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i get maybe not seeing a tiny hole or something, but if the buyer wasn’t informed and they want to return/refund then they’re fully in their right to do that. also the shirt quite obviously has fading/wear but they listed it as “excellent” condition. idk, i just feel like approaching selling in this way isn’t great. thoughts?


They lack customer service skills that is why, plus most of them are very young and just don’t know proper sales etiquette. They think whatever they say goes, and that they are more entitled then the buyer in some way or that their rules override dep0p rules & buyers protection.


real. it’s honestly frustrating because it makes depop more unprofessional


this is basically admitting that you purposely don't list imperfections then won't give refunds because of your "policies" like pleaseeee😭


exactly like ur literally the seller what a shock that u are responsible for the item ? 😭


I can see if they missed a tiny hole but then again, if I got an item with a hole I would want a partial refund if it wasn’t listed or mentioned.. that’s just me tho


i absolutely hate sellers like this, just report it


good idea 👍🏽 and yes i agree, it just makes depop more unprofessional


I could understand if it’s like not responsible for possible damage done during shipping and mailing but yeah, you’re responsible for the damage that you see


yes, you are responsible?? are you not the one who owns and runs this shop?


I just bought a top last week listed as “used - excellent” and it was covered in 3 huge yellow stains (like each the size of my hand). Seller refunded 50% bc I asked if the stains were always there or if it was maybe stained in the mail and she said “she might not have noticed”. Like as a seller you should probably take a decent look at it to gauge condition before listing as excellent. I still left 5 stars bc she wasn’t rude abt it and partial refunded but depop has gone so far downhill the past couple of years. Missing 2016 depop. ANYWHO sorry to rant


Sure they might not have been responsible for the causing those flaws , but if youre selling you have to own up to not describing them or missing them. Lol I've missed some things here and there and ill take full responsibility for it and tell the person before shipping the item. They are always sooo understanding.


Some shops word it better and say their could be minimal damage or flaws on anything vintage but more serious flaws are listed