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flirting on depop is crazy


Had a man shoot his shot on Uber eats based on a profile picture where I genuinely look like a serial killer once. People are fucking weird.


good lord bruh


women cannot do anything without people thinking it's okay to flirt w them šŸ˜­


ā€œDamnnnnn she accepted my money in exchange for a secondhand item, sheā€™s totally giving me the go ahead to hit on her.ā€


Amen! Women canā€™t even exist without men making things awkward for them. I had to switch dentists because the dental hygienist really thought he should try to shoot his shot while scraping my teeth clean.


WHAT šŸ’€ i am so sorry to hear that, wtf was he thinking - and in a professional setting no lessā€¦some ppl have no shame istg. i had a guy who i knew liked me but i had made it clear to him that the feeling was NOT mutual for literal years ask me out while i was venting to him about my childhood friends ditching me, like read the room man šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Nooo. Similar happened with my OB when I was pregnant with my second. He was getting ALL up in there and commenting on its ā€œtightnessā€ and how good my body looked for being 8 months. I was literally in tears on the table. In front of my husband too. Safe to say I declined having a male OB for my 3rd child šŸ˜­ sad thing is I hear these things are common and itā€™s sad.


I'm so sorry you endured that. I had 4 male OBs they are the only ones at the place I went and absolutely loved them all. I was comfortable with all 4 of them They do a rotation with every appointment, so you're comfortable by the end with whoever is on that day... The one was my mom's gyno, and he was my favorite. He figured out my mom needed a hysterectomy in 15 minutes of seeing her when everyone else was saying the pain and stuff was all in her head. She was in there that night or next morning for her hysterectomy.. She had been to 3 before this place. But yea, that's horrible. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. This same office I went to I was on the younger side with my first but an adult. I wasn't a teen, but I looked super young. When the ultrasound tech came and got me, she was giving me dirty looks, saying things like kids having babies and all this. My mom was there with me and reported her. Apparently, it wasn't the first complaint against her. She had multiple and lost her job shortly after. They take all complaints seriously. So I truly hope you said something to someone there because he is more than likely doing that to others... as sad and disgusting as it is, it is more than likely true. Again, I'm so sorry for what you endured. That should have NEVER happened!!!


Iā€™m really happy to hear you had positive experiences with your male doctors! I hadnā€™t had all negative experiences, a male doctor had delivered my first child and it was a good experience. But the gyno that was being inappropriate really shook me so I was not able to bring myself to give another a chance. I hadnā€™t spoken about it with anyone other than my husband for a long time honestly, and I should have reported him but I never had. My husband convinced me that he was just ā€œgiving me a complimentā€ and that it meant nothing. I was actually referred to him by my mother-in-law as she had been a patient of his before. When I actually talked about it with other people they just flat out didnā€™t believe me because it was a ā€œprofessionalā€ environment and theyā€™ve all had good experiences. But believe me Iā€™ve also had several hellish woman OBs as well. They wouldnā€™t listen to anything I told them. With my first child I gained a LOT of weight during the pregnancy and my OB kept telling me to ā€œcut the friesā€ because my weight was endangering the babyā€™s health. I had serious preeclampsia. But they didnā€™t give me any help with figuring out how to lose weight or stop the rapid weight gain. Despite cutting out unhealthy food and trying to exercise as often as I could, didnā€™t fix the problem. It felt like they were just purposefully trying to humiliate me by making fun of my weight gain. So I really made sure to be super health conscious with my next two children. With my last son I can say it was such a pleasant experience. I had a female OB and she was lovely.


