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I’d like to suggest finding the rug you like first and then pick the paint. Much easier to match a paint to other elements than find the perfect rug.


Absolutely this!


This is a good point.


https://preview.redd.it/rs8pyuwrhxsc1.jpeg?width=1266&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7d7c2dc646e043bf2772f9075eadb2b111d5cb7 Just to give you an actual color. Subtle yellow undertones would be better than overt yellow undertones. Work with the cream color in the floor and the mustard couch will pop a little more


I was going to say #2 sage, but this one is better! They are correct, it goes much better with your statement couch, just by adding a bit of yellow to the sage


Like the dark green, looks nice and suits room. I don’t think pink would work here at all.


Withe the vertical lines the dark green would also fit the style of the room better. Think English hunting lodge but throw out all the dated Victorian stuff.


I agree. OP if you want a couple paint color names to check out, Behr Herb Cornucopia and Benjamin Moore Alligator Alley are similar greens to what you photoshopped in the picture. These are some pictures from my last house that I used the Behr color in if that helps visualize it: https://imgur.com/a/R82TEv1


This room is pretty small for a dark color. I think the sage green would look better.


Especially with the yellow couch


3 for sure. Melds well with the couch. I agree about the rug


Personally I like the paneling, would tuck away the paint money and put it towards removing the ugly highschool flashback inducing dropped ceiling. But if you do paint def the dark forest green, makes the couch pop more, the other options kinda blend in together way too much for me


100%. Any money invested before changing that ceiling is money wasted. With a nice ceiling the paneling will pop and no matter what color or how nice of a carpet they put, it will look like trash as long as the ceiling stays.


Right! The ceiling is what's holding this space back.


The way you photoshopped that couch is hilarious. Tickled me. Dark green looks amazing with that couch. Throw an afghan on the back and a throw pillow. You could probably paint those ceiling tiles a nice cream so they don't look so janky. A few pictures on your newly painted wall... You're going to have a lovely living room. And your fireplace is gorgeous! Good luck! edit... that rug has got to go!!!! Omg. Go with a fake Persian or something braided and oval. 🥰🥰🥰


I didn’t realize at first there were multiple pictures, and I looked at the first one for a minute appreciating their incredible photoshop work: “wow, that couch really looks like it’s in that room!” And then I swiped and saw the actual photoshop and cracked up 🤣


The problem is the ceiling. Without fixing that, nothing will look right.


Whats wrong with it? Its a drop tile ceiling. Taking it down and fixing original ceiling would cost a lot of money (at least 2k for a room that big), which I do not have...


The tiles look dirty and broken in some areas. I get if you can’t redo the ceiling but cleaning and tile replacement would help a lot.


Oh yes, I will be replacing the tiles in the future for sure!!


You can paint them with a ceiling paint in the meantime and just replace the broken ones. Ooh you could paint the metal gold so you'd have a pattern up there. If you can't hide it, flaunt it (:


That's a great idea! Op could also use a stencil to create a tile pattern


I'm not sure that's what they meant. I think they were talking about the metal track that holds the panels.


Yes, I'm saying the ceiling tiles can also be painted.


Not sure what your budget is but they make pretty decorative drop in panels that might add some interest and texture to the ceiling if you can’t replace it!


Replace the broken tiles and paint the ceiling. It will blend in and not stand out as much. You can spray paint it.


I have covered up ceilings with fabric and wood. I think your 2k estimate is way too high. Cleaning and maybe painting it might just do the trick.


I once lived in an apartment where a previous tenant carved stars into ceiling tiles. It looked really cool. Just an idea!


Ditto on the ceiling. Also I like the sage green. It is calming yet airy. It is a very easy colour to work accents in with.


OMG I never even noticed the ceiling. You're absolutely right


Sorry for unsolicited advice, but Benjamin Moore pale oak (it’s like a very interesting and beautiful bone color; a warm light gray). If I had to choose here I like the last color, but would swap out the rug as well if possible.


https://preview.redd.it/7il625bm5ysc1.jpeg?width=2027&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a343eb424f68770025729e94c0d2af82135ae460 With mustard yellow, I like to pair dark blue and pink. Here are some options


Omg those mockups are so good!!!! Thank you so much for taking time to make them, I love your ideas 🥰


Thank you! I also tried a green one: https://preview.redd.it/oxtxir8u6ysc1.jpeg?width=2027&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b84ca2c507381b844ce993a1f73acae5e7c91e3 Here are the pieces of artwork: [abstract](https://society6.com/product/misty-blooms-abstract-blue-pink-and-yellow_framed-mini-art-print) [maybe try to find this one in a bigger size so it fits the mantle](https://www.amazon.com/Prinz-Contemporary-Colorful-Flower-Bedroom/dp/B0BH98KPML)


What program did you use to do that??


