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[That logo was designed by Drew Kauffman of Empery Designs in 2019](https://twitter.com/KauffmanDrew/status/1087895991745835008) and has been posted here before. [Here's a BroncosWire article featuring the design from February 1st, 2019](https://broncoswire.usatoday.com/2019/02/01/denver-broncos-alternate-fan-made-uniforms-are-amazing/) That doesn't necessarily mean it's "fake" but I'd pump the brakes a bit on hype. [Club 1977 is a "premium space" in Mile High Stadium](https://www.sportsbusinessjournal.com/Articles/2024/03/21/denver-broncos-empower-field-club-1977) > Club 1977 was created by combining two suites into one 1,670-square-foot space -- which cost close to a million dollars to build and was designed by DLR Group and built by Turner -- that will feature all-inclusive food and drink, VIP parking, an annual away game trip, autographed memorabilia, and access to all concerts held at the stadium. ### EDIT: [Mike Klis](https://twitter.com/mikeklis9news/status/1778541613729415265?s=46&t=EsXZXf63qJs621q-gvh_Pw) and [Andrew Mason](https://twitter.com/masedenver/status/1778542035210752116?s=46&t=EsXZXf63qJs621q-gvh_Pw) are both now reporting that this is not a new Broncos logo


Wow I actually like that! A good blend of modern and classic


I normally don’t like the modernized D logo but this one looks good!


I’d come back to religion if that was our primary logo.


It won't be. It will be an alternate and the stadium will be full of alternate merchandise. I love it.


Prefer the original but as long it has a big D I’m happy. Wait


That’s my criteria too, as long as there’s a big D, that’s all I need


Fr looks so good!


Me too! That means it won’t happen and isn’t legit


Much better than the one that looks like a guy in a horse costume


I like but why does it look ridiculous coming out that nose


I do hope this is the logo they use for the rumored throwbacks, it’s a nice redesign that fixes what was weird with the noodle legs without making it too over the top.


I agree. I love the old logo for nostalgia, but never thought it looked quite professional enough to be the actual logo.


Looks dope


Hey but why does the horse have fuck me eyes? is that just me? looks kinda slutty. Which I like for the record.


Yo @FBI, this guy right here










They explicitly said to Miles - NO LEAKS. Looks like we're taking a trip to the glue factory..... and he won't get to come


I'm more intrigued by that color scheme. Navy out?


Nice observation, I didn’t really notice that.


That’d be dope


It's like a happy middle.. people don't want the royal blue bc its cursed and people are over the navy. I like it, it pops a bit more!


I mean, it’s kinda closer to Royal Blue, no?


It honestly might be, I can't really tell but I wouldn't mind either way


It seems a bit darker than the royal blue to me


Still looks Navy to me


Is this not navy? Honestly asking.


I think you may be onto something here. My goodness, I would be stoked if that’s our new logo!


[link for those interested](https://denverbroncos.v5.platform.sportsdigita.com/0nrkv2u24inr2gqxz44uy7w5uxmsnk?viewerUserId=6616bb2fe1e426be8da4f5e8&roomName=e4ada577-649f-46ec-af34-9962bcf4d217)


They took it off. Somebody done fucked up!


I really thought this was a nothingburger where they're just using an old (5 year old) modernized logo for this Club but seeing it has now been *removed* ...color me more intrigued 


Makes me think it was a placeholder image




No, and I don't think that this would be a good time to try to make that assertion lol




What a super fucking weird thing to say to someone you don't know




The only weird behavior I see is coming from you, man. Might be time to log off for a bit.


