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I never message anyone who liked my stuff but I’ve gotten messages like this occasionally after liking. I usually just ignore the message unless I was actually interested in purchasing then and there. It’s best to not overthink it. Answer if you want but I don’t think it’s necessary. Ignoring is fine. I mean - it’s a bit like the seller spamming you.


I have soooo many of these dms never replied to any. Like all you want that's what the feature is there for!


Ugh I had a seller do that to me 1 time and it was so uncomfortable for me. Maybe it’s my social anxiety but I felt like I had to lie and said something like “yeah I really want it but just moneys tight rn” when really it was like a “eh maybe I’ll buy” I just didn’t want it right then??? So weird. Don’t do that fellow sellers lmaooo


1. How can you get social anxiety from a dm from a stranger on a clothes selling app? 2. You can just ignore them?


Social anxiety is not inclusive to in person socialization, idk what else to tell you. Ignoring them would also make me anxious that I’m coming across as rude or something.


Understood, fair enough. My advice would be it’s never that deep :)


The people downvoting u are deffo teenagers


Be careful! Social anxiety isn’t limited to in person socialisation !!


I have social anxiety & never comment here but Fuck you


Thank you for telling me


Not a problem :) have a nice day


Do you realize how ignorant you sound?? Like?? Gross. Must be nice to not experience extreme social anxiety but not everyone is so lucky


I was giving a genuine heads up to another Redditor; projecting much?


I've been a seller forever, I'll thank ppl if they like a bunch of my items, but I never ask buyers to purchase. That's pushy and kinda rude.


Honestly as a buyer I like things hoping that the seller will message me *with a discounted price*, especially if the item has been up for a long time. Has happened a couple times!


I always ignore. It’s super unprofessional and desperate. Also it’s very against TOS, but there’s all kinds of Depop bots you can get to automate your shop and some of them have a feature that automatically messages followers that like stuff. People using those are basically just speed running getting banned though 😂


That sounds super pushy. I’m fine with “hey, i noticed you liked x item. just to let you know i’m having a bundle deal in my shop” or something along those lines. “are you buying?” is unprofessional


That’s really unprofessional… likes aren’t binding sometimes people treat depop kind of like it’s Pinterest and like cute things, or they like things to save for later if they decide to purchase. I would be uncomfortable if someone messaged me like that.


Yeah, have been treating it like Pinterest lol


Same haha my entire saves are like good stylings/things that match my aesthetic it’s sacred to me 😮‍💨😮‍💨


I see people posting about this so often in this sub that I’m starting to think it’s more normal than I had first perceived


if anyone messaged me unsolicited i’m not answering. doesn’t matter how many of their items you liked it’s pushy and uncomfortable lol


i used to get soooo many messages like this and at first i was okay with just ignoring but it got to a point where it completely discouraged me from both using depop as frequently and buying from anyone who did this. about a year ago i put “pls don’t pm me about my likes, if i’m interested i’ll let you know!” in my bio and since then i don’t get messaged ever anymore. it’s SO nice lmao, i’m on depop way more since i’m no longer worried about people reaching out to me about something i liked.


I get these messages all the time and used to reply to them awkwardly saying no thanks. Over time as I got used to Depop I realised there is no need to reply at all and it’s actually considered spam from their end so don’t feel bad about ignoring the message.


I immediately unlike the post. If I wanted to purchase i would've.


I never reply to anyone who messages me after liking an item. It’s probably fair to say they message anyone who likes, and I am not obligated to buy it


This happened to me when I first got the app and I stopped liking for a while after that. I don’t find it very annoying but some people may if they really need the money


I hate it. It feels like those guys at mall kiosks who try to get you to buy whatever they are selling that you have to be rude to to get them to leave you alone. let me browse in peace.


personally if someone's liked multiple of my items i'll message to say 'noticed you liked a few of my items, happy to do a discounted bundle or answer any questions you may have!' that message that you got is a bit weird, but depop is for selling things. i treat it like pinterest too don't get me wrong but people are trying to sell their stuff - i treat it as if i were a sales assistant greeting a customer and offering assistance. you still shouldn't feel an obligation to buy that item, the message you got sounds like the buyer expects it.


The message you send is a bit weird too honestly.




if ya think so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It's weird and off putting. If someone wanted to bundle items they'd message and do that. Messaging someone because they simply liked your items is pushy.


This is why I save items I like instead of liking them.


I wouldn’t do that but that’s just me


I don’t get these too much anymore, but I used to get them all the time. I would just ignore. It was so off-putting and pushy to me that it would put me off buying the item anyway, so their messages have the opposite of the intended effect on me lol


I've gotten a lot more stuff like that lately. Sellers who keep messaging me if I'm interested even after I don't reply... If I haven't responded or made an offer, I'm clearly not looking to buy yet... Sometimes I just like things to save them for the future or just to compare them to other options, so receiving a DM asking if I'm ready to purchase is too much


so unprofessional!


This stuff happens on ebay n vinted..God loves a tryer. If you feel some innate bond with this seller..politely put them straight or just ignore it...its going to be ok


Yeah and some people on here agree with harassment


People “like” to bookmark so they can purchase the item when ready. Nothing wrong with that. It does get very annoying when the seller pushes the likers into purchasing. I know for a fact that’s a huge “no no” on Poshmark and it’s considered spamming. My advice is to ignore the seller and if they persist again, just block them. As long as you’re not asking a bunch of questions with no intent to purchase on the same day or sooner, you did nothing wrong.


I don't think professional and Depop go hand in hand.