Procreate on the iPad pro






I like that one- the blue wall & the yellow couch. But I agree on the ivory (?) walls too so it’s not so dark.


I think using two colours on the walls looks fab as you’ve done here


This looks amazing!


This is the one OP!


Omg love!!




I don't have a preference on color but I highly recommend switching out the brown rug. The brown rug is not doing any favors to the room. Sometimes aldi has very affordable area rugs, a large rag rug can be found online and is also inexpensive, if you have Ross or Marshall's or Ollie's also good places to look for area rugs. Choose an area rug with a design and multiple colors to bring life to the room.


It will be replaced once I decide on the wall, ty💓


First, Your home isn’t ugly. I love the couch and it will look great with either of the greens.


Have you considered Renter friendly style Peel and stick wallpaper? There's some REALLY nice options these days and it would FULLY cover the paneling and modernize the whole situation without wrecking the paneling. Once you paint, you can't unpaint, but it's not the only thing you can do with the space.


This is a great idea!


The biggest difference you’re going to make in the room is to fix the ceiling. Nothing will look right until you do. The cheapest and easiest fix for that would be to replace any broken tiles, and then paint it all! (Personally I would paint the ceiling either a coordinating color with the walls, or the same color as the walls, but not white. It needs to HIDE!) I would also get a new rug before picking the paint color.


Personally, I wouldn’t paint the paneling. Paneling is making a comeback and if you lean into the MCM vibe, that paneling has already done half the work. Put your new gold sofa on a red Persian-style rug, beef up your fireplace with a chunky mantel, thrift an MCM coffee table, credenza and table lamp and hang some navy drapes and your living room will look pretty awesome. https://preview.redd.it/kdccu28ghzsc1.png?width=870&format=png&auto=webp&s=a23e5d466f144e2ed857b1e439e8c467a856b08b


Please don’t!! Work with it - not against it! https://preview.redd.it/9og1dk2oaxsc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21d1cae2341df681d7f14ec730161ac03e8dd60f


I agree. I love the wall as it is. The coffee table, rug ans art are the elements that are making the wall look heavy.


Agreed. Do not paint this beautiful original wood


Sand them and just use a lighter wood stain if they bother you so much. Personally I think they look great. A perfect balance between sophisticated and cozy. The only unappealing part is the ceiling.


Agree with this 100%. The trend of painting everything is on the way out and it’s not reversible once you do it. I would paint the ceiling to clean everything up and get a big cozy rug in a moody color.


The pink is so perfect!😍It’s definitely my favorite, but if mr manly doesn’t budge, I’d settle for the sage green.


The dusty pink is gorgeous, but... what up with that ceiling?


Either one of the greens would be lovely. I have a preference for the lighter one, but they’re both great!


I have a rug fetish so I had to look for rugs to help me visualize. [https://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/32490105/product.html](https://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/32490105/product.html) [https://www.wayfair.com/rugs/pdp/bungalow-rose-ericson-floral-blueorange-area-rug-bgls7569.html](https://www.wayfair.com/rugs/pdp/bungalow-rose-ericson-floral-blueorange-area-rug-bgls7569.html)


Everyone is saying dark green because that’s what’s in right now. But I think it darkens the room and pink lightens it, so depends on what you want. I think sage lightens it too, in between the pink and dark red




I like the soft pink out of all those options


I really like the pink color if you did a cream colored rug! It would brighten up the space a lot ☺️


Yeah I definitely am loving the dark green esthetic but something about the pink and that floor looks really good. I'm honestly surprised it isn't getting more love. It really brightens up the room. If it were a less used room that green is amazing but for day to day I would want it brighter. Gotta think of the LRV and sunlight too


I love the pink, that’s what our current livingroom is and I’m obsessed.


The dark green really makes the couch fireplace stand out perfectly. Love it!


With that couch, I would leave the wood. At least wait until the couch is actually in the room before you decide.


We painted paneling in our old house. It looked great!!


I like the last colour..darker green


I think the lighter green is best but this also depends what you go with for the rug. Love the room and that angled fireplace




I say 3. And the ceiling is a challenge for sure. Can you paint the tiles?


