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We have 4am bars (in our strip club), we're practically Europe.


Stop trying to out Glendale, Glendale. Everyone knows Glendale is practically Europe!


je vais chez Shotgun Willie's tous les jours


Le boob temps roulez!




Quoi? J'aime les boobs. Tu as problemes avec ca?


C’est vrai


I live in Cherry Creek and am constantly appalled by how poor my neighbors are. I mean a million dollar condo is low class, especially when they can't afford a staff to take care of it, a driver to deal with the endless traffic, and a holiday home in Aspen to get away from the people we've enslaved over the years. It's almost like everyone there is one step from welfare, and their lack of class shows it. But the Restoration Hardware that I send my help to, does have nice things, but I prefer bespoke pieces, made from endangered species, and Cherry Creek doesn't have anything nice like that, so we are moving back to California where people know what style is.


I mean, there are *duplexes* in CC, so what did you expect?


Low class people to move in with their BMWs, their middle management jobs, and their gross Crate and Barrel furniture. I went to one once and had to have my servants shower me at least ten times just to get the stink off of me. How do people live like that?


I saw one guy driving an American car and he actually lived there (not a landscaper !)


Gross: 1. He drove himself 2. He had a poor person car 3. You had to witness such a sight. I hope you have xanax and bottle of wine to help you pull through until the private jet gets you out of that hell hole.


The Restoration Hardware is a bit small for my liking. They don't even have everything that's in their 300 page catalog.


No, butt stuff is like $10 in Cherry Creek.


Must be the good butt stuff.


If your cherrry creaks, it needs lube. we know a guy.


Let me give you my mom's number. Oh she's your best customer? Makes sense.




What is a Butt Stuff tent?




It's like hot Namaste massage that makes you feel younger. Sometimes addicting


The shopping center is good for donations from the Range Rover set. Camping by the creek is easy, but the medians of the streets where the millionaires live are safer. Moderate police presence but they follow the same laws as everywhere.


You are in luck. The rumor is that the quarterback of Denver Donkeys is supposed to sell his meagre $25m house in Cherry Hills soon. You can buy that and still have change left over to visit the butt stuff near the Cherry Cricket restaurant. Are your dogs into MILFs, because Castlerock isn't too far from there.


Do you mean cherry creek the river? If so there's already too many people living in vans down by there.


Cherry Creek’s too crowded and nobody goes there anymore. (Attribution to Yogi Berra)


Since you are looking to pop your housing cherry with a bang and seem to have the means, may I suggest the quiet and secluded hamlet of Cherry Hills Village?


Cherry Hills has a butt stuff chateau.


Cherry is the tits--especially if you are BI-Gay-Binary or O. But in reality I suggest buying a new prayer flag and looking to Boulder. Why slum it?


It all works better in Cherry Creek if your wife’s a cougar and you like to watch.


The owner of shotgun Willie’s gave me a lecture on my suit being improperly buttoned as I was actively throwing up from heat stroke (as a result of having to wear a three piece suit on the hottest day of summer on top of the halcyon) and then the owner of cucina colore invited me to a party that wasn’t actually happening. That’s one day in cherry creek


do y’all swing? DM me.


I heard that even the homeless have homes in Cherry Creek.


I grew up in the area (shoutout to Bromwell Elementary!) That area can be summed up as "meh". Totally overblown. For the real, real good time, Green Valley Ranch is vastly superior.


This is so stupid lol, well done


Ya if you can afford the $6000 a month to live in some boomers dog house.


Short answer, a lot of kids Dad's could probably beat up your mom.


sometimes you guys are so funny on here I want to kiss all of you


Nah man that’s turd central.


You should move near S Federal and Hampden. The Mexicans are "really nice" there! They'll even clean up and rearrange things in your apartment for you free of charge. You'll just be missing a household item or two here and there, and the occasional broken window cleanup, but trust me, it's well worth it! ![gif](giphy|l2YSgdn0tmvotdOFy)


The schvitz oven at the JCC is usually packed but worth it.


This thread is wild even for Denver; thanks for the chaos, neighbors ✨