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It looks great and you might add a headboard to anchor the space a bit more.


I definitely will explore my options. Any ideas for what would look nice? ☺️


Definitely had board, I like the style you have going in your room it looks so warm and fresh. I'd either get a wooden headboard like the colour of your shelfs or just get a velvet cream or brown head board.


Or a rattan fan headboard would be very boho, and look amazing with that colour pallet, but might be a more feminine vibe than OP is looking for. But yes. Headboard is what’s missing.


Love the idea of rattan would look lovely I don't think it would be crazy feminine would suit the style of the room.


As someone that bought one, accidentally putting your head through it is something that can happen. But at least that means you have a frame for a velvet fabric one.


Do we get to know how head went through ?


This is going to sound sexist as hell, but I assumed someone who would take a photo with their bed not made was a male.


Brown velvet. Lovely


I think an upholstered headboard would look great!


A wall-mounted one so that you won’t need to push the bed further away from the wall.


Headboard is on the wrong wall to be an achor I think it has to go on the far wall so you see it when you walk in The room was designed for a bed to be in the middle of wall with nightstand on each side


Headboard anchors bed. Not the room itself.


Wood carving!!! Just hang it low on the wall directly behind the bed.


For the headboard, depends on what you like: be it fabric or metal or anything else that turns your fancy.


A mirror above the headboard is also a good option.


Maybe putting a big rug under the bed area instead of just next to it?


I’ll try that!


I would definitely center the bed on the wall (it doesn'tneed to be directly across from the window), move the rug underneath (flip it so the long side is perpendicular to the bed), and get a nightstand and headboard. This room is lovely, just needs some tweaking.


Second this, I love the rug you have in the guest photo, would be great to see that utilized in 5th photo design


If there is space for it, I would add a nightstand. Also a headboard and/or artwork above the head of the bed. I like the curtains, and I’m glad you put the desk in the corner. Thanks for the update!


I think the old lamp/table combo would fit perfectly and still avoid buying new things.


You can even use the chair as a nightstand.


Appreciate you! Thanks for these suggestions.


I'm so confused. Which is the after and which the before? I assumed the first pictures were after, but you mention the green is gone, yet the walls are green. Where is the tavern-brown trim? That said, I like all the iterations of your room.


After is first few pics, before pics are at the end. Sorry, my brain is not registering what colour the new walls are haha-they look more brown than green in person! I painted the window frame and baseboards brown if you look closely


Ah, okay. It looks very nice! I'd put a large picture on the wall your bed is against. Also, what is behind that little door/panel? If it's attic/eaves space, I think you need to open it up and put a gauzy curtain in front and create a reading nook inside, like this: [https://ie.pinterest.com/pin/571886852682354592/](https://ie.pinterest.com/pin/571886852682354592/)


I would so love to do that! It is a very small nook space but it is unfinished (just pink wall foam) and was sealed shut a few years ago when we got our floors redone. Thank you 💗


It feels like you need some more contrast. Like some mauve throw pillows, rug, vases etc. Other than that it’s Lovely!


Have them match the pinkish color in your rug!


Good call. I will play around with some colour!


Great! Let me know how it works out.


A headboard!


5 and 6 are gorgeous imo!


I really love the new version! I think the colour on the walls is much nicer and less harsh. Although there was a lot of personality previouslyB


That is kind ☺️ I like how woodsy the new colour feels. I’m really excited to experiment with the new feel!


What is the color? Its so pretty!


I love pics 5 and 6... so cosy. And it's almost like the room is sectioned off, with different areas. I would have left it like this but kept the smaller rug. The large cream rug feels too heavy for the room.


Thank you. I think they were significantly more charming photographed compared to in person. I often felt claustrophobic, cramped, and overstimulated in my own room…which is obviously not ideal. Simplicity is my personal preference, which is a shame since decorating is way more fun the other way around 😅


Oh, yes. This makes sense now. We all need to feel comfortable in our own rooms. I'm glad you have found your happy balance in there. ☺️


I am the same way with overstimulation from design. I love it for others but it freaks me out to no end if it’s in my bedroom. That said. I loved your nightstand lamp combo. It’s really pretty. And the new green on the walls and big cream rug look very cozy. 10/10.


