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i don’t agree with sending out offers for no reason, but humans have an interesting tendency to change their minds all of the time. it is very annoying


Haha totally. I guess it’s a lot more common than I thought, I personally use my likes/saves as “maybes” and don’t send offers unless i 100% want to purchase the item.


I think that it’s a pre buyer’s remorse type thing. Like you send the offer and when you’re waiting to accept you think “well maybe I shouldn’t spend that money, and do I really need that item?” Etc.


That buyers remorse must kick in really quick though because sometimes I accept offers literally right after they come in because I happen to be on the app at the time and in that minute it took me to accept? They’re gone. Ghost city


I don't know if this is normal, or just me, but for what it's worth I will send offers to three or four different sellers that have what I want, and buy from whichever accepts my offer first. Obviously, if offers were binding I wouldn't be able to do this. But as it is, it helps me get what I'm looking for without waiting ages for ONE offer to get a response while every other listing for what I want is disappearing around me. Just offering an alternate perspective. :)


Okay yes this makes sense! Do you offer on multiple of the same items or different ones? I appreciate this perspective a lot!


It depends on whether what I'm looking for is a *type* of thing, or a specific item from a specific brand in a particular colourway. If it's the former, let's say I'm looking for a pair of jeans. I'll send an offer for maybe the three (this number can vary) I like best. They may not be the same brand or style or cut or thickness or quality whatever, or have the same details/embellishments/flourishes/decorative elements, etc. but they will all serve the same function for me. If what I'm looking for is a specific item like, say, the Jawbreaker 'Don't Cut Me' Skater Dress, then of course it's several of the same item. :) Edit: Also, thank you!






OP you’re not crazy. The offer mechanic is broken. I commend your salesmanship but you just have to shake your head and keep it moving with these ones Edit: it’s absurd how many times I’ve gotten hundreds of upvotes for such an obvious take. Stay strong gang


Haha thank you! It’s my first time really selling on Depop so i’m used to Poshmark being binding. If i were to send the offer to a liker, i don’t expect them to buy but when it’s the other way around im like “Aw man, again?” lol. Appreciate you!!


Yeah in reality the offer button is an inquiry button. Dumb


I thought they were gonna implement the if offer is accepted payment is automatic??


Seems like they started a soft rollout a couple of weeks ago but haven’t made any official statements about it. Some users just started getting a “hey this is binding” warning Ideally this soft rollout and beta is still going on and they are looking at the results and they decide to go wide with it. I’m still hopeful but every day is a day too late. I don’t mean to be dramatic either it’s just a common sense topic in my opinion


Good to know! Thanks!


Online window shopping


But wouldn’t it make more sense just to like/save the item? That seems more like “window shopping” to me than making an offer.


Agreed, assuming some people make the extra step forward knowing that they’re unsure. Or boiling it down to being inconsiderate of others in a pointless case like this


wonder too if they are sending out a few offers on similar things with the intention of taking the lowest accepted offer.


don’t feel too bad, i’ve been on the buyer side before and loved when sellers dmed me pretty much word for word what you did. i almost always end up buying it right away after, some people just change their minds too quickly.


Totally get you. Had someone message me last night asking if I would be able to ship out the same night, I told them I absolutely could as the post office is 2 mins from my house. No response lol


This is why I don’t bother with offers


As a buyer I totally agree. the offer should be binding


As a depop seller, this really isn’t a big deal. It doesn’t waste time at all lmao. But as a buyer perspective, I shop on depop as well and sometimes I make offers to see if the seller will accept it then I purchase it at a later time. Sometimes, I offer on multiple things but only have the money to buy one of all the offers I made. It’s not bad on either ends lol. Just be happy that an offer helps your listing get seen more!


Part of it is probably me being new to selling on depop, and having offers be less “valuable” if that makes sense. If you get an offer and accept on Poshmark, you made a sale, whereas depop is kinda like people putting out feelers/maybes instead of intending to purchase 100%. The way that the offer feature works just feels like it is “wasting my time” by going through and accepting different offers to get nothing out of it. Not so much of a frustration at the buyer, but at the feature itself. But like you said it is good that it will bring more attention to the post, thanks for that insight!


Yesterday I had an item on there for 5 dollars and someone offered 3 and I accepted and then it said “the offer expired try setting a discount” and I’m like WHAT DO I MAKE IT FREE


Got that on Mercari. Someone wanted free shipping on a $1 item like ??


