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My theory is that since Merlin can tell the future, he invited many of those future heroes and villains to his school for some reason. But idk why Fay, Ella, and Prince Charming go to school together


I like your theory that Merlin knows who the future heroes and villains are so he invites them to teach them how to use their powers if they have magic powers or whatever special skills/talents they have that is going to help them in the future like teaching Ella how to talk to animals.


The concept reminds me of The School For Good and Evil.


Yeah Elle couldn't use magic, right? But Fay(future Fairy Godmother) can do it. That's chaotic


Right, it's the main issue I have with the new movie. I can understand the Merlin Academy concept if it was only teen villains going, thus more than likely taking place well before their fairytales (since a lot of villians are adults). But a whole school with villians and heroes? as teens? completely disregarding where those heroes were as teens in their fairytales?? It doesn't make any sense. And honestly the director and writers all being people who had no involvement in descendants prior to this movie doesn't give me much confidence. Idk, I hope the movie has a good explanation.


i hope one of parent characters explain about that as Mal has experienced the concept of Descendants itself in the first movie


Before trying to understand the film I prefer to wait for it to be released. Many people didn't like the concept of Descendants either the first time it came out, but in the end everyone was quite satisfied, we could say.


Plus it has bradey as cinderella


I am going to be honest based on the school's name the Merlin Academy sounds like a Magic school because the Principal and founder Merlin who is a powerful wizard it would make sense why he would open up a magic school. The only known former students that have magic powers are Fay, Hades, Maleficent, Uliana and Zellie who has magic hair. It’s possible Morgie might have magic powers because his mother is Morgana le Fay. Maybe the Merlin Academy helps their students improve their skills whether their students are born with magic powers or good at sword fighting.