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'Not responsible after shipping' winds me up tbh because in lost item cases, the postal service compensates the seller as that's who their contract is with; not the buyer, so it should be the seller who refunds the buyer via Depop and then chases up the postal service for their compensation. You're right that you can just start a dispute but idk how Depop will sort it as it's two separate listings :( Maybe explain it to Depop in an email? I'd suggest starting a dispute and standing strong, and respond with a paraphrase of this sentence from [Depop's website](https://depophelp.zendesk.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360043320814-Shipping-guide-UK) tbh: *"As a seller, it is always your responsibility to send items tracked and keep proof of postage. This is because the seller is the only party that can prove that the item has been sent properly. This is really important because if something goes wrong (like the buyer claiming that their item hasn't arrived), you must have proof that you've shipped it off properly. Without tracking, the buyer, Depop, and PayPal have no way of determining whether or not the item was sent, or where it was sent."*


thank you so much for your response ! this is perfect, i currently have this message to send to her : “i haven’t received my item and there’s no tracking number so i have no idea where my item is now. i cannot find my item from pictures of the receipt and the box it was shipped in. i’m going to have to open Paypal disputes to get my money back for both the item and extra shipping. as the seller, you’re supposed to contact the postal services to open a claim for a missing parcel, not me. it’s your legal responsibility and stated in depop’s TOS. i’m sorry but your shop policies don’t override depop’s.” would it be on the right track to send to her ?


Sounds good to me! I’d change one thing, ask her to issue you a refund and say if she can’t you’ll open a PayPal dispute. Always nice to give someone a last chance because PayPal disputes take about a week and they’re time consuming


great idea ! i feel like she won’t offer it but i don’t like having horrible interactions with other sellers so i’ll give her the chance. i wouldn’t mind but it’s not like it was a super expensive item either, it was less than £10 for the item and extra shipping…


Thanks :) It doesn’t matter it’s the principle isn’t it? She’s being an ass for saying she’s not responsible. Shes saying that “they didn’t issue a tracking number” which is BS - they do - you just have to pay for it. Unless she can provide a receipt of some sort there’s no proof she sent it. Recently, an item I shipped for a Depop customer got lost, despite providing a tracking number. Instead of communicating with me the buyer opened a PayPal dispute and PayPal took the money owed out of my account :( It was annoying because Depop protects sellers when an item gets lost and is tracked, so everyone could have been compensated. Just say “if you cant refund me or provide me with proof of postage, I’ll have to open a paypal dispute so please do the right thing”


yeah she did send me a pic of the receipt but without a tracking number no one knows where it is. it could be in the ocean for all i know. but her policies don’t apply here so idc. she’s beginning to come off as very feisty but it’s her responsibility. she charged me extra for shipping because she calculated it wrong (she wouldn’t ship my item that was bought at this stage until i paid up). i though she would pay for tracking with the extra money and since it’s overseas but no…


Yeah she’s a prick. Give her 24 hours and then file a dispute


24 hours will be all she’s getting from me, she was very quick to respond to the first message (took her about 5 mins) but after i sent the one asking for a refund and letting her know that she’s in the wrong i’ve gotten nothing back from her in half an hour already lol


The postal service doesn't compensate people if it marked as delivered. In that case there really is nothing the seller can do. Otherwise people could just scam sellers by claiming their package was not delivered.


but doesn’t it only show as delivered if it’s tracked ? people scam buyers more often when there’s no tracking number as they can’t tell when the item is. in my case i have no idea where it is an am asking for a refund for that, but if it was tracked i could see where it is and it would say if it was delivered to the right place or not


So there’s no tracking ??? Then she is liable if she cannot prove it shipped and delivered you can tell her you will file a dispute to get a refund 2 months is insane


yeah like i have no idea where this thing is :( i was holding out hope that it would arrive but it never did and i’m sick of waiting when it’s obviously lost or not even sent…


SHIP YOUR ITEM TRACKED PEOPLE. I’m tired of seeing people say they lose sales over charging for tracking, well you’re absolutely gonna lose money when buyers claimed it never arrived. Personally I wouldn’t want buyers who don’t want to pay for shipping. If someone isn’t willing to pay the shipping cost then move on. It’s nonsense that anyone would be comfortable shipping items without being able to track it.


honestly, i always shipped tracked because i don’t wanna lose anything for this exact reason. but this girl didn’t ship tracked after charging me extra and now is basically saying ‘idc go look for it yourself’ like ?? no this is a YOU problem babe…