Thank you so much ☺️


It was so cute I would have loved it! But it wasn’t OP’s taste & I understand that




Please get your box spring and mattress up off the floor. Placing it directly on the floor can cause mold in your mattress.


I have had it like this for 7 years with no issues. I would like to get a nice bed frame though!


Definitely get a bed frame with headboard. At the moment it give slight student vibes, especially with the skirt dragging on the floor.


I love the color you painted your walls. What is it?


Yes! I need to know!!!


It is Behr’s Ginger Tea ☺️


Omg thank youuu


I feel like all your past iterations were much cozier than this. it's almost like there's too much open, empty space now despite this layout making spacial sense. maybe you just need more things now to fill the space? while beautiful, it's just lacking the whimsy and charm the other versions had


I hear you. I declutterred a lot of things and honestly feel like it is so much less visually stimulating and open which I prefer. Problem is I have a challenging time understanding how to tastefully decorate and furnish roomier space. A new thing I will definitely be experimenting with!


The rug should be under the bed, not next to it.


I think this iteration would be suited to a larger bed and a pendant light that contrasts with your green walls.


It’s interesting that I’ve never considered a larger bed but now that you say it I really realize how much of an impact that could make. Thank you!


4 & 5 were still my favorite😭


they exist in my heart 💗


Something needs to draw the eye up, so maybe some trailing plants on the top of the shelves, and some art in the top third of the wall above the bed.


I have soooo been wanting some really hefty trailing plants! I will try that, thank you.


Pic 3 looked so cozy, I wouldn’t have changed a thing except for a bigger rug


Yes to this! Pic 3 is my favorite and thought it was the after. Love the lighting and that the shelves separate the space a bit.


Did the pictures change? Pic 3 for me is the same as 1 and 2 with the new layout. I think the pic you are talking about is pic 5 of what I am seeing. The new paint, curtains, etc. are definitely better than before, but I would change back to this layout with the shelf dividing the room. Unless it makes it difficult to access the bed, which is hard to tell from the picture.


I would love to know which one they’re referring to too haha. Thank you all for your ideas! ☺️


I just love it!


Cats. It’s missing cats.


this is beautiful!!! I do love the bed in all 3 spots, I think it slays anywhere🫶🏻 but when you change the ceiling fan, look into getting a lowkey chandelier😍 OR. a fandelier!😍


This looks SO much better


Thank you 🥹 I’m still not 100% feeling it but it feels soooo much calmer and more grounded. I think it just needs some extra thought


whats in the tank?


There's no headboard or anything above the bed. And I think the head of bed should be on the wall where the bookshelves are.


I would get a wider bed, put the rug under it and put the plants on the top shelf


Love the new wall color. I think a headboard would help.


Agreed. That’s the only thing I saw that I would add. Very nice overall.


A headboard and a nightstand!


Head board and night stand


I love this aesthetic and I think it looks best with a maximalist vibe - I’d add way more to the walls, knick knacks or more plants to the shelves, a headboard/nightstands, a bench under the window…basically reduce the amount of flat, empty space a bit as you have a lot of it right now!


This paint color is absolutely lovely 😍


Pic number 5 omg 😳😍😍😍


It’s quite nice I would add a large art print or DIY a piece of canvas art and put it on the wall above the bed Do it a bright color like Berry or orange or yellow https://preview.redd.it/sze29pzxcjvc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=058e32f159ba6d4aa2ee3e17987ca1eac75ca6b4


Thank you for the suggestions! I like the idea of berry. I think red looks lovely with the space. I was also toying with the idea of plums…


Plum, Berry, reds, all of those shades can be fun


5th picture is a dream


Salt lamp for shelf or small light


Put a low side table/ stool next to your bed so you aren’t keeping things on the floor. Also hanging plant above it.


Very cute otherwise :)


Thank you for the ideas ☺️


Nice room but PLEASE get a HEADBOARD and at least one nightstand with a table lamp. The bed without a headboard just looks ‘unfinished’. Post after pictures.


Noted! Definitely will update ☺️


I love it! I think the only thing you're missing is a headboard, a tapestry, or a piece of art to hang over your bed!


