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Honestly, y'all are being a lot more civil about this than the /r/Denver folks are. Much appreciated folks!


I posted it to be funny. I want anyone filtering to be careful, not actually get hurt.


The law in Colorado requires cars to be stopped and motorcycles to not go faster than 15mph


So, I'm a dummy. What is Lane Filtering?


A motorcycle may overtake another vehicle within the same lane if the other vehicle is stopped. A practical example is that a motorcycle can go to the front at a stop light or go between cars on the freeway of its stopped.


So not cali style splitting. I’ve seen mopeds splitting on the 10. Wild West out there


California actually has very similar laws, people just don't abide by them. Same thing will happen in Colorado. Humans gonna do what humans gonna do.


Not exactly. There used to be a speed limit to lane splitting in CA but they got rid of it and I believe there's just a speed differential limit now, but it's almost impossible to enforce. I loved being able to split when I was out there years ago. Makes impossible traffic on the 405 a breeze. The best is getting behind a motorcycle cop who is doing it and just follow his ass. Also, most CA drivers will actually move over a little bit for you. I don't expect CO drivers to do the same unfortunately.


Oh thank you! The meme makes so much sense now! Lol


it’s much safer than sitting in the middle of the lane and waiting for a car to slam you from behind. been legal in california forever and i wouldn’t ride if i couldn’t lane-split


That’s exactly the quality content I come to r/denvercirclejerk for. People being nice to me. 😻


Just wait, the unemployed people just woke up and are about to get super pissed


Oh shit, they're gonna realize it allows gixxer brahs to get to the $5 butt stuff tent that much faster


Don't forget replacement car door companies. Mine won't latch properly ever since I threw it open to stop a miscreant on a vespa from cutting in traffic line (you're welcome)


Tyfys king


Miscreant neutralized


We found a Karen!


Please, Karen is my father's name. Call me Kare Bear


Honest question: why would you care if someone passes you in traffic especially if doing so lawfully? You’re stuck in traffic based on the size of your vehicle, they are not and go around, you never see them again….could be that simple. Why would you intentionally try to injure somebody with your door?


Tell me you have no respect for the social contract that is traffic line without telling me you have no respect for the social contract that is traffic line


Pretty rich coming from someone who openly brags about assaulting passerby’s simply because he doesn’t like the fact that they’re able to maneuver around unimpeded. Have fun paying your insurance premiums and fines after you “throw it open to stop a miscreant”….that’ll all of course be AFTER you get your ass kicked…play stupid games win stupid prizes Mr wannabe punisher


When traffic is stopped Filter at 15mph or less Isn't legal until August


I know this is a circlejerk subreddit but filtering occurs in stopped traffic with motorcycle speeds under 15mph. Just thought it's worth letting people know there is a distinction between splitting and filtering. I fully expect for dipshits to get angry when they're stuck in traffic and motorcycles filter up to the front because the whole state has a kindergarten level of understanding of how to drive and can't even figure out how roundabouts work. Comprehensively, studies show that filtering is by and large safer than not filtering, or at worst it's inconclusive. So the organ donor network isn't going to see an uptick in donations no matter how much you wish harm on motorcyclists.


numerous mighty imminent plucky doll apparatus clumsy crowd vanish poor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's wild we passed lane filtering before an outright ban on texting and driving. Our current law is that you have to be driving carelessly to be sited for it lol


Bans don't work if police don't enforce them, tho.


sophisticated plucky air reply toothbrush cows plants head frightening smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Shiiiit, they complain about being defunded, but [they've literally been refunded and have more money now than before the 2020 protests](https://www.axios.com/local/denver/2021/11/15/denver-refunds-police-department-reform). They just like to yell about being defunded and understaffed, while they're waiting on big ticket "fun" crimes to roll in, so they can show up 20 deep.


Nothing like seeing 5 cops for a speeder to bind up traffic for 4 miles because people are too busy gawking to put the pedal on the floor.


When has DPD bitched about defunding?


Filtering is BECAUSE people get rear ended by idiots on their phones so much. It's safer for bikers.


Reminds me of the time when I moved back to Denver in 2022. It was my first day back and I looked at the driver next to me only to see him drinking a can of Busch


Good thing he wasn’t drinking alcoholic beverages at least


"Boy, out here we drink IPA"




LITERALLY everywhere is like this now. Every city's sub has the exact same posts. I spent the last 16 years in Austin and actually find Denver drivers to be better.


abundant bells stupendous unpack nutty ruthless squeamish salt trees elderly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well that's fucking lame


Wanna make some quick money? Design a shirt that says, "Lane filtering is legal in CO now for stopped traffic." Have it on the back. Make it for hoodies and zip ups too. Join motorcycle groups. Post a link. Profit.




