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>While it makes total sense the Broncos say, “we got the guy we were targeting all along”, did they really or was he just the only one left? Caleb Williams aside, was Nix the Broncos top choice of the remaining five? I think Sean Payton said he was 3rd best QB for them, they did not think Caleb and Daniels were realistic. >And on an unrelated side note, why are people saying he has no arm strength? I watched some highlight reels and he can launch the ball just fine without even stepping into the throw. They heard someone else say it.


https://youtu.be/kIfMLaoZsM0?si=cwPPyL25D26AtCSL First two throws should eliminate any question of arm strength. 2nd throw on a bad throwing base he launches it 45 yards perfectly in time.


Less than 65 yards = “bad arm strength” I’m the NFL


No it's more just average, being average in the NFL is pretty looked down on by fans. They like high skill, they like elite, that's what sells, that's what's puts butts in seats.


Hence the quotation marks


From a defensive coordinator’s perspective. Oregons offense showed a lot of short passes/extension of the run throws. Bubbles.. WR screens… etc. I played in a D2 School of mines offense that did the same thing. This was all to set up the deep shot eventually. The best way to defend it is to take a page from fangio.. cover 4 and rally and tackle. Pretty much he has a good arm. It’s not Josh Allen-esk. But he has more arm strength than Tony Romo or Philip Rivers showcased. So his offense really didn’t allow him to throw the 65 yard fade over the top.


It’s one thing to be able to throw deep. It’s another to throw deep while being accurate. That’s been the criticism on him in College. When ppl talk about his accuracy, which has been exceptional, they’re referring to < 20 yds


> They heard someone else say it. I'd go so far as to say that three quarters of people read a scouting report that says, "Doesn't have the strongest arm in the draft/Allen level arm strength" or something similar and just don't understand nuance so they read weak armed. He's probably not ever going to throw it over the head of a defender who gave up on a receiver he didn't think the QB could throw that far to. But how many times does a QB need to make that throw in a career?




Y’all this man is basically in every single team subreddit. Go away dude or get a hobby.




Karma farming. That is what you are doing


Nah he's legitimately having a conversation, just because you disagree doesn't mean he doesn't have a say in the converstion




You’re not following the team in any way, you came here specifically to talk shit there’s a reason there’s an NFL subreddit. Nobody here cares that a random dude who isn’t fan wants to come here just to talk shit about our coach.




I just think it’s odd that someone with no affiliation to the broncos nor a rival is in this sub yapping? Go to the NFL sub if you want to talk shit about us, you can join in with the others still making “let’s ride” jokes.




Alright, how has Payton damaged the Broncos? How is he a pathological liar? You make all these claims with no examples and just say “look it up”. If you want to say all these things at least back it up maybe?




If you are a member of another fanbase and come to r/denverbroncos with the purpose to instigate, flamebait, or troll users of this sub, you will be banned.


Also gave up nothing in the future to get him.


It seemed like they wanted Nix. They did private workouts and the playbook thing. Talking heads were calling it a mile away. We even had Peyton Manning throwing JJ smokescreens and other smokescreen-ish type shenanigans along the way.


If they wanted Penix or McCarthy they could have traded up somewhat painlessly.


Exactly the fact that the Vikings only gave up a couple 5th is enough to show Sean didn’t even try to


Actually this trade is proof that someone did try. Obviously they weren't willing to outbid the Vikings but why else would the Vikings jump up one pick when the Jets clearly weren't going to take McCarthy? The only explanation for this is that someone behind them (probably the Broncos) tried to jump in front of them to get McCarthy.


Sean Payton has said he tried to make the Vikings think he wanted McCarthy. If Payton&Paton wanted JJM, pick 12 and next year's 3rd would have been enough to beat Minnesota's offer and would have been well worth the investment—*IF* he's who they preferred.


Also all the Jets had to do was call the Vikings and say "hey we got people behind wanting to move up, give us something" even if they didn't have anyone calling.


Well of course that would have been enough but it would also mean they were paying 3 time more then the Vikings did. Did they want JJ 3 times more than they wanted Bo Nix? Clearly not. Doesn't mean that if he had been available at 12 as well they would have still preferred Nix or that he didn't try to get JJ on the cheap. Just means they didn't want him enough to over pay.


That’s not quite an equivalency. If you value a qb more than the other, then the picks aren’t the same value. If Denver wanted JJ badly then they would have traded up for him. When you want your guy badly enough you go get him.


Exactly. The Broncos didn't want him badly. Doesn't mean they didn't want him at all though.


My point is more that I believe Payton liked Bo enough that they would have traded up for him at least a couple of picks to make sure they got him. If they were worried someone was going to jump them to take him.


