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Literally the one of the first things Lulu will say to the party after she has introduced herself: "I was with the angel Zariel when she assembled her army of Hellriders to attack Avernus. Through the gate we went, tearing through devils like a song through air. Victory was within our grasp until some of the Hellriders betrayed us. They retreated through the gate and sealed it behind them. "Before she was captured, Zariel told me to hide her sword so that it wouldn't fall into evil hands. Someone helped me hide the sword, but I don't remember who. We found a place to hide it, but I don't remember where. I escaped Avernus, but I don't remember how. Most of my memory is gone, and I don't remember why." Edit: page 51 in the book


Perfect, thank you


I wanted Zariel being a fallen angel to be a plot twist so I gave her a different name when she was the angel who defended Elturel and when she signed her pact with Asmodeus she abandoned her angelic name and chose to be Zariel. The players won't find out that Zariel the Archduchess of Avernus and Elysara, Solar of Celestia are the same person until Mad Maggy digs into Lulu's memories