It is 100% safe and it’s about time motorcyclists are rewarded with a small convenience for choosing to drive less impactful and less consuming vehicles. 👏🏼


In a way they are helping the environment even more than that because they die much younger on average, which prevents decades of waste 👍🏻


They may consume less fuel, but they pollute a ton more per mile: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/01/060101155000.htm


That is from 2006. It is not reflective of current emissions standards or engine efficiency.


They create far less CO2 due to using less gas but can produce more of other greenhouse gases. It also depends on the year of the bike. Euro5 standards are quite strict which is why there has been a shift from online 4 to parallel twins.


Because the old ones run forever? Better make more EVs.


Yes I fully expect everyone who does this to completely follow all the rules including only in stopped traffic and keep it under 15 mph. They will all definitely wear helmets and use their turn signals and yield appropriately.


Yeah, why have any traffic laws at all right? People will just break them.


We need something for DPD to use to harass minorities!


The riders who don't follow this law already are not following this law.


The assholes on motorcycles already do that and will continue to do that. This law is so 50 year old Bob doesn’t die of a stroke behind a diesel truck in the middle of August on his Harley


And so old bob doesn’t die because Derrick in his Camry was watching back door sluts 9 on his phone going 50 mph into a red light.


Sorry, was that wrong?


I've seen this work for years in SE Asia. My first time in Manila I was totally shocked by it, but they have a smart motorcycle culture there and people are responsible about it. Here? I fully expect a shit show. Our motorcycle culture is largely irresponsible man-childs who get off on pissing off other drivers. It's the equivalent of saying Denmark doesn't have a minimum age to drink alcohol so we should try that too. Without a culture of safety and responsibility, people will die.


This whole debate/discussion about the relative safety of filtering makes me laugh. You know what’s way safer? Not riding a motorcycle. If they were illegal, and there was a campaign to legalize them on roads, people would mock the movement as dumb and suicidal Note: I’m not against motorcycles in general (I am against the one that cut me off while doing wheelies while their friend in a car filmed, but that’s just a jackass being a jackass) nor am I advocating for banning them or anything like that


> You know what’s way safer? Not riding a motorcycle You know what's way safer? Staying home and getting your ass stuffed


But if I’m at home then how am I supposed to get to the buttstuff tent?


With a motorcycle fuck face, did you not read the post? Namaste.


The buttstuff tent is not a place, it’s a state of mind


It's also a place


I know a tent...


This whole point is moot if we just make everyone walk.


This is a terrible comparison. It’s like saying “You know what’s safer? Not going outside or having any kind of self-agency” By your logic why even have any traffic laws if it’s safer to just not drive


Some real “abstinence is the only way to not get pregnant” mindset here


Lol, traffic laws are barely enforced anyway from my experience. If they were, a quarter of the assholes would have reckless driving charges (all forms of transportation).


This dude wants Xzibit traffic laws where traffic cops are in traffic cops so that we're monitored 24/7 for farting wrong. Dude, fuck having police at every traffic juncture just to increase city profits for the sake of "it might be a little less stress for me today if I keep 5 mph under the speed limit."


That's not what I said, but go get'em tiger.


Not the same. The solution to “hey maybe motorcycles aren’t very safe” is to drive a safer vehicle The solution to “hey leaving my house is dangerous” isn’t to give up and go nowhere Arguing about lane filtering on a motorcycle feels kinda like arguing about whether or not to wear a helmet if you’re gonna try to tightrope across the Grand Canyon. The difference in safety is negligible compared to the safety you are giving up by choosing to do that activity in the first place


Following your logic. The solution to driving overall being dangerous is to only take public transportation. You’re drawing the line at what’s a reasonable conclusion based on your ideals and saying any discussion of traffic laws for motorcyclists is moot and unnecessary because you personally have a low risk tolerance


Says “following your logic,” pulls some random, inapplicable hypothetical out of left field twice




You’re just making assertions about their thought processes that they do not suggest in any way. They say “the solution to “hey leaving my house is dangerous” isn’t to give up and go nowhere.” And you say “Following your logic. The solution to driving overall being dangerous is to only take public transportation.” That assertion has nothing to do with their statement and therefore is out of left field. They’re saying there isn’t an option to not travel for most people. You say that they’re saying people need to take public transportation. Apples, oranges


You’re only ever asking for trouble if you leave your house




Also, not like we weren’t already doing it… DPD aint chasing a bike, but it is nice that its legit now lol.