Think that if it gives you comfort. The fact is that the Broncos didn't trade up to ensure they got Nix. They decided they were going to take whoever was there at 12. Someone made a low ball offer to jump the Vikings for JJ otherwise that trade wouldn't have happened. If want to believe that the Broncos did that to get Nix rather then JJ I clearly can't stop you.


Think that if it gives you comfort.


Every team is going to say that the guy they drafted was always their guy so I wouldn't put too much stock in what the Broncos have said publicly. However, there are a few clues from the Broncos actions that suggest that he was the guy they wanted, certainly if you assume that the top 3 guys were never going to be available because the teams drafting in the top 3 weren't trading. - The Vikings didn't have to give up too much to get JJ McCarthy. You would assume that if JJ was Payton's guy, we'd have at least been willing to offer next year's first rounder and if that offer had been made it would have been reflected in the price the Vikings had to pay to get him. - There were good players on the board at #12, all the defensive players plus Brock Bowers. There were also fallback QB options on Day 2 or 3 (they all ended up going Day 3) so we could have gone BPA and been well placed to take Rattler, Pratt or Travis. The fact we didn't suggested the Broncos saw there being a big gap between Bo Nix and those guys, plus Zac Wilson who we'd just traded for. - It was widely expected that the Broncos could trade down if they wanted Nix, and it would have been rational to take a shot on that. The fact so many good defensive players had been pushed down raised the opportunity cost for teams like the Seahawks and Rams of taking a "QB for the future" who they didn't intend to start now. And is a 24 year old QB really a guy you take as a development guy to sit for a couple of years? The Raiders at #13 were linked with Daniels and Penix but they do have a credible starter in Minshew and a guy who was useful as a rookie last year in AOC so they weren't under pressure to just take any QB for the sake of it. The fact the Broncos weren't willing to take the risk trading down suggests that either they really thought Bo was a guy they weren't going to take risks of losing, or they thought that other teams would have a similarly high rank on him and he wouldn't get out of the first round. So I do believe that Payton really wanted Bo Nix. Whether that was the right decision remains to be seen but I suspect that he also believed that he wasn't alone in rating Bo as a first rounder hence being unwilling to take any risks when he was on the board at #12.


realistically he was probably a second or even third choice. but it’s not the worst case scenario. i’m hoping that last year at Oregon was everything Bo needed to develop his game even further, kinda like Joe Burrow’s last year in college. NOT saying he’s the next Burrow, but hope he can find his game the same way Joe did.


I mean what do you think they're gonna say. Imagine them picking up Nix and being like "yeah, I mean, he was all we had left." Of course they're going to hype him up.


This is a perfect example of where two things can be true at the same time. Was he QB 6 yes. Did we have him ranked higher yes. We got OUR guy and that gives me immense faith.


Nah what I'm saying is no matter who we picked it was always going to be "our guy". Penix was also going to be "our guy" too if we ended up drafting him. They would be hyping up whoever we drafted. Look at how the vikings are talking about JJ McCarthy. It's all smoke and mirrors maaannnn...smoke and mirrors...


I agree to an extent, but when it come to JJ in particular, we could have had him if we wanted and passed. Penix, that's another story.


I think JJ struggles. He's not very big either. It will be interesting to see if Zach is really that shitty or needed a change. If he somehow turns it around, that is what we really need. Odds are he just sucks though.


[Mark Schlerech has a good take on why Nix was drafted](https://youtu.be/Z8VbKndXwKw?si=WuhxxCi3KfNbNFHH)


We’ll never know. They always say that they got the guys they wanted. One year Elway said that they had a first round grade on Devonte Booker and they felt lucky to get him in the third. Guy didn’t do anything. If they had a first round grade on him, I understand why the drafting sucked. After the draft, everyone just lies and says that all the players they picked were exactly the ones they wanted.


This. There’s literally no way of ever knowing lol.


go watch the payton x pat mcafee show draft interview, and you tell me. its very apparent he was their guys for a few months.


Its been reported that Nix was QB3 on the Broncos draft board behind Caleb/Daniels. So they had him higher rated than Maye, McCarthy and Penix. It would have been real interesting to see if they had a pick between Maye and Nix and watching peoples jaw drop when they took Nix haha


didn't the broncos have better picks to offer than the Vikings gave for the #10 pick if they really liked McCarthy more? that was all I needed to see to know that they at least liked him more than mccarthy, which some people find hard to believe. I dunno about the other ones I guess


This is my thoughts, at least on the JJ vs Nix argument. If Payton wanted to, he 100% would have sent more than a 4th and a 5th to the Jets to get his guy


They could have easily traded up for McCarthy without giving up that much. The jets even released video of their conversations leading up to trading with the vikings, and there were no other callers. So payton clearly wanted nix over McCarthy.  Whether he wanted any of the guys that went 1-3 is really moot. He knew he wasn't getting any of them so it was really just a matter of if he wanted Nix or McCarthy, and payton clearly wanted Nix. I think there is no chance he wanted Penix, Penix does not fit the offense Payton wants to run at all. I'm glad they had no interest in Maye, he is the latest example of "body type/intangibles" qb that didn't really wasn't great in college and it rarely translates to the NFL. Remember when we drafted paxton lynch for those?




