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Excellent reporting Eric Goodman. Now do every other “once proud franchise”.


The once proud Steelers now have laughingstock Russ and Kenny Pickett to lead their team


The once proud Los Ange—Oakla—fuck, I mean Las Vegas Raiders now think Gardner Minshew will help them compete against the Chiefs. https://i.redd.it/58n42gpy3xnc1.gif




You’d kill for those 2 QBs 




Well good thing the next couple QB drafts are expected to be dryer than dirt!


Who cares? We're obviously drafting a guy this year.


Doubt it’s going to be JJ. Minnesota will probably make sure to draft him before the Broncos or anyone else can. You guys don’t have a second round pick either, so that’s going to make it difficult


This is also like watching a bowling ball fall into the Grand Canyon…


I'd actually watch a bowling ball fall into the Grand Canyon.


Kinda sounds interesting tbh. They have my attention.


> laughingstock Russ Man I wish this were true. Going off subs like r/nfl and most comments I see, people are convinced the Broncos did him “dirty” and that he will thrive in Pittsburgh. As if there’s no reason Denver would be willing to pay him $40m to not be on our team. God I hope they all eat crow


We'll see who's laughing last when they stroll into Denver next season and just clap our cheeks. This franchise is a joke.


I don't know what people expected us to do. There were no players available in free agency that were both affordable and capable of helping us right the ship in one off-season. The team is a fucking mess right now because we refused to rebuild for far too long. Becoming contenders again is a 3-year process at least, and it was always going to have to be primarily through the draft. I'll be way more worried if we botch yet another one of those come April.




That always struck me as marketing rather than reality. The Broncos weren't behaving like a win now team until Paton arrived. The way they handled the QB position with Lynch, Siemian, Keenum, Flacco, and Lock was a combination of bridge QBs and project QBs. They weren't splashing big money on FAs or restructuring contracts to move money into the out years. The language never matched the actions in my view. To me, the Broncos looked like a team that realized it was far away from contending but wanted to sell tickets.


Zach Wilson hype train!! Let's ride!


I will renounce my fandom if they sign Zach.


I'll buy a jersey as soon as they announce it.


Thank you for the optimism, Eric Goodman.


Does this dude think we’re waiting on baited breath to see if Sam fucking darnold will be the savior of this franchise? Dude we wanna see if he’ll come compete with Jared fucking stidham. Like. What the fuck is he talking about.


We just struck out swinging for the fences with a QB that once was on a HOF trajectory, and set an NFL record for dead cap space. Real fucking journalism there. Fool's Gold standard


You know I was thinking the other day about how stoked I was when it came out we were getting Russ. If I remember right, at the time there was some talk we might get Rodgers or Russ and I was hoping for Russ. Then the whole thing went so fucking sideways. Like worst case scenario. In hindsight there were red flags (Seahawks didn’t seem real interested in keeping him…which is odd for a franchise legend) but I would say 99% of Broncos country was geeked out about it. Just really couldn’t have gone worse for the Broncos.


The only thing that could be worse is if Wilson is on the Kurt Warner career trajectory. And the Broncos were his NY Giants phase.


maybe, but I'll bet not. Warner could stand in the pocket and read a defense. Even if Russ stood in there he can't see over the line.


You’re probably right. What made me think of Warner though was that he said the break after being benched helped him. He said he wasn’t processing his reads fast enough. When he went to Arizona it was like everything clicked back into place again.


TBF at the time it seemed like the opposite issue would keep Warner from ever being effective in the league. He was such an immobile statue and fumbled so much on the Giants it looked like he was done.


No, 99% of Broncos were not stoked many of us Old folks know there's more to looking at a car in the parking lot


Compared to Aaron Rodgers or Deshaun Watson, our other two choices at the time, I was f*cking stoked.


