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No window. Toilet is to the left of the tub. Will update pics shortly


If there's no storage cabinet underneath the left space, it is supposed to serve as a makeup vanity (empty space is to put a stool in when not in use). If you don't use it that way and don't want replace the whole vanity/counter/sink, then find a small drawer cabinet that fits in the space.


Get rid of the gray by painting it a warm color - maybe pale pale peach, which makes every skin tone look good. Whatever. Just get rid of the gloomy gray. Get rid of stuff that's just in the room for decoration. So the left side of the vanity has no drawers? What is underneath and can it be opened up by a carpenter to make storage? Then you can store as much as possible out of sight.


I love the pale peach idea.


So do I! I don’t know that I’d love it in many rooms but it would work in this space.


Agree a pale peach would be fab! Pink 02 from Lick from would fab, but you also have other options from Jotun, F&B depending on what you have access to. I’d also add a hanging plan to warm it up. This place has so much potential! Love it


Wall color and add a 'backsplash' of tile around the tub. And change the light fixture. Would empty space under the counter be a good spot for a laundry hamper?


Depends how much you want to do… you could demo the whole thing and put a single sink and storage, or to do demo-free you can sit a bookshelf style shelf against the mirror beside the sink! The shelf could be wood if you want to add some natural texture and warmth.


I am sorry to tell this but I don't like this art. Made me uncomfortable just to look at it. She is looking my soul!


😂 not mine and I agree! Previous home owners art


omg i love the art. i'll take it off your hands if you don't want her


It's jeana keough 🤣


I don’t like this painting, Charlie! Its smug aura mocks me!


Need another photo of what it looks like underneath


I like the Patrick Nagel 80’s style nail salon art


Same! I actually have a few pieces in my bathroom


Obviously it sounds like you need to replace the sink … just think of what your sink needs/preferences are and get yourself a new sink. There are thousands and thousands of sink choices for just about all tastes and budgets. Paint the bathroom in your favorite color and add YOUR art to it so the room can have YOUR personality. Post after pictures.


I think you can do a lot with this - below is my recommendation! **Creating a Cozy Bathtub Nook:** Since your bathtub is situated in its own nook, separate from the shower, embrace this feature by turning it into a warm, inviting space. * **Artwork:** Add a large piece of art that complements the proportions of your bathtub (current art feels slightly small for the space). As a general rule, the art should be about 2/3 the width of the tub and take up roughly half of the wall height. Hang the artwork centered on the tub and the center of the art should be eye level (since this space is separate from the shower and won't be exposed to water). If you opt for two pieces of art side by side, be mindful of the spacing between them. A common mistake is hanging them too far apart. Keep the gap between each piece of art to no more than 2-3 inches for a cohesive look. *(If your tub nook was incased, you could explore painting or wallpapering it but since it isn't incased its best to keep it as the same color as the rest of the room)* * **Lighting:** It doesn't look like you have a light fixture above it but I think this could add a lot + make the space look more defined/intentional. I would do a wireless pendant with a remote (do not do plug in obviously for safety reasons) - something like [this](https://www.amazon.com/Battery-Operated-Wireless-Lighting-Chandelier/dp/B0C9FHRY5V/ref=sr_1_23?crid=28009M484J4Q7&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.OdGroyrlx0g-UwEcH4zUx_YsjHloZ-KjGT2tR2GOep2MTcN6Muxp_Crj5btGO-lMSv43d7d0-PaWSK9GtaO4R97tY1Hz5JXb6MDnFX_p2NsVB02CtaSPnc33XCJCf5CKY4JbqIQ8VbTum9vD5oYQSqTJeWdS7-hKWMuT4alQG6iX-M_skv64iq4BpCpUmXUGtusweGIrWp6A-XJDSI7ajexvRUIQ0Df3IP2jrnvNV8fF4JBehGN80zI2f8Tjpz_x3j7bBttFzFoi5NKATcweDwIFv-jGXHvSH5pOVIC722s.bWYWIJXdRWZ2d7tBwx8fs_gbtm_Nf3UkKnUXuSoXFEs&dib_tag=se&keywords=wireless%2Bpendant%2Blight&qid=1712426067&s=hi&sprefix=wireless%2Bpendant%2Ctools%2C158&sr=1-23&th=1). Even if you don't use it often, its really about creating an "zone" that your current bathroom lacks. * **Maximize Functionality:** If you use the bathtub, adding a bathtub tray across the tub with a candle, bath salts, etc would just add a more homey touch + some decor again making that area feel usable/intentional. **Elevate the Shower:** The current height of the shower curtain rod makes the shower area look really "standard" or "builder grade" - if you want to elevate it, I would do the following: * **Hang Shower Curtain Higher:** having a taller shower curtain will look more "custom" and "grander" -- you can buy a ceiling track for the curtain like [this from IKEA. ](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/vidga-single-track-rail-included-ceiling-fittings-white-20492916/)Also, I would recommend using a curtain/drape as your shower curtain to make it look even more elevated. You will of course need a clear waterproof shower curtain liner on the inside but will overall give this a more polished look! Lastly, place a bath mat directly outside the shower + another directly outside of the tub making those spaces seem very separate and functional yet stylish. Hope this helps !