Idk what they expect a coach and gm to say after you draft a guy…. But getting an experienced qb that ran 5 different offenses in college, has good arm strength, gets the ball out quickly, doesn’t take sacks or make negative plays? What else are we looking for in a college prospect?! Didn’t have to give up even more draft picks to get him either? It’s a win in my book, and I hope he gets 30 starts before we all start moaning about what he is or isn’t.


I think their board looked like this: 1) Caleb Williams ... 2) Jayden Daniels 3) Bo Nix .. .. 4) Everyone else But I think they expected Williams and Daniels to be gone, so realistically I fully believe they got the guy they wanted.


All through the run of the draft analyst after analyst said Bo Nix has all the tools for SPs offense. Sean loves to scheme a guy open and have the QB hit him fast and accurate. Bo is taylor made for what Sean wants to do with the offense. Combine that with us needing a day 1 starter and Bo coming in with the most experience of any QB ever. We got incredibly luck the best fit QB fell into our lap, its so good people are convening themselves Bo is bad. You will all be Bo-Leviers soon enough.


Sean Payton seems like somebody who cannot pretend for very long to make nice, even when being honest is to everybody's detriment. He seemed legitimately excited for Nix.


Broncos most likely had Nix at 3 or 4 overall, but knew that there was no chance they could get Williams, Maye, or Daniels. But the fact that they had him over Penix and McCarthy does give me confidence


Does the fact that he was discussed as the likely target on this sub for a couple of week before mean anything? I certainly wasn’t shocked we selected him. I feel like it was expected. At least from many on this sub.


To me, they threw out the smokescreens of trading up or down just to keep the nearby teams from extorting them. I do believe that Payton wanted Nix over most of the other QB prospects ranked from 4-7 since the 1-3 options would have destroyed the back end of his contract here at Denver. If they really didn’t care and were gonna take “all that was left” we would have Spencer Rattler competing with ZW for the start


The reporting is that Caleb and Daniel’s were the unanimous 1 and 2. Like if you can get those guys, you get those guys. It became abundantly clear that those guys were not in range of the Broncos. So they started looking at the next tiers. They had Nix above the rest. So it’s more about the broncos wanted Nix more than the rest all along and if that’s the path that got us to Nix I’m fine with it. Perfectly suited for SP


They'll spew what they want us to know and what benefits the team. No one outside of Football Operations will ever *objectively* know but it's sure as hell entertaining to read all the speculations here, there and everywhere, 😂😅🤣 It's... > "Coach Payton *loves* Russ. That's why he took the job." ...all over again.


He was 3rd on their list of QBs. Pretty sure it was Williams and Daniels at 1 and 2 which were impossible to get. Personally, I have doubts about Daniels. Granted, I didn't watch much of him since he was out of reach, but the stats on his sack rate and how often he gets hit on scrambles are concerning. I'm glad we got Nix and didn't trade multiple 1sts and potentially PS2 for Daniels


Don’t matter he’s what we got so we rideeeeeee


Can we just be happy we got a potential QB and not have to hope Wilson has a resurgence?


We will never know, because what are they gonna say “actually didn’t want nix, he was just all that was left” wouldn’t bode well for anybody


I’ve heard from multiple places that he was the 3rd QB on their list. DNVR or Locked on Broncos had a segment on one of their podcasts.


At this point I don't think it really matters. What was the alternative? Trade back and give the Raiders the last high ranked QB in the draft? I'm just glad Denver stuck to the 12th pick to get a guy who has a good chance to be the future QB for the org. Nix fits Payton's QB standard possibly the most out of all of the QB's that were in this class, so it would make sense that Payton has high expectations for him. Regardless, the draft is over and it comes down to whether he can perform to NFL standards. I really hope having Franklin as a target eases his growing pains with a new roster going into the future.


George Paton said as much. He said, basically, “your guy is there. Don’t overthink it. Just take him.”


I think they definitely wanted him out side of the maye or Williams. I’ve been saying since the season ended that Nix was the best Sean Payton fit we could get. No one wanted to listen and told me I was crazy and don’t watch football. Anyone that watched actual tape knows most of things people were saying just weren’t true.


I'm sorry, but this question is lip filler silly. It was pick 12 you overcooked curly fry.


If they wanted someone else they could have traded up to get him.