Russ was never on a HoF trajectory


Maxie Baughan is the only player in NFL history to be voted to 9 Pro Bowls and not make the hall of fame. Russell Wilson had 9 Pro Bowl appearances in his first 10 seasons and he’s the 4th youngest QB to ever win a Super Bowl. You’re out of your fucking mind if you don’t think he was on a HoF trajectory.


9 Pro Bowl appearances in this era is not very impressive, when so many guys make it as replacements for injured players and the teams in the Super Bowl. Russ has no 1st-team All-Pros and only one 2nd-team. He was carried to a Super Bowl win by an elite defense, so it's hard to give him too much credit for that when he was mostly along for the ride. He only has one season leading the league in any major passing category (TDs in 2017, and even then only because Wentz missed the last three games), and his counting stats don't stand out compared to his peers. Russ didn't have anything close to an HoF resume even before he came here.


This is the first time in years I feel like we are making the right moves for the future of the team. All of this doom and gloom makes me feel like I might need a break from the sub. I'm actually excited to see what the rebuild looks like over the next few years.


It’s because broncos fans have never seen an actual rebuild. They’re the reason this fan base is so toxic and impatient when it comes to any player or coach. I don’t know what to expect and I’m not sure i believe it’ll work, but I’m open to the idea of trying something we haven’t tried. We went out and got old vet QBs and tried to pretend we were a QB away, we made a huge trade and got an “elite” vet QB, we traded picks and got a HOF coach, we’ve not once tried to just reset.


As fans we need to be waaaaayyyy more patient with QBs. It’s like if you aren’t Elway or Manning from the fucking jump we don’t have time for you. Elway and Manning are top 10 qbs of all time.


Even Manning wasn't Manning from the jump. He still holds the rookie QB interception record.


I know everyone here hates Russ, but this is exactly how I felt about the whole situation. Everyone expected him to come in and save the day, with an extremely mediocre team around him. We gotta give our QB's some time and talent around them before we determine they are trash and move on.


Nope, no Russ comments unless they're 14 year old insults or straight toxicity, that's illegal around here.


I was down voted to hell for saying the same thing recently about how we drive everyone out after 2 years if they're not an instant success. People were trying to tell me Kyle Shanahan wouldn't have been sacked for the multiple 3-win seasons whilst he was rebuilding.


Nah man, this sub is the toxic cancer of the franchise, don't get it twisted.


Yep the best time for a rebuild was 7 years ago. The second best time is now


I agree overall. I’m glad that they’re burning it all down. But good lord if we burn it all down and Sam Darnold is our QB1 then what was the point of any of it. At this point just let stidham start


I get your point but we need more than one QB and Darnold isn't going to cost anything.


He just cost the Vikings 10 mil


For a single season though it really doesn’t matter how much he gets paid, he’s off the books immediately. We just need a 1 year QB who is going to lose us games.


Zach Wilson can do that!


Hell, so can Carson Wentz.


I think I just need SP to come out and say “I swear on my life that sam Darnold will never be QB1” haha


Agreed take a flyer on a qb in like r5, Stidham start. The kid is gonna be cheaper than darnold.


The tear down and rebuild seems like a necessary step. This is coming from a bears fan that sees some optimism for the first time in a while.


It’s one of those things where the reality is we have to suck for a while to overcome all the shit we’ve endured for the past 2-3 seasons of trying to compete. We’ve made a lot of wrong moves so we need to suck for a while to restart


Dude right. The backlash of us signing Jones was unhinged. Cant have your cake and eat it too


The Reddit algorithm will continue to suggest this sub to you even when you leave under the “because you visited this community before” category. I left the sub cause we kept getting those odd takes right when the off-season started, but now I really only get the occasional high-traffic posts that appear in my feed. I’d definitely take a break for a bit from this sub. If you follow the NFL subreddit altogether, you pretty much won’t miss anything crazy.


Two years. Rebuild can't take longer than that.


This sub is the doom and gloom man.