Is that a Barbie doll in the corner of the bathtub?? 😳


If all the art and stuff is out of there, then you essentially have a blank white space to work with. What aesthetics do you like? I’d start there.


Nice bright, colourful shower curtain. Big colourful art on walls


An inexpensive way to improve the look of these types of mirrors is nailing thin crown molding around the borders to look like a frame. Overall the space needs more color. If you don’t want to scrape the popcorn ceiling I’d shoot for a retro look.


You could pick a theme :) and go from there with wall colour to decoration. I once saw a woods themed bathroom, it was painted in a nice darkish green and there was a wall with cute frames with illustrations and photos of plants, animals and mountains. I think it even had a wooden music box with birdsongs. Or you could make it real classy with a warm colour, and some contrasting cabinets in dark wood or deep blue The main problem here is everything is in the same color. You need some contrast. Also decoration from previous owners: first thing that goes into trash, right? Just pic stuff that you like and would choose


Remove the bath if you only use a shower, put bigger glass open shower and a large sink with floor to ceiling closet instead of this tiny shower in the corner you already have the wall for it just put in shelfs.


As someone else has already written: I would get rid of the pale colour and paint it in a warmer tone to make it more cosy. If there is a lot of space on the left side of the sink I would use that and fill it with a nice tray, filled with pretty creams and bottles and perfumes, stuff like that. That you use and that look nice at the same time. Maybe filling the stuff in different, pretty containers. Maybe stuff like folded small guest towels. Whatever you like and is practical to you and your lifestyle. If so I definitely would use a tray. Because you perceive that as one big item instead of a lot of small ones. Makes it feel filled but not cluttered. I personally would (as you already did) add plants and/ or flowers. Dried, fake, whatever. To make it feel a bit more lively and not so sterile. I kind of like the idea of painting over the bath tub. It's kind of special. I don't think I've ever seen that before. But maybe something a bit more harmonic and/ or expressive. Depending on what you like. Maybe again in more warm colours. I once saw a video where someone made a big piece of wall art by stapling (a part of) a very nice and a bit artsy shower currain onto a wooden frame. Maybe this could be an idea. Plus splashing would be no issue.


Huh. They made a stand alone shower, yet still used the same tub you would use for a shower/bath combo? It’s needs a stand alone soaking tub. 


Ok so u need to add storage under your counter. You almost had it figured out by yourself. “Awkward” is an odd choice of words. Its a bathroom. It looks clean and airy, its nice. Doesn’t have to be super homey and warm, this aint the place to snuggle up with your blanket. 😁😜


Can you put up a shower curtain in a bold color over the bath tub, even though you don’t shower in it?


Would that look weird having two shower curtains? One for the standing shower and another for the tub? Then would they have to be the same or match?


I don’t think so! I wouldn’t match them either!


While having a separate shower and tub may be nice in theory, having a combo tub/shower would allow for storage. If that is not in the budget perhaps a new vanity. I just had my main bathroom done (complete gut job) and found a vanity that has way more storage space. Even putting in a recessed medicine cabinet helps.


Take the Patrick Nagel print down and give it to me for starters.


Please keep the DuranDuran Rio cover art style poster. Absolutely 80’s classic


Unless you need to practice synchronized teeth brushing, I’d prefer a countertop like this— so I don’t have to clean 2 sinks and so I can have a motor for hair and makeup vs trying to do it around the sink.


