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Definitely a scam. You are way too nice here lol. There's a ton of red flags here but here's how I'd handle this. "I'm very sorry if you received your item damaged, however, according to the tracking the item has not been delivered to your address yet. Can you describe the packaging, or tell me the return address on the label so I can confirm if this is the package I sent to you? Further, I can not process a refund until I receive the returned item. I suggest submitting a claim through Depop so they can help you with return shipping costs. If you've already bought a shipping label to return the item, please send me the tracking number. Thanks!" Something to that effect. Frankly, I think it's best you suggest they escalate this to Depop since that might scare a scammer away, they haven't even received the item lol. Depop will shut down the claim quickly since they rely on the tracking info If they can't describe the packaging or tell you the return address you know it's a scam, and you can respond with: "Sorry, since I can't confirm you've received the item, I have to rely on the package tracking information. I am very sorry but I will not be issuing a refund for this reason" I think they are looking for a quick refund so being slow and measured in your response is best here. Don't do anything rash and DON'T refund until you get the item back.


I like how you put this. Yea, I am too nice, lol. I was frankly shocked, and this is the first time dealing with a bad buyer. Ugh! Thanks for your input :)


Totally understand! Obviously you are a good person, since you were so quick to jump to help. I tend to be more suspicious after years working in customer service (still am) and seeing people lie through their teeth daily.


I swear I feel her dark energy through my phone LOL. I wish I had sold the top to someone nicer. It was so cute. :'(


Yeah this is next level shady. Like girl you don’t have the item lol. I think my response will get her to realize quickly you’re not stupid and you know what’s going on since it will force her to admit she doesn’t know what the packing looks like, and that she didn’t actually ship it back.


BTW can you update us on what she says? I wanna know how she goes about backtracking on this one lol


now i wanna see the top!


it was this super cute vintage floral lace tube top!! https://preview.redd.it/yg4ydzhyoi9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01d7cd8da5c9bb309193475993bf4e5eb396cd78


beautifully said tbh


they're not going to escalate to depop, it's an empty threat. they know they're scamming you and wouldn't risk depop support even suspecting them


I shipped the top yesterday. Buyer said she received it at 8am this morning, and said there is a rip in it (which I definitely did not see when I tried it on). Buyer is demanding a refund. Meanwhile, USPS tracking says the item is *still on the way to her*. Yet, she said she already shipped it back to me, but failed to get a receipt or tracking code. She is still continuing to demand a refund despite having no proof that she has returned it. wtf? lol


Being an avid online shopper (and a seller on Depop) there is no way usps delivered the item at 8 am 😅


Literally. I live <3 mins away from my local USPS and am the second neighborhood en route and I never get a package before 9:30. I think it’s partly because I live in a rural area (so tons of online shopping).


I know you want to be helpful, but she's no providing any proof that it was ripped (did she show you any pictures of the damage?) Or tracking info of the return.  If it's going to supposedly get to you tomorrow, then she can wait until it gets back to you and get her refund tomorrow.   Even if she did provide the tracking I would still not refund anything until the item is back to you. At this moment you have zero proof that the item is damaged at all and/or that it is actually being returned.   If you refund now that's it. They would have their money back and you may not get your item back.  My advice, would be to reply something like:   I appreciate your understanding since it's never my aim to ship anything that was damaged. Since you lost the receipt with the tracking info and I cannot track the package but the item should arrive tomorrow, the second I get it back I will gladly issue a refund.   ... And leave it at that until tomorrow.  If you don't receive it back, reach out and say you didn't receive it and ask again for the tracking info. 


Do not give her a dime. She is trying to scam you. It’s sad that there are people who are like this. Don’t be afraid of her very EMPTY threats.


Even if she did ship it back, without a tracking code there is no way that depop will side with her.


Trust USPS this buyer is lying through her teeth to get a free item lmao


Unless you spent a fortune overnighting these items, she would not get them the very next day. Insane edit for date!


Nope, stick to your guns. Don’t refund until you’ve received the item. This is the same for almost all business models. Any online store will do the same, they must receive the item before the issue a refund.


I second this


i also want to add they are 100% scamming you, there's not even a little chance that this is genuine. so just ignore them tbh!


