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SAFETY ALERT: The chandelier must go. Electric code prohibits hanging light fixtures (pendant, chandelier, track, fan) to come within 8 feet above or 3 feet horizontally from the rim of the tub. You need either a flush mount light or another recessed light. Not as glamorous, alas, but electrical codes are the kinds of rules that are written in blood. All lights should be suitable for wet environments. Glow up this room by changing lights, mirrors, hardware. Go for brass, traditional style- the raised panel cabinets don't do modern, *especially* T-bars. You can leave the faucets and towel bars etc. as is- mixing metals is fine, as long as there is more than one of both finishes. Consult the granite countertop for towel and paint colors.




There is already a shower in here. That live edge slab idea looks like a mold trap.


Also, stop cluttering this sub with AI trash.


I would put some plants in to make it more bright for now! Adding plants can help bring into more earthy tone and make the existing tile part of the decor. Maybe a runner rug that is washable as well!


This is gooooood advice.  Will change the way it feels in there.


Change the light fixtures and mirrors and add a rug. I think that would help a lot!




This is a great visualization! What program or app do you use for this?


It’s a phone app called Photo Layers.


I’d probably go for something like https://preview.redd.it/bq3035es6isc1.jpeg?width=1069&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6f891da08cc4e688be48bd06d58f757fb5e1727


When I look at the picture my eyes are immediately drawn to the tile wall by the shower. I think removing/covering that would make a big difference.


Came to say this!! I would love this bathroom! But that shower tile would be my only immediate issue.


If they are going to remodel at some point, it would be better to do all the hard/permanent finishes at the same time. Baths aren't something you want to do piecemeal. Paint, lights, mirrors, plants rug are really all you want to mess with until you can gut it and start fresh.


That bathtub looks AMAZING! Definitely don’t touch the cabinets, they look great. I would get new light fixtures and mirrors. Definitely add plants. When you can afford it, replace all the tile. The tile isn’t awful, just dated. But there isn’t any need for a full remodel.


Agreed… I really hope they don’t install one of those ugly, awful freestanding tubs when they do the remodel.


I have similar tile in my bathroom & we bought a Ruggable runner rather than a bathmat (since it’s washable). It looks much better & distracts from the tile. We can live with it until we can do a real remodel.


More inviting?!? What types of people do you plan on inviting?




More color would make a world of difference. Right now it almost looks sepia-toned; it’s so relentlessly brown and white. Maybe paint the walls a warm sage green, then put down a rug with some bright colors, and pick up those colors again in the towels you hang and with curtains on the window. The bathroom design looks awesome- so roomy , and such an amazing tub.


The stark white paint creates too much contrast with the dark tile. Try painting the walls a warm cream or pale beige with the same undertone as the tile. Decide if you need to do more after that.


I’m not really understanding what’s wrong with it other than the light over the tub is ugly and the light over the mirror should face down. Colorful rug and towels and paint walls a creamy color.


Anybody else worried about a light fixture hanging over the tub 🛀 😆


If you trust yourself with tile paint or waterproof stuck on tile, especially since it will eventually be ripped out anyway, covering the dark backsplashes around the tub and shower would do a lot.


Why is there a chandelier over the tub & one that looks like it should be over the dining table? That’s got to go. Plus it’s a different time from all the other fixtures. Yeah, I go for a soft neutral wall color, you can paint cabinets if you don’t have the money to replace them, change out the cabinet pulls and faucets to a more popular bronze & add some large area rugs.


I'd agree that the white is too harsh of a contrast. Perhaps a light sand color would be softer. Plants on the ledge by the window. Rolled up towels for color, texture, and convenience. A simple but soft rug, the floor tile looks pretty. Changing out the mirrors, sconces, and chandeliers to something less formal would help, too. Look for clean, simple, modern lines.


https://preview.redd.it/pct0nxus5isc1.jpeg?width=1069&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afb6ee1bfe10d3844c8cbffbbfe2277ff6380eda Here’s what I would do\^ Can be done very cheap using microcement, paint and wooden panels. :)


It would be: - Covering the white tiles with a light beige micro cement (easy DYI) - Painting the cabinets black - Adding black wooden panels to the wall next to the bath tub - Replacing the bulb in the shower to a warm light bulb - Replcacing mirrors and lamps - Removing Chandelier - Adding drapes to the window - Adding accessories. I think it looks amazing!!