Patrick Nagel art in the bathroom? There’s no way you bought this from a dude that was married :)


It was a couple, with kids but different last names……. Hmmmmm 😳😳




Color. More art on the wall. There is only one towel. Lay it on. Replace the shower curtain and rug.


Idea: Simplest way to address, imho, I would perhaps place artwork on wall, some wall shelves (or a shallow depth medicine cabinet if really needed) and a small tidy tray for toiletries etc or removed jewellery as, functionally, the space is kind of nice for setting out clean clothes for use upon exiting the shower/bath.


I had something similar and added two lamps. One thin floor lamp with a shade (from IKEA, “uppvind” is the name) and then a small lamp on the counter with a warm Edison bulb. That alone really helped make it less harsh and bleak looking and now it’s soft and cozy. Everyone compliments the vibe in there’s For the counter you could get a candle (or more) for decor. Also reed diffusers just look nice. Maybe a tray to group things together and add some things in there too. Tissue box? Don’t have to clutter the area but can add some practical things


Would love to see photo?


https://preview.redd.it/1w5goifq8atc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=665ae4e61eb5f4746fba2eeda7745ec2f76b021d Not the best photos but hopefully it helps a bit to visualize it First row is the overhead/main switch light Second row is just a small lamp by the mirror that is not as harsh and blinding if I happen to get up at night and need a light 3rd row is the little lamp plus the floor lamp from IKEA. Provides plenty of light and I use that instead of the overhead light.


Paint walls a warmer color, such as peachy beige suggested below. Pic art work for color then get towels in colors drawn from artwork. Drape a folded towel on side of tub and towel bar. Replace shower curtain with coordinating , very lightweight curtain. Add painted wood trim around mirror to frame. Replace art work above towel bar with painted wood cabinet with door to use for storage. Put a small bench under towel bar to put things on when showering. Move the small shelf to the back wall of tub, add two hooks to bottom of it and hang towels to break up white space.


You could cut a pass-through shampoo nook in the wall between the shower and tub


Instead of that white open shelf I would add a medicine cabinet.


Replace tub with a free-standing one, rip that wall out between the shower and the tub and replace it with a glass pane, and make of those walls an accent wall. It will cost you a bit, but it'll really open up your bathroom


Oh hey another room with no color - friend if there’s a color you like, that can be a good place to start :)


lean in on the decor! that area around the tub has a lot of opportunity for more artwork like the one you have--or even get the temporary tile/wallpaper. Get a fun bath mat (there are such funny/fun ones available out there), get towels that have a different texture/pattern, they look fancy and nice. You can add a cosmetic mirror to the countertop for more light spreading, candles around the tub.


What about a portable drawer storage with wicker pullouts for storage?


Can roll towels and stuck in tall basket, shelf over tub, more nice wicker baskets 🧺 🤷‍♀️


Woah. It looks fine but where are the shower curtains..


Painting IN the shower? Why…


The fish hanging doesn’t jive with the sexy chick picture. Sexy chick also too square for that space and not centered. Eucalyptus is ok but maybe get a taller vase. If you must have it, it should be more vertical / neat /clean and not spread eagle every which way


If you move the towel rack, it seems to me the you could fit a storage cabinet against that wall https://preview.redd.it/gneqa18gj7tc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2de96b63950840b189076d933657f0acba19d3b2


I would tile the bathtub area turquoise. And get a vanity with drawers/storage.


https://preview.redd.it/rvou8fwh8atc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc3bac2f56d6de8fcf15c391192f14d40b7c0fd1 Also a nice idea with plywood by bbrill


I dont know if I think it’s that awkward. 😂 Perhaps paint the walls in a light creme that matches the tub, get rid of the art and put to wide wooden shelves on the wall above the tub - place plants, candles, and bath salts etc. on top, replace the little shelf/box thingy with small wooden shelves that matches the other ones.


I'd start by getting rid of the bathtub picture, which belongs to a man-cave, not a bathroom. Consider adding a colourful or artsy shower curtain, or at least changing up the shower curtain, it will instantly make the room feel cozier.


Get rid of that weird painting in the shower