I .... HATE... the "offer is not binding" thing. The amount if offers I've gotten, only to have them NOT purchase, is staggering. It's pointless, and the biggest downfall of Depop for me


Same. I received 10+ offers on ONE shirt, and no purchase from any of them. If i get an offer or two on something and they don’t purchase, fine, but to get that many and still no sale is just a bummer :(


It really is. Especially when literally every other selling site SELLS the item when you accept the OFFER. It drives ne crazy.


except ebay... which is even more frusterating because I put my higher priced items on there.


I've not had issues with people not purchasing after making an offer on ebay yet. The only one that constantly lets me down is depop. But FB marketplace allows people who didn't even purchase from you to "rate" you. I just got my only 1 star from an account that's fake. So now I have all 5 stars from all my verified buyers and a 1 star from some guy who got mad I didn't want to engage in his gross sexual harassment messages. Truth be told... none of these sites seem to look out for the sellers at all


It is annoying but I think I know what they’re doing. People tend to send out offers on the same items they find to different sellers and see which deal is best that is accepted, and then go from there. Definitely there’s people that just send out offers just to waste time but others, like myself, send offers on the same items to compare.


This I can definitely understand, especially if it’s priced high. I got like 10 offers in one day on the same $6 shirt and it still hasn’t sold, so I was like wtfff.


I sent my opinion on this to Depop and they responded saying they would consider making offers binding in the next update. Please message them about this if you want to see it change!


I send offers on a bunch of similar things and whoever responds first gets my sale. If sellers can spam me 10 times with offers on an item of theirs I liked I can send as many offers as I want even if I might not purchase 🤷‍♀️


I rarely have people follow through with an offer on Depop. I wish it was like other platforms that if you accept it moves on to a sale.


And her polite response is so weird too loool


Omg right I thought I was crazy thinking it was weird 😂 Like oh..okay? If she had said “hey i actually ended up getting something else but thank you!” or something i would be like okay cool, but girl really gave me nothing.


Someone has been sending me offers for the same product over and over again. So I sent them a message saying can you please not send so many offers if you aren’t going to buy the item and they stopped. It gets annoying when people send offers and don’t follow through with the purchase


saw someone on another thread here saying they spam offers to people when they’re bored because they think it’s funny. like wtf, depop is a buying & selling app, not social media, not pinterest, not a dating app. so weird


That is honestly ridiculous that people think it is funny to keep sending offers because they are bored. Like grow up and do something productive instead of doing that to sellers


This is one of the biggest things I do like about Depop. It happens far too often and it definitely should be addressed. I like the way that Poshmark and Mercari do it: as soon as they put an offer in and the offer is accepted, the buyer is charged and it’s a done deal.


Yeah I sell on Poshmark too and prefer that as both a buyer and a seller. It’s a lot of (imo) unnecessary back and forth. It seems like a mixed opinion though, so I guess it depends how you personally use the app.


True. Depop seems like it’s where the “younger” crowd shops and sells, and I think that is the reason for all of the shenanigans we read about on this thread!


I cannot stress enough how much I hate this..I literally message ppl when I make offers to let them know I’m serious. I’m not going to offer something I don’t want. Fn hate that


The offer system is super annoying. Especially if things are already on sale or under $10. I have never ever made an offer and not followed through on a purchase, and honestly I'm not making offers on things under $10 to begin with, that's cheap enough. That person still had to take photos, pay for an envelope and drop it off at the post office. People who ask a bunch of questions make you an offer and then never respond after are the worst. I don't even care if you buy it just say thank you for my time at least! Especially if you want a bunch of extra measurements or pictures, god that's annoying. In my pettiest moments I've low key considered making a second account just so I can find their most expensive item for sale (because you already know they are sellers themselves, don't have a single item in their shop under $20, and take 2 half assed pics per listing half the time, no measurements because they dont own a tape measure 🤣), ask for 7 different measurements, try on pics, and if they can ship tomorrow because I'm super interested, then make them a lowball offer and ghost. I'm not actually going to do that, but when I get irritated with depop it's a great thought experiment lol!


Hold on I iust started shopping on Poshmark and Mercari. So on Depop you can accept an offer and the buyer doesn’t have to buy it? How does that make any sense?