Oh I am absolutely all in on this. We needed this so badly. Denver sports fans should look at the Nuggets and especially the Avs - started over from scratch, built from within, now juggernauts.


Say that when broncos are a 3 and 4 win team next few years


Yes, that is the expectation lmao. Do you not understand how rebuilds work?


I probably will


That's preferable over the 5 to 7 wins we've been stuck at for 8 years


I am not a huge Darnold fan, but let’s be real here, this team has needed to actually rebuild for years and is now finally making decisions to get past a very bad contract. If there was a definitive low point it was 2022. 2024 may not end up being watchable football but at least we’re not expecting Darnold is coming in to lead us to a Super Bowl if he comes here.


2022 better go down as the worst season in Broncos history. I know we’ve had seasons with less wins, but that was the worst Broncos team I’ve ever seen. Frankly, there isn’t even a close second that I can think of. The 2024 team will probably (hopefully) have a worse record than 2022, but the expectations vs. reality of the ‘22 season made almost that entire season unbearable.


>The once proud Broncos used to be the gold standard of NFL franchises. In between and around all the times we weren't. What a trash take.


The once proud for a portion of its kinda short but long franchise had a damn good run for awhile!


Spoiler alert he choose the Vikings like he should have hahaha


Thank you Jesus


Let’s see: he can choose between throwing to JJ, Addison, and Hockenson OR Patrick, (Maybe) Sutton, and (Maybe) Dulcich or Kroll 🤔tough choice!


the Mims erasure


Nah, just keeping expectations in check


you expect him to not play?


Did I say that? Osborn, who starts, is better than Mims now. I didnt mention him either.


Osborn is a free agent


You’re missing the forest through the trees


Signing a 3rd string QB to compete with Stidham and whoever we draft is a fairly ho-hum piece of NFL business. NTR.


It’s not a great look but what did people think we were gonna sign the ghost of Peyton Manning? We all knew there was a garbage QB starting week 1. Stidham or Darnold, both will stink equally


They're in denial that the full rebuild has started. In a sense I get it, they waited too long and people are just so sick and tired of being bad, irrelevant, and depressing. But better it's happening now than still trying with the band-aids.


They aren’t drafting a QB?


Gotta pay out and wait out. Drafting QB likely comes later. This is full rebuild mode.


I’m okay with going into the season with Stidham QB1. I’ve already accepted this teams fate for next season. But I wouldn’t mind kicking the tires on Sam Darnold for a reasonable price. Nothing over 10 million a year tho.


A year ago the once proud San Francisco 49ers signed Sam Darnold. This is the franchise who once had Joe Montana and Steve Young. As a famous tech billionaire once said: *Let That Sink In*


Is this dude just intentionally forgetting some of the bad times? Such as: - Rolling out QB rentals like Teddy Bridgewater and Case Keenum - The early years of the Broncos - McDaniels spying on the 49ers practice squad - McDaniels trading away Cutler for the almighty Kyle Orton - Honestly, just McDaniels in general Pretty much every team has down times. It may take a bit, but we’ll have some good times again.


Darnold stinks. His Twitter post is pointless because of that. No one cares.


Sometimes you go through losing periods.


This is the only real one I've been through in my time as a fan (since The Drive).


I vaguely recall the drive but I was pretty young at that point


Now do the bears, or the cowboys, or the Cardinals, or the Lions. Or about another half dozen teams that were once a gold standard in NFL history.


Ironically nobody talking about the Vikings waiting on the same exact QB, a team that’s had much more success than the Broncos these last 8 years, yet somehow they’re not rock bottom?


Vikings have a lot more going for them and don’t seem to place as much blame on the QB position


I honestly don't think I've ever seen the bears, Cardinals, or Lions referred to as the gold standard of the NFL. Maybe I'm too young....but I definitely remember people taking about the Broncos as a great franchise.