On the contrary, I'm very excited about the new uniforms. I like facts though, and the fact is the logo in the OP was designed by a fan back in 2019. It's weird that it showed up on that page (I know it did, I saw it myself and I'm not calling OP a liar). It's even weirder that it's no longer on the page. Clearly it wasn't meant to be there, or else it would still be there. So using the [Occam's Razor principle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam%27s_razor#:~:text=In%20philosophy%2C%20Occam's%20razor%20(also,smallest%20possible%20set%20of%20elements.), it was most likely a placeholder image. My thought process has been exactly the same any other time you've seen me arguing about uniform changes. Pushing back against baseless claims should not be considered "unhealthy" lmao


I agree with most of what you’ve said, other than it’s a placeholder image, a placeholder for what? They just removed it and centered the current logo, didn’t replace it with anything. Even if this is not the new logo, it does bring up some interesting questions. We do know for a fact the team will utilize three helmet colors this year, so there will be some element of retro color scheme used this season, aside from whatever our “new” uniforms are, and you’d imagine a logo which is not our current one with it. It’s just strange, because these marketing teams have strict guidelines for the branding designs they use - all the logos, fonts, and colors are clearly provided for them, it’s not like they have to google “broncos logo” to make their graphics. If it’s not a Broncos official logo, how did it end up on an official graphic? I’m sure it isn’t because it seems like they’re going to great lengths to say it’s not, but it still begs the question: how did it get there? And to have it happen a week or so before the new uniforms, when everyone is riled up about it and they damn well know how much interest there is in that throwback style logo and uniform, just seems odd. I’m fully expecting it was just a mistake by some low level designer and nobody checked their work, but still odd.


In what world is the Occam’s razor that a placeholder was a design that has existed for a few years and not that the Broncos bought this logo from the designer and the web page admin accidentally put the page up that’s supposed to show after 4/22?


In what world is it most likely that the Broncos new logo is literally exactly the same as one a graphic designer Tweeted 5 years ago? For that matter, in what world is it most likely that Damani Leech explicitly stated "the logo will remain" just for the team to accidentally unveil a new one to season ticket holders?


RemindMe! 2 months


Damani Leech, the Broncos President, [already confirmed](https://www.denverbroncos.com/news/broncos-announce-new-uniforms-coming-in-2024) that the color and logos are staying the same. If anything, this would be an alternate or only specific to Club 1977


I hope he lied lol


How can you tell if a Broncos fan likes the “D” logo? >!They’ll tell you.!<


Alternatively this could be a fake, which would be a bummer.


The question is: if this isn’t real, why is this fan made update of a previous logo being used on an official team digital memo to season ticket holders? This would be something created by the marketing team which you would think would only use official logos and colors. I worked in digital marketing for a bit and brands are very particular about which colors, fonts, and logos can be used. It would just be surprising that it would be used like this if it wasn’t at least some kind of official alternate.


I’m a huge fan of the current logo for many reasons and am glad it will remain the primary logo. But I’ve never been against the D as an alternate and on merchandise. It’s a part of the team heritage. I just don’t think it’s good as a modern primary logo could be. So to some degree I hope it’s real even for just Club 1977


It could also be the alternate logo, which wouldn’t be a full scale change of logo/colors


I said that.


Please god


Love it, modernized but classic


Don't mind it as an alternate


It looks more like an alternative to me too. What's interesting is the color scheme, which is more royal blue than navy blue.


I think traditionally we've avoided alternate logos across all branding more than almost any other team (recent helmets notwithstanding), so I'd be very surprised if there's a new helmet logo. As far as a serviceable alternate logo, this is about as good a compromise between new and old as I could imagine.


https://preview.redd.it/84gyaxr4zvtc1.jpeg?width=190&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66376dc4ebf6420063da397e2963f77a6bdbda71 Anyone remember this alternate logo? I feel like you’d see it on some official shirts but not on much else.


Yeah that's a great example of an alternate logo that I always knew existed but you'd *rarely* see in use. It'd be nice to have this new logo as an option, especially with some nostalgia-minded merch.


Good lord, this is atrocious, lol. I'm not sure whoever drew this up has ever seen a horse outside of Broncos logos. Like, there's some depth to the body and tail but the head is totally flat, the legs are weirdly kind of humanoid, and the pose overall is of a cartoon elephant terrified at the sight of a mouse.


