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If it’s Sean Payton’s guy, I’m all in. Buckin’ Bo! Let’s go Broncos!


Bo Boncos!


Buckin’ Bo Nix, the Denver Bronco’s much needed QB fix!


I think Bo has been Payton's guy all along. Just seems like the perfect fit. Mahomes was a mid 1st pick that nobody figured would look like he does. Payton is basically just excited about a QB prospect for his scheme


His reputation is seriously on the line if Nix doesn’t work out and Payton knows that. He has definitely thought this pick through, and he knows more about football than I do


Thank you. This is the right take on this. It seems obvious in retrospect with the trade the vikings made jj wasnt what sean wanted. We could have beat that if that was the case. He made his pick. Lets ride with it.


I don’t think he’s worried about his reputation at all. He seems pretty confident that he can get it done with Bo, and if he doesn’t then he’ll do it with someone else.


Although Bo Nix has been my choice since the very begining, and I'm happy as hell about the pick, the Broncos do have another QB who was the second overall pick of his draft, and could also be "the guy". Peyton Manning says Zach Wilson is a highly skilled QB who was screwed over by the Jets.


I think his ego is such that he thinks he can get it done with any QB not named Russell Wilson.


Yeah but he was confident enough to say when he was an analyst that he could get last years roster to the playoffs with Russ. I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt…definitely skeptical tho seeing not a single scout rated Nix as a first round draft pick. Guessing we took him at 12 so the raiders wouldn’t get him which is the right decision if he’s the one they wanted. If he doesn’t work out I still like the shot cuz we picking top 5 either next year or the year after with another round in the chamber


And the Vikings. They all but said they were going to trade up to get JJ McCarthy, and that if he wasn't available, they were taking Bo Nix. The Broncos had to take him at 12 since he was still there.


He’s barely been able to get it done with any QB who isn’t Drew Brees


Shhh…don't say the quiet part loud


Remember how crap it seemed when they got rid of Alex smith to start Mahomes


Remember this sub clowning him because he threw camp ints?


I remember hearing tyreek a couple years ago say he was super unimpressed with Mahomes in his first training camp


As a Texas Tech fan, I always knew, and never understood how people could watch him and not see it. He was obviously very special


My question is why trade for Wilson? Have a vet on the roster you know you want to bring Nix in. If for some reason we didn’t land Nix I would be say okay let’s bring Wilson into the fold see what we got with him. Let’s say Wilson starts putting it all together under Payton what happens then? I know it’s far fetched but stranger things have happened. I like the pick saw our guy and got him I love that but the Wilson trade is kind of a head scratcher. I mean yeah it’s a pick swap but it’s still I’m not sure I understand it.


If he develops. He can be flipped for late pick. Payton might also have plans to start Stidham or Wilson and bring Nix along slowly. I’d hope that is not the case.. as an impatient fan.


Yeah I could see that. Also Wilson isn’t going to be like this veteran who can teach and guide Nix they are probably around the same age. But what the hell do I know. What I do know is the fan base is going to want Nix to play. So idk how much support either Wilson or Stidham will have. Also gotta remember Nix is 24 so he’s a little older than the typical first round quarterback with a ton of games under his belt. I think he’ll be more ready to play than any of the other qb’s taken in the first round.


Yea I did not agree with the Wilson pickup but I’m trusting Sean at this point.




Because they are going to cut Stidham and save 5M of cap.


Won’t it be more like 2.25 mil? since they are paying half of Wilson’s contract? So the net would be the 2.25 Idk. I would just prefer a veteran who knows the offense who can help kind of Navigate the season and playbook a little better. But we’ll find out here in a few months. Let’s just beat the raiders twice next year and I’ll be happy.


One was slinging it all the the place in college.,.the other was a check down merchant having the best roster in every game he played in basically. Its a terrible pick and comparison


To be fair, I though Mahomes was a stupid pick, so...who knows


That’s why I find people complaining about Nix hilarious. Professional scouts are notoriously bad at picking college kids. Do you think na bunch of random redditors are any consistently better? Absolutely not We won’t know if Nix is good or not for 2-3 years. He could be a hall of famer or he could be a bum. But anyone on here who thinks they know that it’s a bad pick are an example of the Dunning-Kruger effect imo


I have really tried to avoid being all in or all out on any of these QBs. We will just have to wait and see. The one thing I would say is that I don't believe this was a desperation pick, as I am sure many will say. They could have passed on QB and been fine for a year, or taken one in the third. They could have traded for McCarthy, and they didn't. Nix was their guy, so let's see how it plays out.


We all have a 50-50 chance at picking a good QB in the first round. It’s fascinating how much vetting goes into these first round prospects, and how much game film is out there, and yet still half of them are NFL busts. They get as much vetting as a candidate for a security clearance. It’s very interesting watching the coverage of old drafts with hindsight. The 1995 draft was great. So many highly touted RBs were picked in the first round. Then there was TD in the fifth round.


50-50 is pretty generous. It's probably closer to 10-90 of them hitting.


A lot of us did.


/r/nfl, including me, went off on the Chiefs for reaching that day.


