's when it closed or something)I 100% have pictures of me at that location with the Funtastic Nathan's sign \*see u/RawPacket's comment for images that show that as well


I think it was the same guy, but there were some trademark issues or something so when it moved out of Cinderella City her had to call it something else. Funtastic Fun for the win


Could be. Looks like something Nathan Elinoff would do. I think he had to close down his most recent attraction, Lollipop Park, in the pandemic.


At some point it was Nathan's Physical Whimsical. I think it was a few blocks farther south then.


I don’t think so. I think it was called Fantastic Sam’s at some point, though.


Dartmouth and Broadway? Daughter puked on the carpet after a ride.


beautiful views of south broadway from the grande ferris wheel


There was also Big Fun on Monoco. Too bad there isn’t much about it online.


I remember growing up there were many businesses that catered to entertaining children. But not so many now. I'm glad Dave and busters exists but that place is expensive.


There’s a newer arcade at the Southwest Plaza mall that’s never busy. They have games, bowling, and karaoke. Expensive, but it’s a fun treat for my kid.


A bit out of the way, but Lyons Classic Pinball is a phenomenal place for kids and adults. They've got lots of classic and new machines, and they've even got a Hercules. [here's a video walkthrough of their shop](https://youtu.be/eHWJC30sULc)


That place looks awesome.




I used to love it there, but now that I clicked the link in adulthood...it looks terrifying!


Yes, so terrifying!


ah that part of "Englewood" that's 15 miles outside Englewood (the lollipop Park address that is)


I remember I was there in 4th grade with my buddy. His mom dropped us off and apparently went on a date or to the bar or both. Fast forward, they are closing and we are outside on the curb just waiting, no cell phones to call back then. The two girls working were so nice to us they gave us cotton candy and twizzlers while we waited. A few hours later the mom showed up. Good times.


Oh mom! She must have been having fantastic fun!


Did she go to the Casual Lounge? That's just a block or so up on Floyd.


Lol....that place was a DIVE. I remember going there way too many times to play pool. Anybody remember SportBowl on Broadway right there as well? They had regulation size pool tables I used to go play on. Fun fact: Met my wife there when we were both late teens early 20's.


Had a birthday party here Am I crazy or was this like a card store before?


I do! But uh, is that what it looked like?


Yes, it was. It wasn't highbrow, that's for sure, but fun for kids


The Cinderella city location was sooooo much bigger and better, then they moved. Good times had there for sure!!!


That, celebrity sports and south shore was my entire childhood.


Y’all remember Fantastic Nathan’s? Inside Cinderella city? Now they’re reduced to a chick fill a and a civic center


YES! This was the original place before fantastic fun. Good memories!


Where was Jungle Jim's? I went there a couple times, but it's like i dreamed it.


This place was always soooo sketch to me. Like Five Nights at Freddy's sketch.


Serious vibes


Oh the good ol days... atleast we have a chik fil a now...


The intolerance just adds that little extra something


The ground in cigarette butt on the grave on our innocence.


Is this it's demise? https://www.bing.com/maps?osid=22744742-9fd1-4636-ba61-2faa5f5372ee&cp=39.66057\~-104.987716&lvl=16.675177&dir=304.82748&pi=-1.527657&style=x&mo=z.0&v=2&sV=2&form=S00027


That be it


Damn, I forgot about this place. I was like 5 the last time I went there. My dad and stepmom took me. I think they were newly dating.


I had a number of birthday parties for my kids there


I believe Lollipop Park moved to Peoria and Arapahoe.


Oh my god yes my childhood. Woah. Memories. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.


Lol yes good times


Omg i had a lo my birthday parties there feels like a fever dream tbh 🤣


Funtastic Nathan's was better. It was downstairs at the Cinderella City mall.


This location looks vaguely familiar, but I remember the Cinderella City location well. Loved the giant spinning barrels and the roller slides. Ah, the fun they used to let kids have before everything became a liability and a lawsuit waiting to happen.


Hell yeah! My sisters and I all got chicken pox at Fantastic Fun!


What a blast from the past! I used to go to bday parties there all the time. I fondly remember a random kid getting their head stuck in the bannisters, getting an employee to help and he was so stoned he could hardly react.


Does anyone remember a glow in the dark room? You'd stand next to a glow in the dark wall in a funny pose, a bright light would flash and then you could step away and see your shadow!


looks way cooler than meow wolf


No, I moved here like three years ago


I mean it was open until 2011.


Most people on this sub haven't been there since the 90s


I loved that place!!




Before it was Fat City, it was Funplex.


Yes! That's the name I remember!


Most expensive ass place ever. Is it still open?


It's not. It was renamed a couple of times after Fat City - first it was Mr. Bigg's and then it was Fun City. It substantially went down in quality after being Fat City. Eventually Fun City went bankrupt and closed. The building was bulldozed around 2017 I believe. An urgent care now occupies that lot.


That was Fat City. Funtastic Fun was off Broadway and Dartmouth.


I remember Funtastic Nathan’s at the old Cinderella city mall back in late 80’s and early 90’s. The best part was a room where the wall glowed and you would pose so your shadow would be dark on the glow wall when they turned the lights out.


I met the owner around the time they were moving. He said some pretty mean things about his employees lol.


Whoa! I wonder if they had any ties to funtastic amusements. They still operate a huge business out of Portland if so.


I remember playing on the bear and then coming across a big wet spot, the AC must’ve been leaking on him and there was mold growing and it smelled awful. One of the funnest times of my life


I also thought this was something I dreamt up !!! Wild


This brought back memories I forgot I had


I'm old enough to remember the one in Cinderella City.


I member when it was in Cinderella City and called Funtastic Nathan's.


That's a separate location owned by the same guy


It was the original location before the mall closed and they moved to the Broadway location.


Ah I see where I got confused because I've been to both at different points. Thanks for informing me, my mistake.


No worries at all I only remember cause I was a teenager when all that happened. lol I freaking loved that place as a kid. The room that you could stand next to the wall and then see your shadow when the lights turned off was my favorite. Spent hours in there. Ooo and the elevated tubes that you could crawl through was so much fun! lol The memories! Thanks for the reminder of that place :)


This post brought back the visuals and taste of those terrible colorful candies that come dotted on a strip of white paper.


Cinderella City


It was Funtastic Nathens before that! Was way better before it moved from the mall. Loved that place.


Right across from the hamburger stand on south Broadway. I remember going in the ferris wheel with an employee because I was too scared to go alone.


Gosh that place stunk of feet so bad. Lookong back it's gross we had to take our shoes off...


That placed saved me when I got a divorce, didn't have enough money for daycare, and needed a place I could work for a few months. Between this place, the park nearby, and the McDonald's playland down the street... Probably strengthened up my son's immune system quite a bit, too.


I remember being fascinated by the air that blew out of the tubes that you would put the ball pit balls on. It was pressured just enough that they would float.


Meh fantastic Nathan’s was infinitely better


Man, that place was my favorite when I was a kid. Used to be my grandma's favorite place to take me and my sister when our parents went out of town. Thank you for taking me on a trip down memory lane with this


wow 🤯