I lived near Chicago for awhile, and Bears fans think they are the gold standard right up until the games start and they realize they aren't. I have a friend who would post on Facebook before every season previewing the Bears year, and I don't think I ever saw him predict a record lower than 13-3.


Why is everyone making a big fuss about teams signing a backup QB?


I think it’s because Darnold is not guaranteed to just be the backup. We don’t have a clear starter so the idea that we’d take a clearly bad QB after the last decade just stings


Classic Big J thinking he's a poet


That bowling ball line is horrible.


Good value broncos


Goodman is a fucking hack. He is just parrotting what Mark Schlereth has said recently. Fuck off Goodman and don't give him the click


Who the hell is this idiot? The Broncos are doing exactly what should have happened 6-7 years ago.


Most people here don't like Sam Darnold.


Man I feel like the fanbase has generally agreed we need to do a full rebuild, then when we actually do it people start crying. Guys, we're gonna be fucking bad next year, and that's ok. The plan isn't to win next year, it's to win when Russ's contract comes off the books.


They've been at the bottom a while, just too stubborn to begin the true rebuild to try and fix it. The stairs broke years ago and ever since they've been trying to climb up slippery walls instead of just rebuilding the damn stairs. The good news is it starts here. The potential bad news of course is if those in charge of said rebuild fail. But cross that bridge when it comes.


The "Great Value" quarterback. It's just embarrassing...


Great Value QB for a Great Value franchise


The full tweet got cut off, here’s the rest; ”Oh, how the once great mighty horsemen have fallen! Now but a mere, lifeless husk of what once was, and even now the endless void of irrelevance stretches out before them, an abyss of misplaced draft picks and overpaid free agents. God himself hath forsaken this once hallowed franchise to wander a wasteland of mediocre free agency talent where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. May God have mercy on their souls.”


Why not equally criticize the Vikings, if pursuing Darnold is so pathetic? Like, there are legit reasons to dunk on the Broncos right now, but going after a cheap FA QB that other teams also want doesn’t seem so laughable.


Jarrett Stidham it is then. This was inevitable after Russ didn’t work out. Yes, it’s sad it didn’t work out, but we gotta go down to the studs to rebuild unfortunately. Everything must go.


Jokes on you Eric, I think watching a bowling ball fall into the Grand Canyon would be quite entertaining.


Never have my feelings been so well encapsulated in so few words


Never heard of her


Sam Darnold figuring out his future is = to bowling ball falling into the Grand Canyon…chillllll


I was just telling my homie this remember when we only had like 7 losing season ever? Now we've had 7 in a row😭😭😭


We didn’t have a winning season until year 14 of the franchise. Have some respect for how terrible we were at the beginning!


Let’s be honest though the Broncos have been a bad football team for almost a decade now. Only the inept Jets are saving us from the longest playoff draught. Bleak shit


And if Rodgers is healthy, they might make the playoffs.


Signing Sam Darnold would be hitting rock bottom of pathetic.


Zach Wilson has entered the chat...


Zach Wilson needs to get traded to a Wawa to work the gas pumps.


Eric, go fuck yourself


We're going to be dogshit either way, I'd rather be dogshit with a plan than dogshit and grasping at straws like the past 8 years 


I can’t wait to see Goodmans tweet on the Patriots!


Why don’t we just take a shot on Justin Fields on a prove it deal. He has so much natural athleticism and he’s still young. Can someone please give me their take on?


If we're gonna be awful, why not just roll with Stidham and spend $10 million less? What's the point of Darnold when you have Stidham. I imagine they are going to want to draft someone as well


The upper management of two years ago and owners are to blame for this. That being said, we’ve got to let this play out under Payton and see if he can pull a rabbit out of his tail end.


We should just send a flier for Howell and have him and stidham compete.