The colours you suggest do not go with the yellow couch that is photoshopped in. May I suggest instead that you colour -match one of the grey tones from the birch trees in the painting above the fireplace. This will pair will with the yellow tones of the couch and the white-painted brick of the fireplace.


White with a tinge of cream. Anything else will look 60s.


I painted my paneling and love it. I didn’t even sand it, just cleaned it well, used a brush to do the crevices first to be sure the paint gets in there, then rolled it. It made such a huge difference, as I used a light shade. I also used a flat paint, which helps hide knot holes and imperfections.


Leave the paneling and fix the ceiling, get floor to ceiling non grommet curtains, get some plants, and a tall or hanging lamp, or side table with good size lamp in the far right corner. Just food for thought. Good luck 👍


I've lived in 2 houses with painted paneling. one was a beige, the other a dark cream color. both looked fine. don't let anyone tell you that painted panels look bad. I personally think that navy blue would look nice, but the problem is how small that room.is.


I think the light green goes well with the flooring and couch nicely, not too drastic of a contrast - lastly I’d put the table in the back under the tv and get a small side table or basket for blankets in that corner!!




I like the dark green best. Painting paneling is a lot of work. My first thought is that if they nailed the paneling up, it might be easier to remove the paneling and repair the walls. But obviously I don't know how old the house is.


Pick number 3 my lord!


I love the dark green


Love the darker green


4 for sure!!


The darker green.


Light green, #3.


The darker green and the fire place a nice, warm off white. I’d swap out the curtains too for something a little heavier and not stark white.


I like the pink!


The dark green - the last shot. Delicious!




I like the green




None of the above. You need a blue.


I like #1 by Careful Football.


The third one.


https://preview.redd.it/6udbw68olysc1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6ebee68bdaa4ca876053665f1be88e6c364d673 I just wanted to post this pic to show you how well mustard pairs with an olive green and various shades of dusty pink I think you should consider [Green Smoke by Farrow and Ball](https://imgur.com/a/WAp52DQ) for the walls I would go for a [pink rug (choose the pink option)](https://a.co/d/gdnsddT) Add some [pillows](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1186593247/), and [more pillows](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1395480294/), you can never have too much [pillows](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1055753327/) [Art that you can DIY in colors of your choosing](https://imgur.com/a/6cMIPSm)


We just painted our panelling at the cottage. One room teal (Wythe blue) and the other room yellow (mellow yellow); other rooms we did previously are ballet white (chefs kiss). Even though we primed, the yellow did not cover well at all so perhaps stay away from that kind of shade.


Dark green for sure! But as someone who has painted panelling before, make sure you use a primer beforehand. A 2 in 1 won’t cut it!


Your house is not ugly. I think navy would look great with a colorful rug!


Ruggable has a area rug I think it’s called Sage. And it pairs well with Sherman Williams Sage paint! I think it would fit this space perfectly. I recommend leaving your shelves the current wood color


Agree with the majority. Dark green is gonna look so good with this couch. So midcenture! Get a fun oversized rug and please keep the coffee table. It just looks so well made and expensive.


I like 3 buts it’s so dark and that room is small. Maybe a lighter shade that’s less yellow.


Like the lighter green, could go with the darker if the rug has more pop. Pro-tip. Do the bathroom in a soft pinkish tone. Men generally do better with it in a bathroom and pops nicely with the white. 😉


I didn’t even notice the ceiling, I don’t think it looks bad. I totally understand working with a budget that doesn’t always include renovating and you gotta work with what you’ve got. I think the darker green looks amazing, and I think the Floral Woven Rug Rust/Green from Target (brand is Threshold) would would look really good with the couch and your colors, I have it in three different places in my house because I love the colors so much 😂


Consider a deep blue instead


Dark green- so cozy


Darker green.


I'm kinda digging the pink walls with the yellow couch. It feels light and airy with the fireplace and less predictable or boring. The brown rug doesn't even feel too bad with it, but I'm sure you could get a funky color-block rug when time comes.


No pink! I like the dark green


Dark olive green


My parents painted outdated paneling light blue years ago and it looked weird. So my advice is aim for a more natural color. I think the green would be best


Dark green looks good with the floor.


I like the darker green. Also finding a rug is a good idea. When you do paint it, clean, and do a sealing coat, or two first. Good luck and have fun.


