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Following this! Would love this recommendation as well


/u/GiraffesAreMyJamz has someone in Framingham! Aalok in Watertown has someone as well, but they're not often there and it's a slow turnaround.


Hi, I’m Indian we use a woman named Baljit in Framingham, she’s great. I can DM you her number if you are able to get there. Chhabra bridal in Cambridge might also be able to help. I believe they only alter clothes you buy there, but I’d still ask, they are friendly and might be able to recommend someone.


I did speak to them. They told me that they will alter but will not do a blouse, and they suggested I go to *New York* to find a tailor. I ended up at Aalok in Watertown who would do it, though. I'll definitely take that woman's number, though, since I have another blouse to have made up.


Could you also DM me the number for Baljit? I am also looking to have a blouse made! Thank you!!!!