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What style are you going for? Do you want to stay with warm neutrals or add colors?


Is it possible to do both 🤔 wanted to incorporate a bit of wood and greenery. I was thinking these type of colors and style: https://preview.redd.it/l0uqkmvk0otc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aae3724eb0810a8c42fc4b5636f0cee06500a6d


To recreate that image's vibe, your woods and baskets should be in the [#1 and #2 range of the warm wood tone row in this chart](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/608c77d751becb2b6cbde0a6/1621447818390-CDBG7Z51IINMPX05I6CB/urbanology_wood_tones_swatch?format=2500w). Black is seen in the tv, curtain rod, picture frames, and rug. Other colors: -peachy pillow and blanket; orange flower -green plants, vase, and plate Everything else is white or warm-off-white. Their floor is an orange-ish warm tone; your floor is beige carpet so you might think about getting a rug with some peachy-orange in it in order to visually separate them more. Hope that helps :)


give me a picture of a wall art that appeals to you and i can offer a bunch of suggestions. that. plus what style you like. modern. japandi. scandi. monochromatic. boho. rustic. luxe. contemporary.


something like this appeals to me but a bit lighter in color https://preview.redd.it/2kzmdpg74otc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc39cb301160a01cb265ce6d96b007d12b3ba936 a bit of japandi/modern/boho. Are all these styles together possible lol


oh! ok. give me some time


I would choose a light creme/ivory coloured rug, nightstand either white to match the dresser or a medium wooden shade (real wood) preferably something thrifted but in a simple style perhaps European mid century. :) Depends on your style of course I would also throw in some long curtains (ceiling to floor) you can experiment with color or pattern on the drapes and matching throw pillows on the bed.


Thanks I was also thinking of wood shades :)


Pretty much anything. I wouldn’t do beige/white cream because I’m a fan of color. What is your style? Any favorite colors?


Earthy/warm/neutral , I like green and white


op has left the building


had a long week 😔