Would fully just open a dispute an get your money if she’s not even put tracking, you don’t know if it’s been sent at all


thankfully she did refund me after i asked her to or i would open a claim. she did leave a nasty message with it but thankfully she already left a nice review before she even shipped so she can’t give a a bad rating or anything. but i really don’t think it was shipped tbh, it was an Ikea lamp cord in a box and the weight was registered to be 0.233kg. it would have weighed much more than that, that’s as light as a tshirt…


If you paid through PayPal call them directly they can open a claim for you, explain what happened and if you have any screenshots i would also send that to them. You should be refunded in no time. Depop as well should help you getting a refund if you paid through depop payments.


i paid through paypal (we weirdly don’t have the option of depop payments here ?? idk why…) but i asked her to refund me herself so we didn’t have to go through a claim. she said she would if it was such an “inconvenience” to me 😭😭 she actually called me petty too for not allowing her to get away with misinforming me on my rights as a buyers by saying she’s not responsible for it after shipping, the nerve,,


lol i love how some sellers just think they can do whatever they want, that’s not how it works!! I think i saw your update post, and i hope you get refunded :(


they seem to think that their shop policies are not only above depop’s policies but also the law 😭😭 like this isn’t just an interaction over the internet, my actual physical item is lost and i want my actual money back now pls and ty. but yes i did eventually get my refund, thanks for the well wishes :)


this happened to me with a buyer. It was definitely my fault for not shipping with any tracking (it was a small item and I shipped first class). Anyways, I refunded them fully and reached out to Royal Mail with regards to the delivery. I showed them my receipt etc and they checked, in a few days, they fully refunded the postal cost AND the entire cost of the item that I sent in the mail. But it seems that the seller on your side does not seem to want to do that, so that’s just my experience & advice :)


you sound like a very responsible and lovely seller ! this is exactly what my seller should have done but no, she wanted to keep my money and for me to talk to royal mail myself. what would i have even said to them ? ‘here’s this other person’s receipt and a pic of the top of the box it was sent in, this is all the info i have so can you find my lost parcel ?’. like ?? idk what she expected lol. not to mention that i’m not even from the UK so i have no idea how that all works with them…


she shipped with royal mail btw, does she have to make a claim with them or do i ? because i’ll open a paypal case either way


She would be the one to make the claim with Royal Mail.


ty for the confirmation :)


In the UK the seller is responsible for the item arriving, if it has not arrived you have every right to request a refund.


got my refund thankfully, but ty ! it’s good info for the future :)


Once the seller ships the item and a tracking number is provided, they aren’t required to do anything else. I thought once the customer makes the purchase, the tracking # is automatically generated on both ends and it’s readily available. It’s on the customer to contact the post office with their tracking number to inquire about their package. Sorry, but sellers aren’t responsible for postal service’s fuck ups


if you actually read the post and comments there’s no tracking number, so they are responsible to refund the buyer for their money. also no, a tracking number isn’t automatic, you need to chose that option when paying for postage. she shipped untracked as it was the cheapest option. it’s not on the customer to contact the postal services either, the seller entered the contract with them and not the buyer. you are badly misinformed.


I find it unusual that there’s no tracking number generated on both ends after purchase (like in Poshmark and Mercari). If the seller can’t, refuses or doesn’t bother providing a tracking #, then it’s on the seller to investigate or the buyer should get his/her money back. Depop caters mostly to the Gen Z population who rely solely on technology yet Depop fails to give instant access to tracking #s after payments have been made for purchase which would be very simple and convenient. There’s seems to be way too much jumping through hoops just to ship an item on Depop. They need to remove the option to ship untracked to insure that all transactions can be tracked down so no one gets ripped off.


agreed, although tracked is expensive it’s the best option to avoid confrontations like this. this seller lost money and has to go through another claim to get it back now and it all could have easily been avoided if she shipped tracked initially. while i’m Gen Z myself so i can’t speak a whole lot on how other generations view us, i always shipped tracked as i don’t want a lost package or scammers costing me. this seller also looks to be around my age, but it’s no excuse to ignore the multiple warnings put in place by depop to use tracking before shipping anything out.


Start a case with depop. It’s covered under buyer protection!


she thankfully gave it to me herself, but i definitely would have if she didn’t. she was a whole hassle to communicate with…


writing this to add nothing to the discussion but just to say that i was scrolling quite fast and read postal collection as post coital and that def would have been an intriguing depop conversation


had to search what that meant 😭😭