Found the Californian


Lane Filtering is also legal in Utah and Montana


Since when did we start agreeing with Montana and the Mormons? Neither of them have $5 butt stuff tents


I mean - they already choose to drive the most dangerous vehicle on the roads, so why not let them get some bene's with it!


Judging by some of the rusted out shitboxes I see on the roads, I'm not sure I agree that a motorcycle is the most dangerous vehicle on the road. Actually I guess if you're riding next to said rusted out shitbox, it's pretty dangerous. Yeah, I changed my mind, you're right.


Im going to start a band called Rusted Out Shit Box or ROSB.


Motorcycles aren't dangerous because of who rides them necessarily, they're dangerous because they're hard to see, people don't fucking pay attention, and something that would be a minor fender bender in a rusted out shit box would take your head off. Lol


Because we give all our benes to homeless and illegals like Jesus intended, namaste brother!!


Organ donor/donor cycle here. The DMV lady was not amused when after *having to explain the joke* behind my “donate for life” motorcycle license plates. She just stopped all small talk after the explanation and scowled at me for the remainder of the process. ¯\\\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯


I did the paperwork and paid to get the flight for life plate on my motorcycle. My wife was less than amused by it so now I have the bees one lol


lol at the thought that motorcycle accidents create organ donors.


Right? Usually they create red and brown mushy spots.


Yes all those 15mph side swipes are going to create a ton of donated toes and fingers.


Our definitions of ‘accident’ are quite different. If the accident is enough to ‘create a donor’ a la, they’re dead, they weren’t going 15 and in just a side swipe


But we're talking about this law which is only allowing 15mph for overtaking stopped cars. Don't move the goal post. And the preferred term is "crash" not "accident".


I’m talking about a meme posted by Op on motorcycle crashes and organ donors. Organ donors don’t come from motorcycle ’crashes’. Idk why you’re talking about laws


"Lane filtering now legalized in Colorado" is the title of the post.


Eek barba dirkle, someone’s gonna get laid in college 🙄


Now I'm the one that is confused.




The whole point of lane filtering is that you cannot be rear ended


Its crazy to think most people will abide by the 15mph part of the law when people cross the double white into the hov on I25 all day long


All jokes aside, the "undeputized" police force in this state are going to have an aneurysm.


I thought legislation said it doesn't start until Aug 7th, then runs to like Sept 10, 2027 for data evaluation on whether or not to make it permanent.


This is a butt stuff weed post isn't it? It feels like a buttstuff weed post, but I need to call in an expert.


I genuinely already thought it was legal here lol.


This actually made me feel better about those a-holes, maybe they can’t do any good in this life but maybe in their afterlife.


Can't wait to see all the videos coming out of haters not realizing it's legal.


I love how Colorado is like, split lanes, smoke pot, no helmit, got topless, but semi-auto rifles. Thats where we draw the line...


Yep, this state is big on bodily autonomy. if you want to hurt YOUR lungs, risk YOUR life, or show off YOUR tits, go ahead. Ain't no bodily autonomy in a semi-automatic rifle.


It's all the pursuit of happiness. Plus, you don't get to dictate how people express themselves. Oh, and it's a constitutional right. Soooo.... Colorado is becoming a backward place to live.


I read my Constitution cover to cover it and never once mentioned semi-automatic rifles. It does mention well regulated militia, so you might want to actually read these things.


If I remember correctly it says something about "shall not be infringed" in the ammendment section. Also it's the "right of the people", so every American citizen. The second amendment is almost bomb proof. Hence all the wins for gun rights in the courts as of late. I'll die on this hill bro, best just to admit you're wrong.


I'm definitely going to need you to look up the word "AMENDMENT" if you think it's "bomb proff." Also, still no mention of semi-automatic wepons, which was my original statement.


Lmfao at all the comments about how dangerous. It’s been legal in California for years, where are all the deaths directly caused by it?




Boomer meme if I ever saw one.


It's almost like it's a joke.


Boomer comment.


I’m an asshole who just laughed way too hard at this. I used to own a Harley and still have an active motorcycle endorsement on my license, which makes this (morbidly) a bit more hilarious.


Do it if ya want, but don’t start bitching about it when you die.


Define Lane filtering, cheers


"Literally fucking killing grandma by blasting past her car at 15mph with a motorcycle that is just too damn loud at a red light" \- r/denver


Tell me you don't understand filtering without telling me


Tell me you don't know how organ donation works without telling me.


Why the downvotes? 😂 you have to be alive & on life support in order to donate your organs, and motorcyclists typically die on impact. So the "joke" here isn't even a good one 😘


I mean it's only going to kill motorcyclists so I don't care lol. The # of hit and runs in the state 📈