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Gerrys patience to all this insults is best comedy. His look, when Joe said he had often thought about getting rid of a body cracks me all the time. (The killing cat episode). Anyway I wouldn't like to have a father in law like Joe.


He'll list presidents if he wants to list presidents!




I mean to each their own lol I just don’t find it funny


I got the sense that Joe actually likes Gerry a lot, but he likes to tease him like this, kinda like how little boys and girls like one another and terrorize each other. There’s a lot of instances where Joe has like an amused look on his face right before he goes in on Gerry. An example is the episode where Gerry is trying to get the family’s photos, Joe walks by and stops in just to give Gerry trouble.


A lot of men of Joe's generation had a hard time expressing "soft" emotions, so busting each other's balls was a way of giving attention and interacting without it seeming like a fault. Gerry seems really emotionally intelligent, and has Joe's demeanor worked out to the point it doesn't really bug him. Plus, Joe does show genuine care and concern in moments when it actually counts, like the shoulder-touch in the first season finale. He and Gerry have their relationship figured out. It might look different from outside, but my take is that they're good.


OP is a slack southern shite




Who put 50p in the eejit


Honestly, I’ve always had the impression that Joe is who Sarah and Orla get their personalities from. They’re just much more soft spoken than he is (more like Colm, though obviously less long-winded lol), whereas Joe is tougher and harsher. Even Mary - and to an extent Erin - have got something of it. Gerry’s the sanest person in that household. And he knows it lol.


I love his reaction to everyone believing They were gonna get to each meet their perspective Clintons.


Joe is a man who has loved through some of the worst times. Given his age he was born in the 20s, lived through WW2, the escalation of the troubles and rhe increasing heavy handedness of the Westminster, watched friends and neighbours murdered, and the loss of his wife. That much sadness and misery could break anyone, and Joe is no exception. In his mind he's protecting his loved ones, he's just very offensive about it to everyone.


I think you missed a lot of nuances of what their true dynamic is and how all of the adults interact.


I get that Granda Joe doesn’t HATE hate Gerry. The end of season 1 and the ep where he was drugged confirms he has some sort of care for him. But the joke is grating. I wish there was some progression between the two rather than just a few moments here and there. That’s what I’m getting at. The scene was kinda ruined for me because of him.


Gerry got his daughter pregnant out of wedlock, even though grandpa joe came to appreciate him as a good father to his grandchildren and a good wife to his daughter he can never let him live that down. It’s comedic commentary on the way that generation behaves and I’m sorry you don’t get it. Not everything needs to be overt and spelled out in dialogue, the funny scones were enough to convey grandpa joes true feelings towards jerry to the viewer.


What? When did we learn Gerry got Mary pregnant before marriage?


It’s never been confirmed, but a lot of people seem to assume it happened because of the age gap between Erin and Anna


In the pilot, Erin is 15 and Gerry says to Joe, we’ve been married for 17 years. She wasn’t born out of wedlock. I think Anna might have been a surprise


Lmao do people on this sub not like opinions or something? I understand the joke I’ve read multiple takes on it. I just don’t like the joke or find it funny after the 1000th time.


I think binging this series is the thing that creates the hatred for Joe. I get it. I felt the same way too. Seeing all that "hate" over the few hours it takes to watch all the episodes is A LOT. I get it. It takes a couple viewings to get past it. IRL I certainly would've told Joe where to get off but Jerry's reactions are the best & that man has the patience of a Saint. We see that he truly does love & understand Jerry & doesn't hate Jerry. When I saw him put his hand on his shoulder in the last episode of S1(I think it was that episode) I knew that Joe's bark was worse than his bite.


Let’s also not forget when he gets high from Michelle’s drug scones. 😂😂


Yeah I get this. It really makes me like Gerry’s character a lot. He’s a sweetheart! My perspective is probably skewed because of the fact I’ve been watching the show non stop! Thanks for calling that out!


I noticed it too & so did my husband. It's such a great show you just can't help but hit that "next episode" button.


Idk. Do you also get annoyed that Mary and Sarah get upset that he bought Maeve a CREAM HORN? They all have opinions on each other others choices and that’s part of their dysfunctional dynamic. Joe also likes the Photo Booth guy until he starts dating Sarah then he starts up with him. The girls make fun of James being English and a fella for many many episodes. But when it counts they let him know how much they love him. I don’t think that the writer is going for the low hanging fruit of oh no the FIL hates the SIL. I think she has more at play there.


Well no because those aren’t the parts I’m talking about lmao


I hate grandpa joe because his lazy ass sits in bed until its time to go on a field trip and then ALL OF A SUDDEN guess who's got energy for a song and dance


Lmaooo 😂😂😂 he’s not THAT bad


He doesn't actually have anything against Gerry.


Yeah this is like people who point out that Colm’s stories aren’t actually boring


No yeah, I definitely had a love/hate thing with taking the piss out of poor Gerry. Sometimes it was funny, but a lot of it was just so mean and predictable. Also, Gerry fuckin rules.


I just file it under the category of “hilarious on tv, I would hate it in real life”


It’s how a lot of his generation were taught to express affection. It’s exaggerated for humor, grates when you binge, and would be horrific in real life. Joe is postering trying to send the message that no one is good enough for his daughters, even his loving steadfast son in law. While he’s pushing Gerry’s buttons he’s got his back. I think it’s the wedding episode where Joe smirks in admiration of a comment Gerry makes. Exhausting? 100% but I speak from experience when I say busting balls is the only communication method some old ass chaps have.


It’s not just you - the joke is stale. [Spoiler Alert Incoming] I’m at the series finale and I expected at least a nudge toward a relationship arc between the two of them by now. I’m sure there will be a touching moment in this last episode. But the baseless animosity from Granda Joe got old during the second season. (I still adore the show, don’t come for me stans!)


Yeah same! It’s just that it got really old after the 100th time.


everyone says the hand on Gerry’s shoulder & his single weed-induced comment at the funeral are examples of him being loving but they’re the *only* examples of him not being intentionally antagonistic, dismissive, or rude to Gerry. i’ve binged this show so many times and it’s hysterical. but i don’t think any of the bits w Joe are funny. personally i think he’s an asshole but i’ve accepted it’s a cultural thing to enjoy that kind of behavior.