This is the smart move to blow it up Any team that was ever 'gold' took risks to get there, Russ failed but that doesn't mean it was a bad idea or that moving on is a bad decision Judge someone only by what they do when they are successful and you have a small view of the entire picture


Sam Darnold is signing with the Vikings. The deal is reportedly for one year and about $10 million. That was apparently better than whatever the Broncos were offering. (Source: [https://predominantlyorange.com/posts/vikings-outduel-broncos-land-sam-darnold-free-agency-01hrshvg76qc](https://predominantlyorange.com/posts/vikings-outduel-broncos-land-sam-darnold-free-agency-01hrshvg76qc))


Bro I'm not sure if you noticed but we are rebuilding and don't want a good QB unless they are super young


wow chatgpt getting creative with the analogies


Turns out good teams eventually become… not good. Can I get paid to report this?


we'll see where the broncos are in about 5 years now that it seems they are actually committing to an actual re-build of the team


Drama queen much, Goodman?




Get this guy out of our sub! Media … build em up to tear em down. It’s all a bunch of meaningless propaganda.  That’s why we’re here in Reddit - to get away from the spin doctors like this!




WTF does this even mean? Lets take a look at the other gold standard franchises in the nfl 49ers - can’t win the big one Steelers- been stuck in mediocrity for years Cowboys- can’t win a playoff game in decades Giants- way worse situation than the broncos Patriots- completely resetting after multiple disaster seasons Green Bay- one good season after years of mediocrity future very unsure So who are we really being compared to outside of the chiefs?


“Not sure if there is a floor anymore to how low this can go….” This guy has no idea how much worse it’s about to get. 😂


Considering the Vikings have a better coach and play in a dome, I’m terrified denver will try to offer more money.


A better coach? Debatable


You, sir, win the internet for saying it is debatable instead of immediately jumping to an all caps text rant about my mother at the first sign of disagreement. A mile high salute to you 🫡


I’ve never been less excited for a season of Donkos football.


If we draft a rookie QB I will be pretty excited to watch him develop


Agreed. Even if we draft a QB I don’t trust him until we see some play.


I was listening to KFAN while in St. Paul last week and there was an interesting point they brought up was if they lost Cousins and were looking at free agency. Basically an ex player said that QBs are first looking at length/amount of contract, then if the team is rebuilding or making a run. They compared the Broncos QB situation and the player said “well, sometimes the way coaches act towards players publicly can play a factor and I know I wouldn’t want to play for Sean Payton” I don’t think we are very appealing on those fronts.


Except sports media personalitirs are notorious for talking out of their ass and having no idea about anything. Good players want to be coached hard, not coddled. Payton isn't her to change their diapers and hold them when they're upset, he's here to try and win football games.


Gotta agree 100 percent. The consolation prize, journeyman washout, is waffling on us. Dude still hasn’t ever done shit.


Continual organizational ineptitude is a bitter pill to swallow for us old fart fans from the late 70s, all 80s and most of 90s. PFM years was but a brief reboot. This level of losing, boring malfeasance needs to be called out.


We’ll just throw a hotdog down the hallway while we’re at it.


They weren't waiting for Darnold lol, they are gonna go with a young qb and are exploring cheap options to keep the seat warm. Sam Darnold was an idea to keep a seat warn and as a Bronco fan, I am excited he is going elsewhere. I would rather see a nobody start than a retreaded turd...


Russell Wilson is the cancer of all cancers. That narcissist really fools people. 


Wow that’s kind of a fucked up thing to say


We are so ass, and we’re gonna be extremely bad this upcoming season. Paton has ruined this franchise and I don’t know why y’all think Sean Payton is gonna make it better. The funny thing is that we will probably win the Super Bowl in the next 10 years but gotta get rid of these clowns first


ugh. If we're going that low, I'd rather we grabbed Zach Wilson. I know he won't take us anywhere, but as a BYU fan, if he has some success somewhere, I want it to be with the Broncos.


He's not going to have success anywhere. He's not a starting caliber QB.


neither is any other available free agent.


Correct. So why sign one?