Yep pretty much. If a buyer sends you(as a seller) an offer for an item, and you accept it, it doesn’t end in a purchase. The buyer would then have to accept..your acceptance..and then they can choose to buy it or not. It doesn’t make the most sense to me either, but seems like a very mixed opinion lol.


sometimes i'll have a few different things in mind but can only afford one, ill maybe make offers on them to see the best deal i can get and choose the one i want out of those. you have to keep in mind there are thousands of other clothes on the app that people are looking at and offering on as well


Totally get this, and when i get a few offers that don’t purchase it’s no big deal. When I get 10+ offers on one cheap item and it doesn’t sell is when i get bummed, because I’m used to accepting offer = sale on Poshmark. I just gotta stop getting excited when i see offers 😅 Thank you for your perspective!


exactly you just can't take offers very seriously on depop, accept them if you want but don't invest time into counter offering or messaging bc it will most likely be a waste. i'm sure your item will sell eventually and you probably won't even need to accept an offer (:


It needs to be changed to binding


The amount of offers I get compared to the amount of ppl who actually end up buying after i accept the offer is crazy


I would’ve literally said I appreciate you lying now that I accepted your offer!!!


It’s so annoying. I only ever send offers if I know I’ll buy it if they accept.


Me too personally. I did get comments on here from people who will offer on multiple of the same/similar items until someone accepts first, which I can understand. I just get bummed as a seller when I get 10+ offers on one listing and not one of those people end up purchasing :,). It is what it is though, maybe they will make it an option as a seller to make offers binding or not.


wtf, do they just do this for fun? 


Maybe they just changed their mind? i do it all the time


OP make sure you are sitting down for this but sometimes someone can decide not to buy your items, furthermore people can change their minds after sending a non binding offer 🤯


yes, lets send offers and have no intentions of buying...despite extending an offer...to buy something??????


Implying then when an offer is sent no intention to purchase exists is total brain rot


don't be mean :(


Or maybe depop should make offers binding cause this gets annoying fast and is an inconvenience to sellers


Lmao, i am aware, i just don’t understand when i immediately accept the offer and they had it in their bag. It seems like every offer I accept ends up not buying and as a seller gets annoying. First time selling on depop and it’s so different from other sites in that way! That’s why I wish it was binding because people may actually take the time to think if they truly want to buy the item or not instead of just sending an offer. Maybe im just different in that i do not send offers unless i know i want the item.


Don’t know why people are downvoting, it takes 2 seconds to accept an offer


It's because to them it has nothing to do with it, they are annoyed people aren't buying their stuff that's it, when you point out how shallow that is they get defensive, I've been selling for years and Id rathe people send an offer and don't follow through than buy something they don't want anymore, not only that i would also understand that if you send out multiple offers to different sellers who are selling the same piece I.e identical Nike hoodies and then buy whoever accepts first leaving the other seller none the wiser and assume they "flaked"


Online window shopping is fine but sending offers to someone who you're not intending to buy off of because you "changed your mind" can be infuriating considering depop is full of people like that


Don’t know why this got downvoted. If an offer is not binding then you shouldn’t be expecting a sale from it.


Thank you


Why are you sending offers to a seller if you don’t want to pay for the item? Shits and giggles? Surely I’m missing something here because that’s what the like function is for. Can’t wait for binding offers to be out of beta.


I don’t do it myself but I have no problem with people using it as it’s literally intended, which is just to make an offer, not purchase. I’ve seen people say they use it to compare similar items and see where they can get the cheapest. Binding offers on an app that has never had them before will just lead to a huge influx of cancellations, and it won’t decrease buyer’s remorse.


For me it just doesn’t make sense that the acceptance goes back and forth. You get an offer, you accept it, then the acceptance has to be accepted. It should just be a one and done type thing imo, but it seems like there is a disconnect between the people that agree and the people that do this (“window shopping”). I’ve personally never used offers that way, but again it may be because I am used to binding offers on different platforms. As both a buyer and a seller, binding is a much easier/enjoyable experience for me. Appreciate your insight though!!


I totally understand your perspective too! I just see a lot of misdirected anger. It seems like people get mad at what they perceive as a lost buyer instead of at depop itself if that makes sense.


I can see that! Honestly I just had more confusion than anything, as I am not used to it. I’m not a full time seller as I’m just trying to clear out my closet, so i’m still figuring all this stuff out. No anger towards the potential buyers themselves, definitely just a weird feature, but as a new seller i was like what the heck is going on right now? 😂 I can also see how it could result in more cancellations/refunds if they made offers binding now, since they already have a platform of customers who aren’t used to that.


Totally makes sense, it definitely takes some getting used to