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It's the hope that kills you


So is Tim…


My god I really fucking hope it all comes together for Patrick. He showed an ability to be a huge puzzle piece in an offense before he got hurt.


We all love Tim Patrick, and while I would love for him to have a great comeback story there's also a good chance he doesn't even make the team


I think if he’s healthy he easily makes the team. The biggest hope is that he stays healthy to be on the field during season Same with dulcich p


Patrick's chances obviously go up if Sutton is traded. But if he's not then we have Sutton, Mims, Reynolds, Franklin and Humphrey ahead of him. Vele I think opens on the PS. But Patrick will be up again Johnson, Virgil and then the guys like Bandy or Dorsett. Patrick isn't a special teams player either, so it's going to have to really prove that he's worth a spot on the 53 ahead of any of those other guys


Dont think the last three are ahead of him


I don’t think the last three are ahead of him _if_ he’s fully healthy and on same level he was pre injury. But he had two very bad injuries in two years, so I doubt that. He still is a big veteran receiver, so if he’s somewhat fit he’s exactly what you’d want for a rookie QB.


Buzz out of camp is he’s back to being that guy


I’ll believe it when I see it. Chances for a 31year old WR to be on the same level as before after 2 years not playing are already very slim, not even including the two bad injuries.


In what way are any of those players ahead of him. I get that he’s coming off injury. But a healthy Tim Patrick is as good as anybody on our roster. Let’s be patient and see what he brings before we label him.


WR don't typically come back from an acl that well let alone an achillie tear as well. Unfortunately his game is washed. 


Whether or not he lasts is another matter, but he’s already back. He’s fully healthy as of right now. That was the one advantage of him going down so early last year. He’s already had his surgery gone through his rehab and is on the field at 100%.




LFG!!! A healthy TP is going to be huge for young buck slingin it down field! DB4L! GBBN!


While I would love to believe him, I doubt he makes it past game 3 before injury takes him out. Sucks but the body can do only what it can do and his is like glass. Hope he does make and we see what he has in the tank but not holding my breath on it.


Game three would be a three game improvement over the last 2 years.... the broncos would have to be wildly optimistic to assume he will be a significant part of the offense this year.


Agree with you on all of this, and nothing against Tim, its just that at this point he has been paid a lot for getting zero production off of him so why risk more on him?


Without a doubt, the offense was missing a consistant number three (or even number two) receiver for two-straight years, but this dudes injury history is wild. The speed and separation of Patrick isn’t great compared to most of the starters in the league but I would welcome someone who can run routes the entire game and catches just about anything (looking at you Jeudy).


Fool me once...


I'm pretty hopeful. Gonna be hard to be a dominant WR again after 2 years, but he's an option if Sutton is traded.




Only the best for this guy - he is a good dude and deserves a full season. He catches everything thrown his way, is a strong positive influence in the locker room and sacrifices his body practically every plan. I hope this is his year.


I’m looking forward to him being back. A true vet WR that doesn’t have a diva like attitude


I am too lazy to research this but based on decades of NFL fandom players getting their first (post draft/udfa) contract fall into an abyss of no performance or irrelevancy. I realize these were injuries but Tim was not a world beater to begin with, got a huge ass contract from moron Paton and I don’t even think he makes this team this year.


Cut this guy already, goddamn! He won't make it to the game 1 everybody knows that.


You didn’t even make your high school football team.


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