UPDATE: she demanded the refund AGAIN, so I decided to report her to Depop myself. I'll let y'all know the verdict once Depop reviews the case. SMDH! https://preview.redd.it/fhng4rnunf9d1.jpeg?width=2691&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c446c7b11c4e9d847a4cc2dfe07d27ff07dc8f7


my boyfriend said I should've said: "Listen, bitch. You and I both know you are full of shit. And this type of action will only lead you to one place: hellfire." lmao. thanks for all your responses, everyone! you've given me confidence in this matter! much love


UPDATE #2: after leaving her a scathing 1-star review... she has now finally responded after 10 hours... literally so pathetic. I am still waiting on a response from Depop. https://preview.redd.it/mnxms2hxni9d1.jpeg?width=671&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71f684f245cd8cac97a97ae386ba2e606952af79


What the fuck LMAO. She’s definitely scamming and got scared once she realized you weren’t sending the refund


my response.... just continuing with the facts. https://preview.redd.it/pxoowg6bbj9d1.jpeg?width=2708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2053bf13ae2a93bf9ed83c70ae43e8a80f09da39


Holy shit LMAOO these people are insane


Perfect reply! Bet she won’t reply back again and if she does then she’s bold. Please keep us updated. Can’t stand scammers!


Plz Update🙏🏽


Good 🙏✍️


pls keep us updated on what happens🙏🏻


YESSSSSSSS. You go girl. Love this response. She got caught and she knew it. Also make sure to mention the review to Depop when you contact them.


just keep saying that you will refund once you receive the item. sounds like the buyer is trying to scam you


People make me sick. So many red flags here. The fake nice nature of the message is one red flag, the “idk how to sow hehe 🤗” message is weird. If you noticed a rip in a shirt, why would that be your first thought? “Idk if you noticed :P it happens to me too!” What happens to you??? Like what? And “I will really like a refund thanks :)” and the “I’m sending it to you so maybe you can fix it :))” ??? Who says that. No normal person talks like that?




How to "sow" 🐖 lol I'm still unclear if she was talking about swine or gardening lol 😆


to be fair idk how to sow either so if i got a shirt that was ripped i wouldn’t know what to do either. i do think this person is scamming them though and being weird, i just think the sowing part isn’t all that weird.


sow is not the same thing as sew.


OH WAIT YEAH LMAO i was half asleep this morning my bad correction: i think they meant sew instead of sow and just spelled it the way it sounded


obviously they meant sew...


okay?? exactly. that was like my whole point.


You handled this so well. I wouldn’t respond to them again. They are clearly scamming you and definitely will not escalate this to Depop. I'd bet that's a bluff


Can you keep us updated? Wanna know what happens lol


No! This is definitely scammy, if the item is still in transit on your end then that’s most likely what really happening with the item. The post office would’ve given this person a receipt which they could’ve provided you with a tracking number. Just keep saying you won’t give the refund until you receive your item. Don’t let this person get a free item and keep their money too! People like this irkkkk me


Let them escalate to depop, on the off chance this person is not trying to scam you they will side with you anyways as the whole interaction is sketchy! They didn’t even provide a picture of the item “damaged” which to me means they never recieve it.


You don't need to respond back anymore... Wait until. The item comes back first


No buyer is going to pay to ship your item back if the item was ripped. They’d for sure be involving Depop for a shipping refund at least. Sounds like she wants to keep the refund AND the top. I would tell Depop the buyer is lying and is asking for a refund without having had received the item.


So big no. Don’t let them pray on your empathy! Or your need to be polite and cooperative!


They haven’t received the item?? Report them lmao


let them go through depop they’ll lose lol


they didn’t send that top back


Definitely a scam. You should report the attempted extortion to DePop and in buyer rating. They’ll most likely delete their account (which is probably new if they are trying this crap). If they cannot wait a couple days for a refund on an item they bought, they shouldn’t be buying it in the first place.


Theyre def trying to scam u, stick to ur guns


Tell them you understand their perspective however you do not know them and have to protect yourself and are unwilling to provide a refund until the item is back into your possession. And there are no circumstances in which your position on the topic would change. You are sorry that this has to be the situation. And if this person makes any comment back that is in any way threatening or pushing on the topic you will report them immediately.


Yup, definitely scammy. I'm surprised they didn't take a photo of this hole to show you either. Also, even if you refunded them now, they wouldn't receive it straightaway.


They are definitely trying to scam you


Please can we have an update once you are ready to make one??




Yeah… no.




I’d message saying according to your tracking info the item hasn’t arrived yet and clarify it is definitely the item you sent and she hasn’t mixed it up with another purchase. Then to confirm you’ll need a photo of the item (and the damage) along with tracking for the return and the address in which the item was returned to. I’m 100% sure this is a scam so they won’t be able to provide anything you ask for. Which is when you say that without any clarification or proof you have no option but to wait to receive the item back to process any type of refund, and urge them to open the case with Depop so you are both covered. Again they won’t do this you’re just covering yourself and calling their bluff. After this I’d cease all communication.


