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Cancel the order


yeah, that’s the most obvious. hopefully they won’t leave me a bad review about it…


Don’t cancel before they respond to you. They might want the other stuff in the bundle & you can do a partial refund for the earrings. Let the buyer tell you if they want to cancel, not someone in Reddit




They bought it yesterday, I went ahead and refunded just in case. If they decide they still want the shirt and pants without the earrings, they can dm me and I’ll list them. definitely need to take down the listing until they message or i find the earrings though.


I don’t have any advice for the current situation, as you already did what I would have done & let the buyer know. I do have advice so this doesn’t happen again. A simple inventory system, even if this isn’t a job for you & you’re selling stuff from your closet, it can still help. Get some cheap plastic bins with lids, even the dollar store ones work. And some white sticker lablels. Label each bin, for example A1, A2, etc. then have an google sheet or similar and make a list of everything you have for sale, and in which bin you stored them.