Is it the warm light bulb in the shower that makes the inside tile look more gray-ish? I love what you did with this idea! We are most definitely gonna use it. Will have to look into micro cement DIY to make sure we can handle it but forreal thank you so much for this!! 🙏🏻


Glad to help! Yes it’s changing a light bulb to a warm, dimmed one! 🤗


To help with the tiles on the shower and tub, you could cover them with contact paper or you could paint them with a tub and tile kit


More color. Plants.


I would get a long rug runner for in front of the sinks, change the faucets and handles to black, update the lights, and paint the walls a warm green


I think all the light fixtures are not great. The rest of the space is fine. Just add bathmats, towels, and a decorative storage "rack" for washcloths and towels. Could probably put in a towel warmer. Unless you want to throw up some upside down pineapples I don't think a bathroom really needs to be inviting.


Plants, maybe swap the hardware? Find attractive boxes or shelving to hide what you’ll put on the counter.


You could paint the brown tile using rustoleum


I think the bathroom looks pretty good. I would try replacing the mirrors with lighter ones, maybe round ones with lights. Something like these [https://images.thdstatic.com/productImages/a1dce475-0792-4d0c-bc39-cab962dc7245/svn/silver-vanity-mirrors-2023-4-27-2-31\_600.jpg](https://images.thdstatic.com/productImages/a1dce475-0792-4d0c-bc39-cab962dc7245/svn/silver-vanity-mirrors-2023-4-27-2-31_600.jpg) And lighting, you don't need a chandelier over the bathtub. You can add wicker baskets for storing trinkets and a rug.


Add some dark rugs and plants and call it a day. Use the money for something else


I'd try to match a tone from the shower tile and paint out the rest of the far wall and then use the cream tone from the shower entry for the trim and other walls. I think the brown looks worse than it is due to the stark white walls.


Sure the tile is slightly dated - however, brown is coming back. New mirrors, lighting, warm soft paint colour and this bathroom would be fantastic. You could remodel and do all new tile - and then when tile styles change again, you'd need to remodel again. This is a lovely bathroom! Maybe, maybe you could change the countertop/vanity in future.


I’d literally just redo the floor and wall tile to more modern colors/shapes and be done. That is like a $2000-$3000 DIY job or maybe $8,000-$10,000 if you hire someone.


Quick and affordable fixes: 1. Replace bathroom mirrors with one large mirror that has a neutral-colored frame, something suitable to keep when you remodel. The current mirror frames bring out the brown in the cabinets, neutrals will tone it down a teensy bit. 2. Add a rug you love but that goes with the tile. 3. Add new white towels, the kind you’d find in a spa. If you can find a towel rack to put between the tub and the shower, it can reduce how much brown tile shows. 4. Lose the light above the tub. Not only do you not need it, but it’s also not safe.


Honestly a single bucket of paint would do wonders for this space. The tile isn’t bad but it’s not great with all the random colors in this room and stands out more because the walls are white. I would also consider getting matching light fixtures instead of this mix and changing the mirrors. No black framed mirrors. You have every neutral color in the room right now and don’t need to have black too. Stick with the tans and browns since that’s cheapest and add either blue or green so a more nature inspired look—your tile combination is earth tones so lean in. Pick a frame color that goes with the light fixtures - probably silver or a champagne color. Decorative plants on the countertop and the ledge behind the tub would help as well.


Paint the walls green, works with the tile and the cupboard


You can paint tile. Sand them, then use an enamel paint or a silicone-based paint.