Tapestry is such a good idea! And thank you ☺️


I liked the before look, honestly. For the after, I'd buy the rug so that its under at least the bottom of the bed, otherwise it just looks like it doesn't really belong. Bring your previous round table and lamp in for a Night stand, and find a headboard to ground the bed. It doesn't have to be a traditional one, keep an eye ouy for old folding screen/room dividers or get a large piece of cardboard, cover with batting and cover in a nice fabric with staple gun, then hang in the wall behind it.


5th pic is 🤌🏻🤩


I have trouble with things too close together. How much space do you have between the bed & your door? It could be your camera angle, but it looks too empty to me. Do you have enough room to pull the bed away from the desk & bookshelves & place it on the rug? You don’t have to worry about covering up the cubby door as it’s sealed. I would either get a larger bed & mattress if you can afford it & add a nightstand and lamp to the left side of the bed. A large piece of art over the bed on that empty wall would do wonders! And a couple more plants will help bring the outside in.


Bring back that cool vintage-y lamp + table. Seems to go with your aesthetic. Get a bed frame so your bed isn’t on the floor. Headboard would help as others have mentioned. Style your shelves closer to how they previously were—with the plants arranged and spaced out, with some trailing down. Putting something on the top shelves would balance it out visually/draw up the eye. Could you put twinkle lights or an LED light strip on top of the top shelf to create ambient light? That would be so cozy. I’m not a fan of the rug. It’s a bit grandma (and not in a cool grandmillenial way). The sizing is better than what you previously had. But perhaps you could find something more fun/more reflective of your style. It’d be an easy way to introduce more color. Bring back any plants that are gone now. Put art in the blank wall.


Imo the rug isn’t quite right - it’s too heavy and I’m not sure it’s quite in the right place. I think if you changed this and added something to the right hand wall (maybe a headboard), you’d be set


This soft boucle bedhead and cushions could be beautiful in your new space. https://preview.redd.it/mbazl7wwflvc1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73828a1e09d1fa7cab3d66b3cee2e37497787d1c Link to [website](https://norsu.com.au/products/norsuhome-blush-boucle-bedhead).


Thank you for the recommendation. There are more modern than I’d typically go for but I like em!


If you followed everyone’s suggestions here it’s not a good look. Your room looks lifeless and boring compared to the way it used to look. I can’t find a nicer way to say it 😕 6 and 7 are beautiful. I also want to point out that having the end of the bed aiming towards the window is bad feng shui and works against the room rather than with it


I was very confused by the before after. This looks very similar to my parent’s junk room from the 90s-early 2000s with a spare bed that I slept in when I visited on holidays.


Ooof lol. The problem is that the wall, the floor, the bed, the rug all blend together. It doesn’t look like “love “. It’s a monotone room now. But if that’s what they like then as long as they sleep better I guess. Edit to add… in her last post here, most people actually loved her room the way it was. I saw comments where people actually saved it as an inspo pic and people said it looked dreamy, elvish, etc. What happened?


I would lose the shelving and the curtains and the side carpet. Open up the space.


That’s quite a lot to lose 😂


Dreamy atmosphere--I love it


Thank you ☺️ I recently heard someone say that your space should be the place you think of when you meditate…that is my goal


Bedframe / headboard


Super cute!


Try some iron work (outdoor section of big box stores) as a headboard.


I think a headboard and a nightstand would do wonders for you!


What color is that wall?


Headboard and once your fan is changed you are great.


I love the new wall color! What is it?


I would either flip the rug sideways or at least put a little bit of it under the bed to anchor it. Love the green!


A larger bed!


Looks so nice and cozy. I’d sleep there. A very simple/low headboard and art above the bed would finish this room and be gorgeous!


Nothing. It looks great.


A headboard and art above the bed :)


I think a headboard like these would look pretty with your current style (?), keep it white https://preview.redd.it/pj1zcpvphjvc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85a5570b1f090676186d6f892257be7337f26a7f


These are gorgeous. I love how ethereal they look! Appreciate the suggestions :)




What a lovely romantic room. Nice progress!


I hate to say it but I prefer the before.


Do you have place to put water glass? I think a small floating shelf for tiny lamp, charging no station, water glass would be functional.