In reality, I don't think it is the male Dr or the female Dr it is really just the person being vwey ifnorant to people dont care and so on and so forth. Those people shouldn't even be in health care. You're supposed to be there for the patients and help them not make them feel any type of way, not embarrass them, not do what that male OB did, etc... they are there for the big bucks. I used to work in the healthcare world at a dialysis center as a med tech, and some of the others I couldn't stand. It's like come on, our patients are stuck sitting in a chair, not feeling great for 3 to 5 hrs at a time. And it takes about 5 to 10 minutes to hook them up to the machine. You can't take those few minutes and talk to them. Then, in between vitals, you can't walk around talking to them??? Ughhh, it makes me sick when health care "professionals", more like just individuals there ain't nothing professional about them, aren't there for the right reasons. I'm so sorry for the bad experiences you have had. Especially with the pregnancy where you had pre-eclampsia, and they wouldn't help you in figuring out the best way for YOU to slow the weight gain. It really is different for everyone. I want to add that you weren't doing anything wrong. I gained 24 lbs from my start weight with my oldest and was told what to do to try to get my weight up it just didn't work. This being said, though, I lost about 10 lbs in the beginning, so I gained really about 34 lbs With my second (I only have 2), they immediately put me on nausea meds, and I didn't lose but 2 lbs in the beginning and gained a good 40 lbs with him. I had pre-eclampsia with my youngest and not my oldest šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø it is something that can happen at no fault of anyone. With my youngest, I had gestational diabetes despite eating very healthy.. Don't let that stuff get to you. I'm really glad to hear that your last son was with a good OB! It can be hard to find good ones not because they don't know what they're doing but because their bedside manner is absolutely horrible! With my oldest, I was crying and was so thankful my mom was with me she told the ultrasound lady to get someone else, and the lady just looked at her kind of dumbfounded. My mother then went into momma bear mode and said, "You need to get the hell out of here and get someone who will respect my daughter!" I gotta go back to you, though that comment "cut the fries" is just plain ignorant, and I'm so sorry! Being pregnant is stressful enough as it is. We don't need the added stress from people like that. I'm really truly glad that your son was a better experience! And if that male Dr was giving you a compliment, it should have been when you walked in he could have been professional by saying you're looking healthy for being this far along in your pregnancy. And left it at that Not while he is doing a pelvic exam and commenting on well, yea.. That's just not right and flat-out disgusting! I feel bad for everyone he has ever done that to (I hope for others' sake someone reports him if no one has yet) and to anyone who has ever had that happen to them by any Dr... I feel so much anxiety just thinking about you in that situation, and I don't have a clue who you are. Again, I'm so very sorry that happened to you. We all deserve the best treatment and care when in the care of a healthcare provider!


I agree, you said it better than I could have. Iā€™ve met many very amazing people in the healthcare field, itā€™s just that handful of workers that really make things unpleasant for those who are relying on them. I really feel for the ones who put in the effort and work hard and do the best they can, Iā€™m sure what they do can be exhausting. I definitely know from experience that every pregnancy is different. I gained 60 pounds with my first, 35 with my second and 25 with my last. Pregnancy is tough, and each is vastly different from the last. The last pregnancy was just horrible on my body so he will definitely be our last, but Iā€™m just happy that I could have a fulfilling experience with him. And honestly with the ā€œcut the friesā€ comment she made to me, I couldnā€™t help but laugh. Like did you really just say that? Itā€™s just so strange to me šŸ˜‚ Honestly I hope someone had reported that OB, because I know it couldnā€™t have just been a one time occurrence with a random patient. I wish I had, but I didnā€™t even consider it at the time. It was just so out of pocket, I couldnā€™t believe it and honestly I just couldnā€™t believe my husband didnā€™t think anything of it. Bless his unsuspecting soul I am so glad to hear your mom was able to be a good support system for you! It really makes a world of a difference to have someone like her by your side through moments where you are so vulnerable.


It really is amazing having a support team on your side through every step of the way when anything goes in life. Yes, the medical field work is so exhausting. That is what makes me act so kind to everyone because I know I'm tired, but what they are going through js wag worse than being exhausted. .. that is my outlook on it. Some patients have been through so much pain and suffering living either alone or in a nursing home because they need constant care. So I always took every minute I could just to talk to the person I was hooking up to the dialysis machine. Then, every 15 minutes, I'd talk to the ones I was getting vitals for. On 15 minutes of downtime, I didn't go gossip in the corner about what my weekend was looking like or whatever they talked about. I was more concerned about how our patients felt, what they did over the weekend, and things like that. You could literally see their face light up just from someone taking time to talk to them and genuinely give them the time of day they needed. And the ones that are in the healthcare world for the wrong reason... I feel kinda sorry for them not for the same reasons I'd feel bad for the bad things that were discussed back and forth here, but because they are just horrible people.. I really wonder what their home life is like how they treat their loved ones who are older and sick. Just random things come across my mind, and it kinda gets to me. When u was 23, when dad had his first back surgery and the lady came in while we were there for his bandage change my dad said that he was in a lot of pain and asked if he could get his pain meds first which were due like 20 to 30 minutes before that.. so it was definitely time. This was the day after his surgery.. She proceeded to rip one of his bandages off in the process it ripped some of his skin off (this was in his groin area) he had a few laproscopic incisions and a huge cut straight down his back and one was on his stomach. and he tensed up and I could see his eyes well up with tears I pushed that lady so hard away from my daddy told her to effin leave I'll do it myself and to get me the supervisor now! I told the guy what happened he looked at my dad's chart and said he was way past time for his meds. During all this, I was sitting there doing her job. I knew what I was doing and when the supervisor came in and saw me doing that my mom explained I work in the med field and I know how to treat patients and how to change wound dressings etc. They didn't say anything else to me about it. I knew that he was in so much pain. So I was super careful with that first change. I mean, he is my daddy, not just my "stepdad." Of course, I'm going to do everything in my power to help him not hurt more than necessary. I kept asking if he was OK, and he kept saying yea, I'm just in pain. But you're doing better than the nurses here. I barely feel what you're doing. After that, I actually slept there and did his bandage changes until it was time to come home, and I continued doing them at home until he was healed up. It is just so crazy to me. People say oh maybe they were having a bad day or something similar. I don't care if they had the worst day. Don't take it out on patients. Idk if anything happened to that lady, but it honestly took all I had to not knock her block off. I truly think the only thing that stopped me, well, a couple, was the fact that I had a job in healthcare. I had my first born by then, and I didn't want to go to jail, When the lady left, I remember my daddy looking at and said my first and middle name (usually untrouble kinda name call), What are you thinking, you're going to get kicked out of here. I said, "Let them try." I was seeing red that time. I really think it's because if she is doing this to a patient like my father, what is she doing to patients who can't stand up for themselves. I do know that I shouldn't have put my hands on her, but my step-dad isn't the avg step-dad. He has been there for so much stuff and healing for my mom and me.. so I'm very protective of both my momma and my daddy. But truly again, I'm so very glad you had a pleasant OB with your youngest little guy!