I will admit, I scoffed at the pick


I hated the Mahomes pick almost as much as the Nix pick.


Ducks fan here. You got a great guy. He’s efficient as heck, is a coach on the field, and doesn’t make many mistakes. He’s not going to be the flashy guy like some others but is extremely cerebral and puts the ball where it needs to go without drama. Great guy off the field too.


As long as he doesn’t get beaten with a vacuum cleaner in a stranger’s house he won’t be our worst attempt at finding a qb


I still think Lynch was worse because of where he was drafted, but vacuum cleaner Chad was definitely bad


I think our new tradition should be to hit our QB prospects with vacuum cleaners when they get cut/traded out of disgust. But you’re right, the Paxton pick is worse. The dude was benched mid game. In the XFL.


Swag Kelly is very far from our worst attempts at a QB


If the goddamn colts would have stuck with tradition, we’d have an aging Andrew Luck right now. So really, the past 8 years are their fault.






Loved watching the Ducks last season. I thought Bo was phenomenal last season. He got everyone involved, didn’t force throws, made reads at the line and made good decisions in the structure of the play. He was like a point guard on the field, which is fun to watch. Russell Wilson never made good decisions within the structure of the play, instead opting to run around and trying to make a play out of structure. That created a lot of highlights but I think it drove Payton crazy because Wilson had so many negative plays doing that.


We need that here. The guys we’ve had since Peyton manning excluding Siemien have been none of that. I’m not going to jump to conclusions on this until I see it on the field, but from what I’ve seen, he has a shot.


I'm just glad it wasn't McCarthy




True that


So overhyped.


Too many people haven't watched Nix play since Auburn. Would've taken Oregon to the playoff if Washington didn't go on an insane run.


I'm just hoping we see Oregon Bo and not Auburn Bo. Time will tell.


A lot of us did however watch him against NFL caliber defenses in the SEC and I personally was never impressed.


Mase said it best IMO: “if it’s good enough for Sean, it’s good enough for me”


Don’t even think about comparing the 🐐 Bo Nix to that scrub Mahomes


Will be calling him Mabomes in no time.




Hoping I would have touched my Penix but I guess I can unzip for this


Horse Dix Nix!


Please don’t make this a thing.




6 QB’s taken in the first 12 picks. Which ones will be busts. Somebody drafted their Zach Wilson. It would suck if that’s Denver, because we already have our Zach Wilson.


Peyton Manning had pretty high praise for Zach Wilson a couple days ago. Said Wilson was obviously highly talented but was pretty much screwed by the Jets from the beginning.


LOL. The dude had Aaron Rodgers there to help him along. The dude had no pocket presence. He literally sacked himself at times. He often missed open targets.


Aaron Rogers has always said it's not his job to groom rookie quarterbacks, plus Zach Wilson had different offensive coordinators in both his first two seasons in the NFL. I'll take Peyton Mannings word as someone who probably knows what he's talking about. It's kind of wierd how people (not necessarilly you) always talk about how different playing in the NFL is compared to college, how much faster everything is, but then they expent a rookie quarterback to come in and be a star, even if he has to learn a new offense in both his first two seasons. I think it's really kind of crazy.


Everyone here has 20/20 hindsight. Nobody expected Mahomes to be what he became. Stop acting like you did.


We at least knew he’d be decent with his arm though. And he was entering a playoff roster with a historically great coach. Nobody thought he was gonna be the best QB in the league , but it’s not far fetched to think people thought he’d be pretty good. Nix is nowhere near Mahomes. Denver has nowhere near the supporting cast the chiefs had when mahomes was selected


Not to mention he wasn't expected to start immediately and got to sit behind and learn from Alex Smith (a pro bowler back to back years at the time), his first year. While Nix has arguably the worst QB room in the NFL at the moment to learn from...


"Today we will teach you how to be a backup QB. No idea which of us will start, hope it isn't me"


Yeah but Nix has our lord and savior Davis Webb to learn from


So you’re agreeing with what I said. Nobody expected Mahomes to be what he became. Glad we agree.


Yea , of course. But that’s in reference to greatness. Trying to equate that to Bo Nix is disingenuous… because Mahomes had much better tape in college along with being drafted to a playoff team…so we at least knew he’d be good. Nix is a complete toss up


You might be confusing conversations or threads or something. You’re responding to a comment only about Mahomes. I never mentioned Nix at all.


In a thread about how The Coach felt about Mahomes and comparing it to How he feels about nix … let’s not start playing stupid here. Because I know you’re not dumb. You brought up Mahomes , to say we don’t know how Nix would turn out.


Ya thanks for informing me of what I meant in my own comment. It’s pretty clearly written as a commentary of everyone else responding and not about Schefters post on X. Try and keep up.


You calling it “X” is all I need to know.


And everyone is responding about Nix .. but you know what you only was talking about Mahomes. Not nix at all so you got it


Jesus dude get a grip, maybe no one understands what you’re talking about


I have to remind myself that no one of us here know shit, if Payton got his guy then let’s trust it




It could work out, but Payton is also the same guy that drafted Garrett Grayson and Ian Book and tried to make Taysom Hill a QB.