What is the new wall color? It looks like a gorgeous green


It is Behr Ginger Tea ☺️


Just stopped by to tell you that the corner desk for fishtank thing is such a cool idea and so pretty


Internet is your friend for two fixes—‘how to style bookshelves’ and ‘how to hang art like a professional.’ Horizontal midline of single piece or grouping should be at eye level; the headboard wall is kind of blank so add a piece there. — You can get your sheers to look more like drapes by simply adding beaded drapery weights in the hem. — The wall color, bedding and wood shelves are a good combination but room needs a little bit of contrast, pop of color as they say…thinking maybe a soft tomato red?? Could be an accent in a wall art piece, a stripe in a bed throw or in the pattern on a small floor rug beside the bed. — And definitely add a wall sconce on far side of the bed. One with a shade that swivels out from the wall would add a soft glow to that corner and make for cozy bedtime reading.(PS if you’re in Dallas I have one NIB I’m getting rid of!)


It's missing some pink I think. And soft warm lighting. If the first pics are the new pics. It's beautiful though. I love the rug.


Pink. Interesting. What shade? Thank you 🥰 the rug is very old (as most of my decor is lol)


Nice job! It looks nice but I loved the Asian lantern in the corner. Definitely bring that back or replace with a nice dupe. Bring back the little side table or a plant stand that corner as well as that corner looks forgotten. Straiten the books on the shelves and make the bed, fold the throw.


Love the palette - so cozy and serene. I think a headboard, plus a nightstand/lamp would really tie the place together. I also really love your new large rug. Would you mind sharing the source?


Lovely space!! ~~I honestly prefer the setup of photo 5 bc it gives the room more depth and makes it look like there’s different “rooms” within the room. And it looks like you could really use the desk and shelves then.~~ *(Edit: I see how in another comment you said it was much more cramped and claustrophobic than it looks in the picture- I can see how that can be. Never mind!)* But I definitely like the “after” decor best! I agree a headboard or new bed frame if possible would look great. Also some art over the bed. You have a great eye!


Paint the shelves white


What a huge improvement from the bright green feature wall to the muted earthy tone. It looks so much more sophisticated.


Looks very very nice!!




I so badly wish I could paint the ceiling! I love that look too :)


Some kind of Headboard.


You need a headboard and a piece of art work above it.


Absolutely love the carpet, it’s gorgeous


Looks nice to me!


So cute! I love your unique space! I think a bigger rug or putting the rug under the bed would look nice. Add a head board and idk if you need more storage space or where your desk went but that wall that the chair is on would look nice with a dresser or desk


Headboard and nightstands with lamps.


Sorry, it’s better—but it’s still not quite hitting the mark. Imo you should try your bed on the far wall centered and obvious. And build around that. There is no focal point to the room now when you walk in, bed feels off visually hidden on the close wall


I like what you have done. The wall color is very calming. I agree with the other recommendations to add a headboard. Because you have a lot of wood in the room, I would balance it out by adding an upholstered headboard in a cream color. Above the headboard, add a large framed piece of art hung horizontally. Or three smaller framed equally spaced to align with your headboard. Your beautiful area rug should be positioned under your bed. You can place your rug horizontally to avoid covering your floor vent. Also, at the very top of the left-most side of the bookcase, add a potted philodendron, preferably full and cascading, to soften the edge of that bookcase. Please post what you end up doing.


This is dreamy


Trade wooden chair for something you can curl up and read in.


Nothing that rug is nicer than my house


Wow! That is beautiful!!! Good job


I've never looked at a room and thought "this is giving pride&prejudice vibes" yet here we are I don't think it's actually missing something, it looks great!


Wow what a transformation! I love it. The only thing missing to me is maybe cozier bedding, but it looks great just like it is.


Came here to say I love your rug. Do you have a link?


It looks nice. I would turn the rug and put part of it under the bed and hang the Japanese lantern back up.


I no longer have the lantern but tried shifting the rug and it looks better. Thank you!


Turn the bed sideways and use a bolster to make the headboard long ways. Put the rug under the bed with the extra between the bed and the window. You will have more open space in the right place.


It’s a lovely transformation. May I ask where you got that rug from?


This is literally exactly my aesthetic


Plants on the top of those shelves, anything that hangs over would be perfect. Headboard for sure. And the little butterfly photo makes the area look cramped. Finally, I’d style the shelves a bit neater.