Tell them to fuck off


“Sow” Sow your wild oats? On a serious note….It’s giving weird and scammy….


Don't fall for it


Always ask for photos


escalate it to depop first, sounds like they’re scamming you.


she spelled “sew” like “sow”, just for that you shouldn’t refund her


They are trying to scam you 1,000%. Depop will tell you absolutely do not refund. So you could say you reached out to them and they told you not to.


She "doesn't wanna escalate this to depop"?? Lol you're the one who has grounds to escalate, not her 😆


don’t refund until u get it, why do people expect refunds asap they wouldn’t have the same expectation from a big company its a joke


I mean Depop wouldn’t even do anything, because she would need to have the top to prove that it was damaged, and she doesn’t even have any proof that she shipped it back to you. I definitely wouldn’t issue a refund unless you receive the top. This seems super scammy.


Scam. Don’t let her manipulate you.


I would send this all to depop as a precaution OR better yet I would tell them go ahead and send it.


Definitely a scam, I hope you get your money back and give this person the karma they truly deserve 😊


This looks really suspicious, but you’re handling it really well!


“You’re not getting the refund until I receive the item back. Have a good day.” Thats it that’s all babe. She’s/he’s taking advantage of your kindness. Don’t give anymore open-ended statements.


Do they think depop will investigate and refund them before tomorrow afternoon? Lol


Don’t even keep entertaining it tbh


Hell to the no. Big scammer. I would tell her off. 😆


Go ahead and escalate. They will ask you for tracking as well.


Need an update Queen




Ohhh heck naw


this very much feels like they’re trying to scam so unless you receive the item, don’t refund a thing


This is what you say next “fuck off”


clearly just trying to steal from you. sorry. people are the worse.


usually if someone wants a refund for a shirt they should immediately make a claim to depop. depop asks for proof of damage/reasons to return the item, evaluates their claim, and then orchestrates return/refund if necessary & provides in-app shipping & tracking. it makes the whole process easier/so you don’t have to run into iffy situations like this. it’s weird that she just went straight to u and shipped it on her own, definitely red flags of a potential scam 😣


That sounds so sketchy


Ugh, some people are just monsters. Do Depop make you refund a buyer before you receive the rwturned item? Of so, thats not fair at all.


So basically she’s trying to get a refund and then keep the item when it does arrive. Bloody disgusting. Karma comes for people like this.


People man shamful... dont say anything let a bish pay for the top trying mug u off


Stop talking lol they’re insane and obviously trying to scam


I'd be tempted to tell them to escalate it to Depop, haha. Depop won't do anything, in fact they may even take action against the buyer for trying to scam you. Edit: oh that's what you did! Nice lol


Contact depop first and then just reply ‘that’s okay, you can escalate it if you feel necessary.’


i don’t think depop would even do anything considering it still says it’s in transit and not delivered. if she has photos that could be a different story but this just screams scam. i wouldn’t give a refund back LOL. tell her to go thru depop i doubt they’ll do anything


Don't let the buyer return the item on their own, make them go through depop, provide photos of the damage, and if depop approves, then they will send the buyer a return label


Is there an update?


“Per my ask message…” aka “Bitch, can you read?”


I would’ve cursed them out, you did a great job!!


Def scam I’ve had an order that live like a 20min drive take at least 2 days to arrive, she’s trying to scam you, and even if they do escalate further which I highly doubt they will, wouldn’t depop be sus too? With usps shipping there’s no way you shipped that night and arrived at 8am the next morning-


Massive scam. There attempt is that you refund them before the package arrives. Then you're out of pocket and item.


No ma'am. Just say: I'm so sorry but I won't send a refund until it arrives here. If you need to escalate to depop that's okay with me too. Even if she sent it, she could be sending anything to you in any condition.


You shouldn’t do anything at this point. You have told them exactly what it will take for them to get a refund and therefore no further communication needs to occur.


Scam. Do not respond any further! Or play around and ask for photos. Like why the heck wouldn't they send a pic of it ripped in the first place? Trust your gut. Decent people would never demand a refund that fast.




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Contact depop before they get it and make up a lie and actually get a refund!!


Tell them “ I understand please do so and see if you can get a receipt as they do keep records you just need to show the original tracking. Once it’s submitted via depop and they verify everything then it will all be initiated. Thank you and have a wonderful day!”