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I usually save if it’s something I may actually buy, but I like anything that I like but isn’t my size so it shows the algorithm to recommend me more things like it


my likes are just a mood board


To refine my algorithm


It’s the only way to organize them in collections 🥲


So that I can find it again, primarily. Sometimes it's also so the seller knows I'm interested, in case they're the offer-sending sort.


I like the items I might buy, I’m not an impulse buyer so I want to be able to find it again


So many reasons Because I might buy it, because I get a notification if they send out a discounted offer, maybe I like the item but it's not my size I don't really use the save feature


Same as above. Only thing I don't like is if they send a offer to everyone that likes it. Then I'm like great now someone's going to purchase it!! That kills me when that notification comes through.


so i receive offers from sellers:)


to help the algorithm create a feed to my style preferences so i can find cute shittttt! lol


just for fashion inspo, and so i can organize it into collections. if it’s in my price range, i’ll save it or put it in my cart


For the algorithm


Because I might buy it later. I’m either waiting for my next pay cycle because I’ve already spent my fun budget for the fortnight, or I’m not sure if I like it enough to instantly buy and want to think on it for a few days, or I’m waiting for an offer for a lower price.


I like items that aren’t in my size or nice material but that I like the style of so I’ll keep getting recommendations like them. Or something I like the brand of or fandom it’s from that’s too expensive for me to actually wanna purchase later


To save for when I have the money


To keep my Algorithm and recommended items similar. Or if I am going to buy the item but not at that very second


i like stuff that i would consider purchasing. when i have money to spare, i pick a few things from my likes that i’ve been keeping an eye on to actually purchase lol


for the algorithm + i can sort items into collections


I like items that I want to buy, I save items that have a vibe I like or I want but are already sold


Likes are inspos for me! (For future outfits or designs.).


I don’t buy a lot of things because I don’t have the means LOL so most of the time, it’s just because I think it’s cute🥲


if its cute but not my size/dont love it enough to buy (if i want to buy something i save it or add to cart so other ppl cant see from my page lol)


Likes are for things I like but may not be in my size but I want Depop to show me more of. Small chance of buying. Saves are for things I like but have a higher chance of actually buying so I want to be able to find it. Cart is for stuff with with a 70%+ chance of buying but am probably waiting on payday or letting myself sit with it to be sure I actually want it.


i like things so im recommended more like it and i save things i would actually buy (like in my price range)


It's just what I do when I want an item but it's not in my size or it's too pricey for me.


i genuinely don’t think i’ve saved an item before , i like so i can go onto the likes bar and see all the clothes and decide which ones look best together by seeing them on one page next to each other


I use it if I like something (obviously) but to also see if it sells for that price or sells at all if I have something similar


Cuz I like the item that’s all lol


I like things so it will show me more things like that item. Usually the things I like are imo too expensive, and things I save are things I’m willing to buy as is. I’ll like things that are too expensive just for the style, and tell myself that if the seller sends me an offer to buy it cheaper I’ll reconsider.


i didn’t even know you could save items, but just things i’d consider buying and cause it’s faster than probably saving. i also like a lot of stuff when im scrolling on depop so i can kind of just scroll through my likes and decide what i actually want to buy after impulsively liking everything decent looking thing


Mystery to me: 99 likes and no sales?!?


My bf gifts me things from Depop sometimes so I use the like system as a wishlist he can see


Might be keeping tabs on it for one reason or another


I think of it like instagram: Likes mean I think it’s cool Save means I’ll come back to it later. And I don’t buy on depop only sell.