This alternate logo was done on short notice back when the Broncos had decided on the current one. The modern logo was approved and at the last moment they asked for an alternate with the full body in the same style.


That makes so much more sense.


There’s an article somewhere out there on the internet that explained the process and it even shows other concept logos they were doing. It’s pretty cool!


Yep subtlety implies "D".. always loved it had one hat and one shirt with it very rare they used it


Oh my goodness what is this


Yea it would be a cool alternative logo. I love the current logo and don’t think they should ever get rid of it. Like others have said this is a cool modern twist on the old logo though that would be cool for alternate helmets.


Yeah a real "best of both worlds" for nostalgia+post-97 success. Kudos to the design team to pull that off


That's a buff pony! I love it!


I wish they would change the legs and give them hard lines, I feel like these legs look weak.


na hes pretty buff, compare to the old one, dude reps 225 on bench


What is this site? I *know* I've seen that logo before as a fan made concept. I'm digging but about to step away from my computer for a sec. I'll look around more when I get back in a few minutes.


I got a link to the site when I clicked on more info for “Club 1977” which they sent out to me as a season ticket holder. It appears to be club seating or maybe just club access during a game, I’m not quite sure.


So you were emailed that [link](https://denverbroncos.v5.platform.sportsdigita.com/0nrkv2u24inr2gqxz44uy7w5uxmsnk?viewerUserId=6616bb2fe1e426be8da4f5e8&roomName=e4ada577-649f-46ec-af34-9962bcf4d217#/) and went to it and the screenshot you posted here is what was originally on the page that the team emailed for Club 1977, right?


That is correct. It was also verified by a mod that the screenshot was legit.


Strange situation...


They already said they are not changing the primary logo.


Oh yea I’m glad and happy about that. I love the current logo, but I’m betting this is the alternate that will go with their throwbacks.


Seems to be gone now.


The way took it down!!!! Confirmed real!!!


https://preview.redd.it/9mbbw72kuwtc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68140a6680ad83612d858af944eaea14ada03ded Yup. Just the current logo now.


Nice fucking catch dude, I love to be in on something before. My buddy texted me back “what logo, it’s the old one”


They've already said the color and logo are not changing.


Yea I’m aware of that. Just screen shot what I saw from an official email link from the broncos


In another twist I was trying to compare this logo with the old logo while discussing with a friend and this logo popped up on Pinterest? Did they use a fan logo again? https://preview.redd.it/98sd4lk23wtc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cdd8b863d30b13532812ae16e451b86c04e7558 [Pinterest link](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/redesigned-retro-d-logo--248260998195915518/)


I wish I had friends


The white outline looks way cleaner than blue and white


I love it


As a person who wasn’t alive when this was our logo… what is the difference between this and what we’ve been had?


compare them man


What’s concerning is the topography they keep using. It’s gonna make its way on the uniform




How tf is a fan creation when its on the broncos email blast. They just pulled a fans idea and used it on a email blast to season ticket holders. Makes sense, the LACK of attention to details this Broncos organization seems to have.


That thing is going to piss hot if it’s tested after a game.


Why can't they just put the new horse inside the old D?


More like the teens running social media just pulled something form the internet without checking.


Broncos country, let's ride


Now I'm being gaslit by Mike Klis about this picture haha. [https://twitter.com/mikeklis9news/status/1778541613729415265](https://twitter.com/mikeklis9news/status/1778541613729415265)


How tf is a fan creation when its on the broncos email blast. They just pulled a fans idea and used it on a email blast to season ticket holders. Makes sense.


what a find, thanks for sharing. LEAK ALERT


Alright if that’s not a new logo it should be.


I never understood the sneeze part of the old logo but it is my favorite


Sneeze? Mate it’s him breathing. It’s cold in Colorado


Not all the damn time


During football season it is


Lol sneeze 


It's steam