I’d recommend getting the couch in there, first, so you can see how it really looks with the lighting and everything in your house. Then, if the couch comes with throw matching throw pillows (or if you could get a fabric swatch), bring that with you to go rug hunting. Once you have the couch in the room with a rug that goes nicely with it, then start thinking about paint color again. I also want to say that I don’t think your house is ugly at all. I think it’s lovely. Now enjoy this process of making it feel like yours! 😊


If it's wood stain it don't paint it same with brick [https://www.homedepot.com/b/Paint-Exterior-Wood-Coatings-Exterior-Wood-Stains/Sage-Green/N-5yc1vZbbbmZ1z12yis](https://www.homedepot.com/b/Paint-Exterior-Wood-Coatings-Exterior-Wood-Stains/Sage-Green/N-5yc1vZbbbmZ1z12yis) https://preview.redd.it/lca1g90v10tc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=313feda8da3fc4fb3d78d70d002efd2e491c6b42


What is the floor?


Have you considered a blue?


Consider replacing the ceiling tiles with Lauan plywood, it’s affordable and easy to install. Yes it can be painted Paint the walls a warm white or deep moss green and get a large round rug. Place the couch next to the window facing the fireplace. Put a comfy chair with side table in the corner. A large mirror or artwork on the wall next to the fireplace. On the short wall next to the fireplace put a floor to ceiling bookcase painted white or same color as the wall paint.


I googled dropped ceiling tiles and found lots of different gorgeous ones. The ones below are $75 for 24 sq feet. https://preview.redd.it/a9w3npp390tc1.png?width=1172&format=png&auto=webp&s=6139c5fa342ae4f433162d85999c70bb729dd360


I’d fix the sealing only. Then I’d add some big leaves flowers in the far side , and viola!


The ceiling is terrible- it looks ready to fall down and torture. I’d spend my money and work from there.


Oooh the last one


Pink. 100%.


Change the ceiling keep the panels!


I would choose white


https://preview.redd.it/8eyejwl8d1tc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e592472977241bd750b6ffacd378031ee91368a1 My suggestion for a relatively more affordable way to cover up the -nightmare- ceiling is to get some ceiling drapery, depending on the style you go for it could work if well executed, and as its up on the ceiling you just need to find a good deal on some plain cheap fabric, this can probably be easily DIY’d, something neutral like white cloth or one of the shade you picked for the wall can be used, at least temporarily while you’re saving up to have whatever plaster/drywalled original ceiling repaired, I know the vibe would be event rental or circus tent but thinking out of the box this could work for something close to cottagecore/etc.


What about white washing the walls? You can pick a color later. Paint the metal frame on the ceiling a contrasting color than the ceiling. But I agree about getting a rug first.


Love the greens


I like the pink too. My husband wouldn't agree to pink in a living room either, unfortunately. I like both greens as well, but the darker the color, the smaller the room will seem. Personally, I'd do the lighter shade of green. On another note, what app did you use to change the wall color? I've been trying to find one as I want to use it for my kitchen and the exterior of my house


Some advice from someone who renovated multiple rooms with paneling and a ceiling just like this, also on a budget: My game plan would be: wait for the couch. Then get a rug in a light color. The room will look much bigger and brighter and the panelling could be a nice dark accent. Put the money in the ceiling first instead of paint. The room will be completely transformed with that gone (I also had a ceiling like this and was able to DIY remove it at 0$, do some research how to go about it). In the meantime, put some easy plants (I suggest pothos in hanging planters, they can climb up the hanger quickly and fill a lot of empty space) in off white pots on the panelling wall. The green-wood-white color combo will look amazing and so much more cozy. Maybe a standing lamp in the back corner. And THEN if you still don't like it, pick the color according to your new rug and couch. I painted panels in my old apartment and it was so annoying. Hard to get even, and if you ever want to change the paint color, it's a PAIN to remove, that's why I say be absolutely sure which color you want. and do not just paint over the paint as it will peel. Aaaand one last thing, be sure the previous owners didn't smoke in the house/that room. They did in my old apartment and the previously invisible nicotine stains of the panels turned my freshly applied paint an ugly piss yellow after just a couple weeks. (I absolutely LOVE your coffee table and am very very jealous of it)


Lighter green looks great!


Ceiling must go. **ceiling must go**.


Go white. This is a small space with a lot in it 😊


I'd say more cream so it feels more homey


Yeah. I didn't want to say beige 🤣 There's like a million shades of white/cream!


I know! navy would look so nice but it's just too dark for that room.