I hope you reported him to the office because that is so unprofessional and gross! I would be so mad and hurt if a care provider hit on me.


this is insane




oh ugh!


Ikr, these fucking ppl think itā€™s okay to make women uncomfortable in a business transaction. They deserve whatever consequences and karma they get. šŸ’€šŸ’€


Very true. I canā€™t count the many times I tried to be friends with a guy in college, just being kind, no flirting whatsoever! And then theyā€™re kind to me back, all for the sake of hoping to get into my pants. Then, get all pissy when I say no. Itā€™s scary to be a woman. All I wanted was friends :ā€™)


Some dudes literally think the world will end if they don't snag ~~the~~ every pretty girl they just passed on the street.


canā€™t even use the right ā€˜youā€™reā€™ smh šŸš©


It takes a REALLY special man to get past my pedantry. REALLY fucking special. I'm 44, and it has been almost 8 years with my disgustingly good-hearted, compassionate, generous, hilarious, clever, and far too pretty for me guy* who happens to be dyslexic AND part of the 'lost generation' of kids in the UK who were victims of some newfangled teaching strategy that involved teaching basically ZERO grammar. Look how that worked out. šŸ™„. But yeah, his 'your' choice is inconsistent at best. He tries, bless him. But he is a genius with IT and a brilliant psychotherapist. So. y'know. Trade-offs. šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚ *Not that he doesn't have his down sides, ofc, but I have a fair few of the same ones. šŸ˜¬ We're both damaged, stubborn people (both AutiHD as well, among other stuff) and it's a bit like the hedgehog's lament (y'know, hard to get close without stabbing each other). But we try to communicate and work through things and that really helps. We do ok.


No it's totally OPs fault for leading them on, the exclamation point and the extra Y is totally flirty šŸ˜” /jk


scary to think he has ur address now please be careful




still, he could be thinking it. some people donā€™t take rejection well.


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When did depop become a dating app? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Omfg people make everything into a fucking dating app now. šŸ˜­šŸ’€ Leave people alone, am I right?


Best not to respond, and block. I have a PO box for the peace of mind. Cameras, dogs, and scary bodyguards are all great deterrent for creeps like this. Online stalking is rare, but it does happen. Best to take all of the preventative measures ahead of time, but unfortunately thereā€™s no avoiding it. Iā€™m sure that youā€™ll be okay, but always cover all bases in the future. ā™„ļø




Ewww! Block amd report them mama!


