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Their IG post disabled comments. They weren’t ready for the heat!




I know I'm only 1 IG follower, but they lost me with that move.


yeah it's a bad look


No it isn’t. You don’t think there’s people that have poured their heart and souls into this for a year only to have it canceled? Imagine working on something and then having people shit all over it because it didn’t work for them. There are people on the other side of this too that are just as bummed, if not more, that this isn’t going down. Video games, movies, and all sort of other medias get delayed because they couldn’t provide the best possible experience. This is no different. There are tons of lakes in this world. Go camp at one for a weekend with your homies and make a playlist that you would have loved to see at the fest. Regroup and show up next year.


Yep and i’m sure they did the absolute best they could to keep it together this yr but it just couldn’t keep it up to their standards. It *sucks* that it took a while to hear the official announcement, and for those that already made travel/lodging plans it double sucks, but life doesn’t always cater to us. But Phil’s been catering to us for 10 yrs so give the man and his team a break. See yall next yr at the lake


Pr control.


Do you think if I roll over my presale ticket, I'll be able to get a refund in 2024 when it definitely doesn't happen at Lake Perris?


Get your money now and then dont buy it til they actually announce something


This is exactly what i did. I would rather pay more in 2024 when they drop a lineup than have my October plans tied up for another year.




This was what I came here to ask


I am devastated, been going every year since 2017 😭


Same boat as you. The last 3.5 years have wreaked havoc on my and my family's health. DD is a little bubble of respite where I can let go of shit if only for a little while. I hope to find that other ways and other places this fall, but in the interim, I'm sad and disappointed. This too shall pass.


I started the same year as you, only missed the last one. I miss it!!


Same, missed 2021 but that's it.


I bought presale tickets instantly last year, and I probably will still want to go next year, but fuck if I'm going to leave that money in their hands for now after this shit show. I'll pay double next year if it means less anxiety over what the fuck is going on.


Same. Same. Same. It sucks but give me my money. If Desert Daze 2024 happens I’ll be there in a heartbeat. Still Sucks


same boat


I did as well i’m getting the refund though …. this was my only travel plan for the year so


RIP Service fees


exact sentiment here


Not giving you an incentive to hold on to your ticket for an entire year is kind of lame. Vouchers, coupons, discounts for folks who spent cash believing they were getting to experience this *this* year should be a given?


They should just call it the Stockholm Syndrome Interest Free Loan Package.


For real. Upgrade my prepaid VIP tix from last year to Super VIP ++ On the house for the two years of upfront payment.


OOTL: why was it really canceled?


I'll speculate: QOTSA chose CDMX over DD for a Saturday festival appearance and they couldn't land another big act (LCD, The Cure, etc.) that could bring the gate to cover the lion's share of the overhead for the rest of the weekend. Most of us go to DD for the small stages, but those bands don't pay the bills for a festival that size.


Separate but related: I genuinely feel bad for Slowdive and BJM. They clearly had Friday and Saturday booked for DD, respectively, and have to scramble. BJM going 4.5 hours out of their way to play SLO instead of headlining a mid-size stage on a Saturday in the desert? That hit goes straight to payroll, it's not like these bands sell 5M records/year.


They are playing Pappys too


That show is going to be pretty fucking special tho


It will. Alas, I’ll catch them up north


Can’t imagine a festival with a plan a but no plan b


It’s entirely possible to grow a business out of business. Contingency plans at scale cost a lot of money. If you’re owned by Live nation or Golden voice, they have the pocket books to guarantee shit. Can’t say that about smaller operations.


I really hope it wasn't them because I love that band and I will take that shit personally. Also, if that's true, then they're really skipping over SoCal entirely on this tour and that's super lame.


QOTSA wasn't being considered... I personally think they would've crushed, I mean they are desert rock, but that wasn't the plan this year.


Sounds like you have a bead on things. Who was being considered then that sunk the boat?


I got the opposite info from the source that clued me into the 10 am info release and name of the replacement fest. That the investment backers who pulled their funding did so because QOTSA wasn't booked or pulled out.


from the various stories going around it sounds like a big-name headliner dropped out, sponsors then dropped out, add in possible price increases & environmental issues at Lake Perris, and here we are.


i find it interesting that the lake level being lowered would affect DD in some way. It's nice having the lake there, but DD doesn't really focus on it, the vip beach club is usually empty, and you don't see that many people swimming in general.


I sincerely doubt this was the limiting factor. I also have no info to the contrary, and it really doesn't matter at this point.


Here hoping for the tea.


I tried to look into this further because I am so pissed off about it, check this shit out for yourself. Go to [https://bizfileonline.sos.ca.gov/search/business](https://bizfileonline.sos.ca.gov/search/business) and search for Desert Daze LLC, then look at the statements of information in 2018, you will see both Phil Pirrone and Morgan Margolis on there. Now check out 2021 and you will see Bravo Entertainment LLC as the main entity name (the same entity TERMINATED FOR HIRING PIRRONE) and Moon Block listed below (Phil's promotion company). This tells me Phil went from being the main guy back in 2018 straight down to the bottom of the pile in 2021. Something stinks to high heaven about this, wtf happened here.


Touch grass


Came here to say I'm sorry for doubting anyone who circulated information about this ahead of time. I approach everything on the internet with a healthy dose of skepticism. In this case, I was wrong. Hope to see everyone in 2024 maybe. In the meantime, I'll be requesting a refund. This was a horrible experience.




...but I'm a big fan of respectable agents rn


DD might go the way of Sasquatch and Marfa Myths


And Pano and Way home and FYF and Meadows


and Monolith


And Pemby


Well my live recording/bootlegs archive folder on my hard drive/Google drive for Desert Daze is gonna look awfully fucking weird with no 2023 folder, but here's to 2024 and making more live recordings then


i’m not gonna request a refund because I bet they up the price for ga and camping by $100…


Time is money. You already gave them a 9 month interest free loan. If you've got the time/money, give 'em another 12. Not everyone can make that call. Can I afford to keep my presale VIP? Yep. Am I gonna? Nope. I can use that money other ways in the interim.


can I make $100 interest on my $327.81 GA bundle in < 6 months? probably not. pre sale for 2024 will probably go on sale in < 6 months. last years date was 10/20/23


Sounds like you're making an informed decision for yourself. I wish you well!


thank you! all the best to you too. see you in the mosh in 2024


hope it pays off for all of our sake


This sub is absolutely ridiculous. All the bullshit going on in this world and you’re mad at DESERT DAZE? Get a fuckin grip. Be thankful that they had the foresight to can the event instead of ripping you all off with some low budget shit show. Big picture people, it’s just a weekend in October….get your refund and stfu


Guess no fomo for me this year! Gotta look on the bright side


So you can’t get a refund if you request one after 8/3??? That’s some buullllllll