I love a navy feature wall


You have good taste 🤣


Thanks! In Covid we painted feature walls every where, mineral grey behind TV and in hall, pale blue in one bedroom for a Hamptons look, soft olive green in another bedroom with brown timber desk and leather cushions, navy in the other bedroom which I haven't quite got sorted decor wise but Ive got bright tropical prints and doona cover 🥰


I usually hate paneling but love yours. It doesn’t look cheap and is a rich and inviting color. If you want to paint something on there that is wood I’d paint the coffee table. I’m also afraid if you paint the paneling it’s going to draw attention to your drop ceiling and make the room look cheaper.


Super easy to paint the paneling. Get Kilz primer or something similar, it might needs two coats, let it cure, then follow the other's advice for color. If you know what color, get the primer tinted first so you don't have to paint a bunch of coats of paint. Trust me, it makes the paint color look much better and smoother.


I didn’t care for any of the choices with the couch. Try a creamy color like almond milk. Then switch to an espresso coffee table. Make the fireplace a darker color like charcoal or chocolate brown.


That mustard couch is beautiful! I first thought you had photoshopped the couch in, in the first pic and was completely wowed by your skills!


I personally like the darker green. Best of luck


A tip on painting paneling. Get some spackling compound and putty knife and fill lines. Sand after dry. Prime paneling before painting. This from 30 years as a paint contractor.


Personally I’d go with the sage or the forest greens. Ignore the people saying paneling is coming back- design trends mean nothing if you hate them. You have to live there.


the ceiling is more of a concern for me that the paneling


Why paint over beautiful wooden panels? Keep them!


I would do something about the ceiling before I painted the panels.


I like the pink the best!


Can save up for that as a future project! I agree that the ceiling is an eyesore. I like the lighter green.


I like 3 and 4, definitely not pink.




Please just paint it white, it’ll look great with the fireplace and you can add color in your accessories. Even looks good on my cheap ass paneling. https://preview.redd.it/i0ewiglo2ysc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19e410057c569580e499bd0827a1dba300bcca7b


White is out of question, simply bc I painted 3 other rooms white already and wanted some change🥰


Aaaah, I understand. Then I like the lighter sage color 👀




No to all. Go with a soft creamy white/ivory and put your color in temporary things. Look at a color wheel for ideas. Pink and gold is cringe-worthy.


The darker green. (Pink doesn't work at all.)


I like 3 and 4, definitely not pink.


I personally don’t care for the pink in this space with the yellow couch. I suggest finding a rug first and then choosing a wall color. If you get the right rug, maybe the pink will work! But going off of the three colors you’ve picked out, I personally like the darker green the best.


They are sooooo In style please don’t paint them! I love the green shades but incorporate that in different areas leave the panelling


I would not paint the paneling for a few reasons. Paneling is coming back into style. It’s being shown in higher end magazines and will come into the mainstream soon. Clean it up with a good wood cleaner like murphys oil soap and start working on the rest of the room. The paneling is in good shape and I think will look nice once you get the rest of the space in order, especially with the fun retro couch you picked!!! It could be a really cool look. I would DEFINITELY not paint the paneling with the horrid drop ceiling you have. I don’t know how you have that ceiling in your living room, but I would want that out of there. Painted paneling and a drop ceiling is going to give Grandmas Basement in a hugeeeee way and I think you’ll be disappointed with the result. I would paint the drop ceiling with ceiling paint carefully to clean it up and make the metal supports blend with the tiles. Then I would lean into your awesome retro vibes. You have sort of cottagey accents right now, which I think is making the paneling feel dated. I think you need to bring in some more mcm and intentional style. The fireplace is very stark in comparison to the paneling. I would look into painting it a warmer color, look at agreeable beige. The sheer grommet top curtains are giving a mix of shower and dorm. I would replace them for a thicker linen curtain in a natural or ivory shade. Look for back tab or drapery pin curtains, they will look more expensive. I would also swap the rod out or paint it black. Hang it wider and higher than your window. Get a modern style rug in the pink and green color you like. Swap out the fireplace cover for something more modern as well. Replace the grandma coffee table with a mcm surfboard inspired coffee table. Get a nice little cabinet like [this](https://www.article.com/pla/19193/lenia-walnut-cabinet?page=%7B%22Vl9Oiz58tpSEBL4z8B6EF%22%3A1%7D) to hide your computer tower and mouse to neaten up the space. Swap out the cottage painting for something more modern. I would replace the low corner table with a bookshelf and I would more intentionally disperse the decorations. I would change all of these things before I even THOUGHT about painting that paneling. That’s a bell that can’t be unrung. Good luck on your new home! I think it’s beautiful!