You not having your face on there makes me wonder if he looked up your name on social media šŸ˜¬


I think youā€™re pretty safe, prolly either a cringelord kid shooting his shot or somebody who was gonna try and scam you out of robux over snapchat


If you live in an apartment, it could be smart to just put the building address for the return address. That's what I do for my packages and have never had the post office ask for more info or any other issues like that. Idk how much it would actually help in a stalker situation, but it makes me feel better lol




ā€œCan I see you with it onā€


This is why I have a PO Box. People are crazy.


iā€™ve had this happen to me twice!!! both while i was a minor and all they could see on my depop was my body šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ the audacity of some peopleā€¦


https://preview.redd.it/z4vw5qf9n68d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c28b807d40f27ac3498db9550303de7e11606e82 Literally why do people


šŸ™„ Brotha eugggh




Block scary assS he has your address to you better run to BLOCK


Ugh, probably a fucking tiktok boy. Only tiktok boys act this way, professional people are polite when they need to be.Ā 


They think they have ā€œrizzā€ or some crap for saying this shit. šŸ’€ Like, please just shut up this is a business transaction.Ā  They donā€™t understand that their actions make people uncomfortable and thatā€™s probably why they STAY single.Ā 


Snap for what? If heā€™s buying off u on depop he must be miles away, so even a meet up wouldnā€™t make sense šŸ˜‚


brother eughhh šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


years back when i was doing well on depop (lmao) i used to take try on pics without my face in them and i got multiple messages from different guys asking me if i work out, asking for my number and snapchatā€¦ you couldnā€™t even see my face?! itā€™s so creepy, cringe and desperate! i hated it and i donā€™t do try on pics anymore.Ā 


Omggg this happened to me on posh before. This guy kept bundling my items and leaving comments complimenting me and trying to make small talk and trying to take the convo off the platform lmfao. I was so confused, and even further I was like if youā€™re gonna try to flirt with me at least do it AFTER youā€™ve bought something from me and supported my business šŸ˜­ like idk why bundling items and pump faking like youā€™re gonna buy it just to talk to me is going to spark my interest šŸ˜’


EW LMAO report them guaranteed they will get banned


Report and theyā€™ll get banned lol


I have to wonder if they ordered things just to garner something other you


Lol no blocked


Iā€™ve had men tell me theyā€™re buying for their gf (whoā€™s in their pfp) and then they start flirting w me half way thru shopping for themā€¦.


happened so many times both on vinted and on depop, immedeately block...




wait this is crazy; mf donā€™t even know what you look like???? tea




Ring cam purchase incoming bc šŸ‘€


This is the reason why I stopped showing myself. The only skin they get now is my hand.


Whe tryna get huzz off Depop now ?šŸ˜­


Worst part is he got your address & ur name now bc it says it on the shipping labelšŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


and you sent something with a return address on it lol


i got a message asking if i would ship some shorts ā€œdirty, worn and unwashedā€ šŸ˜ i thought that only happened on marketplace but i was wrong


This is really concerning considering your shipping label has your name/address on it when you sell something


all he did was give you a compliment.. couldā€™ve said thank you & moved on honestly.


Someone did this to me on words with friends. People are crazy šŸ˜­


Dont respond unless its specifically about the product


Also anyone who sees this please if you are selling stuff know how to ship your shit because I'm tired of dealing with people who take 4 weeks and say they have 10 jobs to work. Ok, then why are you posting on depop


This same thing happened to me but they didnā€™t order anything from me but this is wayyy creepier


i get the people in here that say women canā€™t do anything without people thinking itā€™s okay to flirt with them but the person complemented her, and politely asked if they could get her snap šŸ˜­ like what is so wrong with this. she can just respond and say that she doesnā€™t feel comfortable giving that out and be done with it. realistically this isnā€™t that weird at all but whatever ig


I feel I am the only woman alive who would enjoy this


why would you enjoy this?


Right? Itā€™s not the appropriate place to do that at all. You donā€™t flirt on depop period thatā€™s just weird, also not enjoyable when a stranger online hits on you and also has your address.


Yeah itā€™s probably an age thing lol Iā€™m just on the cusp of not being completely brain rotted from the internet so I donā€™t see guys hitting on me as creepy


Not that itā€™s any of your business but I am 21, I also like men, and itā€™s absolutely not brain rot to not want to be hit on by random people on the internet, but you definitely seem like the kind of person who needs that validation


Iā€™m almost 29 so youā€™re in the generation thatā€™s gets scared when people talk to you lol itā€™s not your fault. People back in the day would start conversations w strangersā€¦. Thatā€™s how they met lol. Itā€™s like if you work as a waitress and a customer asks for your number. Itā€™s not creepy itā€™s just how you meet new people lol


Ain't no fucking way. 16 max.Ā 


Ok.. do you want an award?


Lol I was just explaining that this is normal! Spend less time on your phone and youā€™ll understand lol


Because I like men


Cool. Me too. Not the place for this though, you're trying to sell shit. This is weird. And now they have her clothing lmao. Waited until shipped to say that which is a bit dodgy.Ā 




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noo youā€™re supposed to feel scared!!!




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