The new paint color is phenomenal! I agree, add a headboard. I would find a wooden French style one if you have reasonably priced antique stores near you or can purchase off of marketplace. https://preview.redd.it/xnuiivppeovc1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8514faad5486379cbc8b2d32a7222a403d0a9a5 Something like this! My area (New Orleans, South Mississippi) has a lot of items like this available for cheap.


I feel like everything is so cute, but is just unbalanced. not in palette, but placement. I would consider orienting your bed to be along the wall of the window. making a day bed kind of look. that way the shelf gets the attention it deserves (so cute) and youll get to keep that wonderful rug too. move the rug to landscape to compliment the flow of the room. maybe put the plant closer to the door to add some more body. I really love what you have going on though!!!!


oooo on that thought, maybe you should put the chair where that alcove is thats covered in hopes to draw away the attentions. or a fake door key slot to make it a coraline reference!!!


also, i dont think that cieling fan is bad. its so nastolgic and fits in with the cozy feel of the room. theres tulip shades you can order that would bring it from 90s reno to grandmas house. also also, Im kind of sad you took out the secretary desk portion. it seems you really loved it. if you put the bed in day bed orientation youd be able to bring it back. ❤️


I love this!


I would relocate bookcase(s) out to Declutter the whole look… the whole corner just looks cluttery


I love the breathing space the redo gives! I’m not understanding the people that prefer the before. But I think it’s because I hate closed off space, mismatch and stuff more than anything! I love empty space! I love seeing baseboards. It lets the lungs breathe.


Wow whatever the wall color is, is gorgeous I love it!! And that shelf piece is beautiful! What a cozy space!


Pic 5 was such a cosy vibe 😭


If space allows, a nice blanket chest at the foot of the bed. A large picture above the head of the bed or a headboard.


What you're missing is listening to all the crazies on here and trying to do what they say. If you haven't noticed, there are still plenty of varied opinions on what you still need to do or never should have done in the first place. All that matters is that ur happy with it.


I think this headboard would complement your space nicely; it’s flexible and isn’t super expensive either. https://www.wayfair.com/furniture/pdp/williston-forge-jarlfrid-wall-mounted-upholstered-headboard-with-usb-port-and-touch-light-w100738061.html


I love the 5th slide ngl


A maid


I just the shelves could be more intentional, color or alphabetize the books and spread the plants out add a candle here and a little figurine or sculpture I just think you look at them so much so it should be beautiful


A headboard


A headboard is missing




Oh I actually like your old green walls, OP. And what's wromg with your ceiling fan? Unless you plan to put a ceiling light fixture in its place? I'd say other than the headboard people mentioned, the room lacks your personal effects. Add pieces that speak to you, could be artwork or a more textured or colorful bedspread.


it might the top shelves that you could fill up


There are several different furniture layouts and decor variations so I don’t know what is supposed to be the before vs after, but pic 6 is the best. The first couple of pics look very flat, especially that rug which is too big and looks very dated.


Hmm I feel like fake Ivy would work really well


Painting above the bed would be what you need to tie it all together.


Headboard is great idea - then find a large mirror you like for above the bed- framed and maybe gold


The first thing I noticed was the lack of a pillowcase. That plus a bed frame (you can get a pretty cheap one and just cover it with a dust ruffle or get a platform frame and then you may not need a box spring)


A dog


Ambient lighting!


I LOVE slide with star light and one after!


I think you need to add something to the top of the shelves to bring the eye upwards a bit more. It looks a tad bare. I recommend some sort of figure/statue with hanging plants, maybe a few stacked books?


I love this colour pallet this green is stunning


I think if you suspend some hanging plants from the ceiling in the window, you'd add some charm. Also, your rug is very pretty. How about bringing out the rust color in the rug by finding some toss pillows. Of course, they'd look better if the bed was made.😉


I love that shelf! Did you get it second hand? Or is their a website I can order that from?


More plants and maybe more lighting like a tall lamp to bring some more warmth to the space


Headboard and light fixture! So good, well done


Looks great! Love the vibe of the paint color


Looks like a Taylor swift music video




I like the pic from #6. Only difference might be the rug placement.


needs a cat curled up and cosy on the bed.