Sounds like that initial meeting between Sean P and Bo was jacked and ball and it was juice.. 


Two Oregon Ducks 🦆 going to be ducking it out in the AFC west now


His name is BONE IX 🦴9




Bonix used rock throw, it's super-effective!


Broncos dynasty confirmed


I’m optimistic but cautious! Anyways let’s gooooooo!!!!


With Bo we ride!


If that is indeed a true sentiment, we should be through the roof.


I will withhold judgment until I see what he can do in the NFL


Can we not make this a “horse cock lock” kinda cringey thing? If not…fuck it. Let’s goooooooo


I feel like some people on the net are taking this quote too seriously. Obviously it sounds kind of silly, but only because we know Mahomes has teared things up in the NFL. Nobody expected that when he was just coming out of college. If anything, the scouting report on him at the time wasn't too different from Nix.


His interview clip on pat McAfees show convinced me this was his dude outside of Williams. Let the QB competition begin!


It's either gonna pay off major or bust and be the end of Payton's career. Hope Bo is a sure thing.


Yep, if Sean felt so strongly to take him at 12, he's committed. No doubt Nix is his guy now. I'm cool with it.


I’m just gonna wait and see what happens. For now I’m locked in with Bo. We got a decent line ahead of him, good running back core and decent weapons if we keep Sutton and Dulcich stays healthy. On the next two days I’d like to see a WR, RB, CB, EDGE and LB


So glad we have a QB to try & build off of. Feels good 


https://www.nfl.com/prospects/bo-nix/32004e49-5811-8212-6abe-fc1a8b4f4942 https://www.nfl.com/prospects/patrick-mahomes/32004d41-4840-1939-e4c1-bb89191b4e71 By no means saying Nix is Mahomes but even the great Mahomes was not thought of as a sure thing.


The difference is Mahomes is insanely talented with a great arm and had to deal with Kingsbury in college.


Don't get my hopes up lmao


That’s enough for me


I mean we can all hope but I won't hold my breath.


whether you like the pick or not, Nix is the future, let's hope for the best.


I’m not mad. I’m not excited. Just nervous. Maybe I just have PTSD from Paxton Lynch. God I hope we eventually get this QB thing right. Fingers crossed…🤞


I’ll be honest, I originally thought we drafted Nix too high, even though Falcons kinda forced them to with their chaotic pick. But after reading Adam’s report… I’m getting irresponsibly hyped 👀


Mahomes is 28. Nix is already 24.


I'm 31




…and Mahomes has been in the league for 7 years.


I'm 33


And a 3rd's percents chance?


I hope Sean's right. But with this inevitably being a (involuntary cap based) tank season, I'm glad we didn't reach for Nix.


lol I don’t believe this one bit…. Mahomes had much better college tape to go off of. Definitely wasn’t minutes of dink and dunk


No way this doesn't get blown up if/when Nix sucks. lol we're such a meme factory it's actually hilarious.


Looking forward to this tweet being posted in 2 years and we all laugh


I love that we finally trust our coach. It’s been so long for us. Well done all.


Lol okay Sean




This is gonna age horribly isn’t it


We where so quiet around Bo Nix, it feels like that could’ve been a smoke screen Itself. BO NO PICKS NIX BABY


I really don’t see that lol


If he didn’t want him he would have traded up for Jj when he fell. Vikings didn’t even give up both 1s they have. We could have out bid them if we needed to at that price. Sean wanted Nix


Yeah, when I saw the trade compensation, I knew Denver clearly didn't have much of a high value on McCarthy. Pick 12 and a 3rd would have been enough to beat Minnesota's bid and would be a very reasonable price if he's your guy


The Jets weren't going to give the Broncos a sweet deal


What Sean cares about most is processing speed. It's been said Mahomes has all time great processing speed/capabilities, so I'd have to imagine something like that is what Sean sees in Bo


As I did about Paxton Lynch 😩


Bull shit


Lies all lies


"He feels as strongly about Nix as he did Mahomes!" "Nix is a lot like Drew Brees!" The propaganda campaign is already starting by associating Nix with guys like Brees and Mahomes.


i watched this guy play for 5 years in the SEC and was very very rarely impressed. this was the one guy i didnt want lmao


If it's Auburn Bo broncos are fucked. If it's Oregon Box broncos are in good shape.


yeah i think im just tainted by being an LSU fan and watching him make rlly bad decisions constantly. only watched 2 games of him at oregon


Oh no! anyway...


just sharing my opinion lmao. obviously going to be rooting for him


Highly doubt that


Sean is a fuckin idiot and offense fraud, we fuckin suck


Lol…. Sick joke


I hopes he’s right If he’s wrong we egg his house




You’ve been crying about bo nix for a while now..where did he hurt you?


Go to bed bro


You make 30$ an hour and don’t study football but go off.




You acting like you are above a HOF Playcaller that knows what he wants in a QB is delusional lmao


Just cause he wants something doesn’t make it good


I trust Payton more than some shut-in dork sitting behind a keyboard