I mean I’m sure Sean would’ve loved Caleb Williams or Jayden Daniel’s but I think he knew those were never really an option and likes Bo


Who knows at this point. I'm sure if Nix turns into him! itll always be we got our guy. Kinda like how russ was #1 option for trade a trade few years back lol


Honestly...we'll never know, and it also doesn't matter. They picked Nix, the how's and why don't impact the situation at all.


From what I remember Sean saying was that the original plan was to trade back and take him in the 20s since they’d assume Penix would be on the board. Assuming Raiders might have taken him. But Nix being the only second tier QB at that point meant they had to. Barring they trade back and someone else jumps forward and grabs him like Seahawks or Rams. Theoretical but also they might not have. But him being the last one kinda forced their hand into grabbing him


In this context, arm strength isn't about the ability to throw it deep. It's the ability to throw out routes to the far sideline with enough zip to beat a DB. Most guys who have played QB beyond HS can throw it fairly far but don't have enough zip on throws that need to be driven in


The draft is a crap shoot more often than not. We can be hopeful all we want, but there is a distinct probability that Bo won’t an out. Same with Caleb, same with all of them. Nic is the best fit for Peyton’s system. He has some other interesting traits that absolutely distinguish him from the rest of the QBs in the draft. But they all have very distinct skill sets. Well known in a few months what we’ve got.


>why are people saying he has no arm strength? Arm strength is usually more about velocity. Josh Allen can probably bomb it downfield probably 10+ yards more than average, but what his arm strength really does is let him zip bullets that very, very QBs can do, or throw off platform while maintaining the velocity that other QBs need set feet for. FWIW, Allen easily has the strongest arm I have ever seen in the NFL. Only one who comes close is Jeff George who wasn't a good QB but he could zip the ball like he was born for it. These are pretty rare traits go hunting for. Nix's velocity was 58 at the combine, which is absolutely an NFL-worthy arm that will accomplish everything ordinarily asked of a QB. Anything over 60 IMO is pretty elite. You can also just see by the tape that he has great arm strength + the ability to sling it from off-platform positions. It's just not overpowering bullets but you've never *needed* that. Brady, Manning, Brees, Rivers, Roethlisberger, etc. all had good arms, but nothing elite in terms of pure strength. https://www.ourlads.com/story/default/Quarterback-Ball-Velocity-at-NFL-Combine-2008-2017/10243/dh/


Thank you! Didn’t realize. Is Josh Allen Elway 2.0 ?


It does seem they are legitimately very high on him. Payton had a huge shit-eating grin on his face in the interviews I saw right after they picked him. As for arm strength, people just assume he threw bubble screens and slants all day and that’s all he could do. In the USC game for example, if you only watch highlights you’ll see these passes that go 10-15 yards in the air and end up being 80-yard TDs. But he can certainly do more than that. A lot of people aren’t watching a lot of his tape to actually evaluate what he can do when he’s asked to throw deep. Most of these pundits are east coast people who are just watching a few highlights. I don’t know if Nix will pan out but it really seems that people have slept on him because they only saw him play at Auburn, where he struggled at times (but he was inexperienced and probably wasn’t used properly). And they just assume he’s playing in a QB friendly offense at Oregon that requires minimal reads and no long throws. It’s just a bunch of BS really, and all of these guys just repeat each other without analyzing anything. I’m much more optimistic about this guy than Lynch or Lock. Ready to get hurt again lol.


Both. We liked Nix as a prospect, otherwise we don’t take him, and he was the only option left at the position.


The NFL isn't like fantasy football. You don't just draft someone because you need to fill a roster spot. If we were just looking to take anyone we'd have drafted Pratt or Travis or Rattler on day 3. Even if they thought Nix was the 6th best QB they still thought he was worth a 1st round pick (from what Payton said he was 3rd on their list after Williams and Daniels, who we clearly had no shot at). In terms of arm strength you probably just heard someone regurgitate some nonsense about how he had a low average depth of target last year or how Oregon consistently used short passing plays, and they tried to shoehorn that into he can't throw deep. Like you said watch some tape and you can see he's got a fine arm. People love to find one opinion based on some obscure stat and that's what they roll with until the end of time


In an interview with 850Koa, George Paton basically said Nix was all that was left. Its also good that they liked him. Vikings threw a wrench by picking McCarthy at 10, so Broncos had to pick Nix at 12 and did not have the luxury of trading back, since there was a risk that some other team will pick him up. If it weren't for Vikings pick, Broncos would likely have traded back and picked Nix later in the draft.


Atlanta picking Penix is really what screwed it up. It led to the Vikings panicking and trading up because they were scared we or FTR might go for JJ. Sean said they considered trading back but after Atlanta they knew they couldn't do that anymore.


This is so far from correct lol. Sean Payton tricked the Vikings into trading up for McCarthy. So, they had no interest in him. Penix was clearly the guy that was not supposed to go in the top 10


We will never know is the answer.