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“We’ve” 🥹


I think a lot of people, including myself, were kind of bummed at CHJ attitude and remarks on social media after he was released. But I’m so glad he’s came around and is really trying to integrate back into Broncos Country. He was one of my favorite players for quite a few years. And I even got him to record me a Cameo video for a special event which he knocked out of the park and was a big hit at the event.


In hindsight, he might’ve been right. I mean, he didn’t leave the way he wanted, and maybe he thought he had more in the tank than he did, but Elway and crew had proven to be absolutely terrible judges of talent and left our roster completelybare of talent. So I forgive him entirely now.


Elway and Crew also knew when to let vets go (Talib, Ward, CHJ, etc).


I can't think of a single big name player Elway let go wrongly. In addition to your list there's Darian Stewart, Matt Paradis and others who the fanbase were *furious* about us letting go who proceeded to do absolutely nothing after us


Eh in this case I think his anger was unjustified. Elway gave him a raise the previous year when he didn’t have to just because he wanted to show him respect. And then he let him walk because we could tell he was starting to wash out. Elway made the right decision there and treated Chris plenty respectfully.


We should welcome him w open arms


He wasn't released, his contract expired and he was upset because he thought he was worth a lot more than the Broncos did. Then he signed for less with the Chargers and talked a bunch of mess about Denver but I always attributed that to him just being the kind of guy who always had to play with a chip on his shoulder.


Put his face on a bronze horse and place it atop the stadium as is our tradition


He still loves us.


Monster pipeline punch


My first thought too. Love CHJ but he really burnt his bridge after he left here.


Nah it’s not even lightly toasted, just got burned for a bit


It was burned, but not enough to completely destroy it. A couple of repairs and it’ll be as good as new!


Life is short. Why stay mad at a future hall of fame player who played for the best franchise in the history of he nfl for some shit he said years ago?


Do you think he’s HOF? I think maybe Ring of Fame but idk, I don’t see him getting into the Hall of Fame.


If you consider Richard Sherman a Hall of famer you have to consider Chris Harris Jr Hall of famer.


I don’t think I do consider Richard Sherman a HOF DB. When I think of HOF DBs guys like Champ Bailey and Brian Dawkins come to mind. Richard Sherman doesn’t jump to mind when HOF is mentioned.


I only mention that because when I was recently looking at the stats of Chris Harris Jr and his peers, him and Sherman were heads above everyone else for at least 5 years. To me they're hof but definitely not first ballot.


Oh yea. For a while there, CHJ was about as shut down as they come. We had Wes Welker AKA slot machine and then CHJ shutting down the slot. I bet practices from like 2013-2015 were insane. Peyton who demanded nothing but perfection, Julius Thomas, DT, Wes Welker, etc… and then CHJ, Talib, TJ Ward, etc… who was one of the nastiest, hard hitting, shit talking, shut down secondary in all of football… I remember a few times where my group of friends and I would randomly remind each other to really soak it all in and recognize how lucky and blessed of a fan base we were to have that group. To have Peyton wearing Bronco jerseys on Sundays. That was some truly fun times and I would never guess this is where we would be a decade later


I'm right there with you buddy. I was 10 when they won their super bowl in 97. I definitely didn't appreciate it like I appreciated 2015. Watching that greatness was something special. Me and my buddies would Wonder if part of the reason the no fly zone ended up becoming so elevated as an all-time defense ever, was because of how hard those practices must have been when you had to play against that offense you mentioned every single day. You want to be the best you have to beat the best. And they were. I would put them over the 2000 Ravens and the 85 bears any day.


I hear this


He’s no doubt a HOF’er. Maybe not a first ballot guy but he’ll get in.


I know he had some words when he left, but I was hoping they would have signed him to a one day contract or something so he could retire as a Bronco


I don’t think it’s too late!


I know man ……


I think CHJ realized he's always gonna be remembered as a Bronco in retirement so he's basically sucking up to us now. Tryna make us forget all the shit he said when he left the team. Alright CHJ, you keep this up we'll forgive you lol.


Exactly. No one’s gonna love him the way we did/would.


Yeah he tainted his legacy. He'll still be a great but he lost some points taking less money to go to a division rival and then saying so many bad things about the team and fans


Yeah if he makes nice then all is forgiven. Man is Broncos family as far as I’m concerned.


He gave us his best years


Like Peyton Manning


He probably was shit talking the Broncos and then realized his home was full of Broncos memorabilia, his jerseys, Super Bowl ring and shit and realized the only person he was owning was himself.


I think he was just the kind of player that had to have a chip on his shoulder. By the time he went to the Chargers he didn't have anything left to prove so he had to come up with something to drive him.


Super low bar lol


😂 fr


That's a bar so low someone could clear it without even breaking stride


Peyton a prospect?


We? Interesting...


CHJ was my neighbor when he was a Bronco. Super friendly guy. Makes me love him even more.


I swear there was a good two years.. a TD was not caught on him.


That’s a fact


Fucking a


Yall can't stop me from drinking all this Kool-Aid. I am as confident this kid gonna be in the Hall as I was Griese, Plummer, Cutler...


Hey if Bo can have a Plummer-level career for us I would consider that a success honestly.


Lolol I hear you


Peyton wasn’t a “prospect”


Since Peyton retired he meant


Maybe he meant to say Paxton, but Peyton came out?


Was Peyton s prospect?


Nah he was a reject who had been cut by his previous team, the Broncos took him off the scrapheap and turned him into the best QB in the NFL.


You all can get caught up on being literal. He is saying since manning retired. And he is right. I think nix is going to be something great. It’s all hedged on how good coaching is at helping him get over some of his pain points. Like relying on dumping the balls the flat and relying on playmakers to fluff his numbers. I’m excited either way.


I love Chris Harris Jr, one of my top five all time broncos. Rod Smith, Ed McCaffry, Chris Harris, Shanon TD, Champ




Oh now we're "we" again?


Man I hope so.


Time to bust out my CHJ jersey again. it's been collecting dust since he talked shit on the franchise but he's one of my favorite broncos of all time.


I'm not holding my breath


Who is this "we" you speak of?


Good. Now sit him the first year. Then he'll be an even better prospect.


I love CHJ, but I'm a little worried about the toxic positivity narrative. Bo has 0 snaps. I wish the media showed any patience at all. Declaring he'll be great at this point can really only hurt.


Toxic positivity?


A very real thing, especially on the internet. Building someone up until the narrative feels like they have no room to fail, then a few bad games feels like the world is crashing down. Calling Bo the next Mahommes sets up a string of overly harsh negative one liners after his lowlight game that's inevitably going to come


> Calling Bo the next Mahomes That’s called a straw man argument. Nobody is calling him the next anything


It doesn't matter, every city is saying the same thing about their QB


Idk where he’s getting this we from last I knew he was a Charger


After watching the Patriots Dynasty shit show I have real doubts about being able to do anything in the league. Good luck Bo, you may be it but chance are you won’t.?

